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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - second


Связанные словари


~1 number 1 2nd; the person, thing, event etc after the first one  (His second goal was from a penalty. | a second year student at University | In the second of a series of programmes we look at the role of women in industry. | the second largest/biggest etc (=the one after the largest, the biggest etc))  (Dalton is the second tallest boy in the class.) come/finish second (=be the one after the winner of a race or competition) 2 second home/car etc another home, car etc besides the one you use most of the time 3 be/come a poor second to not be as good, interesting etc as something else  (Once you've tasted real vanilla, the artificial stuff is a poor second.) 4 every second year/person/thing etc the second, then the fourth year etc  (Only water the plants every second day.) 5 be second only to sth to be the most important thing, the best thing etc, apart from one other particular thing  (Colin's career was second only to his family.) 6 be second to none to be the best  (As a singer, Ella Fitzgerald was second to none.) ~2 n 1 a unit for measuring time that is equal to 1/60 of a minute  (for 5/20/30 etc seconds)  (Hold your breath for four seconds. | take 5/20/30 etc seconds)  (The whole operation takes about twenty seconds.) 2 especially spoken a very short period of time  (a few seconds)  (Just wait there for a few seconds. | within seconds (=after a few seconds))  (Within seconds Cassie called me back. | just a second spoken (=wait a moment))  (Just a second and I'll come and help. | in a matter of seconds (=in a very short time))  (- see also split second) 3 seconds plural a) informal another serving of the same food after you have eaten your first serving  (Does anyone want seconds?) b) clothes or other goods that are sold cheaply in shops because they are not perfect  (- compare second­hand) 4 someone who helped and supported someone who was fighting in a duel1 (1) or other organized fight in former times ~3 sentence adverb used to add another piece of information to what you have already said or written; secondly  (Firstly the church is a place of worship and second, is somewhere the community can congregate.) ~4 v to formally support a suggestion or plan made by another person in a meeting  (second a motion/proposal/amendment etc)  (Who'll second the motion?) ~5 v BrE to send someone to do someone else's job for a short time  (second sb to)  (Jill's been seconded to the marketing department while David's away.)  (- see also secondment)
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   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French secund, from Latin secundus ~, following, favorable, from sequi to follow — more at sue  Date: 13th century  1.  a. next to the first in place or time was ~ in line  b.  (1) next to the first in value, excellence, or degree his ~ choice of schools  (2) inferior, subordinate was ~ to none  c. ranking next below the top of a grade or degree in authority or precedence ~ mate  d. alternate, other elects a mayor every ~ year  e. resembling or suggesting a prototype ; another a ~ Thoreau  f. being the forward gear or speed next higher than first in a motor vehicle  2. relating to or having a part typically subordinate to and lower in pitch than the first part in concerted or ensemble music  • ~ or ~ly adverb  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. — see number table  b. one that is next after the first in rank, position, authority, or precedence the ~ in line  2. one that assists or supports another; especially the assistant of a duelist or boxer  3.  a. the musical interval embracing two diatonic degrees  b. a tone at this interval; specifically supertonic  c. the harmonic combination of two tones a ~ apart  4.  a. plural merchandise that is usually slightly flawed and does not meet the manufacturer's standard for firsts or irregulars  b. an article of such merchandise  5. the act or declaration by which a parliamentary motion is ~ed  6. a place next below the first in a competition, examination, or contest  7. ~ base  8. the ~ forward gear or speed of a motor vehicle  9. plural a ~ helping of food  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English secounde, from Medieval Latin secunda, from Latin, feminine of secundus ~; from its being the ~ sexagesimal division of a unit, as a minute is the first  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the 60th part of a minute of angular measure  b. the 60th part of a minute of time ; 1/86,400 part of the mean solar day; specifically the base unit of time in the International System of Units that...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n., adj., & v. --n. 1 the position in a sequence corresponding to that of the number 2 in the sequence 1-2. 2 something occupying this position. 3 the second person etc. in a race or competition. 4 Mus. a an interval or chord spanning two consecutive notes in the diatonic scale (e.g. C to D). b a note separated from another by this interval. 5 = second gear. 6 another person or thing in addition to one previously mentioned or considered (the policeman was then joined by a second). 7 (in pl.) a goods of a second or inferior quality. b coarse flour, or bread made from it. 8 (in pl.) colloq. a a second helping of food at a meal. b the second course of a meal. 9 an attendant assisting a combatant in a duel, boxing-match, etc. 10 a a place in the second class of an examination. b a person having this. --adj. 1 that is the second; next after first. 2 additional, further; other besides one previously mentioned or considered (ate a second cake). 3 subordinate in position or importance etc.; inferior. 4 Mus. performing a lower or subordinate part (second violins). 5 such as to be comparable to; closely reminiscent of (a second Callas). --v.tr. 1 supplement, support; back up. 2 formally support or endorse (a nomination or resolution etc., or its proposer). Phrases and idioms at second hand by hearsay, not direct observation etc. in the second place as a second consideration etc. second advent a supposed return of Christ to earth. second ballot a deciding ballot between candidates coming first (without an absolute majority) and second in a previous ballot. second-best adj. next after best. --n. a less adequate or desirable alternative. second cause Logic a cause that is itself caused. second chamber the upper house of a bicameral parliament. second class the second-best group or category, esp. of hotel or train accommodation or (in the UK) of postal services. second-class adj. 1 of or belonging to the second class. 