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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - sentence


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~1 n 1 a group of words that usually contains a subject and a v, expresses a complete idea or asks a question, and that, when written in English, begins with a capital letter and ends with a full­stop1 (1) 2 a punishment that a judge gives to someone who has been declared guilty of a crime  (a six year prison sentence | heavy/light sentence (=long or short time in prison) | life sentence (=very long time in prison))  (a life sentence for murder | death sentence (=punishment by death) | serve a sentence (=spend time in prison as a punishment)) 3 pass/pronounce sentence to officially state what a punishment will be ~2 v T often passive if a judge sentences someone found guilty of a crime, they officially and legally give them a punishment  (Sanchez was sentenced to three years in prison for his part in the crime.)
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  (sentences, sentencing, sentenced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A sentence is a group of words which, when they are written down, begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark. Most sentences contain a subject and a verb. N-COUNT 2. In a law court, a sentence is the punishment that a person receives after they have been found guilty of a crime. They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination... He was given a four-year sentence... The offences carry a maximum sentence of 10 years. ...demands for tougher sentences... The court is expected to pass sentence later today. N-VAR see also death sentence, life sentence, suspended sentence 3. When a judge sentences someone, he or she states in court what their punishment will be. A military court sentenced him to death in his absence... He has admitted the charge and will be sentenced later. VERB: V n to n, be V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin sententia feeling, opinion, from *sentent-, *sentens, irregular present participle of sentire to feel — more at sense  Date: 14th century  1. obsolete opinion; especially a conclusion given on request or reached after deliberation  2.  a. judgment 2a; specifically one formally pronounced by a court or judge in a criminal proceeding and specifying the punishment to be inflicted upon the convict  b. the punishment so imposed serve out a ~  3. archaic maxim, saw  4.  a. a word, clause, or phrase or a group of clauses or phrases forming a syntactic unit which expresses an assertion, a question, a command, a wish, an exclamation, or the performance of an action, that in writing usually begins with a capital letter and concludes with appropriate end punctuation, and that in speaking is distinguished by characteristic patterns of stress, pitch, and pauses  b. a mathematical or logical statement (as an equation or a proposition) in words or symbols  5. period 2b  II. transitive verb  (~d; sentencing)  Date: 1592  1. to impose a ~ on  2. to cause to suffer something ~d these most primitive cultures to extinction — E. W. Count ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a set of words complete in itself as the expression of a thought, containing or implying a subject and predicate, and conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command. b a piece of writing or speech between two full stops or equivalent pauses, often including several grammatical sentences (e.g. I went; he came). 2 a a decision of a lawcourt, esp. the punishment allotted to a person convicted in a criminal trial. b the declaration of this. 3 Logic a series of signs or symbols expressing a proposition in an artificial or logical language. --v.tr. 1 declare the sentence of (a convicted criminal etc.). 2 (foll. by to) declare (such a person) to be condemned to a specified punishment. Phrases and idioms under sentence of having been condemned to (under sentence of death). Etymology: ME f. OF f. L sententia opinion f. sentire be of opinion ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  вчт. предложение - declaration sentence ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) высказывание 2) предложение 3) суждение 4) фраза absolutely existential sentence — абсолютно экзистенциальное высказывание almost false sentence — почти ложное высказывание almost true sentence — почти истинное высказывание analytically expressible sentence — аналитически выразимое высказывание arithmetically expressible sentence — арифметически выразимое высказывание conditionally existential sentence — условно экзистенциальное высказывание discrete sentence intelligibility — внятность бессмысленных фраз logically true sentence — логически истинное предложение logically universal sentence — логически универсальное предложение logically valid sentence — логически общезначимое предложение open sentence class — класс открытых предложений positive existential sentence — позитивно экзистенциальное высказывание purely general sentence — чисто общее предложение sentence sentential calculus — исчисление высказываний, пропозициональное исчисление sentence sentential connective — пропозициональная связка universally valid sentence — универсально общезначимое высказывание - atomic sentence - biconditional sentence - carrier sentence - category of sentence - characteristic sentence - collectivizing sentence - composite sentence - consistent sentence - contradictory sentence - contrapositive sentence - converse sentence - counterpositive sentence - decidable sentence - empirical sentence - existential sentence - false sentence - first-order sentence - form sentence - formal sentence - fundamental...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) приговор (судебный), судебное решение 2) наказание • - appeal against sentence - capital sentence - conditional sentence - custodial sentence - death sentence - deferred sentence - definite sentence - determinate sentence - execution of sentence - get a life sentence - indefinite sentence - indeterminate sentence - interlocutory sentence - mandatory sentence - non-custodial sentence - pass a sentence - pronounce a sentence - recall a sentence - reverse a sentence - severe sentence - split sentence - suspended sentence 2. гл. 1) приговаривать, выносить судебное решение/приговор 2) осуждать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. юр. приговор суда, определяющий меру наказания; осуждение suspended sentence —- условное осуждение concurrent sentences —- совпадающие (действующие совместно) приговоры to pass (to pronounce) a sentence —- вынести решение о мере наказания, объявить приговор to reverse a sentence —- отменить приговор 2. юр. наказание, мера наказания severe sentence —- строгое наказание capital (death) sentence, sentence of death —- смертный приговор indeterminate sentence —- осуждение на неопределенный срок to get a life sentence —- быть приговоренным к пожизненному заключению to receive a six months' sentence —- быть приговоренным к шести месяцам заключения a convict under a sentence of death for murder —- преступник, осужденный на смерть за убийство 3. грам. предложение complex sentence —- сложноподчиненное предложение 4. сентенция, изречение a S. of Scripture —- изречение из священного писания 5. муз. предложение 6. биол. осмысленная последовательность кодонов (в генетическом коде) 7. приговаривать, осуждать to sentence smb. to death —- приговаривать кого-л. к смерти; осудить кого-л. на смерть he was sentenced to a fine —- ему присудили штраф 8. обречь to sentence a species to extinction —- обречь вид на вымирание ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) приговор; to pass a sentence upon smb. - выносить приговор кому-л.; to serve ones sentence - отбывать срок наказания  2) gram. предложение  3) obs. сентенция, изречение Syn: condemn, convict, doom Ant: exonerate, free, liberate  2. v.  1) осуждать, приговаривать; Murderers are still sentenced to death in some parts of the world.  2) обречь; Many fine old houses in the city are being sentenced to destruction. Syn: condemn, convict, doom Ant: exonerate, free, liberate SENTENCE analysis синтаксический разбор ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 12c., "doctrine, authoritative teaching," from O.Fr. sentence, from L. sententia "thought, meaning, judgement, opinion," from sentientem, prp. of sentire "be of opinion, feel, perceive." Meaning "punishment imposed by a court" is from c.1300; that of "grammatically complete statement" is late 14c. from notion of "meaning," then "meaning expressed in words." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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