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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - warm


Связанные словари


~1 adj 1 »BE WARM« slightly hot, especially pleasantly  (a warm bath | I hope we get some warmer weather soon. | keep sth warm (=stop something from becoming cold))  (I've put your dinner in the oven to keep it warm.) 2 »FEEL WARM« feeling slightly hot, or making you feel this way  (Are you warm enough? | keep warm (=wear enough clothes not to feel cold))  (Make sure you keep warm!) 3 »CLOTHES/BUILDINGS« clothes or buildings that are warm can keep in heat or keep out cold  (Here, put on your nice warm coat.) 4 »FRIENDLY« friendly in a way that makes you feel comfortable  (a warm, reassuring smile | a warm welcome)  (Please give a warm welcome to our special guest!) 5 »COLOUR« colours that are warm are red, yellow, orange, and similar colours 6 as warm as toast pleasantly warm 7 »CORRECT« used especially in games to say that someone is near to guessing the correct answer or finding a hidden object  (You're getting warmer.)  (- opposite cold1 (13)) 8 make it/make things warm for sb informal to cause problems for someone in order to punish them 9 warm scent/trail a smell or path that has been made recently, which a hunter can easily follow 10 »ANGRY/EXCITED« AmE fairly angry or excited  (The atmosphere in the meeting grew warm .)  (- see also keep sb's seat warm keep1 (4)) - warmness n ~2 v also warm up 1 to make someone or something warm or warmer  (Here, warm yourself by the fire.) 2 to be heated + in/by/on  (There's some soup warming in the pot.) warm to sb/sth phr v 1 to begin to like something, or someone you have just met  (Bruce didn't warm to him as he had to Casey.) 2 to become more eager or excited about something  (warm to a theme/subject/topic etc)  (The more she spoke, the more she warmed to her subject.) warm up phr v 1 »MAKE WARM« to become warm or to make someone or something warm  (warm sb/sth up A brandy should warm you up. | If you're ready for your dinner I'll warm it up.) 2 »DO EXERCISES« to do gentle physical exercises to prepare your body for dancing, sport etc  (The athletes are warming up before the race.) 3 »MACHINE/ENGINE« if you warm up a machine or engine or it warms up, it becomes ready to work properly 4 »PARTY« if a party warms up, it starts to become enjoyable  (Don't go, things are just starting to warm up.) 5 »BECOME CHEERFUL« to become cheerful, eager, and excited, or to make someone feel this way  (warm sb up)  (He warmed up the audience by telling them a few jokes.)  (- see also like death warmed up/over death (9)) warm up to sth phr v AmE to warm to someone or something ~3 n the warm especially BrE a place that is warm  (Come into the warm!) ~4 adv wrap up warm to put on enough clothes so that you do not feel cold
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  (warmer, warmest, warms, warming, warmed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is warm has some heat but not enough to be hot. Because it was warm, David wore only a white cotton shirt... Dissolve the salt in the warm water. ? cool ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ 2. Warm clothes and blankets are made of a material such as wool which protects you from the cold. They have been forced to sleep in the open without food or warm clothing... ? cool ADJ • warmly Remember to wrap up warmly on cold days... ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed 3. Warm colours have red or yellow in them rather than blue or green, and make you feel comfortable and relaxed. The basement hallway is painted a warm yellow. ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. A warm person is friendly and shows a lot of affection or enthusiasm in their behaviour. She was a warm and loving mother... I would like to express my warmest thanks to the doctors. ADJ • warmly New members are warmly welcomed... He greeted me warmly. ADV: ADV with v 5. If you warm a part of your body or if something hot warms it, it stops feeling cold and starts to feel hotter. The sun had come out to warm his back... She went to warm her hands by the log fire. VERB: V n, V n 6. If you warm to a person or an idea, you become fonder of the person or more interested in the idea. Those who got to know him better warmed to his openness and honesty... VERB: V to n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wearm; akin to Old High German ~ ~ and probably to Lithuanian virti to cook, boil  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having or giving out heat to a moderate or adequate degree ~ weather a ~ fire  b. serving to maintain or preserve heat especially to a satisfactory degree a ~ sweater  c. feeling or causing sensations of heat brought about by strenuous exertion  2. comfortably established ; secure  3.  