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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - will


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~1 modal verb v 1 used to express the simple future tense  (A meeting will be held next Tuesday at 3 p.m.)  (What time will she arrive?)  (When will you be leaving for America?) 2 used to show that you are willing or ready to do something  (I will come up and help you clear the attic in a moment.)  (Alma won't come to the party I'm sure.)  (Dr Weir will see you now.) 3 used to ask someone to do something  (Will you phone me later?)  (Shut the door will you?) 4 used to say what always happens in a particular situation or what is generally true  (Oil will float on water.)  (Accidents will happen.) 5 used like `can' to show what is possible  (This car will hold five people comfortably.) 6 used like `must' to show what you think is likely to be true  (That will be Tim coming home now.) 7 used to order or tell someone angrily to do something  (Will you two shut up for God's sake!) 8 used to offer something to someone or to invite them to do something  (Will you be staying the night?) 9 used to describe someone's habits, especially when you find them strange or annoying  (Trish will keep asking damn silly questions.) 10 I will spoken used during a wedding ceremony to show that you agree formally to marry ~2 n 1 »DETERMINATION« determination to do something that you have decided to do, even if this is difficult  (Children sometimes have very strong wills.) the will to live/fight/succeed etc  (The survivors never lost the will to live) iron will (=very strong determination) a battle/clash of wills (=when two people who both have strong wills oppose each other)  (- see also free will, strong­willed, weak­willed) 2 »LEGAL DOCUMENT« a legal document that says who you want your money and property to be given to after you die make a will  (Have you made a will yet?) in sb's will  (My grandmother left me these jewels in her will.) 3 »WHAT SB WANTS« what someone wants to happen in a particular situation  (I wish he'd stop trying to impose his will on others.)  (obedience to God's will) against your will  (The prisoner was made to sign a confession against his will.) 4 with the best will in the world spoken used to say that something is not possible, however much you want to do it  (With the best will in the world, I don't see what more I can do.) 5 where there's a will there's a way spoken used to say that if you really want to do something, you will find a way to succeed 6 at will whenever you want and in whatever way you want  (a terrifying creature that could change its shape at will) 7 with a will in an eager and determined way ~3 v 1 to try to make something happen by thinking about it very hard  (will sb to do sth)  (She was willing herself not to cry.) 2 to officially give something that you own to someone else after you die 3 old use to want something to happen  (The King wills it.)
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  I. [c red]MODAL VERB USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Will' is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. In spoken English and informal written English, the form 'won’t' is often used in negative statements. 1. You use will to indicate that you hope, think, or have evidence that something is going to happen or be the case in the future. You will find a wide variety of choices available in school cafeterias... Representatives from across the horse industry will attend the meeting... 70 per cent of airports in the Far East will have to be upgraded... Will you ever feel at home here?... The ship will not be ready for a month. MODAL 2. You use will in order to make statements about official arrangements in the future. The show will be open to the public at 2pm; admission will be 50p... When will I be released, sir? MODAL 3. You use will in order to make promises and threats about what is going to happen or be the case in the future. I’ll call you tonight... Price quotes on selected product categories will be sent on request... If she refuses to follow rules about car safety, she won’t be allowed to use the car. MODAL 4. You use will to indicate someone’s intention to do something. I will say no more on these matters, important though they are... In this section we will describe common myths about cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana... ‘Dinner’s ready.’—‘Thanks, Carrie, but we’ll have a drink first.’... What will you do next?... Will you be remaining in the city? MODAL 5. You use will in questions in order to make polite invitations or offers. Will you stay for supper?... Will you join me for a drink?... Won’t you sit down? MODAL c darkgreen]politeness 6. You use will in questions in order to ask or tell someone to do something. Will you drive me home?... Wipe the jam off my mouth, will you? = would MODAL 7. You can use will in statements to give an order to someone. (FORMAL) ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (past would; present singular & plural ~)  Etymology: Middle English (1st & 3d singular present indicative), from Old English ~e (infinitive wyllan); akin to Old High German wili (3d singular present indicative) ~s, Latin velle to wish, ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb desire, wish call it what you ~  verbal auxiliary  1. — used to express desire, choice, ~ingness, consent, or in negative constructions refusal no one would take the job if we ~ all do our best ~ you please stop that racket  2. — used to express frequent, customary, or habitual action or natural tendency or disposition ~ get angry over nothing ~ work one day and loaf the next  3. — used to express futurity tomorrow morning I ~ wake up in this first-class hotel suite — Tennessee Williams  4. — used to express capability or sufficiency the back seat ~ hold three passengers  5. — used to express probability and often equivalent to the simple verb that ~ be the babysitter  6.  a. — used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or ~fulness I have made up my mind to go and go I ~  b. — used to express inevitability accidents ~ happen  7. — used to express a command, exhortation, or injunction you ~ do as I say, at once  intransitive verb to have a wish or desire whether we ~ or no  Usage: see shall  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~a ~, desire; akin to Old English ~e  Date: before 12th century  1. desire, wish: as  a. disposition, inclination where there's a ~ there's a way  b. appetite, passion  c. choice, determination  2.  