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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - town


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~ n 1 »PLACE« a large area with houses, shops, offices etc where people live and work, that is smaller than a city and larger than a village  (an industrial town in the Midlands | the town of Norwalk, Connecticut) 2 »MAIN CENTRE« the business or shopping centre of a town  (We're going into town tonight to see a film. | They have a small apartment in town.) 3 »PEOPLE« all the people who live in a particular town  (The whole town turned out to watch the procession.) 4 »WHERE YOU LIVE« AmE the town or city where you live  (Cam left town about an hour ago, he should be out at the farm by now. | out of town)  (I'll be out of town for about a week. | in town)  (Guess who's in town? Jodie's sister! | be from out of town (=live in a different town than the one you are in))  (Do you know of a good place to eat? I'm from out of town.) 5 »VILLAGE« AmE several houses forming a small group around a church, shops etc; village BrE  (Rowayton is a small town of around 4000 people.) 6 »NOT COUNTRY« the town life in towns and cities in general  (Which do you prefer, the town or the country?) 7 go to town (on) informal to do something in a very eager or thorough way, often spending a lot of money  (Angela really went to town on buying things for her new house.) 8 go/be out on the town informal to go to restaurants, bars, theatres etc for entertainment in the evening 9 town and gown BrE used to describe the situation in which the people living in a town and the students in a town seem to be separate and opposing groups  (- see also ghost town, blow town blow1 (11), market town, new town, paint the town (red) paint2 (6))
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  (towns) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A town is a place with many streets and buildings, where people live and work. Towns are larger than villages and smaller than cities. Many places that are called towns in Britain would be called cities in the United States. ...Saturday night in the small town of Braintree, Essex... Parking can be tricky in the town centre. N-COUNT • You can use the town to refer to the people of a town. The town takes immense pride in recent achievements. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. You use town in order to refer to the town where you live. He admits he doesn’t even know when his brother is in town... She left town. N-UNCOUNT 3. You use town in order to refer to the central area of a town where most of the shops and offices are. I walked around town... I caught a bus into town. N-UNCOUNT 4. see also ghost town, hometown, new town 5. If you say that someone goes to town on something, you mean that they deal with it with a lot of enthusiasm or intensity. We really went to town on it, turning it into a full, three-day show... PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR on n 6. If you go out on the town or go for a night on the town, you enjoy yourself by going to a town centre in the evening and spending a long time there visiting several places of entertainment. My idea of luxury used to be going out on the town and coming back in the early hours of the morning... = on the tiles PHRASE: prep PHR, n PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tun enclosure, village, ~; akin to Old High German zun enclosure, Old Irish dun fortress  Date: before 12th century  1. dialect England a cluster or aggregation of houses recognized as a distinct place with a place-name ; hamlet  2.  a. a compactly settled area as distinguished from surrounding rural territory  b. a compactly settled area usually larger than a village but smaller than a city  c. a large densely populated urban area ; city  d. an English village having a periodic fair or market  3. a particular ~ or city under consideration the circus came to ~  4. the city or urban life as contrasted with the country  5.  a. the inhabitants of a city or ~ practically the whole ~ turned out for the parade  b. the ~speople of a college or university ~ as distinct from the academic community relations between ~ and gown  6. a New England territorial and political unit usually containing under a single ~ government both rural areas and urban areas not having their own charter of incorporation; also a New England community governed by a ~ meeting  7. a group of prairie dog burrows  • ~ adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a a large urban area with a name, defined boundaries, and local government, being larger than a village and usu. not created a city. b any densely populated area, esp. as opposed to the country or suburbs. c the people of a town (the whole town knows of it). 2 a Brit. London or the chief city or town in one's neighbourhood (went up to town). b the central business or shopping area in a neighbourhood (just going into town). 3 the permanent residents of a university town as distinct from the members of the university (cf. GOWN). 