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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - worth


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~1 prep 1 be worth to have a value in money  (How much is the ring worth? | be worth -10/$500 etc)  (The picture is worth about two thousand pounds. | be worth a lot informal (=be worth a lot of money) | be worth nothing/not be worth anything)  (I don't think my stereo is worth anything | be worth a fortune informal (=be extremely valuable))  (Now they've found oil the land must be worth a fortune.) 2 be worth millions/a fortune informal to be extremely rich  (The man who founded CNN must be worth a fortune.) 3 be worth doing/reading/finding etc to be something that will be useful and helpful if you do it or read it etc  (a film worth seeing | It may be worth putting an advertisement in the local paper. | be worth it)  (I didn't write to Louise, because I didn't think it was worth it.) 4 it's worth doing sth used to say that someone should give the time or money needed to do something, because they will gain something useful  (It's worth taking your time when you visit the cathedral. | it's worth the time/effort)  (It's worth all the hard work you put in when you see so many happy children. | it's worth it)  (Have a medical every year, it's worth it. | it's not worth it)  (Don't get angry, it's not worth it. | it's well worth doing sth/it)  (It's well worth getting there an hour early, if you want a good seat.) 5 it's worth your/sb's while spoken used to say that someone should give the time or money needed to do something, because they will gain something useful  (it's worth your/sb's while to do sth)  (It would be worth your while to talk to the editor. | I don't sell French books, it's not worth my while. (=I would not make any money)) 6 make it worth sb's while spoken to offer someone money if they agree to do something for you, especially something dishonest  (Look, if you forget about the whole thing I'll make it worth your while.) 7 what's it worth? spoken humorous used to ask someone how they will reward you if you do something for them 8 for what it's worth spoken used to say that you are not sure of the value or usefulness of what you are saying  (My suggestion - for what it's worth - is that we buy a bigger car.) 9 for all you are/he is etc worth with as much effort as possible  (Tom kept pulling away at the rope for all he was worth.) 10 worth his/her salt doing their job well or deserving respect  (No translator worth his salt would rely on a bilingual dictionary.) 11 worth its/his/her weight in gold very useful or valuable  ( USAGE NOTE: WORTH WORD CHOICE worth, value Worth is common only after the verb to be and after words for amounts of something, as in $100 worth of damage | a week's worth of newspapers. As a noun it means the same as value but is a little old-fashioned and literary the value of life (NOT the worth). In an old story you might read a pearl of great worth GRAMMAR be worth is often followed by the -ing form of a v Is it worth running such a risk? (NOT ...worth to run...).| Niagara Falls is worth seeing (NOT ...to be seen). be worth while may also be followed by the -ing form of a v, or the infinitive It'll be well worth while you coming/for you to come (NOT ...worth while you come). ) ~2 n 1 value and importance, or value in money  (Eliot's poems are of more lasting worth than the plays. | The balance sheet will not show the current worth of the company. | ten pounds'/$500 etc worth of sth (=an amount of something worth ten pounds or $500))  (Dick cashed about a thousand pounds' worth of travellers cheques. | $4,000 worth of camera equipment) 2 ten minutes'/a week's etc worth of sth something that takes ten minutes or a week to happen, do, or use  (a quarter of an hour's worth of music | There's about a week's worth of work left.)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is worth a particular amount of money, it can be sold for that amount or is considered to have that value. These books might be worth ?80 or ?90 or more to a collector... The contract was worth ?25 million a year. v-link worth amount 2. Worth combines with amounts of money, so that when you talk about a particular amount of money’s worth of something, you mean the quantity of it that you can buy for that amount of money. I went and bought about six dollars’ worth of potato chips... COMB in QUANT: QUANT of n • Worth is also a pronoun. ‘How many do you want?’—‘I’ll have a pound’s worth.’ PRON 3. Worth combines with time expressions, so you can use worth when you are saying how long an amount of something will last. For example, a week’s worth of food is the amount of food that will last you for a week. You’ve got three years’ worth of research money to do what you want with... COMB in QUANT: QUANT of n • Worth is also a pronoun. There’s really not very much food down there. About two weeks’ worth. PRON 4. If you say that something is worth having, you mean that it is pleasant or useful, and therefore a good thing to have. He’s decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worth buying... Most things worth having never come easy. v-link worth -ing 5. If something is worth a particular action, or if an action is worth doing, it is considered to be important enough for that action. I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it... This restaurant is well worth a visit... It is worth pausing to consider these statements from Mr Davies. v-link worth n/-ing 6. Someone’s worth is the value, usefulness, or importance that they are considered to have. (FORMAL) He had never had a woman of her worth as a friend... N-UNCOUNT: usu with poss 7. If you do something for all you are worth, you do it with a lot of energy and...