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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - surprise


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~1 n 1 »EVENT« an unexpected or unusual event  (Joan! What a lovely surprise to see you again! | surprise visit/announcement/attack etc)  (Let's pay grandma a surprise visit. | US forces launched a surprise attack on the Panamanian capital. | come as a surprise (to sb) (=happen unexpectedly))  (The news that George was leaving came as a surprise to everyone. | it came as no surprise (=you expected it would happen))  (It came as no surprise when Sarah announced she was pregnant. | there is a surprise in store for sb (=something unexpected is going to happen to them)) 2 »FEELING« the feeling you have when something unexpected or unusual happens  (Imagine my surprise when she told me she'd been married twice already. | get/have a surprise)  (Harwich police got a nasty surprise yesterday when someone left a suspected unexploded bomb inside the police station. | in/with surprise)  (She noticed with surprise the change in his appearance. | much to my surprise (=in a way that surprises you))  (Much to my surprise they offered me the job.) 3 take sb by surprise to happen unexpectedly  (The heavy snowfall had taken us all by surprise.) 4 take sb/sth by surprise to suddenly attack a place or an opponent when they are not ready  (Rebel forces took the town by surprise.) 5 »GIFT/PARTY ETC« C usually singular an unexpected present, trip etc which you give to someone or organize for them, often on a special occasion  (I've got a little surprise waiting for you at home. | Jim's organized a trip to the opera as a surprise for his mum.) 6 surprise guest/visitor etc someone who arrives somewhere unexpectedly 7 surprise! spoken used when you are just about to show someone something that you know will surprise them 8 a) surprise, surprise used when saying in a joking way that you expected something to happen or be true  (The American TV networks are - surprise, surprise, full of stories about the royal divorce.) b) spoken used when you suddenly appear in front of someone who you know is not expecting to see you 9 »METHOD« the use of methods which are intended to cause surprise  (an element of surprise)  (An element of surprise is important to any attack.) ~2 v 1 to make someone feel surprised  (Paul's news surprised her. | it surprises sb to see/find/know etc)  (It surprised them to see Jane up so early. | it doesn't surprise me)  ("Howard and Shari have split up." "I have to say it doesn't surprise me." | what surprises sb is)  (What surprised me most was that she didn't seem to care.)  (- see shock1) 2 to find, catch, or attack someone when they are not expecting it, especially when they are doing something they should not be doing  (surprise sb doing sth)  (A security guard surprised the burglars in the store room.)
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  (surprises, surprising, surprised) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A surprise is an unexpected event, fact, or piece of news. I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Switzerland!... It may come as a surprise to some that a normal, healthy child is born with many skills... It is perhaps no surprise to see another 60s singing star attempting a comeback. N-COUNT: oft N to n • Surprise is also an adjective. Baxter arrived here this afternoon, on a surprise visit... ADJ: ADJ n 2. Surprise is the feeling that you have when something unexpected happens. The Foreign Office in London has expressed surprise at these allegations... ‘You mean he’s going to vote against her?’ Scobie asked in surprise... I started working hard for the first time in my life. To my surprise, I found I liked it. N-UNCOUNT 3. If something surprises you, it gives you a feeling of surprise. We’ll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone... It surprised me that a driver of Alain’s experience should make those mistakes... It wouldn’t surprise me if there was such chaos after this election that another had to be held... They were served lamb and rosemary and she surprised herself by eating greedily. VERB: V n, it V n that/if, it V n that/if, V pron-refl 4. If you surprise someone, you give them, tell them, or do something pleasant that they are not expecting. Surprise a new neighbour with one of your favourite home-made dishes. VERB: V n with n 5. If you describe someone or something as a surprise, you mean that they are very good or pleasant although you were not expecting this. ...Senga MacFie, one of the surprises of the World Championships three months ago... N-COUNT 6. If you surprise someone, you attack, capture, or find them when they are not expecting it. Marlborough led his armies across the Rhine and surprised the French and Bavarian armies near the village of Blenheim. VERB: V n 7. see also surprised, surprising 8. If something...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   geographical name city S central Arizona W of Phoenix population 30,848 SURPRISE  I. noun  also surprize  Etymology: Middle English suppryse exaction, seizure, from Anglo-French sousprise, supprise, from feminine of supris, surpris, suspris, past participle of surprendre & susprendre to capture, take by ~, from sur- & sus-, suz under + prendre to take — more at prize, sous  Date: 15th century  1.  