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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - stuff


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~1 n 1 »SUBSTANCE« informal a kind of substance or material  (What's that stuff you're drinking? | The dress was made of silky stuff.) 2 »THINGS« informal a number of different things  (How do you think you're going to fit all that stuff into a car?) 3 »SUBJECT« informal the subject of something such as a book, television programme, lesson etc  (What kind of stuff do you like to read?) 4 »ACTIVITIES« all the activities that someone does  (I've got so much stuff to do this weekend.) 5 sb's stuff informal things that belong to someone  (I'm leaving in an hour and I still haven't packed my stuff.) 6 »EQUIPMENT« informal the equipment you need for a particular activity  (Where's the camping stuff?) 7 the stuff of dreams/life/politics exactly the kind of thing that dreams etc consist of  (an enchanting place - the very stuff of dreams) 8 »CHARACTER« the qualities of someone's character  (the right stuff (=qualities that make you able to deal with difficulties) | be made of sterner stuff (=be more determined))  (I thought you were made of sterner stuff - don't just give up.) 9 do/show your stuff to do what you are good at when everyone wants you to do it  (Come on Gina, get on the dance floor and do your stuff!) 10 that's the stuff! spoken used to express approval of what someone is doing or saying 11 stuff and nonsense spoken used to say that you think something is stupid or untrue  (- see also bit of stuff bit1 (19), hot stuff hot1 (18), kid's stuff kid1 (4), know your stuff know1 (13), strut your stuff strut1 (2)) ~2 v 1 »PUSH« always + adv/prep to push something soft into a small space in a careless hurried way  (stuff sth into/in/up)  (She stuffed two more sweaters into her bag. | be stuffed with)  (a huge picnic basket stuffed with delicacies | stuffed full of)  (a briefcase stuffed full of papers) 2 »FILL« to fill something tightly with soft material, so that it becomes firm  (a pillow stuffed with feathers) 3 »FOOD« to fill a chicken or another type of food, such as a tomato, with a mixture of bread, rice etc 4 »DEAD ANIMAL« to fill the skin of a dead animal in order to make the animal look real  (a stuffed parrot) 5 stuff yourself also stuff your face informal to eat so much food that you cannot eat anything else  (The kids have been stuffing themselves with candy.) 6 get stuffed spoken used to tell someone very rudely and angrily that you do not want to talk to them or accept their offer  (He only offered me -10 for it, so I told him to get stuffed.) 7 you/they can stuff sth spoken used to say very angrily or rudely that you do not want what someone is offering  (Yeah? Well you can stuff your damn contract!) 8 »GAME« to defeat an opposing team easily  (We stuffed them, 15-12, 15-4, 15-3.)
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  (stuffs, stuffing, stuffed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You can use stuff to refer to things such as a substance, a collection of things, events, or ideas, or the contents of something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself by name. (INFORMAL) I’d like some coffee, and I don’t object to the powdered stuff if it’s all you’ve got... ‘What do you want to know?’—‘About life and stuff.’... He pointed to a duffle bag.‘That’s my stuff.’ N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 2. If you stuff something somewhere, you push it there quickly and roughly. I stuffed my hands in my pockets... He stuffed the newspapers into a litter bin and headed down the street... = shove VERB: V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv 3. If you stuff a container or space with something, you fill it with something or with a quantity of things until it is full. He grabbed my purse, opened it and stuffed it full, then gave it back to me... He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn. = cram VERB: V n adj, V n with n 4. If you stuff yourself, you eat a lot of food. (INFORMAL) I could stuff myself with ten chocolate bars and half an hour later eat a big meal. VERB: V pron-refl prep • stuffed But you’re just so stuffed you won’t be able to drink anything. ADJ: v-link ADJ 5. If you stuff a bird such as a chicken or a vegetable such as a pepper, you put a mixture of food inside it before cooking it. Will you stuff the turkey and shove it in the oven for me? ...stuffed tomatoes. VERB: V n, V-ed 6. If a dead animal is stuffed, it is filled with a substance so that it can be preserved and displayed. VERB: usu passive 7. Stuff is used in front of nouns to emphasize that you do not care about something, or do not want it. (INFORMAL) Ultimately my attitude was: stuff them... Stuff your money. We don’t want a handout. VERB: only imper, V n, V n c darkgreen]emphasis 8. If you say that someone knows their stuff, you...