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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - remember


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~ v 1 »THE PAST« to have a picture in your mind of people, events, places etc from the past  (remember sb/sth)  (Do you remember Rosa Davies? | Mr Wilson has lived on our street for as long as I can remember. | remember (that))  (I remember you two couldn't stand each other at first! | remember sb doing sth)  (I remember my father bringing home a huge Christmas tree. | remember sb as sth)  (I remember Clive as an irritable but tremendously creative man. | remember doing sth)  (I remember meeting her at a party once. | remember well/clearly)  ("Do you remember a guy called Casey?" "Sure, I remember him well." | vaguely/dimly/scarcely remember (=not remember well))  (I vaguely remember reading something about her husband in the paper. | remember correctly/rightly)  (They had three children, if I remember rightly. | distinctly/vividly remember)  (I distinctly remember telling you to be home by 10 o'clock.) 2 »INFORMATION/FACTS« to bring information or facts that you know into your mind  (What did I do with my car keys? Oh, I remember, I left them on the kitchen table. | I can't remember her phone number.) + tha  (I suddenly remembered that I'd left the stove on.) remember what/how/why etc  (I'm trying to remember whether I said six or seven o'clock.) 3 »TO DO/GET STH« to remember something that you must do, get, or bring  (remember to do sth)  (Did you remember to get the bread? | Remember to close the windows before you go out. | remember sth)  (I do hope he remembered the wine. | The thing to remember is to keep stirring the sauce.) 4 »KEEP STH IN MIND« to keep a particular fact about a situation in your mind + tha  (You must remember that we didn't have cars in those days.) 5 »HONOUR THE DEAD« to think about someone who has died with special respect, often in a ceremony  (On this day we remember the dead of two world wars.) 6 be remembered for sth/as sth to be famous for something important that you once did  (Bobby Moore will always be remembered as captain of the England squad in 1966.) 7 »GIVE SB A PRESENT« to give someone a present on a particular occasion  (She always remembers me at Christmas. | remember sb in your will (=arrange for someone to have something of yours after you die)) 8 remember me to sb used to ask someone to give a greeting from you to someone else
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  (remembers, remembering, remembered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you remember people or events from the past, you still have an idea of them in your mind and you are able to think about them. You wouldn’t remember me. I was in another group... I certainly don’t remember talking to you at all... I remembered that we had drunk the last of the coffee the week before... I can remember where and when I bought each one... I used to do that when you were a little girl, remember? VERB: V n/-ing, V n/-ing, V that, V wh, V 2. If you remember that something is the case, you become aware of it again after a time when you did not think about it. She remembered that she was going to the social club that evening... Then I remembered the cheque, which cheered me up. VERB: V that, V n 3. If you cannot remember something, you are not able to bring it back into your mind when you make an effort to do so. If you can’t remember your number, write it in code in a diary... I can’t remember what I said... Don’t tell me you can’t remember. VERB: usu with brd-neg, V n/-ing, V wh, V 4. If you remember to do something, you do it when you intend to. Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope when writing. ? forget VERB: V to-inf 5. You tell someone to remember that something is the case when you want to emphasize its importance. It may be something that they already know about or a new piece of information. It is important to remember that each person reacts differently... It should be remembered that this loss of control can never be regained. VERB: V that, it modal be V-ed that c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If you say that someone will be remembered for something that they have done, you mean that people will think of this whenever they think about the person. At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games... He will always be remembered as one of the great Chancellors of the Exchequer. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed for...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (-bered; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English remembren, from Anglo-French remembrer, from Late Latin rememorari, from Latin re- + Late Latin memorari to be mindful of, from Latin memor mindful — more at memory  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to bring to mind or think of again ~s the old days  2. archaic  a. bethink 1b  b. remind  3.  a. to keep in mind for attention or consideration ~s friends at Christmas  b. reward was ~ed in the will  4. to retain in the memory ~ the facts until the test is over  5. to convey greetings from ~ me to her  6. record, commemorate  intransitive verb  1. to exercise or have the power of memory  2. to have a recollection or remembrance  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, recollect, recall, remind, reminisce mean to bring an image or idea from the past into the mind. ~ implies a keeping in memory that may be effortless or unwilled ~s that day as though it were yesterday. recollect implies a bringing back to mind what is lost or scattered as near as I can recollect. recall suggests an effort to bring back to mind and often to re-create in speech can't recall the words of the song. remind suggests a jogging of one's memory by an association or similarity that reminds me of a story. reminisce implies a casual often nostalgic recalling of experiences long past and gone old college friends like to reminisce. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v.tr. 1 keep in the memory; not forget. 2 a (also absol.) bring back into one's thoughts, call to mind (knowledge or experience etc.). b (often foll. by to + infin. or that + clause) have in mind (a duty, commitment, etc.) (will you remember to lock the door?). 3 think of or acknowledge (a person) in some connection, esp. in making a gift etc. 4 (foll. by to) convey greetings from (one person) to (another) (remember me to your mother). 5 mention (in prayer). Phrases and idioms remember oneself recover one's manners or intentions after a lapse. Derivatives rememberer n. Etymology: ME f. OF remembrer f. LL rememorari (as RE-, L memor mindful) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) вспоминать 2) запоминать 3) помнить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. помнить; хранить в памяти to remember smth. by heart —- знать что-л. наизусть did you remember to post the letters? —- вы не забыли опустить письма? as one gets older one doesn't remember as one used to —- с годами память слабеет as far as I remember —- насколько помнится if I remember right —- если память мне не изменяет you will remember —- как вы помните, как вы знаете, как известно (как вводное предложение) 2. церк. поминать to remember smb. in one's prayers —- помянуть кого-л. в молитвах 3. вспоминать, припоминать to remember oneself —- редк. опомниться I can't remember his name —- я не могу вспомнить его имени not that I remember —- не припомню he suddenly remembered an appointment —- вдруг он вспомнил, что у него назначена встреча give me something to remember you by —- подарите мне что-нибудь на память remember who you are! —- вспомни, кто ты такой! have you ever met my brother? - Not that I remember —- вы знакомы с моим братом? - Насколько помнится, нет 4. упоминать в завещании; дарить to remember a child on its birthday —- послать ребенку подарок ко дню рождения to remember smb. in one's will —- не забыть кого-л. в своем завещании, завещать кому-л. что-л. 5. дать на чай, "отблагодарить" remember the waiter —- оставь что-нибудь официанту 6. передавать привет remember me to your father —- передайте от меня привет вашему отцу 7. (against) иметь зуб, затаить зло на кого-л. за...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  to передавать привет; Mother asked to be remembered to you. REMEMBER oneself rare опомниться REMEMBER v.  1) помнить, хранить в памяти; I didnt realise the town had grown so much; I remember it as being just a small place.  2) вспоминать, припоминать; I remembered our old dog last night. - remember oneself  3) передавать привет; remember me to your father - передайте привет вашему отцу  4) дарить; завещать; давать на чай; to remember a child on its birthday - послать подарок ребенку ко дню рождения; to remember smb. in ones will - завещать кому-л. (что-л.); She continued to serve the old man faithfully, hoping to be remembered in his will. - remember to Syn: memorize, recall, recollect, remind, reminisce, retain, review Ant: forget, ignore, repress, suppress ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 13c., from O.Fr. remembrer, from L. rememorari "recall to mind, remember," from re- "again" + memorari "be mindful of," from memor "mindful" (see memory). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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