4 US = TOWNSHIP 2. Phrases and idioms go to town colloq. act or work with energy or enthusiasm. on the town colloq. enjoying the entertainments, esp. the night-life, of a town; celebrating. town clerk 1 US & hist. the officer of the corporation of a town in charge of records etc. 2 Brit. hist. the secretary and legal adviser of a town corporation until 1974. town council the elective governing body in a municipality. town councillor an elected member of this. town crier see CRIER. town gas manufactured gas for domestic and commercial use. town hall a building for the administration of local government, having public meeting rooms etc. town house 1 a town residence, esp. of a person with a house in the country. 2 a terrace house, esp. of a stylish modern type. 3 a house in a planned group in a town. 4 Brit. a town hall. town-major hist. the chief executive officer in a garrison town or fortress. town mayor Brit. the chairman of a town council. town meeting US a meeting of the voters of a town for the transaction of public business. town planning the planning of the construction and growth of towns. Derivatives townish adj. townless adj. townlet n. townward adj. & adv. townwards adv. Etymology: OE tun enclosure f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  город, городок деловой или торговый центр города районный (окружной) административный центр bastile town big town company town dormitory town free standing town garden town industrial town linear town little town market town new town new town in town satellite town shanty town university town ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  город, коммунальный - overspill town - satellite town - town bridge - town gas - town refuse ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) город 2) административный центр • - company town - country town - down town branch - ghost town - satellite town 2. прил. городской - town council - town planning ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. (небольшой) город, поселок городского типа 2. таун Административная единица в Новой Англии New England, составная часть округа ("графства" в традиционном переводе) county, главным образом сельская, а также поселок городского типа, не имеющий статуса муниципальной корпорации unincorporated area 3. городская община; муниципалитет Муниципальная корпорация municipal corporation в Новой Англии. Управляется собранием представителей town meeting в качестве высшей власти и советом town board как административным органом власти. Часто рассматривается как анахронизм, поскольку дублирует функции органов власти округа ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. город; городок country town —- главный город графства (округа, департамента) boom town —- ам. быстро выросший (растущий) город old town —- старый город the upper town —- верхняя часть города town centre —- городской центр, центр города town life —- городская жизнь town government —- городская администрация town residence —- городская квартира town gas —- газ бытового назначения town mains —- городские магистрали (сети) town water supply —- городской водопровод to walk to the outskirts of town —- пойти на городскую окраину 2. ам. местечко 3. центр деловой или торговой жизни города he is going into town —- он отправляется в центр I'm going down town to do some shopping —- я еду в центр за покупками he has an office at home and another in town —- у него есть приемная (контора) дома и еще одна в центре города 4. административный центр (района, округа и т. п.); самый большой из близлежащих городов; близлежащий город in town —- в городе to town —- в город to leave town —- уехать из города out of town —- в деревне; вне города; в отъезде (обыкн. из Лондона) he was out of town all last week —- всю прошлую неделю его не было в городе (он был в отъезде) 5. столица (обыкн. о Лондоне) to do one's shopping in town —- делать покупки в Лондоне to flock to town for the coronation —- толпами съезжаться в столицу на коронацию when he is in town he...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  planning градостроительство TOWN house городская квартира; городской дом, преим. особняк TOWN hall ратуша TOWN noun  1) город; городок; amer. тж. местечко  2) город (в противоп. сельской местности); out of town -  а) в деревне;  б) в отъезде (обыкн. из Лондона)  3) collect. жители города; he became the talk of the town - о нем говорит весь город  4) административный центр (района, округа и т.п.); самый большой из близлежащих городов  5) центр деловой или торговой жизни города  6) attr. городской; town house - городская квартира; town water - вода из городского водопровода a man about town - человек, ведущий светский образ жизни on the town -  а) в вихре светских удовольствий;  б) amer. получающий пособие по безработице town and gown - жители Оксфорда или Кембриджа, включая студентов и профессуру to paint the town red sl. - предаваться веселью, кутить to go to town coll. -  а) кутить;  б) преуспевать;  в) умело и быстро работать Syn: see city TOWN clerk секретарь городской корпорации TOWN council муниципалитет, городской совет TOWN councillor член городского/муниципального совета ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. tun "enclosure, enclosed land with buildings," later "village," from P.Gmc. *tunaz, *tunan, an early borrowing from Celtic *dunom (cf. O.Ir. dun "fortress"). First applied to inhabited places larger than villages after the Norman conquest, to correspond to Fr. ville. First record of town hall is from 1481; townhouse "residence in a town" is from 1825. On the town is from 1712. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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