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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - sort


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~1 n 1 »TYPE« especially BrE a group or class of people, things etc that have similar qualities or features; type + of  (What sort of shampoo do you use?) all sorts of (=a lot of different types of things)  (soup flavoured with all sorts of herbs | of this/that sort)  (On expeditions of this sort you have to be prepared for trouble. | of some sort/some sort of (=of an unknown type))  (Her pupils were dilated as if she was on some sort of drug. | of one sort or another (=of various sorts))  (Violence of one sort or another is a fact of life in modern cities.)  (- see kind1) 2 a sort of especially BrE used when describing someone or something in a not very exact way  (The walls are a sort of greeny-blue colour.) 3 of sorts/of a sort used when something is of a particular type but is not a very good example of it  (I taught myself to type and got a job of sorts.) 4 »PERSON« BrE someone who has a particular type of character, and is therefore likely to behave in a particular way  (Iain's never even looked at another woman. He's not the sort. | a good/bad sort old-fashioned)  (Jane's not a bad sort, she's just a bit careless.) 5 out of sorts feeling a little ill or upset  (Louise went back to work feeling rather out of sorts after their row.) 6 »COMPUTER« if a computer does a sort, it puts things in a particular order  (- compare kind1) 7 sort of a) used to say that something is partly true but does not describe the exact situation  (I sort of like him, but I don't know why. | "Were you disappointed?" "Well, yes, sort of. But it didn't matter really.") b) especially BrE used when you are not sure you are using the best word to describe something  (Then they started sort of chanting, you know, like singing and shouting at the same time.) c) sort of price/time/speed etc especially BrE a price etc that is within a certain range  (What sort of time were you thinking of starting? | That's the sort of price I was looking for.) 8 sort of thing especially BrE used when you are not giving an exact description or list of something  (Just keep away from drink, drugs, that sort of thing. | We could just stay here and pass the time, sort of thing.) 9 sort of like especially BrE used when you are trying to describe something but cannot think of the exact words  (It was sort of like really strange and mysterious, walking round this empty building.) 10 all sorts especially BrE a lot of different types of things  (They play pop, rock, jazz, soul, all sorts in there.) + of  (I like all sorts of food, I'm not fussy.) 11 it takes all sorts (to make a world) BrE used to say that you think someone is behaving in a strange or crazy way  (He goes climbing up cliffs without ropes or anything? Oh well, it takes all sorts.) 12 what sort of...? especially BrE used when you are angry about what someone has said or done  (What sort of time do you call this to come in?) 13 nothing of the sort especially BrE used to say angrily that something is not true or that someone should not do something  ("I'm going to watch T.V" "You'll do nothing of the sort.") ~2 v 1 to put things in a particular order or arrange them in groups according to size, rank, type etc  (The eggs are sorted according to size. | sort sth into)  (The teacher sorted the children into teams.) 2 be sorted BrE spoken if something such as a problem is sorted, you have dealt with it in a satisfactory way  (get sth sorted (=repaired))  (We need to get the washing machine sorted. | get yourself sorted (=deal with all your problems)) sort sb/sth out phr v 1 to organize something that is mixed up or untidy  (I must sort out my clothes for tomorrow.) 2 to separate something from a group  (I've sorted out the papers that can be thrown away.) 3 sort itself out if something sorts itself out, it stops being a problem without you having to do anything  (Our financial problems should sort themselves out in a week or two.) 4 especially BrE to deal with problems  (There's been a mistake. I'll try to sort things out and call you back. | get sth sorted out)  (I want to get everything sorted out before we leave. | sort yourself out (=deal with all your problems and difficulties))  (I'm staying with a friend until I manage to sort myself out.) 5 BrE to make someone stop doing something annoying or unpleasant, especially by punishing them  (If he bothers you again I'll soon sort him out.) sort through sth phr v to look for something among a lot of similar things, especially when you arrange these things into an order  (Vicky swiftly sorted through a pile of papers.)
