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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - sign


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~1 n 1 »STH THAT PROVES STH« an event, fact etc that shows that something is happening or that something is true; indication  (sign of)  (The tests can detect early signs of disease. | sign that)  (Exports have risen by 20%, a sign that the economy is improving. | a sure sign (=clear proof))  (You know Eric, if he won't eat, it's a sure sign that he's in love again! | telltale sign (=a sign that is easy to recognize, usually of something bad))  (telltale signs of drug abuse. | show signs of)  (For the first time she was beginning to show signs of her age. | every sign of (=clear signs of))  (They showed every sign of being willing to cooperate.) 2 there's no sign of a) if there is no sign of something, you cannot see anything which shows that it exists or has happened  (The police looked all around the house, but there was no sign of a struggle.) b) if there is no sign of someone, you cannot see them anywhere, or they have not arrived when you expected them to  (Jerry kept looking out of the window, but there was still no sign of her.) 3 »MOVEMENT OR SOUND« a movement, sound etc that you make in order to tell someone to do something or give them information; gesture1 (1)  (give/make a sign)  (Nobody move until I give the sign.) + tha  (Bruce made a sign that he was ready to leave.) sign for sb to do sth  (Three short blasts on the whistle was the sign for us to begin.) 4 »GIVES INFORMATION« a piece of paper, metal etc in a public place, with words or drawings on it that give people information, warn them not to do something etc  (road signs | a no smoking sign) 5 »PICTURE/SYMBOL« a picture, shape etc that has a particular meaning; symbol  (For some reason the computer can't display the dollar sign.) 6 »STAR SIGN« (countable also) also star sign a group of stars, representing one of 12 parts of the year, that some people believe influences your behaviour and your life  (I'm a Scorpio - what sign are you?) 7 »LANGUAGE« a language that uses hand movements instead of spoken words, used by people who cannot hear; sign language 8 sign of life a movement that shows that someone is alive, or something that shows that there are people in a particular place  (We entered the building with caution but strangely there was no sign of life.) 9 sign of the times something that shows how bad society has become  (So many houses have burglar alarms nowadays. It's a sign of the times I suppose.) 10 the sign of the Cross the hand movement that some Christians make in the shape of a cross, to show respect for God or to protect themselves from evil ~2 v 1 to write your signature on a letter or document to show that you wrote it, agree with it  (Sign here please. | sign sth)  (You forgot to sign the check! | Over a hundred people have signed the petition. | a signed photo of Paul McCartney | sign your name)  (The artist had signed his name in the corner of the painting.) 2 sign an agreement/treaty etc to show formally that you agree to do something, by signing a legal document  (Both presidents signed the treaty as part of the new peace plan. | sign sth with sb)  (France has just signed a new trade deal with Japan.) 3 if an organization such as a football team or music company signs someone, that person signs a contract agreeing to work for it  (CBS Records had signed her back in 1988 on a three-album contract.) 4 to try to tell someone something or ask them to do something by using signs and movements  (sign to sb to do sth)  (He was desperately signing to me to not mention anything about Jack. | sign for sb to do sth)  (She signed for us to go inside.) 5 all signed and sealed with all the necessary legal documents agreed and signed  (It'll all be signed and sealed by Friday, you can move in then.) 6 to use sign language  (The whole performance was signed (=translated into sign language) by a local interpreter.) - signer n sign sth away phr v to sign a document that gives your property or legal right to someone else  (She had signed away all claims to the house.) sign for sth phr v 1 to sign a document to prove that you have received something  (This is a registered letter, someone will have to sign for it.) 2 sign for Liverpool/Arsenal etc BrE to sign a contract agreeing to play for a particular football team sign in phr v 1 to write your name on a form, in a book etc when you enter a place such as a hotel, office or club  (Remember to sign in at reception.) 2 T sign someone in) to write someone else's name in a book so that they are allowed to enter a club that you are a member of sign off phr v 1 informal to end a radio or television programme by saying goodbye 2 to finish an informal letter by writing your name at the end of it  (It's getting late so I'll sign off now. Love, John.) sign on phr v 1 to sign a document agreeing to work for someone, especially as a soldier, sailor etc, or to persuade someone to do this  (He signed on as a soldier in the US army. | sign sb on)  (I went to the local recruiting office and was signed on for three years.) 2 BrE to state officially that you are unemployed by signing a form, so that you can get money from the government sign out phr v 1 to write your name in a book when you leave a place such as a hotel, office or club 2 T sign something out) to write your name on a form or in a book to show that you have taken or borrowed something  (Bernstein signed out a company car and drove to the meeting.) sign sth over phr v to sign an official document that gives your property or rights to someone else  (When he became ill, he signed his property in France over to his son.) sign up phr v 1 T usually passive if someone is signed up by an organization, they sign a contract agreeing to work for that organization  (Several well-established researchers have been signed up for the project.) 2 to arrange to take part in a course of study + for  (I'm thinking of signing up for the philosophy course this term.) sign up to do sth  (Over half the people who signed up to do engineering were women.) sign with sth phr v 1 AmE to sign a contract agreeing to play for a particular sports team 2 to sign a contract agreeing that a particular company has the right to record and sell your music
