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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - send


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~ v past tense and past participle sent 1 »BY POST/RADIO ETC« to arrange for something to go or be taken to another place, especially by post  (send sb a letter/message/card)  (Honestly, I get tired of sending Christmas cards. | send sth to)  (Send your bill to the above address. | send sth by post/sea/air etc)  (It will get there quicker if you send it by airmail. | send a letter/message/card)  (I sent her a message to say that I'd be late. | send a signal)  (Radio signals were sent into deep space. | send sth back/up/over etc)  (I've ordered some coffee to be sent up here.) 2 »SEND SB TO DO STH« to tell someone to go somewhere, usually so that they can do something for you there  (Who sent you? | Richard couldn't come so he sent his sister instead. | send sb to)  (The United Nations will send troops to the region. | send sb around/over/home etc)  (At noon the principal sent everyone home. | send sb to do sth)  (I sent Jean to go get some more butter.) 3 »SEND SB TO STAY« SOMEWHERE T always + adv/prep to arrange for someone to go somewhere and spend some time there  (send sb to)  (I'd never send my kids to boarding school. | People get sent to jail for doing stuff like that! | send sb on sth)  (We want to send you on a short management course.) 4 send your love/regards/best wishes etc to ask someone to give your greetings, good wishes etc to someone else  (Mother sends her love.) 5 »AFFECT SOMEONE« to affect someone's feelings or condition  (send sb to/into)  (His boring speeches always send me to sleep. | send sb (=make them feel extremely happy))  (Oh, doesn't his music just send you?) 6 send sb/sth flying/sprawling/reeling etc to make someone or something move quickly through the air  (The explosion sent glass flying everywhere.) 7 send out/up/forth etc to make something come out of itself  (The fire was sending up thick clouds of smoke.) 8 send word to tell someone something by sending them a letter or message  (send word (to sb) that)  (Somebody should send word that Rhoda's ill. | send word through sb)  (Send word through Davies that we need more supplies.) 9 send sb packing also send sb about their business informal to tell someone who is not wanted that they must leave at once send away phr v 1 T send someone away) to send someone to another place  (I was sent away to school at the age of seven.) 2 send away for sth to order something to be sent to you by post  (Send away for your free poster.) send sth back phr v to return something to where it came from  (The steak was completely raw so I sent it straight back.) send down phr v 1 T send something down) to make something lose value  (Reports of the company's bad trading figures sent its share prices down.) 2 T send someone down) BrE informal to send someone to prison  (Do you think he'll be sent down for it?) 3 be sent down BrE to be told to leave a university because of bad behaviour send for sb/sth phr v 1 to ask or order someone to come to you by sending them a message  (Should I send for a doctor? | send for help)  (Quick - go send for help.) 2 to ask or order that something be brought or sent to you  (We'll have to send for the spare parts.) send sth in phr v 1 to send something, usually by post, to a place where it can be dealt with  (I sent in a couple of job applications last week.) 2 to send soldiers, police etc somewhere to deal with a very difficult or dangerous situation  (It's time to send in the troops.) send off phr v 1 T send something off) to send something somewhere by post  (I sent off the check this morning.) 2 send off for sth to order something to be sent to you by post  (I'd better send off for an application form.) 3 T send someone off) to send someone to another place  (We sent the kids off to their grandparents this morning.) 4 T send someone off) BrE to order a sports player to leave the field because they have broken the rules send sth on phr v 1 especially BrE to send someone's letters or possessions to their new address from their old address; forward3 (1) AmE  (My flatmate said she'd send on all my post.) 2 to send something that has been received to another place so that it can be dealt with  (The data is then sent on to the Census Bureau.) send out phr v 1 T send something/someone out) to send something from a central point to various other places  (Make sure you send out the invitations in good time. | Search parties were sent out to look for survivors.) 2 (send something out) to broadcast or produce a signal, light, sound etc  (The ship is sending out an SOS signal.) 3 send out for sth to ask a restaurant or food shop to deliver food to you at home or at work  (Halfway through the meeting we sent out for sandwiches.) send up phr v T send something/someone up) 1 to make something increase in value  (The shortage is bound to send prices up.) 2 BrE informal to show how silly something is by copying it in a very funny way  (The film sends up all those Hollywood disaster movies.)
