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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - something


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pronoun (not usually in questions or negatives) 1 used to mean a particular thing when you do not know its name, do not know exactly what it is etc  (There's something in my eye. | Sarah said something about coming over later. | something new/old etc)  (It's a good little car but I'm looking for something faster. | something else (=something different))  (The house was too small so they decided to look for something else.) 2 there is something about used to say that a person, situation etc has a quality or feature that you recognize but you cannot say exactly what it is  (There's something about America that I find really exciting. | there is something unusual/strange etc about)  (There was always something a little sad about her.) 3 do something to do something in order to deal with a problem or difficult situation  (Don't just stand there - do something! | do something about sth)  (Can't you do something about that smell!) 4 it's (quite/really) something used to say that something should be admired because it is impressive  (Running your own company at age 21 is really something!) 5 something like 100/two thousand etc aproximately 100, two thousand etc  (Something like 80% of the population has no running water.) 6 something of a used like `rather' to emphasize the effect of something, the seriousness of something etc  (He has made something of a name for himself in the world of tennis.) 7 be something of a gardener/an expert etc to know a lot about something or to be very good at something  (Charlie's always been something of an expert on architecture.) 8 have something of to have a few of the same features or qualities that someone else has  (It was clear that Jenkins had inherited something of his father's brilliance.) 9 there's something in used to admit that someone's words are true or their ideas are successful etc  (They had to concede that there was something in his teaching methods.) 10 have/be something to do with to be connected with or related to a particular person or thing, but you are not sure in what way  (I don't know much about his work, but I know it's something to do with animals.) 11 thirty-something/forty-something etc especially humorous used to say that someone is aged between 30 and 39, between 40 and 49 etc when you do not know exactly 12 a little something a small or cheap gift  (I got you a little something from my holiday.) 13 or something used when you cannot remember or do not want to give another example of something you are mentioning  (Here's some money. Get yourself a sandwich or something. | Her name was Judith, or Julie or something.) 14 something like that used when you cannot remember or do not want to say something exactly  (She works in sales or promotion, something like that.) 15 there's something wrong with used to say that something is not working properly  (There's something wrong with my car so I had to get the bus.) 16 something to eat/drink some food or a drink  (Would you like something to drink? | We had something to eat after the show.) 17 something to do an activity or task  (If you're looking for something to do, why not clean up the kitchen?) 18 sixty something/John something etc used when you cannot remember the rest of a number or name  (It cost over a hundred pounds. A hundred and twenty something it was.) 19 that's something used to say that there is one thing that you should be glad about  (At least we have some money left. That's something, isn't it?)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use something to refer to a thing, situation, event, or idea, without saying exactly what it is. He realized right away that there was something wrong... There was something vaguely familiar about him... The garden was something special... ‘You said there was something you wanted to ask me,’ he said politely... There was something in her attitude that bothered him... PRON: oft PRON adj, PRON adj about n 2. You can use something to say that the description or amount that you are giving is not exact. Clive made a noise, something like a grunt... There was something around a thousand dollars in the office strong box... Their membership seems to have risen to something over 10,000. PRON: PRON prep 3. If you say that a person or thing is something or is really something, you mean that you are very impressed by them. (INFORMAL) The doors here are really something, all made of good wood like mahogany... PRON 4. You can use something in expressions like ‘that’s something’ when you think that a situation is not very good but is better that it might have been. Well, at least he was in town. That was something... PRON 5. If you say that a thing is something of a disappointment, you mean that it is quite disappointing. If you say that a person is something of an artist, you mean that they are quite good at art. The city proved to be something of a disappointment... She received something of a surprise when Robert said that he was coming to New York... PRON: PRON of n 6. If you say that there is something in an idea or suggestion, you mean that it is quite good and should be considered seriously. Christianity has stood the test of time, so there must be something in it... Could there be something in what he said? PRON: PRON in n 7. You use something in expressions such as ‘or something’ and ‘or something like that’ to indicate that you are referring to something similar to what you have just...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. pronoun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. some indeterminate or unspecified thing  b. some indeterminate amount more than a specified number — used in combination twenty-~ years old a group of fifty-~s  2. a person or thing of consequence  3. one having more or less the character, qualities, or nature of ~ different is ~ of a bore  II. adverb  Date: 13th century  1. in some degree ; somewhat  2. — used as an intensive giving adverbial force to an adjective swears ~ awful ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., pron., & adv. --n. & pron. 1 a some unspecified or unknown thing (have something to tell you; something has happened). b (in full something or other) as a substitute for an unknown or forgotten description (a student of something or other). 2 a known or understood but unexpressed quantity, quality, or extent (there is something about it I do not like; is something of a fool). 3 colloq. an important or notable person or thing (the party was quite something). --adv. archaic in some degree. Phrases and idioms or something or some unspecified alternative possibility (must have run away or something). see something of encounter (a person) briefly or occasionally. something else 1 something different. 2 colloq. something exceptional. something like 1 an amount in the region of (left something like a million pounds). 2 somewhat like (shaped something like a cigar). 3 colloq. impressive; a fine specimen of. something of to some extent; in some sense (is something of an expert). Etymology: OE sum thing (as SOME, THING) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  кое-что, нечто leaving something unsaid — недомолвка - something like SOMETHING LIKE матем. приблизительно, около ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. какая-либо должность, какое-либо положение (где-либо) he is something in the Record Office —- он занимает какую-то должность в архиве these gentlemen are something in the City, but no one knows what —- эти джентльмены что-то делают в Сити, но никто не знает, что именно 2. важная персона, "шишка" he thinks himself something —- он о себе высокого мнения; он считает себя весьма важной персоной you think you are something? —- уж не считаешь ли ты себя важной персоной? 3. имярек Professor S. Appleby —- профессор Эпплби, не помню его имени S. Smith —- Смит, как там его зовут?, какой-то Смит 4. эвф. проклятый, чертов, такой-сякой (в грам. знач. прил.) the something horse (weather)! —- чертова лошадь (погода)! Id: to be up to something —- замышлять что-либо недоброе Id: something on the ball —- сл. способности, достоинства; умение соображать; винтики работают Id: something on the hip —- сл. виски во фляге; карманная фляга 5. примерно, приблизительно, около he is something under forty —- ему приблизительно под сорок we were something over a hundred —- нас было приблизительно сто (несколько больше ста) человек it is something between twenty and thirty —- это что-то между двадцатью и тридцатью it is something like two o'clock —- сейчас что-нибудь около двух (часов) he left something like a million —- он оставил что-то около миллиона he is something like what his father was at...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  chronic нечто ужасное SOMETHING  1. pron.; indef.; as noun что-то, кое-что, нечто, что-нибудь; something else - что-нибудь другое; to be up to something - замышлять что-то недоброе; he is something in the Record Office - он занимает какую-то должность в Архиве; he is something of a painter - он до некоторой степени художник; I felt there was a little something wanting - я чувствовал, что чего-то не хватает; it is something to be safe home again - приятно вернуться домой целым и невредимым; there is something about it in the papers - об этом упоминается в газетах; there is something in what you say - в ваших словах есть доля правды; the train gets in at two something - поезд прибывает в два с чем-то to think oneself something, to think something of oneself - быть высокого мнения о себе  2. pron.; indef.; coll.; as adv.  1) до некоторой степени, несколько, немного; something like - немного похожий; something too much of this - слишком много этого  2) приблизительно; it must be something like six oclock - должно быть около шести часов  3) великолепно; thats something like a hit! - вот это удар! SOMETHING short спиртное ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом


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