a. something desired; especially a choice or determination of one having authority or power  b.  (1) archaic request, command  (2) from the phrase our ~ is which introduces it the part of a summons expressing a royal command  3. the act, process, or experience of ~ing ; volition  4.  a. mental powers manifested as wishing, choosing, desiring, or intending  b. a disposition to act according to principles or ends  c. the collective desire...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v.aux. & tr. (3rd sing. present will; past would) (foll. by infin. without to, or absol.; present and past only in use) 1 (in the 2nd and 3rd persons, and often in the 1st: see SHALL) expressing the future tense in statements, commands, or questions (you will regret this; they will leave at once; will you go to the party?). 2 (in the 1st person) expressing a wish or intention (I will return soon). Usage For the other persons in senses 1, 2, see SHALL. 3 expressing desire, consent, or inclination (will you have a sandwich?; come when you will; the door will not open). 4 expressing ability or capacity (the jar will hold a kilo). 5 expressing habitual or inevitable tendency (accidents will happen; will sit there for hours). 6 expressing probability or expectation (that will be my wife). Phrases and idioms will do colloq. expressing willingness to carry out a request. Etymology: OE wyllan, (unrecorded) willan f. Gmc: rel. to L volo 2. n. & v. --n. 1 the faculty by which a person decides or is regarded as deciding on and initiating action (the mind consists of the understanding and the will). 2 (also will-power) control exercised by deliberate purpose over impulse; self-control (has a strong will; overcame his shyness by will-power). 3 a deliberate or fixed desire or intention (a will to live). 4 energy of intention; the power of effecting one's intentions or dominating others. 5 directions (usu. written) in legal form for the disposition of one's property after death (make one's will). 6 disposition towards others (good will). 7 archaic what one desires or ordains (thy will be done). --v.tr. 1 have as the object of one's will; intend unconditionally (what God wills; willed that we should succeed). 2 (absol.) exercise will-power. 3 instigate or impel or compel by the exercise of will-power (you can will yourself into contentment). 4 bequeath by the terms of a will (shall will my money to charity). Phrases and idioms at will 1 whenever one pleases. 2 Law able to be evicted without notice (tenant at will). have one's will obtain what one...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  – at will WILL сущ. 1) воля, желание 2) твердое намерение 3) завещание • holographic will, olographic will, holograph will — собственноручно составленное завещание (весь текст завещания написан самим завещателем, им же поставлены дата и подпись) last will, last will and testament — последняя воля, завещание nuncupative will, oral will — устное завещание under the will — по завещанию - beneficiary under will - contest a will - draw up a will - drawing up of will - executor under will - joint and mutual will - joint will - mutual will - reciprocal will - tenancy at will - the people of good will - will to power Syn: testament ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – black will ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. воля; сила воли strong will —- сильная воля lack of will —- безволие a will of one's own —- своеволие, своеправие; упрямство by force of will —- силой воли 2. желание, воля God's will —- воля божия the will be done —- библ. да будет воля твоя will to live —- воля к жизни will to win (to victory) —- воля к победе at will —- по усмотрению, по желанию tenant at will —- арендатор, который может быть выселен в любое время (без предупреждения) he may come and go at will —- он может приходить и уходить, когда захочет at one's own sweet will —- когда вздумается (заблагорассудится) to do smth. of one's own free will —- сделать что-л. по собственному желанию against one's will —- против чьей-л. воли to work (to have) one's will —- делать по-своему to work one's will upon smb. —- навязать кому-л. свою волю to be at smb.'s will —- быть в чьем-л. распоряжении (в чьих-л. руках) with the best will (in the world) —- как бы нам этого ни хотелось such is our will and pleasure —- возв. такова наша воля и приказание 3. уст. просьба; приказ 4. энергия, энтузиазм; интерес they set to work with a will —- они горячо принялись за дело 5. завещание, последняя воля (также юр. last will and testament) to make (to draw up) a will —- составить завещание Id: at will! —- воен. одиночный огонь! (команда) Id: to take the will for the deed —- быть благодарным за одно только желание помочь;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) воля; сила воли; the will to live - воля к жизни; will can conquer habit - (дурную) привычку можно преодолеть силой воли  2) воля, твердое намерение; желание; against ones will - против воли; what is your will? - каково ваше желание?; to have ones will - добиться своего; a will of ones own - своеволие; of ones own free will - добровольно, по собственному желанию - at will  3) энергия, энтузиазм; to work with a will - работать с энтузиазмом  4) завещание; to make (или to draw up) ones will - сделать завещание; ones last will and testament - последняя воля (юридическая формула в завещании) where there is a will there is a way - где хотение, там и умение; было бы желание, а возможность найдется to take the will for the deed - довольствоваться обещаниями  2. v.  1) проявлять волю; хотеть, желать; let him do what he will - пусть он делает, что хочет; he who wills success is half-way to it - воля к успеху есть залог успеха  2) заставлять, велеть, внушать; to will oneself to fall asleep - заставить себя заснуть  3) завещать II v.  1) вспомогательный глагол; служит для образования будущего времени во 2 и 3 л. ед. и мн. ч.: he will come at two oclock - он придет в два часа  2) в сочетании с другими глаголами выражает привычное действие; часто не переводится: boys will be boys - мальчики - всегда мальчики; accidents will happen - всегда бывают несчастные...
Англо-русский словарь
  radio st. abbr. AM-580, FM-90.9, NPR; TV PBS, Urbana, Illinois ...
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