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  (sorts, sorting, sorted) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you talk about a particular sort of something, you are talking about a class of things that have particular features in common and that belong to a larger group of related things. What sort of school did you go to?... There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days... He had a nice, serious sort of smile... That’s just the sort of abuse that he will be investigating... Eddie was playing a game of some sort... = type, kind N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 2. You describe someone as a particular sort when you are describing their character. He seemed to be just the right sort for the job... She was a very vigorous sort of person... What sort of men were they? = type, kind N-SING: with supp 3. If you sort things, you separate them into different classes, groups, or places, for example so that you can do different things with them. The students are sorted into three ability groups... He unlatched the box and sorted through the papers... I sorted the laundry. VERB: be V-ed into n, V through n, V n 4. If you get a problem or the details of something sorted, you do what is necessary to solve the problem or organize the details. (INFORMAL) I’m trying to get my script sorted... = sort out VERB: usu passive, get n V-ed 5. All sorts of things or people means a large number of different things or people. There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins... Self-help groups of all sorts have been running for more than 20 years. PHRASE 6. If you describe something as a thing of sorts or as a thing of a sort, you are suggesting that the thing is of a rather poor quality or standard. He made a living of sorts selling pancakes from a van... PHRASE: n PHR 7. You use sort of when you want to say that your description of something is not very accurate. (INFORMAL) You could even order windows from a catalogue–a sort of mail order...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, fate, lot, characteristic, from Latin ~-, sors lot, share, category — more at series  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a group set up on the basis of any characteristic in common ; class, kind  b. one approximating the character or qualities of another a ~ of latter-day Abe Lincoln  c. person, individual he's not a bad ~  2. archaic group, company  3.  a. archaic method or manner of acting ; way, manner  b. character, nature people of an evil ~  4.  a. a letter or character that is one element of a font  b. a character or piece of type that is not part of a regular font  5. an instance of ~ing a numeric ~ of a data file  Synonyms: see type  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to put in a certain place or rank according to kind, class, or nature ~ apples ~ mail  b. to arrange according to characteristics ; classify — usually used with out ~ out colors  2. chiefly Scottish to put to rights ; put in order  3.  a. to examine in order to clarify — used with out ~ing out his problems  b. to free of confusion ; clarify — used with out waited until things ~ed themselves out  intransitive verb  1. to join or associate with others especially of the same kind ~ with thieves  2. agree, harmonize his benign view ~s badly with reality — Henry Trewhitt  3. search ~ through some old papers  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a group of things etc. with common attributes; a class or kind. 2 (foll. by of) roughly of the kind specified (is some sort of doctor). 3 colloq. a person of a specified character or kind (a good sort). 4 Printing a letter or piece in a fount of type. 5 Computing the arrangement of data in a prescribed sequence. 6 archaic a manner or way. --v.tr. (often foll. by out, over) arrange systematically or according to type, class, etc. Phrases and idioms after a sort after a fashion. in some sort to a certain extent. of a sort (or of sorts) colloq. not fully deserving the name (a holiday of sorts). out of sorts 1 slightly unwell. 2 in low spirits; irritable. sort of colloq. as it were; to some extent (I sort of expected it). sort out 1 separate into sorts. 2 select (things of one or more sorts) from a miscellaneous group. 3 disentangle or put into order. 4 resolve (a problem or difficulty). 5 colloq. deal with or reprimand (a person). Derivatives sortable adj. sorter n. sorting n. Etymology: ME f. OF sorte ult. f. L sors sortis lot, condition ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) сорт; класс; вид; разновидность сортировать; классифицировать 2) сортировка; классификация; вчт. тж упорядочение 3) вчт. программа сортировки, сортировщик 4) выделять, отделять, селектировать 5) мн. ч. специальные наборные знаки to sort out — отбраковывать; отфильтровывать - ascending sort - block sort - bubble sort - collate sort - descending sort - external sort - internal sort - manual sort - merge sort - multipass sort - program sort - property sort - random-access sort - tag sort - tree-structure sort - tree sort ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) вид 2) классифицировать 3) марка 4) насортировать 5) насортировывать 6) неполномерный 7) разделить 8) разделять 9) разряд 10) род 11) сорт 12) сортировать - sort instruction - sort out - sort the scrap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) род, сорт, вид, класс, тип 2) качество - sorts of goods 2. гл. сортировать, разбирать SORT сущ. 1) общ. род, сорт, вид, класс, тип, разновидность 2) общ. сорт, качество 3) сортировка а)комп. (обработка компьютерных файлов с целью организации их в нужном порядке) б) рекл. (в прямой почтовой рекламе- процесс группировки почты по пунктам назначения перед ее отправкой или документов для дальнейшего распределения или обработки) 4) с.-х. сортированная шерсть (одинакового качества из различных рун) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  сортировать, классифицировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. вид, род; сорт, разновидность; разряд, тип, класс all sorts of things, things of all sorts —- всевозможные вещи something of the sort —- что-то в этом роде nothing of the sort —- ничего подобного biscuits of several sorts —- печенье нескольких сортов all sorts of calumnies —- всевозможные клеветнические измышления cranks of one sort or another —- разного рода психопаты crimes of whatever sort —- преступления любого вида there is no sort of reason for this —- для этого нет ровно никаких оснований 2. тип человека a good sort —- славный малый he's not a bad sort —- он человек неплохой what sort of a man is he? —- что он за человек? he is not my sort —- он не в моем духе 3. характер, натура (человека) people of an evil sort —- порочные люди 4. способ, образ, манера in some sort, after a sort —- некоторым образом; в некотором роде; кое-как he gave us a translation after a sort —- он кое-как перевел сказанное 5. полигр. литеры (гарнитуры) 6. комп. сортировка данных quick sort —- быстрая сортировка sort utility —- программа сортировки Id: of a sort, of sorts —- посредственный, так себе; кое-какой Id: a tennis player of sorts —- он немного играет в теннис; теннисист он неважный Id: let's consult him, he is a doctor of sorts —- посоветуемся с ним, он что-то вроде врача Id: he's a poet of sorts —- он считается поэтом Id: a sort of —- нечто вроде; почти Id: he is a sort of a hero —- не него смотрят...
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  physiol. abbr. Stabilization, Observation, Referral, And Treatment mil. abbr. Staff Organizations Round Table univ. abbr. Student Online Readiness Tool db. abbr. Strength Of Recommendation Taxonomy educ. abbr. Slosson Oral Reading Test law abbr. Save Our Resources Today gen. bus. abbr. Scientific Ordering Of Risk Tolerance ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: OF SORTS, IN A WAY also IN A SORT OF WAY. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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