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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - whatever


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~1 determiner, pronoun 1 any or all of the things that are wanted, needed, or possible  (Help yourself to whatever you want. | Jake's dad told him he could have whatever he wanted for Christmas.) 2 used to say that it is not important what happens, what you do etc because it does not change the situation  (Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees. | The building must be saved whatever the cost. | whatever you do spoken)  (Don't, whatever you do, let anyone see that letter.) 3 spoken used to say that you do not know the exact meaning or name of someone or something  (Why don't you invite Steve, or whatever he's called, to supper?) 4 ... or whatever spoken used after naming things on a list to mean other things of the same kind  (Anyone seen carrying boxes, bags, or whatever was stopped by the police. | ...and whatever else)  (Bring waterproof clothing, boots, and whatever else.) 5 spoken used to show that you are angry or surprised when making a statement or asking a question  (Whatever can he mean? | whatever next! (=used to show surprise))  ("Joan's learning Sanskrit." "Whatever next!") 6 spoken used to tell someone that you do not care or are not interested when they ask you something  ("Shall I call you tonight or tomorrow?" "Whatever.") 7 whatever you say/whatever you think spoken used to tell someone that you agree with them or will do what they want, often when you do not really agree or want to do it  ("I want to go camping, just for a change." "OK, whatever you say.") ~2 adv used to emphasize a negative statement; whatsoever  (She gave no sign whatever of what she was thinking.) ~3 adj 1 of any possible kind  (I'll take whatever help I can get.) 2 of some kind, but you are not sure what  (Ellen's refusing to come, for whatever reason.)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use whatever to refer to anything or everything of a particular type. Franklin was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased... When you’re older I think you’re better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens... He’s good at whatever he does. CONJ • Whatever is also a determiner. Whatever doubts he might have had about Ingrid were all over now. = any DET 2. You use whatever to say that something is the case in all circumstances. We shall love you whatever happens, Diana... People will judge you whatever you do... She runs about 15 miles a day every day, whatever the weather. CONJ 3. You use whatever after a noun group in order to emphasize a negative statement. There is no evidence whatever that competition in broadcasting has ever reduced costs... I have nothing whatever to say. = whatsoever ADV: with brd-neg, n ADV c darkgreen]emphasis 4. You use whatever to ask in an emphatic way about something which you are very surprised about. Whatever can you mean?... = what QUEST c darkgreen]emphasis 5. You use whatever when you are indicating that you do not know the precise identity, meaning, or value of the thing just mentioned. I thought that my upbringing was ‘normal’, whatever that is... CONJ c darkgreen]vagueness 6. You say or whatever to refer generally to something else of the same kind as the thing or things that you have just mentioned. (INFORMAL) You may like a Malt whisky that is peatier, or smokier, or sweeter, or whatever. PHRASE: cl/group PHR 7. You say ‘whatever you say’ to indicate that you accept what someone has said, even though you do not really believe them or do not think it is a good idea. ‘We’ll go in your car, Billy.’—‘Whatever you say.’ CONVENTION c darkgreen]feelings 8. You say whatever you do when giving advice or warning someone about something. Whatever you do, don’t look for a pay increase when you know the company is...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. pronoun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. anything or everything that take ~ you want  b. no matter what ~ he says, they won't believe him  c. whatnot enjoys skiing, hiking, or ~  2. what 1a(1) — used to express astonishment or perplexity ~ do you mean by that  II. adjective  Date: 14th century  1.  a. any…that ; all…that buy peace…on ~ terms could be obtained — C. S. Forester  b. no matter what money, in ~ hands, will confer power — Samuel Johnson  2. of any kind at all — used after the substantive it modifies with any or with an expressed or implied negative in any order ~ — W. G. Moulton no food ~  III. adverb  Date: 1870 in any case ; ~ the case may be — sometimes used interjectionally to suggest the unimportance of an issue or decision between alternatives go see a movie, watch TV,— ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & pron. 1 = WHAT (in relative uses) with the emphasis on indefiniteness (lend me whatever you can; whatever money you have). 2 though anything (we are safe whatever happens). 3 (with neg. or interrog.) at all; of any kind (there is no doubt whatever). 4 colloq. = what ever. Phrases and idioms or whatever colloq. or anything similar. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) каково бы ни 2) любой 3) никакой 4) что бы ни ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. какой бы ни whatever orders he may give they must be obeyed —- какие бы распоряжения он ни отдавал, их надо выполнять 2. любой every treaty of whatever character —- все договоры любого характера 3. какой бы то ни было have you any interest whatever? —- это вас совершенно не интересует? we had no food whatever —- у нас не было абсолютно никакой пищи 4. что бы ни whatever happens, he is safe —- что бы ни произошло, он в безопасности 5. любой; все, что take whatever you like —- берите все, что вам нравится; возьмите любой, который вам нравится 6. усил. в вопросительных и условных предложениях: (хоть) какой-нибудь, какой бы то ни было has he any chance whatever? —- есть у него хоть какая-нибудь возможность (хоть какой-нибудь шанс)? if there is any hope whatever —- если есть хоть малейшая надежда 7. усил. в отрицательных предложениях и в предложениях с отрицательным смыслом: никакой; вообще не, совсем не nothing whatever —- абсолютно ничего I can see nothing whatever —- я вообще (совершенно) ничего не вижу there is no doubt whatever —- нет абсолютно никакого сомнения they refused to admit anyone whatever —- они отказались принять кого бы то ни было 8. эмоц-усил. разг. (выражает удивление или недоумение) что? whatever can you want to emigrate for? —- что может вас заставить покинуть страну? ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj. какой бы ни, любой  2. pron.  1) conj. все что; что бы ни; I am right, whatever you think - я прав, что бы вы там ни думали; whatever the appearances... - как бы это ни выглядело со стороны...; что бы там ни говорили...; whatever the reason... - каковы бы ни были причины...  2) emph. (после no) никакой; (после any) какой-нибудь; is there any hope whatever? - есть ли хоть какая-нибудь надежда?  3) coll. (хоть) что-нибудь ...
Англо-русский словарь


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