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English weorthan; akin to Old High German werdan to become, Latin vertere to turn, Lithuanian versti to overturn, Sanskrit vartate he turns  Date: before 12th century archaic become — usually used in the phrase woe ~  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English weorth ~y, of (a specified) value; akin to Old High German werd ~y, ~  Date: before 12th century  1. archaic having monetary or material value  2. archaic estimable  III. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. monetary value farmhouse and lands of little ~  b. the equivalent of a specified amount or figure a dollar's ~ of gas  2. the value of something measured by its qualities or by the esteem in which it is held a literary heritage of great ~  3.  a. moral or personal value trying to teach human ~  b. merit, excellence a field in which we have proved our ~  4. wealth, riches  IV. preposition  Date: 13th century  1.  a. equal in value to  b. having assets or income equal to  2. deserving of well ~ the effort ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --predic.adj. (governing a noun like a preposition) 1 of a value equivalent to (is worth {pound}50; is worth very little). 2 such as to justify or repay; deserving; bringing compensation for (worth doing; not worth the trouble). 3 possessing or having property amounting to (is worth a million pounds). --n. 1 what a person or thing is worth; the (usu. specified) merit of (of great worth; persons of worth). 2 the equivalent of money in a commodity (ten pounds' worth of petrol). Phrases and idioms for all one is worth colloq. with one's utmost efforts; without reserve. for what it is worth without a guarantee of its truth or value. worth it colloq. worth the time or effort spent. worth one's salt see SALT. worth while (or one's while) see WHILE. Etymology: OE w(e)orth ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ценность 2) цена, стоимость 3) реактивная способность - control-rod worth - fuel worth - negative reactivity worth - poison worth - product worth - reactivity worth - sodium-void worth ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) заслуживающий 2) стоимость 3) стоящий 4) цена 5) ценность - worth doing - worth of game ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. стоимость, ценность, цена - be worth a million - breading worth - money's worth - net assets worth - net worth - of great worth - present worth - product worth - system worth - worth of game 2. прил. 1) стоящий, заслуживающий, имеющий ценность, важность 2) обладающий определенным состоянием 3) приносящий определенный доход - be worth 1000 a year - be worth little - be worth mentioning - be worth much ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ценность, значение; достоинство discoveries of great worth —- открытия, имеющие важное значение poems of little worth —- слабые (посредственные) стихи to be of no worth —- не иметь никакой ценности, быть никуда не годным a man of worth —- достойный человек to know a friend's worth —- оценить друга по достоинству true worth often goes unrecognized —- истинные достоинства (заслуги) часто не получают признания 2. цена, стоимость a pearl of great worth —- драгоценная жемчужина to sell smth. for a tenth part of its worth —- продать что-л. за десятую часть стоимости give me a shilling's worth of stamps —- дайте мне на шиллинг марок money's worth —- эк. стоимость, выраженная в деньгах, денежный эквивалент one's money's worth —- справедливая цена he always gets his money's worth —- он никогда не переплачивает she gives you your money's worth —- она не обманывает покупателя 3. богатство, имущество his personal worth is several millions —- его личное состояние оценивается в несколько миллионов Id: to put in one's two cents worth —- ам. сл. высказаться (в споре и т. п.); сказать свое слово 4. стоящий, имеющий ценность или стоимость to be worth its weight in gold —- цениться на вес золота what is it worth? —- сколько это стоит? the property is worth $5000 —- имущество оценивается в 5000 долларов what is the franc worth? —- каков сейчас курс франка? worth the money —- стоящий,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  while стоящий затраченного времени или труда WORTH it coll. стоящий затраченного времени или труда WORTH I  1. noun  1) цена, стоимость, ценность, достоинство; give me a shillings worth of stamps - дайте мне марок на шиллинг; to be aware of ones worth - знать себе цену  2) достоинства; a man of worth - достойный, заслуживающий уважения человек; he was never aware of her worth - он никогда не ценил ее по заслугам  3) obs. богатство, имущество to put in ones two cents worth - высказаться Syn: see merit  2. adj.; predic.  1) стоящий; what is it worth? - сколько это стоит? - is worth nothing - little worth  2) заслуживающий; worth attention - заслуживающий внимания; this play is worth seeing - эту пьесу стоит посмотреть; it is not worth taking the trouble - об этом не стоит беспокоиться; take the story for what is worth - не принимайте всего на веру в этом рассказе - worth while - worth it  3) обладающий (чем-л.); he is worth over a million - у него денег больше миллиона - for all one is worth - not worth a button - not worth the trouble - not worth powder and shot II v. - woe worth the day! - well worth the day! ...
Англо-русский словарь
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  - as final element in place names, is from O.E. worю "enclosed place, homestead." ...
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