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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - screw


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 a thin pointed piece of metal that you push and turn in order to fasten pieces of metal or wood together  (Tighten the screws on the plug.) 2 slang taboo an act of having sex 3 have a screw loose informal often humorous to be slightly crazy 4 put/tighten the screws on sb informal to force someone to do something by threatening them 5 BrE slang a word for a prison officer, used especially by prisoners 6 a screw of tobacco/tea etc BrE old-fashioned a small amount of tobacco, tea etc in a twisted paper packet ~2 v 1 T always + adv/prep to fasten one object to another using a screw  (screw sth into/onto/to sth)  (Screw the socket into the wall. | The bar stools were screwed to the floor.) 2 T always + adv/prep to fasten or close something by turning it until it cannot be turned anymore  (screw sth on/together etc)  (Don't forget to screw the cap back onto the toothpaste.) 3 taboo to have sex with someone 4 screw you/him/that etc spoken taboo used to show that you are very angry with someone  ("Screw you" he yelled.) 5 T always + adv/prep to twist paper or cloth into a small round shape  (screw sth (up) into sth)  (She screwed the letter up into a ball and threw it in the bin.) 6 T often passive informal to cheat someone or treat them in a dishonest way, especially to get money from them  (They really screwed you in that nightclub, charging -10 for a drink. | screw sb for)  (They screwed us for $60 in the end.)  (- see also have your head screwed on (straight) head1 (28)) screw around phr v taboo to have sex with a lot of different people screw up phr v 1 screw your eyes/face up to move the muscles in your face in a way that makes your eyes seem narrow  (He screwed up his eyes against the bright light.) 2 informal to make a bad mistake or do something very stupid  (I really screwed up, didn't I?) 3 T screw something up) informal to spoil something such as a plan, by doing something stupid  (Breaking my ankle really screwed up our holiday plans!) 4 T screw someone up) informal to make someone feel very unhappy, confused, or anxious, especially for a long time  (It really screwed her up when her mother died.)  (- see also screwed up) 5 screw up your courage to try to be brave enough to do something you are very nervous about  (I screwed up my courage and went over to talk to her.)
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  (screws, screwing, screwed) 1. A screw is a metal object similar to a nail, with a raised spiral line around it. You turn a screw using a screwdriver so that it goes through two things, for example two pieces of wood, and fastens them together. Each bracket is fixed to the wall with just three screws. N-COUNT 2. If you screw something somewhere or if it screws somewhere, you fix it in place by means of a screw or screws. I had screwed the shelf on the wall myself... Screw down any loose floorboards... I particularly like the type of shelving that screws to the wall. VERB: V n prep, V n with adv, V prep/adv 3. A screw lid or fitting is one that has a raised spiral line on the inside or outside of it, so that it can be fixed in place by twisting. ...an ordinary jam jar with a screw lid. ADJ: ADJ n 4. If you screw something somewhere or if it screws somewhere, you fix it in place by twisting it round and round. Kelly screwed the silencer onto the pistol... Screw down the lid fairly tightly... ...several aluminium poles that screw together to give a maximum length of 10 yards. VERB: V n prep, V n with adv, V prep/adv 5. If you screw something such as a piece of paper into a ball, you squeeze it or twist it tightly so that it is in the shape of a ball. (BRIT; in AM, use crush) He screwed the paper into a ball and tossed it into the fire. VERB: V n into n 6. If you screw your face or your eyes into a particular expression, you tighten the muscles of your face to form that expression, for example because you are in pain or because the light is too bright. He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain. VERB: V n into n 7. If someone screws someone else or if two people screw, they have sex together. (RUDE) V-RECIP 8. Some people use screw in expressions such as screw you or screw that to show that they are not concerned about someone or something or that they feel contempt for them. (RUDE) VERB: only imper c darkgreen]feelings 9. If someone says that they have been...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English scrue, from Middle French escroe female ~, nut, from Medieval Latin scrofa, from Latin, sow  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a simple machine of the inclined plane type consisting of a spirally grooved solid cylinder and a correspondingly grooved hollow cylinder into which it fits  b. a nail-shaped or rod-shaped piece with a spiral groove and a slotted or recessed head designed to be inserted into material by rotating (as with a ~driver) and used for fastening pieces of solid material together  2.  a. a ~like form ; spiral  b. a turn of a ~; also a twist like the turn of a ~  c. a ~like device (as a cork~)  3. a worn-out horse  4. chiefly British a small packet (as of tobacco)  5. a prison guard  6. a person who bargains shrewdly; also skinflint  7. a propeller especially of a ship  8.  