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French e~es goods, from e~er to fill in (with rubble), furnish, equip, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German stopfon to stop up, from Vulgar Latin *stuppare — more at stop  Date: 14th century  1. materials, supplies, or equipment used in various activities: as  a. obsolete military baggage  b. personal property  2. material to be manufactured, wrought, or used in construction clear half-inch pine ~ — Emily Holt  3. a finished textile suitable for clothing; especially wool or worsted material  4.  a. literary or artistic production  b. writing, discourse, talk, or ideas of little value ; trash  5.  a. an unspecified material substance or aggregate of matter volcanic rock is curious ~  b. something (as a drug or food) consumed or introduced into the body by humans  c. a matter to be considered the truth was heady ~ long-term policy ~  d. a group or scattering of miscellaneous objects or articles pick that ~ up off the floor; also nonphysical unspecified material conservation and…all kinds of good ~ — Eric Korn  6.  a. fundamental material ; substance the ~ of greatness  b. subject matter a teacher who knows her ~  7. special knowledge or capability showing their ~  8.  a. spin imparted to a thrown or hit ball to make it curve or change course  b. the movement of a baseball pitch out of its apparent line of flight ; the liveliness of a pitch greatest pitcher of my time…had tremendous ~ — Ted Williams  9. dunk shot  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to fill by packing things in ; cram the boy ~ed his pockets with candy  b. to fill to satiety ; surfeit ~ed themselves with turkey  c. to prepare (meat or vegetables) by filling or lining with a ~ing  d. to fill (as a cushion) with a soft material  e. to fill out the skin of (an animal) for mounting  2.  a. to fill by intellectual effort ~ing their heads with facts  b. to pack full of something immaterial a book ~ed with...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 the material that a thing is made of; material that may be used for some purpose. 2 a substance or things or belongings of an indeterminate kind or a quality not needing to be specified (there's a lot of stuff about it in the newspapers). 3 a particular knowledge or activity (know one's stuff). 4 woollen fabric (esp. as distinct from silk, cotton, and linen). 5 valueless matter, trash, refuse, nonsense (take that stuff away). 6 (prec. by the) a colloq. an available supply of something, esp. drink or drugs. b sl. money. --v. 1 tr. pack (a receptacle) tightly (stuff a cushion with feathers; a head stuffed with weird notions). 2 tr. (foll. by in, into) force or cram (a thing) (stuffed the socks in the drawer). 3 tr. fill out the skin of (an animal or bird etc.) with material to restore the original shape (a stuffed owl). 4 tr. fill (poultry etc.) with a savoury or sweet mixture, esp. before cooking. 5 a tr. & refl. fill (a person or oneself) with food. b tr. & intr. eat greedily. 6 tr. push, esp. hastily or clumsily (stuffed the note behind the cushion). 7 tr. (usu. in passive; foll. by up) block up (a person's nose etc.). 8 tr. sl. (esp. as an expression of contemptuous dismissal) dispose of as unwanted (you can stuff the job). 9 tr. US place bogus votes in (a ballot-box). 10 tr. coarse sl. offens. have sexual intercourse with (a woman). Phrases and idioms bit of stuff sl. offens. a woman regarded as an object of sexual desire. do one's stuff colloq. do what one has to. get stuffed sl. an exclamation of dismissal, contempt, etc. stuff and nonsense an exclamation of incredulity or ridicule. stuffed shirt colloq. a pompous person. stuff gown Brit. a gown worn by a barrister who has not taken silk. stuff it sl. an expression of rejection or disdain. that's the stuff colloq. that is what is wanted. Derivatives stuffer n. (also in comb.). Etymology: ME stoffe f. OF estoffe (n.), estoffer (v.) equip, furnish f. Gk stupho draw together ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) материал; вещество 2) сырьё; полуфабрикат 3) пиломатериалы 4) бумажная масса 5) согласовывать скорость передачи (путём вставки в информационный поток добавочных битов или символов) 6) вставлять, подставлять (добавочные биты или символы для согласования скорости передачи информации) 7) устанавливать [монтировать] компоненты (на плате) 8) наполнитель; пищ. тж набивочный материал