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  (signs, signing, signed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A sign is a mark or shape that always has a particular meaning, for example in mathematics or music. Equations are generally written with a two-bar equals sign. N-COUNT 2. A sign is a movement of your arms, hands, or head which is intended to have a particular meaning. They gave Lavalle the thumbs-up sign... The priest made the sign of the cross over him. N-COUNT 3. If you sign, you communicate with someone using sign language. If a programme or performance is signed, someone uses sign language so that deaf people can understand it. All programmes will be either ‘signed’ or subtitled... VERB: be V-ed, also V, V n 4. A sign is a piece of wood, metal, or plastic with words or pictures on it. Signs give you information about something, or give you a warning or an instruction. ...a sign saying that the highway was closed because of snow. N-COUNT 5. If there is a sign of something, there is something which shows that it exists or is happening. They are prepared to hand back a hundred prisoners of war a day as a sign of good will... Your blood would have been checked for any sign of kidney failure. N-VAR: usu with supp, oft N of n 6. When you sign a document, you write your name on it, usually at the end or in a special space. You do this to indicate that you have written the document, that you agree with what is written, or that you were present as a witness. World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection... VERB: V n 7. If an organization signs someone or if someone signs for an organization, they sign a contract agreeing to work for that organization for a specified period of time. The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys... The band then signed to Slash Records. VERB: V n, V to/for n 8. In astrology, a sign or a sign of the zodiac is one of the twelve areas into which the heavens are divided. The New Moon...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~um mark, token, ~, image, seal; perhaps akin to Latin secare to cut — more at saw  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a motion or gesture by which a thought is expressed or a command or wish made known  b. ~al 2a  c. a fundamental linguistic unit that de~ates an object or relation or has a purely syntactic function ~s include words, morphemes, and punctuation  d. one of a set of gestures used to represent language; also ~ language  2. a mark having a conventional meaning and used in place of words or to represent a complex notion  3. one of the 12 divisions of the zodiac  4.  a.  (1) a character (as a flat or sharp) used in musical notation  (2) segno  b. a character (as ?) indicating a mathematical operation; also one of two characters + and - that form part of the symbol of a number and characterize it as positive or negative  5.  a. a display (as a lettered board or a configuration of neon tubing) used to identify or advertise a place of business or a product  b. a posted command, warning, or direction  c. ~board  6.  a. something material or external that stands for or ~ifies something spiritual  b. something indicating the presence or existence of something else ~s of success a ~ of the times  c. presage, portent ~s of an early spring  d. an objective evidence of plant or animal disease  7. plural usually ~ traces of a usually wild animal red fox ~ Synonyms:  ~, mark, token, note, symptom mean a discernible indication of what is not itself directly perceptible. ~ applies to any indication to be perceived by the senses or the reason encouraging ~s for the economy. mark suggests something impressed on or inherently characteristic of a thing often in contrast to general outward appearance a mark of a good upbringing. token applies to something that serves as a proof of something intangible this gift is a token of our esteem. note suggests a distinguishing mark or characteristic a note of irony in her writing. symptom...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a thing indicating or suggesting a quality or state etc.; a thing perceived as indicating a future state or occurrence (violence is a sign of weakness; shows all the signs of decay). b a miracle evidencing supernatural power; a portent (did signs and wonders). 2 a a mark, symbol, or device used to represent something or to distinguish the thing on which it is put (marked the jar with a sign). b a technical symbol used in algebra, music, etc. (a minus sign; a repeat sign). 3 a gesture or action used to convey information, an order, request, etc. (gave him a sign to leave; conversed by signs). 4 a publicly displayed board etc. giving information; a signboard or signpost. 5 any objective evidence of a disease, usu. specified (Babinski's sign). 6 a password (advanced and gave the sign). 7 any of the twelve divisions of the zodiac, named from the constellations formerly situated in them (the sign of Cancer). 8 US the trail of a wild animal. 9 Math. etc. the positiveness or negativeness of a quantity. --v. 1 tr. a (also absol.) write (one's name, initials, etc.) on a document etc. indicating that one has authorized it. b write one's name etc. on (a document) as authorization. 2 intr. & tr. communicate by gesture (signed to me to come; signed their assent). 3 tr. & intr. engage or be engaged by signing a contract etc. (see also sign on, sign up). 