a. thumb~ 1  b. pressure or punitive measures intended to coerce — used chiefly in the phrase put the ~s on or put the ~s to  9.  a. usually vulgar an act of sexual intercourse  b. usually vulgar a partner in sexual intercourse  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: 1605  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to attach, fasten, or close by means of a ~  (2) to unite or separate by means of a ~ or a twisting motion ~ the two pieces together  (3) to press tightly in a device (as a vise) operated by a ~  (4) to operate, tighten, or adjust by means of a ~  (5) to torture by means of a thumb~  b. to cause to rotate spirally about an axis  2.  a.  (1) to twist into strained configurations ; contort ~ed up his face  (2) squint  (3) crumple  b. to furnish with a spiral groove or ridge ; thread  3. to increase the intensity, quantity, or capability of trying to ~ up courage to confess — Will Scott  4.  a.  (1) to mistreat or exploit through extortion, trickery, or unfair actions; especially to deprive of or cheat out of something due or expected ~ed out of a job  (2) to treat so as to bring about injury or loss (as to a person's reputation) use the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a thin cylinder or cone with a spiral ridge or thread running round the outside (male screw) or the inside (female screw). 2 (in full wood-screw) a metal male screw with a slotted head and a sharp point for fastening things, esp. in carpentry, by being rotated to form a thread in wood etc. 3 (in full screw-bolt) a metal male screw with a blunt end on which a nut is threaded to bolt things together. 4 a wooden or metal straight screw used to exert pressure. 5 (in sing. or pl.) an instrument of torture acting in this way. 6 (in full screw-propeller) a form of propeller with twisted blades acting like a screw on the water or air. 7 one turn of a screw. 8 (foll. by of) Brit. a small twisted-up paper (of tobacco etc.). 9 Brit. (in billiards etc.) an oblique curling motion of the ball. 10 sl. a prison warder. 11 Brit. sl. an amount of salary or wages. 12 coarse sl. a an act of sexual intercourse. b a partner in this. Usage Usually considered a taboo use. 13 sl. a mean or miserly person. 14 sl. a worn-out horse. --v. 1 tr. fasten or tighten with a screw or screws. 2 tr. turn (a screw). 3 intr. twist or turn round like a screw. 4 intr. (of a ball etc.) swerve. 5 tr. a put psychological etc. pressure on to achieve an end. b oppress. 6 tr. (foll. by out of) extort (consent, money, etc.) from (a person). 7 tr. (also absol.) coarse sl. have sexual intercourse with. Usage Usually considered a taboo use. 8 intr. (of a rolling ball, or of a person etc.) take a curling course; swerve. 9 intr. (often foll. by up) make tenser or more efficient. Phrases and idioms have one's head screwed on the right way colloq. have common sense. have a screw loose colloq. be slightly crazy. put the screws on colloq. exert pressure, esp. to extort or intimidate. screw cap = screw top. screw-coupling a female screw with threads at both ends for joining lengths of pipes or rods. screw eye a screw with a loop for passing cord etc. through instead of a slotted head. screw gear an endless screw with a cog-wheel or pinion. screw hook a hook to hang...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) винт; болт; шуруп ввинчивать; завинчивать; навинчивать; крепить винтами, болтами или шурупами 2) винтовая линия 3) червяк; шнек 4) резьба нарезать резьбу 5) зажимать в тисках 6) гребной винт 7) воздушный винт (см. тж propeller) to screw down — 1. завинчивать 2. поджимать сверху (валки); to screw home — завинчивать до отказа; to lock the screws together — контрить все винты одной проволокой; to screw on — навинчивать; to screw out — вывинчивать; to screw until it butts against — завинчивать до упора во что-л. - actuating screw - adapter screw - adjusting screw - Allcn-head screw - Allcn screw - Allen-set screw - ball feed screw - beating screw - binding screw - bleed screw - blending screw - butterfly thumb screw - butterfly screw - cap screw - captive screw - centering screw - clamping screw - clearance compensation screw - clipping screw - clip screw - closet screw - coach screw - collar-head screw - cone-point screw - connecting screw - constant-lead screw - constant-taper screw - countersunk screw - coupler screw - cross-feed screw - cross-lead screw - cross-traverse screw - cup-head screw - cup-point set screw - decreasing-lead screw - detent screw - differential screw - dosing screw - double-threaded screw - dowel screw - downfeed screw - draw screw - drunken screw - Edison screw - elevating screw - endless screw - fastening screw - feed screw - female screw - fine adjustment screw - flange screw - flat-dog point screw - flat-head screw - fly-headed screw - fly screw - focusing screw - foot screw - forcing screw - Goliath Edison screw - grinder feed screw - grinder screw - grub screw - helical screw - hexagon screw - high-pitch screw - Hindey screw - hold-down screw - housing screw - hydrostatic screw and nut - idle mixture adjustment...