наполнять; пищ. тж набивать 9) шприцевать (колбасные изделия) 10) фаршировать - bottom stuff - coarse stuff - fine stuff - gaged stuff - setting stuff ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  вещество; материал coarse stuff ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  согласовывать скорость передачи данных ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вещество 2) масса 3) материал 4) набивать 5) наполнить 6) наполнять feeding stuff cuber — гранулятор кормов ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) вещество 2) материал 3) материя 4) продукт 5) вещи, имущество - feeding stuffs - money stuff ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  материал; вещество – fatigue stuff – food stuff ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. материал; вещество raw stuff —- сырье carpenter's stuff —- лесоматериалы thick stuff —- брусья the stuff for paper-making —- бумажная масса stuff for an article —- материал для статьи what stuff is this made of? —- из чего это сделано? 2. собир. съедобное green (garden) stuff —- овощи sweet stuff —- сласти 3. человеческий материал; природные задатки stuff of greatness —- задатки будущего величия stuff of manhood —- признаки возмужания he is not the stuff of which heroes are made —- он не из тех, из кого выходят герои he is made of sterner stuff than she —- у него более решительный характер, чем у нее he is a man with plenty of good stuff in him —- он обладает множеством достоинств 4. вещь, штука what is this stuff? —- что это такое? this book is good stuff —- это хорошая книга they tried to sell me some stuff I don't need —- они пытались навязать мне какие-то товары, которые мне совершенно не нужны 5. вещи, имущество put your stuff in the bag —- положите свои вещи в сумку get out my fishing stuff and kitbag —- достань мои рыболовные принадлежности и вещевой мешок 6. разг. лекарство; микстура (также medical stuff, doctor's stuff) you take too much doctor's stuff —- вы слишком увлекаетесь лекарствами; вы принимаете слишком много лекарств he rubbed some stuff on the burn —- он помазал ожог какой-то мазью 7. материя, ткань, особ. шерстяная 8. дрянь, чепуха, ерунда, хлам what stuff! —- что...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) материал; вещество; to collect the stuff for a book - собирать материал для книги; green/garden stuff - овощи; he is made of sterner stuff than his father - у него более решительный характер, чем у его отца; a man with plenty of good stuff in him - человек больших достоинств; this book is poor stuff - это никчемная книжонка  2) вещи, имущество  3) coll. лекарство (тж. doctors stuff)  4) дрянь, хлам, чепуха; stuff and nonsense! - вздор!; do you call this stuff butter? - неужели вы называете эту дрянь маслом?  5) obs. материя (особ. шерстяная)  6) tech. набивка, наполнитель  7) sl. обращение, поведение; this is the sort of stuff to give them - только так и надо поступать с ними; они не заслуживают лучшего обращения small stuff - мелочи жизни, пустяки  2. v.  1) набивать, заполнять; начинять, фаршировать (into); I simply cant stuff any more clothes into this case.  2) набивать чучело животного или птицы  3) набивать, переполнять also fig. ; to stuff ones head with silly ideas - забивать себе голову глупыми идеями  4) втискивать, засовывать; to stuff ones clothes into a suitcase - запихивать вещи в чемодан  5) затыкать (тж. stuff up); he stuffed his fingers into his ears - он заткнул уши пальцами; my nose is stuffed up - у меня нос заложен  6) объедаться; жадно есть  7) закармливать, кормить на убой; to stuff a child with sweets - пичкать ребенка сладостями  8) пломбировать зуб  9)...
Англо-русский словарь
  adult abbr. Stupid Things Under Full Fluctuation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: KNOW ONE'S WAY AROUND(2). ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 14c., "quilted material worn under chain mail," from O.Fr. estoffe "quilted material, furniture, provisions," from estoffer "to equip or stock," probably from O.H.G. stopfon "to plug, stuff," or from a related Frankish word (see stop). Sense extended to material for working with in various trades, then (1580) "matter of an unspecified kind." The verb meaning "to cram full" is from 1440; the ballot-box sense is from 1854, Amer.Eng.; in expressions of contempt and suggestive of bodily orifices, it dates from 1952. Stuffing "seasoned mixture used to stuff fowls before cooking" is from 1538; stuffy "poorly ventilated" is from 1831; sense of "pompous, smug" is from 1895. Stuffed shirt "pompous person" is from 1913. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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