2 inferior in quality, status, etc. (second-class citizens). --adv. by second-class post, train, etc. (travelled...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) секунда (1. единица времени 2. внесистемная единица плоского угла) 2) вторая передача (коробки скоростей) 3) мн. ч. второсортная продукция 4) мн. ч. мука с систем второго качества 5) мн. ч. утфель или сахар второй кристаллизации - atomic second - ephemeris second - Redwood seconds - Saybolt Universal seconds - solar second ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  секунда – error-free second – hundred-call second – leap second ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вторичный 2) второй 3) второстепенное 4) секунда curve of second order — кривая второго порядка cusp of the second kind — точка возврата точка заострения второго рода degeneracy of the second kind — вырождение второго рода determinant of second order — определитель второго порядка difference of second order — разность второго порядка differential equation of second order — дифференциальное уравнение второго порядка discontinuity of the second kind — разрыв второго рода equation of second kind — уравнение второго рода error of second kind — ошибка второго рода for the second time — вторично in a fraction of a second — за долю секунды Newton's second law of motion — физ. закон об ускорении и силе ordinal of the second kind — порядковое число второго рода prism of the second order — призма второго рода pyramid of the second order — пирамида второго порядка rounded to the nearest second — округленный до секунды second complex dilatation — второе комплексное отклонение second critical point — т. игр вторая критическая точка second degree surface — поверхность второго порядка second differential coefficient — вторая производная second distributive law — второй закон дистрибутивности second fundamental form — вторая основная форма second law of mean — вторая теорема о среднем second limit theorem — вторая предельная теорема (теорема Маркова) second mean value theorem — вторая теорема о среднем,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сущ. 1) второй экземпляр переводного векселя 2) секунда • - every second day - every second month - every second year - every second II гл. поддерживать предложение (на собрании) SECOND 1. прил. общ. второй а) (по счету, в пространстве, во времени) second chance — второй шанс This is the second of the four tests. — Это второй из четырех тестов. He stood second in line. — Он был вторым в шеренге. We've decided to hold the conference every second year. — Мы решили устраивать конференцию каждый два года. б) (по качеству, важности и т. п.) second flute — вторая флейта second to none — не имеющий равных. St Petersburg is Russia's second city. — Санкт-Петербург второй город в России. 2. сущ. 1) общ. секундант (в боксе, на дуэли); сторонник (в дискуссии) 2) общ. реплика в поддержку (какой-л. идеи или какого-л. лица во время дискуссии) Do I hear a second. — Это реплика в мою поддержку? 3) мат. секунда а) (единица измерения времени; 1/3600 часа) б) (единица измерения угла; 1/3600 градуса) 4) торг. поврежденный второсортный, уцененный товар (второсортный, бракованный или поврежденный в результате хранения товар, продающийся по сниженной цене) 5) фин. второй экземпляр переводного векселя Syn: "second of exchange 6) трансп. = second class 3. нар. общ. во-вторых Second, we felt we could better use our limited financial resources. — Во-вторых, мы...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. секунда (мера времени) 60 seconds make one minute —- в минуте 60 секунд 2. секунда (мера угла) ten degrees fifteen seconds —- десять градусов пятнадцать секунд 3. мгновение, момент split second —- доля секунды in a split second —- моментально; моргнуть не успеешь wait a second!, half a second! —- (подождите) минутку! to do smth. in a few seconds —- моментально сделать что-л. I shall be ready in a second (in a few seconds) —- я буду готов сию минуту I cannot do without it for a second —- мне это нужно ежесекундно 4. (the second) второе (число) on the second of May —- второго мая 5. второй (человек) (который что-л. делает) you are the second to ask me that —- вы второй человек, который спрашивает меня об этом you are the second to jump —- вы будете прыгать вторым 6. помощник to act as a most useful second —- быть хорошим помощником во всем; быть (чьей-л.) правой рукой 7. получивший вторую премию, второй приз и т. п. to come in a good second, to be a good second —- прийти (к финишу) почти вместе с первым to come in a close second to X. —- лишь ненамного отстать от Х. to make a poor second in a race —- еле-еле прийти к финишу вторым 8. секундант (на дуэли) 9. секундант (бокс) seconds out! —- освободить ринг! (команда) 10. второй класс (какого-л. транспорта) I always travel second —- я всегда путешествую вторым классом 11. товар второго сорта, второсортная продукция 12. мука...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  thought noun мысль, пришедшая и голову после размышления; переоценка, пересмотр (задним числом) SECOND I  1. num. ord. второй; the second seat in the second row - второе кресло во втором ряду  2. adj.  1) второй, другой - second thoughts - on second thoughts  2) повторный; вторичный; second ballot - перебаллотировка - second advent - second coming  3) дополнительный; a second pair of shoes - сменная пара обуви  4) второстепенный; второсортный, уступающий (по качеству) (to); second cabin - каюта второго класса; second violin/fiddle - вторая скрипка  5) - second lieutenant - the second officer on a ship - second division - second teeth - at second hand - second sight - second to none - second chamber  3. noun  1) помощник; следующий по рангу - second in command  2) получивший второй приз, вторую премию; he was a good second - он пришел к финишу почти вместе с первым  3) univ. вторая, не высшая оценка  4) второй класс (в поезде, на пароходе и т.п.) - go second  5) секундант  6) второе число  7) pl. товар второго сорта, низшего качества; мука грубого помола; these stockings are seconds and have some slight defects - эти чулки второго сорта и имеют незначительные дефекты  8) mus. второй голос; альт  4. v.  1) поддерживать, помогать; to second a motion - поддержать предложение  2) подкреплять; to second words with deeds - подкреплять слова делами  3) быть секундантом  4) петь партию...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом


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