a. marked by strong feeling ; ardent  b. marked by excitement, disagreement, or anger the argument grew ~  4. marked by or readily showing affection, gratitude, cordiality, or sympathy a ~ welcome ~ regards  5. emphasizing or exploiting sexual imagery or incidents  6. accompanied or marked by extreme danger or duress  7. newly made ; fresh a ~ scent  8. having the color or tone of something that imparts heat; specifically of a hue in the range yellow through orange to red  9. near to a goal, object, or solution sought not there yet but getting ~  • ~ish adjective  • ~ness noun  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to make ~  2.  a. to infuse with a feeling of love, friendship, well-being, or pleasure  b. to fill with anger, zeal, or passion  3. to reheat (cooked food) for eating — often used with over  4. to make ready for operation or performance by preliminary exercise or operation — often used with up  intransitive verb  1. to become ~  2.  a. to become ardent, interested, or receptive — usually used with to or toward ~ed to the idea  b. to become filled with affection or love — used with to or toward  3. to experience feelings of pleasure ; bask  4. to become ready for operation or performance by preliminary activity — often used with up  III. adverb  Date: before 12th century ~ly — usually used in combination ~-clad ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., v., & n. --adj. 1 of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature. 2 (of clothes etc.) affording warmth (needs warm gloves). 3 a (of a person, action, feelings, etc.) sympathetic; cordial; friendly; loving (a warm welcome; has a warm heart). b enthusiastic; hearty (was warm in her praise). 4 animated, heated, excited; indignant (the dispute grew warm). 5 colloq. iron. dangerous, difficult, or hostile (met a warm reception). 6 colloq. a (of a participant in esp. a children's game of seeking) close to the object etc. sought. b near to guessing or finding out a secret. 7 (of a colour, light, etc.) reddish, pink, or yellowish, etc., suggestive of warmth. 8 Hunting (of a scent) fresh and strong. 9 a (of a person's temperament) amorous; sexually demanding. b erotic; arousing. --v. 1 tr. a make warm (fire warms the room). b excite; make cheerful (warms the heart). 2 intr. a (often foll. by up) warm oneself at a fire etc. (warmed himself up). b (often foll. by to) become animated, enthusiastic, or sympathetic (warmed to his subject). --n. 1 the act of warming; the state of being warmed (gave it a warm; had a nice warm by the fire). 2 the warmth of the atmosphere etc. 3 Brit. archaic a warm garment, esp. an army greatcoat. Phrases and idioms warmed-up (US -over) 1 (of food etc.) reheated or stale. 2 stale; second-hand. warm front an advancing mass of warm air. warming-pan hist. a usu. brass container for live coals with a flat body and a long handle, used for warming a bed. warm up 1 (of an athlete, performer, etc.) prepare for a contest, performance, etc. by practising. 2 (of a room etc.) become warmer. 3 (of a person) become enthusiastic etc. 4 (of a radio, engine, etc.) reach a temperature for efficient working. 5 reheat (food). warm-up n. a period of preparatory exercise for a contest or performance. warm work 1 work etc. that makes one warm through exertion. 