4 tr. mark with a sign (esp. with the sign of the cross in baptism). Phrases and idioms make no sign seem unconscious; not protest. sign and countersign secret words etc. used as passwords. sign away convey (one's right, property, etc.) by signing a deed etc. sign for acknowledge receipt of by signing. sign language a system of communication by visual gestures, used esp. by the deaf. sign of the cross a Christian sign made in blessing or prayer, by tracing a cross from the forehead to the chest and to each shoulder, or in the air. sign off 1 end work, broadcasting, a letter, etc., esp. by writing or speaking one's name. 2 a end a period of employment, contract, etc. b end the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  (предупредительный) знак; признак caution sign danger sign exit sign overhead sign roadway sign traffic sign variable message sign ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) символ 2) знак (напр. полярности) 3) признак 4) обозначение – call sign – indefinite-call sign – international-call sign – number sign – radio call sign – voice call sign – voltage sign – warning sign ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вывеска 2) знак 3) знаковый 4) знамение 5) марка 6) обозначение 7) отмечать 8) подписывать 9) признак 10) символ 11) след 12) ставить знак absolute value sign — матем. модуль circular integral sign — знак интеграла, взятого по замкнутому контуру dollar sign symbol — обозначение доллара greater than sign — знак "больше" greater than-equal sign — знак "равно или больше" less than sign — знак "меньше" less than-equal sign — знак "равно или меньше" mathematical sign case — наборная математическая касса much greater sign — знак "много больше" much less sign — знак "много меньше" post road sign — выставлять дорожный указатель of constant signs — матем. знакопостоянный of fixed sign — знакоопределённый principal implication sign — главный знак импликации relativized equality sign — релятивизированный знак равенства reverse implication sign — знак обратной импликации sign regular kernel — знакорегулярное ядро sign reversal of a number — изменение знака числа term under integral sign — подынтегральное выражение under the integral sign — подынтегральный under the radical sign — подкоренной up to a sign — с точностью до знака variable unrestricted in sign — переменная, не ограниченная в знаке weighted sign test — взвешенный знаковый критерий without sign reversal — матем. однознаковый - adhesion sign - algebraic sign - alpha-numerical sign - approximation sign - assertion sign - auxiliary sign - because sign - change of sign...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) знак, символ 2) признак 3) симптом 4) примета 5) сигнал • - authorized to sign - be authorized to sign Syn: symbol, mark 2. гл. 1) подписывать 2) отмечать, помечать - sign 'per pro' - sign away - sign in blank - sign off - sign on - sign on behalf of someone Syn: register SIGN 1) (условный) знак; обозначение, символ 2) указатель, вывеска 3) подпись; подписывать 4) подавать знак 5) отмечать – to sign an application by proxy – to sign the firm's name – arbitrary sign – conventional sign – dash sign – distinctive sign – identifying sign – monetary sign – outward sign – shop sign – special signs – yang sign – yin sign ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) (условный) знак; символ 2) признак, симптом 3) регуляторная последовательность; сигнальная последовательность (в макромолекуле) 4) след (зверя) – auditory sign – recognition sign – stop sign – visual sign ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. признак, примета; свидетельство a dark cloud is a sign of rain —- темное облако - признак дождя tears are a sign of weakness —- слезы - свидетельство слабости the weather shows no signs of improving —- погода не дает надежды на улучшение signs intimate that... —- есть признаки того, что... her face bore signs of many years' suffering —- ее лицо носило следы многолетних страданий 2. мед. симптом 3. знак, обозначение in sign of smth. —- в знак чего-либо a sign of the cross —- крестное знамение to make a sign of the cross —- перекреститься they removed their hats in sign of respect —- в знак уважения они обнажили головы 4. условный знак, значок; символ the signs used in arithmetic are +,-,sign,: —- в арифметике используются знаки +,-,sign,: 5. эмблема, символ 6. пароль sign and countersign —- пароль и отзыв 7. жест, знак deaf-and-dumb signs —- азбука глухонемых to speak in signs —- объясняться жестами to make no sign —- не подавать признаков жизни; не возражать 8. сигнал to give a sign —- подать сигнал the high sign —- тайный сигнал; знак, поданный незаметно для посторонних (жестом, подмигиванием) he gave his wife the high sign that he wanted to leave the party —- он подал знак жене - пора собираться домой 9. возв. знамение, предзнаменование signs of the times —- знамение времени to interpret aright the signs of the time —- правильно истолковать веления времени 10. астр. знак зодиака...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) знак; символ; to give a sign - сделать знак; sign and countersign - пароль и отзыв; sign manual - собственноручная подпись (монарха)  2) признак, примета; to make no sign -  а) не подавать признаков жизни;  б) не протестовать  3) знамение, предзнаменование; the signs of the times - знамение времени  4) вывеска (тж. signboard)  5) med. симптом  6) след Syn: see symbol  2. v.  1) подписывать(ся)  2) выражать жестом; подавать знак (to)  3) отмечать; ставить знак - sign away - sign for - sign off - sign on - sign out - sign over - sign up SIGN away передавать (право, собственность); отказываться в чью-л. пользу The British government is not about to sign away its control of the island. SIGN for расписаться за (что-л.) Would you please sign for this parcel? SIGN language noun  1) ling. кинетическая речь  2) объяснение с помощью жестов SIGN off  а) radio, tv подавать знак окончания передачи; Its time to sign off for the day; listen to us again tomorrow.  б) coll. перестать разговаривать, замолчать I hope this speaker signs off soon, Im tired of the sound of his voice.  в) выйти из игры; отмежеваться (от кого-л., чего-л.) After ten years, I at last decided to sign off and go into business by myself. SIGN on  а) подписать контракт (с фирмой, армией и т.п.), наниматься на работу If you join the army you have to sign on for at least three years.  б) нанимать на работу We have been lucky to sign on so many experienced workers.  в) radio, tv подавать знак начала...
Англо-русский словарь
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