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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - write


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~ v past tense wrote past participle written 1 »BOOK/ARTICLE ETC« a) to produce a new book, poem song etc  (I can't come with you - I have an essay to write. | a concerto written by Mozart | write about (=describe something))  (The children are writing about their summer holidays. | well/badly written)  (The article's very well written. | write a program (=produce it on a computer))  (We're writing a program for a new spellchecker.) b) to be a writer of books, plays, articles etc  ("What do you do?" "I write.") + for  (Shaw started to write for the stage.) + on  (She writes on gardening for `The Daily Telegraph'.) 2 »LETTER« to write a letter to someone  (Have you written to John yet?) write sb a letter  (I wrote her several letters, but she didn't reply. | write sb AmE)  (Steve wrote me about the wedding. | write that)  (The Ewings wrote that they might be able to visit us in the spring.) 3 »WORDS« a) to form letters or numbers with a pen or pencil  (Kerry could read and write when he was five. | The price is written on the label.) b) if a pen or pencil writes, it works properly  (What use is a pen that won't write?) 4 »CHEQUE/DOCUMENT ETC« also write sth out to write information on a cheque, form etc  (Wouldn't it be easier if I just wrote a cheque for the lot?) 5 have sth written all over your face to show very clearly what you are feeling or thinking  (He had guilt written all over his face.) 6 nothing to write home about informal not particularly good or special  (The hotel was good, but the food was nothing to write home about.) 7 sb wrote the book on it spoken used to say that someone knows a lot about a subject  (Ask Harry about shark fishing, he wrote the book on it!) write away for sth phr v AmE to write to a company for something that has been advertised  (Write away for your free kitchen catalog today.) write back phr v to answer someone's letter by sending them a letter  (I sent them a card once, but they never wrote back.) write sth down phr v to write information, ideas etc on a piece of paper in order to remember them  (I wrote down the address in the back of my diary.) write in phr v 1 to write to an organization asking them for information or giving an opinion  (Hundreds of viewers have written in wanting to know the name of our signature tune.) 2 T write someone/something in) AmE to add someone's name to your ballot paper in order to vote for them  (- see also write­in) write sth into sth phr v to include something such as a rule or condition in a document, agreement etc  (I have to attend regular training sessions -- it's written into my contract.) write off phr v 1 T write someone/something off) to decide that someone or something is useless, unimportant, or a failure + as  (We've written the project off as a non-starter.) 2 T write something off) to officially say that someone does not have to pay a debt  (As part of the deal, all their debts were written off.) 3 to write to a company asking them to send you information on one of their products + for  (Are you going to write off for that free poster?) 4 T write something off) BrE to damage a vehicle so badly that it can never be used again  (- see also write­off) write sb/sth out phr v 1 to write a list, report etc including all the necessary details  (Write out exactly what happened and give it to your solicitor.) 2 to write information on a cheque or a form  (She calmly wrote out a check for $500 and handed it to Will.) 3 to write something again in a better or more complete way  (I'll write my essay out neatly and give it in tomorrow.) 4 to remove one of the characters from a regular radio or television programme write sth up phr v 1 to write a report, article etc using notes that you made earlier  (I have to write up my report before the meeting.) 2 to write your opinion about a new book, play, or product for a newspaper, magazine etc  (- see also write­up)
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  (writes, writing, wrote, written) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you write something on a surface, you use something such as a pen or pencil to produce words, letters, or numbers on the surface. If you’d like one, simply write your name and address on a postcard and send it to us... They were still trying to teach her to read and write... He wrote the word ‘pride’ in huge letters on the blackboard. VERB: V n adv/prep, V, V n 2. If you write something such as a book, a poem, or a piece of music, you create it and record it on paper or perhaps on a computer. I had written quite a lot of orchestral music in my student days... Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn’t a problem... Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris... Jung Lu wrote me a poem once. VERB: V n, V n, V n for n, V n n 3. Someone who writes creates books, stories, or articles, usually for publication. Jay wanted to write... She writes for many papers, including the Sunday Times... VERB: V, V for n 4. When you write to someone or write them a letter, you give them information, ask them something, or express your feelings in a letter. In American English, you can also write someone. Many people have written to me on this subject... She had written him a note a couple of weeks earlier... I wrote a letter to the car rental agency, explaining what had happened... Why didn’t you write, call, anything?... He had written her in Italy but received no reply. nothing to write home about: see home VERB: V to n, V n n, V n to n, V, V n 5. When someone writes something such as a cheque, receipt, or prescription, they put the necessary information on it and usually sign it. Snape wrote a receipt with a gold fountain pen... I’ll write you a cheque in a moment. VERB: V n, V n n, also V n for n • Write out means the same as write. We went straight to the estate agent and wrote out a cheque... Get my wife to write you out a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (wrote; written; also writ or dialect wrote; writing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English writan to scratch, draw, inscribe; akin to Old High German rizan to tear and perhaps to Greek rhine file, rasp  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to form (as characters or symbols) on a surface with an instrument (as a pen)  b. to form (as words) by inscribing the characters or symbols of on a surface  c. to spell in writing words written alike but pronounced differently  d. to cover, fill, or fill in by writing wrote ten pages ~ a check  2. to set down in writing: as  a. draw up, draft ~ a will  b.  (1) to be the author of ; compose ~s poems and essays  (2) to compose in musical form ~ a string quartet  c. to express in literary form if I could ~ the beauty of your eyes — Shakespeare  d. to communicate by letter ~s that they are coming  e. to use or exhibit (a specific script, language, or literary form or style) in writing ~ Braille ~s French with ease  f. to ~ contracts or orders for; especially under~ ~ life insurance  3. to make a permanent impression of  4. to communicate with in writing we'll ~ you when we get there  5. ordain, fate so be it, it is written — D. C. Peattie  6. to make evident or obvious guilt written on his face  7. to force, effect, introduce, or remove by writing ~ oneself into fame and fortune — Charles Lee  8. to take part in or bring about (something worth recording)  9.  a. to introduce (information) into the storage device or medium of a computer  b. to transfer (information) from the main memory of a computer to a storage or output device  10. sell ~ a stock option  intransitive verb  1.  a. to make significant characters or inscriptions; also to permit or be adapted to writing  b. to form or produce written letters, words, or sentences  2. to compose, communicate by, or send a letter  3.  a. to produce a written work  b. to compose music ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. (past wrote; past part. written) 1 intr. mark paper or some other surface by means of a pen, pencil, etc., with symbols, letters, or words. 2 tr. form or mark (such symbols etc.). 3 tr. form or mark the symbols that represent or constitute (a word or sentence, or a document etc.). 4 tr. fill or complete (a sheet, cheque, etc.) with writing. 5 tr. put (data) into a computer store. 6 tr. (esp. in passive) indicate (a quality or condition) by one's or its appearance (guilt was written on his face). 7 tr. compose (a text, article, novel, etc.) for written or printed reproduction or publication; put into literary etc. form and set down in writing. 8 intr. be engaged in composing a text, article, etc. (writes for the local newspaper). 9 intr. (foll. by to) write and send a letter (to a recipient). 10 tr. US or colloq. write and send a letter to (a person) (wrote him last week). 11 tr. convey (news, information, etc.) by letter (wrote that they would arrive next Friday). 12 tr. state in written or printed form (it is written that). 13 tr. cause to be recorded. 14 tr. underwrite (an insurance policy). 15 tr. (foll. by into, out of) include or exclude (a character or episode) in a story by suitable changes of the text. 16 tr. archaic describe in writing. Phrases and idioms nothing to write home about colloq. of little interest or value. write down 1 record or take note of in writing. 2 write as if for those considered inferior. 3 disparage in writing. 4 reduce the nominal value of (stock, goods, etc.). write in 1 send a suggestion, query, etc., in writing to an organization, esp. a broadcasting station. 