a. an attack made without warning  b. a taking unawares  2. something that ~s  3. the state of being ~d ; astonishment  II. verb  also surprize  (~d; also surprized; surprising; also surprizing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to attack unexpectedly; also to capture by an unexpected attack  2.  a. to take unawares police ~d the burglars in the store  b. to detect or elicit by a taking unawares sometimes ~d a tragic shadow in her eyes — Willa Cather  3. to strike with wonder or amazement especially because unexpected his conduct ~d me  intransitive verb to cause astonishment or ~ her success didn't ~  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, astonish, astound, amaze, flabbergast mean to impress forcibly through unexpectedness. ~ stresses causing an effect through being unexpected but not necessarily unusual or novel ~d to find them at home. astonish implies surprising so greatly as to seem incredible a discovery that astonished the world. astound stresses the shock of astonishment too astounded to respond. amaze suggests an effect of bewilderment amazed by the immense size of the place. flabbergast may suggest thorough astonishment and bewilderment or dismay flabbergasted by his angry refusal. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 an unexpected or astonishing event or circumstance. 2 the emotion caused by this. 3 the act of catching a person etc. unawares, or the process of being caught unawares. 4 (attrib.) unexpected; made or done etc. without warning (a surprise visit). --v.tr. 1 affect with surprise; turn out contrary to the expectations of (your answer surprised me; I surprised her by arriving early). 2 (usu. in passive; foll. by at) shock, scandalize (I am surprised at you). 3 capture or attack by surprise. 4 come upon (a person) unawares (surprised him taking a biscuit). 5 (foll. by into) startle (a person) by surprise into an action etc. (surprised them into consenting). Phrases and idioms take by surprise affect with surprise, esp. by an unexpected encounter or statement. Derivatives surprisedly adv. surprising adj. surprisingly adv. surprisingness n. Etymology: OF, fem. past part. of surprendre (as SUR-(1), prendre f. L praehendere seize) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) поражать 2) удивление 3) удивлять - surprise index ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. удивление, изумление in surprise —- удивленно to my great surprise, much to my surprise —- к моему великому удивлению to show surprise —- удивиться to cause no surprise —- не вызвать удивления 2. неожиданность, сюрприз a surprise visit —- приход в гости без предупреждения it was a great surprise to me —- для меня это было большой неожиданностью I have a surprise for you —- у меня для вас есть сюрприз what a pleasant surprise! —- какая приятная неожиданность! to spring a surprise on smb., to give smb. a surprise —- преподнести кому-л. сюрприз, неожиданно удивить кого-л. 3. неожиданное действие (особ. нападение) surprise attack —- внезапная атака (-ое нападение) surprise effect —- воен. эффект внезапности by surprise —- врасплох to take smb. by surprise —- захватить кого-л. врасплох to capitalize on surprise —- воен. использовать преимущества внезапности 4. удивлять, поражать he surprised me —- он меня удивил to be surprised at smb., smth. —- удивляться кому-л., чему-л. he was more surprised than frightened —- он был скорее удивлен, чем напуган I shoudn't be surprised if... —- я нисколько не удивлюсь, если..., меня нисколько не удивило бы, если... it is nothing to be surprised at (about) —- удивляться этому не приходится; этого и следовало ожидать 5. нагрянуть неожиданно; нападать неожиданно; заставать врасплох I surprised him in the act —- я застал его на месте...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) удивление; to my great surprise - к моему величайшему удивлению; to show surprise - удивиться  2) неожиданность, сюрприз  3) неожиданное нападение; by surprise - врасплох; to take smb. by surprise - захватить кого-л. врасплох  4) attr. неожиданный, внезапный; a surprise visit - неожиданный визит; surprise effect - эффект внезапности; surprise attack - внезапная атака  2. v.  1) удивлять, поражать; I am surprised at you - вы меня удивляете; I shouldnt be surprised if... - меня нисколько не удивило бы, если...  2) нагрянуть неожиданно; нападать или заставать врасплох; I surprised him in the act - я накрыл его на месте преступления  3) to surprise smb. into doing smth. - вынудить кого-л. сделать что-л. (неожиданным вопросом и т.п.); to surprise a person into a confession - вынудить признание у кого-л., застав его врасплох Syn: see waylay ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1457, "unexpected attack or capture," from M.Fr. surprise "a taking unawares," from noun use of pp. of O.Fr. surprendre "to overtake," from sur- "over" + prendre "to take," from L. prendere, contracted from prehendere "to grasp, seize." Meaning "something unexpected" first recorded 1592, that of "feeling caused by something unexpected" is 1608. The verb is from 1474. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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