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  (sends, sending, sent) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you send someone something, you arrange for it to be taken and delivered to them, for example by post. Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner... I sent a copy to the minister for transport... He sent a basket of exotic fruit and a card... Sir Denis took one look and sent it back... More than half a million sheep are sent from Britain to Europe for slaughter every year. VERB: V n n, V n to n, V n, V n with adv, be V-ed from n 2. If you send someone somewhere, you tell them to go there. Inspector Banbury came up to see her, but she sent him away... ...the government’s decision to send troops to the region... I suggested that he rest, and sent him for an X-ray... Reinforcements were being sent from the neighbouring region.. VERB: V n with adv, V n to n, V n for n, be V-ed from n 3. If you send someone to an institution such as a school or a prison, you arrange for them to stay there for a period of time. It’s his parents’ choice to send him to a boarding school, rather than a convenient day school... VERB: V n to n 4. To send a signal means to cause it to go to a place by means of radio waves or electricity. The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station... ...in 1989, after a 12-year journey to Neptune, the space probe Voyager sent back pictures of Triton, its moon. VERB: V n to n, V n with adv 5. If something sends things or people in a particular direction, it causes them to move in that direction. The explosion sent shrapnel flying through the sides of cars on the crowded highway... The slight back and forth motion sent a pounding surge of pain into his skull. VERB: V n -ing, V n prep 6. To send someone or something into a particular state means to cause them to go into or be in that state. My attempt to fix it sent Lawrence into fits of laughter. ...before civil war and famine sent the country plunging into anarchy... An...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (sent; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old High German ~an to ~, Old English sith road, journey, Old Irish set path, way  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to cause to go: as  a. to propel or throw in a particular direction  b. deliver sent a blow to the chin  c. drive sent the ball between the goalposts  2. to cause to happen whatever fate may ~  3. to dispatch by a means of communication  4.  a. to direct, order, or request to go  b. to permit or enable to attend a term or session ~ a daughter to college  c. to direct by advice or reference  d. to cause or order to depart ; dismiss  5.  a. to force to go ; drive away  b. to cause to assume a specified state sent them into a rage  6. to cause to issue: as  a. to pour out ; discharge clouds ~ing forth rain  b. utter ~ forth a cry  c. emit sent out waves of perfume  d. to grow out (parts) in the course of development a plant ~ing forth shoots  7. to cause to be carried to a destination; especially to consign to death or a place of punishment  8. to convey or cause to be conveyed or transmitted by an agent ~ a package by mail sent out invitations  9. to strike or thrust so as to impel violently sent him sprawling  10. delight, thrill  intransitive verb  1.  a. to dispatch someone to convey a message or do an errand — often used with out ~ out for pizza  b. to dispatch a request or order — often used with away  2. transmit  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1726 the lift of a wave ; scend ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. (past and past part. sent) 1 tr. a order or cause to go or be conveyed (send a message to headquarters; sent me a book; sends goods all over the world). b propel; cause to move (send a bullet; sent him flying). c cause to go or become (send into raptures; send to sleep). d dismiss with or without force (sent her away; sent him about his business). 2 intr. send a message or letter (he sent to warn me). 3 tr. (of God, providence, etc.) grant or bestow or inflict; bring about; cause to be (send rain; send a judgement; send her victorious!). 4 tr. sl. affect emotionally, put into ecstasy. Phrases and idioms send away for send an order to a dealer for (goods). send down Brit. 1 rusticate or expel from a university. 2 sentence to imprisonment. 3 Cricket bowl (a ball or an over). send for 1 summon. 2 order by post. send in 1 cause to go in. 2 submit (an entry etc.) for a competition etc. send off 1 get (a letter, parcel, etc.) dispatched. 