2 US add (an extra name) on a list of candidates when voting. write-in n. US an instance of writing in (see write in 2). write off 1 write and send a letter. 2 cancel the record of (a bad debt etc.); acknowledge the loss of or failure to recover (an asset). 3 damage (a vehicle etc.) so badly that it cannot be repaired. 4 compose with facility. write-off n. a thing written off, esp. a vehicle too badly damaged to be repaired. write out 1...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) запись записывать 2) ввод (данных) вводить (данные) 3) электрон. формировать рисунок; экспонировать (резист) - format write - optical write ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) записывать 2) вводить (данные) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  писать, написать - write access - write circuit - write current - write cycle - write down - write operation - write pulse - write signal - write winding ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) общ. писать 2) общ. выражать 3) общ. сочинять (музыку, рассказы и т. п.); рассказывать, повествовать 4) бирж. продавать опционный контракт See: option contract 5) страх. подписываться* (принимать на себя обязательство по выплате страхового возмещения по страховому полису) WRITE гл. писать - write an option - write down - write off - write out - write up ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. шотл. почерк (также hand of write) 2. писать to write large —- писать крупно to write in ink —- писать чернилами to write with a pen —- писать ручкой to write on the typewriter —- печатать на пишущей машинке to write a good hand —- иметь хороший почерк to write from dictation —- писать под диктовку to write shorthand —- стенографировать to write Greek —- (уметь) писать по-гречески 3. офиц. именовать себя (в адресе и т. п.) he writes himself "Colonel" —- он именует себя полковником; он подписывается: "полковник такой-то" 4. написать (также to write down) to write a letter —- написать письмо to write a cheque —- выписать чек to write one's name in the visitors' book —- расписаться в книге посетителей to write one's name on a document —- подписать документ to write down an address —- записать адрес the will was written in English —- завещание было составлено на английском языке how do you write this word?, how is this word written? —- как пишется это слово? this word is written with a hyphen —- это слово пишется через дефис 5. сообщить в письменной форме; написать и послать письмо (также to write off) to write home once a week —- писать домой каждую неделю I have written to him —- я послал ему письмо write me all the news —- напишите мне обо всех новостях write me the result —- о результате известите меня письмом I have written to ask him to come —- я написал ему, чтобы он приехал 6. быть пригодным для...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  for  а) быть корреспондентом, сотрудничать в газете;  б) вызвать письмом; we wrote for his mother мы вызвали его мать;  в) выписать, сделать письменный заказ; to write for a fresh supply заказать новую партию (товара и т.п.) WRITE for a living быть писателем WRITE in  а) вписать, вставить (в текст, бланк и т.п.), заполнить (графу анкеты и т.п.);  б) polit. вписать фамилию кандидата в избирательный бюллетень WRITE off  а) писать с легкостью;  б) написать и отослать письмо;  в) списывать со счета; вычеркивать, аннулировать (долг и т.п.);  г) fig. сбрасывать со счетов, не принимать во внимание WRITE out  а) переписывать; to write out fair написать начисто;  б) выписывать; to write out in full выписывать полностью; to write out a check выписать чек;  в) to write oneself out исписаться WRITE shorthand стенографировать WRITE up  а) подробно описывать;  б) восхвалять в печати;  в) заканчивать, дописывать, доводить до сегодняшнего дня (отчет, дневник);  г) назначать; to write smb. up for рекомендовать кому-л. (курс лечения, отдых и т.п.) WRITE down записать WRITE v.  1) писать; to write a good (legible) hand - иметь хороший (четкий) почерк; to write large (small, plain) - писать крупно (мелко, разборчиво); to write in ink (in pencil) - писать чернилами (карандашом) - write shorthand  2) написать, выписать;...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. writan "to score, outline, draw the figure of," later "to set down in writing" (class I strong verb; past tense wrat, pp. writen), from P.Gmc. *writanan "tear, scratch." Words for "write" in most I.E languages originally mean "carve, scratch, cut" (cf. L. scribere, Gk. grapho, Skt. rikh-); a few originally meant "paint" (cf. Goth. meljan, O.Slav. pisati, and most of the modern Slavic cognates). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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