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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - too


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~ adv 1 + adj/adv more than is reasonable, possible, or necessary  (That music is too loud, turn the radio down. | too much/little/many etc sth)  (There's too much talking! Open your books and get down to work. | much/far/a little etc too)  (Amanda is much too young to get married. | too tall/old etc for)  (That crossword is too difficult for me. | too good/hot/big (a sth) to do sth)  (My coffee is too hot to drink. | A free cruise to Acapulco - that's too good an opportunity to miss.) 2 (at the end of a sentence or clause) also  (It's a nutritious meal and cheap too! | Sheila wants to come too.)  (- compare either4) 3 + adj/adv very  (Dinner shouldn't be too long. Would you like a drink first? | You shouldn't have bought flowers. You're too kind.) 4 all too/only too used to say that something is very easy to do, happens very often etc when it should not  (It's all too easy to forget how many soldiers died to secure our freedom.) 5 used to emphasize that you are angry, surprised, or agree with something  ("They've just built another car park next to the supermarket." "About time too.") 6 I am/he is/you are etc too informal especially AmE used to emphasize that you disagree with what someone has said about you  ("You're not smart enough to use a computer." "I am too!")
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  I. [c red]ADDING SOMETHING OR RESPONDING Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use too after mentioning another person, thing, or aspect that a previous statement applies to or includes. ‘Nice to talk to you.’—‘Nice to talk to you too.’... ‘I’ve got a great feeling about it.’—‘Me too.’... He doesn’t want to meet me. I, too, have been afraid to talk to him... We talked to her agent. He’s your agent, too, right? ADV: cl/group ADV 2. You use too after adding a piece of information or a comment to a statement, in order to emphasize that it is surprising or important. We did learn to read, and quickly too... People usually think of it as a ‘boys’ book’, which of course it is, and a very good one too. ADV: cl/group ADV c darkgreen]emphasis 3. You use too at the end of a sentence to emphasize an opinion that you have added after a statement made by you or by another person. ‘That money’s mine.’—‘Of course it is, and quite right too.’... ‘Oh excuse me.’—‘I should think so too.’... ADV: cl ADV c darkgreen]emphasis II. [c red]INDICATING EXCESS Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 4 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. You use too in order to indicate that there is a greater amount or degree of something than is desirable, necessary, or acceptable. Leather jeans that are too big will make you look larger... Eggs shouldn’t be kept in the fridge, it’s too cold... She was drinking too much, eating too much, having too many late nights... ADV: ADV adj/adv, oft ADV adj/adv to-inf 2. You use too with a negative to make what you are saying sound less forceful or more polite or cautious. I wasn’t too happy with what I’d written so far... He won’t be too pleased to see you. = very ADV: with brd-neg, ADV adj c darkgreen]vagueness 3. You use all too or only too to emphasize that something happens...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English to to, ~ — more at to  Date: before 12th century  1. besides, also sell the house and furniture ~  2.  a. to an excessive degree ; excessively ~ large a house for us  b. to such a degree as to be regrettable this time he has gone ~ far  c. very didn't seem ~ interested  3. so 2d “I didn't do it.” “You did ~.” ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv. 1 to a greater extent than is desirable, permissible, or possible for a specified or understood purpose (too colourful for my taste; too large to fit). 2 colloq. extremely (you're too kind). 3 in addition (are they coming too?). 4 moreover (we must consider, too, the time of year). Phrases and idioms none too 1 rather less than (feeling none too good). 2 barely. too bad see BAD. too much, too much for see MUCH. too right see RIGHT. too-too adj. & adv. colloq. extreme, excessive(ly). Etymology: stressed form of TO, f. 16th-c. spelling too ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) слишком 2) также 3) тоже 4) чересчур - not too large - too high - too little - too much - too narrow ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. слишком too quickly —- слишком быстро too much —- слишком много he ate too much —- он переел this job is too much for me —- эта работа выше моих сил, я не справляюсь с этой работой things are getting too much for him —- события выходят из-под его контроля a little too small —- немного мал none too pleasant —- не слишком приятный a hat far too big for him —- шляпа слишком велика ему too good to last —- слишком (уж) хорошо, чтобы так могло продолжаться it's not too easy —- это не так (уж) легко I know him all too well —- я слишком хорошо его знаю she loved him too well —- она чересчур (слишком) его любила you can't make the wall too thick —- чем стена толще, тем лучше we were none too early for the train —- мы только-только успели к поезду 2. на столько-то больше, чем нужно 50 dollars too much —- на 50 долларов больше you've give me two too many —- вы дали мне на два больше I'm afraid I am one too many —- боюсь, что я здесь лишний 3. эмоц-усил. очень; крайне you are really too kind —- вы действительно очень добры he's not too well today —- он неважно себя чувствует сегодня, ему сегодня немного нездоровится only too —- очень I shall be only too pleased to help you —- я буду бесконечно рад помочь вам that's too bad! —- как жалко! it's quite too!, it's too too! —- восхитительно! it's too charming! —- восхитительно!; как это мило! Id: to go too far —- преувеличивать; заходить слишком далеко Id: it...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adv.  1) слишком; too good to be true - слишком хорошо, чтобы можно было поверить; it is too much (of a good thing) - хорошенького понемножку; это уже чересчур; none too pleasant - не слишком приятный  2) очень; too bad - очень жаль; I am only too glad - я очень, очень рад  3) также, тоже; к тому же; wont you come too? - не придете ли и вы?  4) действительно; They say he is the best student. And he is too - говорят, он лучший студент, и это действительно так ...
Англо-русский словарь
  UN abbr. Target Of Opportunity U.S. gov. abbr. Target Of Opportunity mil. abbr. Target Of Opportunity gen. bus. abbr. Target Of Opportunity NYSE symbols TOO, Inc. int. bus. abbr. Target Of Opportunity account. abbr. The Original Oar ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - developed as a stressed variant of O.E. to "in the direction of, furthermore" (see to). The spelling with -oo is first recorded 1590. Slang too-too "excessive in social elegance" first recorded 1881. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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