2 attend the departure of (a person) as a sign of respect etc. 3 Sport (of a referee) order (a player) to leave the field and take no further part in the game. send-off n. a demonstration of goodwill etc. at the departure of a person, the start of a project, etc. send off for = send away for. send on transmit to a further destination or in advance of one's own arrival. send a person to Coventry see COVENTRY. send up 1 cause to go up. 2 transmit to a higher authority. 3 Brit. colloq. satirize or ridicule, esp. by mimicking. 4 US sentence to imprisonment. send-up n. Brit. colloq. a satire or parody. send word send information. Derivatives sendable adj. sender n. Etymology: OE sendan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) досылать 2) заслать 3) засылать 4) наслать 5) отправлять 6) передавать 7) посылать send address to — засылать адрес в send airplane around — отправлять самолет на второй круг send meteorograph aloft — запускать метеорограф в атмосферу send over a cable — передавать по кабелю send parcel post — отправлять почтовой посылкой send with a key — работать ключом - send blind - send by mail - transfer send ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. посылать, отправлять - send prices down - send prices up ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. посылать, присылать, отправлять, отсылать to send help —- посылать (присылать) помощь to send a warning —- послать (сделать) предупреждение to send a case to hospital —- направить больного в больницу to send a child to school —- отдать ребенка в школу to send smb. one's compliments (one's love, one's respect) —- передать кому-л. привет to send smth. by mail —- послать что-л. почтой to send smth. through (with) smb. —- посылать что-л. через кого-л. (с кем-л.) to send smb. on an errand —- послать кого-л. с поручением to send smth. to be mended —- отдать что-л. в починку (в ремонт) to send goods by train —- отправлять товар поездом your question sent me to the dictionary —- ваш вопрос заставил меня обратиться к словарю a car was sent for me —- за мной прислали машину keep the box until I send for it —- оставьте ящик у себя, пока я не пришлю за ним 2. передавать send the wine round —- передайте вино по кругу, обнесите всех вином to send sheets to the wash —- отдать простыни в стирку 3. извещать; давать знать send me in the morning —- известите меня утром if you don't send, I'll not come —- если вы мне не дадите знать, я не приду 4. (for) вызвать, пригласить to send smb. for smth., smb. —- посылать кого-л. за кем-л., чем-л. to send for the doctor —- послать за врачом; вызвать врача the plumber has been sent for —- вызвали сантехника; за сантехником пошли 5. заказать, выписать to send for a book on wild...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) посылать, отправлять; отсылать; to send a letter airmail - послать письмо авиапочтой; she sent the children into the garden - она отправила детей в сад погулять; Send the money to this address, and the goods will be sent to your home.  2) ниспосылать (дождь); насылать (чуму)  3) бросать, посылать (мяч и т.п.); to send a bullet through - прострелить  4) приводить в какое-л. состояние; to send flying -  а) сообщить предмету стремительное движение;  б) рассеять; разбросать; обратить в бегство;  в) отшвырнуть; to send smb. sprawling - сбить кого-л. с ног; the punch sent the fighter reeling - боксер зашатался от удара; Janes school report sent Father into a terrible temper. This warm sun sends me to sleep.  5) radio передавать - send across - send after - send ahead - send along - send around - send away - send before - send down - send for - send forth - send forward - send in - send off - send on - send out - send over - send round - send under - send up to send smb. packing/flying, to send smb. to the rightabout - прогнать, выпроводить кого-л. (см. тж. send  4) ) - send word - send to Coventry Syn: deliver, dispatch, forward, ship, transmit Ant: keep, receive, retain SEND across послать через что-л. или за что-л. During the war, our relatives in America sent food parcels across the ocean. SEND after послать письмо (кому-л.) He had not been gone more than a week when his mother sent after him to ask how he was. SEND ahead посылать вперёд или впереди чего-л. Its best to send the heavy cases ahead. Two soldiers was sent ahead of the main group to examine the position. Ive sent ahead to the hotel to ask them to keep a room for us. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. sendan "send, send forth, throw," from P.Gmc. *sandijanan, causative form of a base denoting "go, journey" (source of O.E. siр). Also used in O.E. of divine ordinance (cf. godsend, from O.E. sand "messenger, message," from P.Gmc. *sandaz "that which is sent"). Send-off "farewell" (especially a funeral) is from 1872. Send-up "spoof" is British, first recorded 1958. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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