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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - when


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~1 adv, conjunction 1 at what time  (When is Tara coming? | Do you know when she will arrive? | When did you hear about it?) 2 at the time that  (Things were different when I was young. | The dog jumped up when he whistled. | When I give the signal, turn off the light. | When completed the tunnel will be the longest in the world.) 3 day/time/afternoon when the day, time etc on or at which  (There are times when I wonder what you're talking about.) 4 considering that  (Why do you want a new job when you've got such a good one already?) 5 even though or in spite of the fact that  (They kept digging when they must have known there was no hope.) ~2 pronoun 1 since when used in questions to mean since what time  (Since when has it been any of your business what I do?) 2 which time  (next May, by when the new house should be finished)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use when to ask questions about the time at which things happen. When are you going home?... When is the press conference?... When were you in this house last?... ‘I’ll be there this afternoon.’—‘When?’ QUEST 2. If something happens when something else is happening, the two things are happening at the same time. When eating a whole cooked fish, you should never turn it over to get at the flesh on the other side... Mustard is grown in the field when weeds are there, rather than when the growing crops are there. CONJ 3. You use when to introduce a clause in which you mention something which happens at some point during an activity, event, or situation. When I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years. CONJ 4. You use when to introduce a clause where you mention the circumstances under which the event in the main clause happened or will happen. When he brought Imelda her drink she gave him a genuine, sweet smile of thanks... I’ll start to think about it when I have to write my report. CONJ 5. You use when after certain words, especially verbs and adjectives, to introduce a clause where you mention the time at which something happens. I asked him when he’d be back to pick me up... I don’t know when the decision was made... CONJ 6. You use when to introduce a clause which specifies or refers to the time at which something happens. He could remember a time when he had worked like that himself... In 1973, when he lived in Rome, his sixteen-year-old son was kidnapped. PRON 7. You use when to introduce the reason for an opinion, comment, or question. How can I love myself when I look like this?... CONJ 8. You use when in order to introduce a fact or comment which makes the other part of the sentence rather surprising or unlikely. Our mothers sat us down to read and paint, when all we really wanted to do was to make a mess... = although CONJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwanne, hwenne; akin to Old High German hwanne ~, Old English hwa who — more at who  Date: before 12th century  1. at what time ~ will you return  2.  a. at or during which time  b. and then  3. at a former and usually less prosperous time brag fondly of having known him ~ — Vance Packard  II. conjunction  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwanne, hwenne, from hwanne, hwenne, adverb  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. at or during the time that ; while went fishing ~ he was a boy  b. just at the moment that stop writing ~ the bell rings  c. at any or every time that ~ he listens to music, he falls asleep  2. in the event that ; if a contestant is disqualified ~ he disobeys the rules  3.  a. considering that why use water at all ~ you can drown in it — Stuart Chase  b. in spite of the fact that ; although quit politics ~ I might have had a great career in it  4. the time or occasion at or in which tomorrow is ~ we must decide humor is ~ you laugh — Earl Rovit  III. pronoun  Date: 14th century what or which time life-long homes for those…who have lived here since ~ — Kim Waller  IV. noun  Date: 1616 the time in which something is done or comes about troubled his head very little about the hows and ~s of life — Laurence Sterne ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv., conj., pron., & n. --interrog.adv. 1 at what time? 2 on what occasion? 3 how soon? 4 how long ago? --rel.adv. (prec. by time etc.) at or on which (there are times when I could cry). --conj. 1 at the or any time that; as soon as (come when you like; come when ready; when I was your age). 2 although; considering that (why stand up when you could sit down?). 3 after which; and then; but just then (was nearly asleep when the bell rang). --pron. what time? (till when can you stay?; since when it has been better). --n. time, occasion, date (fixed the where and when). Etymology: OE hwanne, hwenne ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) в случае когда 2) в тех случаях когда 3) в то время как 4) хотя when moving in reverse — при движение задним ходом - when heeled - when level ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. (какое) время; дата since when has she been ill? —- с какого времени она болеет? he came a week ago, since when he has had no rest —- он вернулся неделю назад и с того времени не отдыхал until when can you stay? —- до какого времени вы можете остаться? his mind went back to when he was a young man —- он вспомнил свою молодость he told me the when and the why of it —- он рассказал мне, когда и отчего это произошло I do not remember the when of my first visit —- я не помню даты своего первого посещения 2. когда? when can you come? —- когда вы можете прийти? 3. когда I don't know when I shall come —- я не знаю, когда (я) приду now is when I need him most —- именно теперь он мне нужен как никогда 4. когда, который the day when I met you —- день, когда я вас встретил Sunday is the day when I am least busy —- по воскресеньям я меньше всего занят 5. в сочетаниях when ever, when ever on earth —- когда же when ever will he come? —- когда же он придет? Id: say when —- скажи(те), когда хватит (при наливании вина) 6. вводит временные придаточные предложения и обороты, выражающие одновременное действие: когда; когда бы ни when he listens to music, he falls asleep —- он засыпает (всегда), когда слушает музыку it was ten minutes to nine when he returned —- когда он вернулся, было уже без десяти девять be careful when crossing the street —- переходя улицу, будьте осторожны when at school —- когда я учился в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  educ. abbr. World Home Education Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. hwжnne, hwenne, hwonne, from Gmc. pronomial stem *khwa-, from PIE interrogative base *qwo-. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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