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  винт червяк; шнек винтовая линия кессонная болезнь adjusting screw регулировочный (установочный) винт винтовой домкрат (с регулированием высоты) Allen head screw anchoring screw clamp screw dosing screw drive screw feeding screw fine adjustment screw mixing screw pan head screw Phillips screw recessed-head screw self-drilling screw self-tapping screw sheet-metal screw slotted screw tangent screw wood screw zinc-coated steel screw ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) винт 2) болт 3) шуруп – alignment screw – clip screw – terminal screw – tuning screw ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) винт 2) винтить 3) винтовальный 4) винтовой 5) воздушный винт 6) гребной винт 7) дивектор 8) заглушка 9) косозубый 10) многозаходный 11) навинчивающийся 12) шнек 13) шнековый 14) шуруп butterfly thumb screw — винт с барашком contrarotating screw propeller — машиностр. винт-ротор соосный delivery screw conveyer — выгрузной шнек distributing screw conveyer — раздаточный шнек emptying screw conveyer — разгрузочный шнек flat-dog point screw — винт с цилиндрическим концом grain screw conveyer — зерновой шнек lead of screw thread — шаг средней винтовой линии manually operated screw — нажимной винт с ручным приводом metering screw conveyer — дозирующий шнек mixing screw conveyer — смесительный шнек pitch of a screw — шаг винта power-driven screw press — пресс фрикционный винтовой pulverized-coal screw conveyer — пылевой шнек reticule adjusting screw — исправительный винт right-hand screw rule — правило буравчика screw channel of an extruder — канал экструдера рабочий screw on the cap — навинчивать крышку screw pitch gauge — резьбовой шаблон screw plug gauge — резьбовая калиберная пробка screw pressure lubricator — колпачковая масленка screw right home — завинчивать до отказа screw stud and nut tight — затягивать шпильку и гайку screw up nut fingertight — завертывать гайку от руки sectional screw conveyer — секционный шнек tailings screw conveyer — колосовой шнек thread of a screw — нитка резьбы -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ.; брит.; разг. заработная плата ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – adjusting screw – micrometer screw ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. винт, шуруп endless (perpetual) screw —- бесконечный винт male (external) screw —- винт female (internal) screw —- гайка screw clamp —- тех. струбцинка, винтовой зажим screw coupling —- тех. винтовая стяжка screw die —- тех. винторезная головка screw elevator —- винтовой элеватор; шнековый подъемник screw gauge —- резьбовой калибр 2. тех. шнек, червяк 3. ав. воздушный винт, пропеллер 4. мор. гребной винт 5. виток резьбы 6. поворот винта to give smth. another screw —- завинчивать что-л. потуже to give s nut a good screw —- покрепче завернуть гайку 7. гребной винт 8. винтовой пароход 9. винт, прыжок винтом (прыжки в воду) 10. разг. бумажный кулек, пакетик (с чем-л.); "фунтик" a screw of tea —- кулечек чаю a penny paper screw of tobacco —- пакетик с дешевым табаком 11. щепотка, небольшое количество a screw of tobacco —- закрутка табаку 12. разг. скряга, сквалыга he is a dreadful screw —- он ужасный скряга 13. сл. зарплата, получка poor screw —- низкая зарплата we get our screw on Fridays —- у нас получка по пятницам 14. кляча, лошадь с изъяном, одер 15. сл. тюремщик, тюремный сторож, вертухай 16. (the screws) ист. тиски (орудие пытки) to put the screws on smb. —- подвергнуть кого-л. пытке тисками; оказывать давление (нажим) на кого-л. (также to apply the screws) to give another turn to the screw(s) —- усиливать нажим на кого-л. 17. мед....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) винт, болт, шуруп; to turn/apply the screw, to put the screw(s) on - завернуть, подкрутить гайку; fig. оказать давление, нажать - male screw - external screw - female screw - internal screw  2) tech. шнек, червяк  3) = thumbscrew  1)  4) aeron. (воздушный) винт; naut. (гребной) винт  5) поворот винта; to give a nut a (good) screw - покрепче завернуть гайку  6) небольшой сверток, бумажный пакет, фунтик; a screw of tobacco - пачка табаку  7) coll. скряга  8) coll. кляча  9) coll. зарплата, жалованье  10) sl. тюремный сторож, тюремщик  11) attr. винтовой he has a screw loose - у него винтика не хватает there is a screw loose somewhere - что-то не в порядке - have a screw loose  2. v.  1) привинчивать, завинчивать, скреплять винтами; навинчивать; to screw the lid on the jar - завинтить крышку банки; He has screwed the lid down so tightly that I cant get it off! In old-fashioned schools, the desks were screwed to the floor.  2) нарезать резьбу  3) выжимать; to screw water out of a sponge - выжать губку  4) нажимать, притеснять  5) скряжничать, скаредничать  6) крутить(ся), вертеть(ся); to screw smb. s arm - выкручивать кому-л. руку  7) to be screwed sl. - быть пьяным - screw out - screw up to have ones head screwed on the right way - иметь хорошую голову на плечах SCREW coupling tech. винтовая стяжка SCREW out  а) вывинчивать; выжимать (о белье) Screw the soapy water out of the cloth.  б) вымогать (of) (деньги) The criminal was able to screw every last...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом


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