2 dangerous conflict etc. Derivatives warmer n. (also in comb.). warmish adj. warmly adv. warmness n. warmth n. Etymology: OE wearm f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) греть; нагревать(ся) 2) тепло тёплый 3) укороченное двубортное пальто to warm up — 1. прогревать 2. обстукивать молотком (резьбовое соединение для облегчения его развинчивания) - British warm ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  греть, нагреваться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) греть 2) нагревать 3) отогревать 4) прогревать 5) согретый 6) теплый 7) утеплять - warm front - warm mass ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. согревание to have a warm —- погреться to give a warm —- погреть, согреть it must have another warm first —- это нужно опять разогреть 2. теплое помещение to come into the warm out of the cold —- разг. войти из холода в тепло Id: British (Service) warm —- короткая зимняя шинель 3. теплый warm to the touch —- теплый на ощупь 4. жаркий warm countries —- жаркие страны 5. разгоряченный warm with wine —- разгоряченный вином to be warm from exercise —- разгоряченный движением heart warm with love —- сердце, согретое любовью eyes warm with hatred —- глаза, горящие ненавистью 6. сохраняющий тепло, теплый warm clothing —- теплая одежда 7. сердечный, горячий a warm welcome —- теплый (сердечный) прием she is such a warm person —- она такой сердечный человек warm heart —- доброе (отзывчивое) сердце warm thanks —- горячая благодарность; сердечное спасибо they are warm friends —- их связывает тесная дружба 8. страстный, пылкий, горячий warm support —- горячая поддержка warm imagination —- пылкое воображение warm blood —- горячая кровь; пыл, жар, страсть to do smth. in warm blood —- сделать что-л. сгоряча (в сердцах, в состоянии аффекта) warm partisan of smth. —- горячий (страстный) сторонник чего-л. warm about the idea —- с энтузиазмом относящийся к какой-л. мысли to give warm encouragement to smb., smth. —- горячо поддерживать кого-л., что-л. 9. вспыльчивый,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) теплый; согретый, подогретый  2) жаркий; warm countries - жаркие страны  3) теплый, сохраняющий тепло  4) горячий, сердечный (о приеме, поддержке и т.п.); warm heart - доброе сердце  5) разгоряченный; горячий, страстный; warm with wine - разгоряченный вином - in warm blood  6) раздраженный  7) hunt. свежий (след); to follow a warm scent - идти по горячему следу  8) coll. зажиточный, богатый; хорошо устроенный  9) paint. теплый (о цвете - с преобладанием красного, оранжевого или желтого) you are getting warm! - горячо! (т.е. близко к цели - в детской игре); вы на правильном пути - warm language - warm work - make things warm - warm corner - get warm Syn: lukewarm, muggy, stuffy, tepid Ant: cold  2. noun coll. согревание; to have a warm - (по)греться; I must give the milk a warm - надо подогреть молоко - British warm  3. v.  1) греть(ся), нагревать(ся), согревать(ся) (тж. warm up)  2) разгорячать(ся), воодушевляться, оживляться (часто warm to, warm toward); my heart warms to him - я ему сочувствую; to warm to ones work - живо заинтересоваться своей работой; to warm to ones role - входить в роль; to warm to ones subject - увлечься проблемой - warm over - warm to - warm towards - warm up - warm the bench Syn: see cheer WARM corner жаркий участок (боя и т.п.) WARM language coll. брань WARM over  а) разогревать (еду); It wont take a minute to warm the soup over for you.  б) повторять (идеи, мысли); Hes just warming over ideas hes...
Англо-русский словарь
  mil. abbr. Wartime Reserve Mode softw. abbr. Wad Auxiliary Resource Manipulator SMS abbr. WHAT ABOUT REMEMBERING ME? non-prof. org. abbr. Washington Adoption Reunion Movement non-prof. org. abbr. Weatherization And Retrofit Maintenance religion abbr. Worcester Anglican Renewal Movement religion abbr. Welcome Absence Responsibility And Move law abbr. We're All Role Models radio st. abbr. FM-103.3, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania account. abbr. Weather Adjusted Rate Mechanism chat abbr. What About Remembering Me ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. wearm, from P.Gmc. *warmaz, from PIE *ghworm-/*ghwerm-. The verb is from O.E. wyrman "make warm" and wearmian "become warm." Sense in guessing games first recorded 1860, from earlier hunting use in reference to scent or trail (1713). Warmth is from wearmth (c.1175). Phrase warm the bench is sports jargon first recorded 1907. Warm up (v.) "exercise before an activity" is from 1868. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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