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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - regular


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~1 adj 1 »EQUAL SPACES« a regular series of things has the same amount of time or space between each thing and the next  (His breathing was slow and regular. | at regular intervals)  (Plant the seeds at regular intervals.) 2 »EVERY DAY« usually before noun happening or doing something many times and often at the same times every day, month, year etc  (I really miss the security of a regular pay cheque. | on a regular basis)  (It has always been our policy to review staff productivity on a regular basis. | regular as clockwork (=at exactly the same time every day, week etc))  (He phones us every Sunday at six, regular as clockwork.) 3 »OFTEN« only before noun happening or doing something very often  (regular customer/visitor)  (Old Joe is one of the bar's regular customers.) 4 »USUAL« only before noun normal or usual  (Driving the van was a change from his regular duties.) 5 »SHAPE« evenly shaped with parts or sides of equal size  (a regular hexagon | He had strong, regular teeth. | regular features (=an evenly shaped face)) 6 »NORMAL« only before noun especially AmE of a normal or standard size  (a regular coke) 7 »ORSINARY« especially AmE ordinary, without any special feature or qualities  (Regular teachers just don't have the training to deal with problem children.) 8 »FRIENDLY« AmE nice and friendly  (a regular guy) 9 be/keep regular informal a) to get rid of waste from your bowels often enough to be healthy b) a woman who is regular has her menstrual period at the same time each month 10 »GRAMMAR« technical a regular v or n changes its forms in the same way as most verbs or nouns; the verb `dance' is regular but `be' is not 11 »EMPHASIZING« only before noun informal used to emphasize what you think someone is like  (The child's so bossy - a regular little dictator!) 12 regular soldier/army/troops etc having a permanent job in the army - regularity n ~2 n 1 informal BrE a customer who goes to the same shop, bar etc very often  (The barman knows all the regulars by name.) 2 a soldier whose permanent job is in the army 3 AmE petrol that contains lead  (- compare unleaded)
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  (regulars) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Regular events have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen, for example, at the same time each day or each week. Take regular exercise... We’re going to be meeting there on a regular basis... The cartridge must be replaced at regular intervals. ADJ: usu ADJ n • regularly He also writes regularly for ‘International Management’ magazine. ADV: ADV with v • regularity The overdraft arrangements had been generous because of the regularity of the half-yearly payments. N-UNCOUNT 2. Regular events happen often. This condition usually clears up with regular shampooing. ADJ: usu ADJ n • regularly Fox, badger, weasel and stoat are regularly seen here... = frequently ADV: ADV with v • regularity Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you are, for example, a regular customer at a shop or a regular visitor to a place, you go there often. She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall. ADJ: ADJ n 4. The regulars at a place or in a team are the people who often go to the place or are often in the team. Regulars at his local pub have set up a fund to help out... N-COUNT 5. You use regular when referring to the thing, person, time, or place that is usually used by someone. For example, someone’s regular place is the place where they usually sit. The man sat at his regular table near the window. = usual ADJ: det ADJ n 6. A regular rhythm consists of a series of sounds or movements with equal periods of time between them. ...a very regular beat... ? irregular ADJ • regularly Remember to breathe regularly. ADV: ADV with v • regularity Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat. N-UNCOUNT 7. Regular is used to mean ‘normal’. (mainly AM) The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette... = ordinary ADJ: ADJ n 8. In some...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English reguler, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin ~is ~, from Latin, of a bar, from regula rule — more at rule  Date: 14th century  1. belonging to a religious order  2.  a. formed, built, arranged, or ordered according to some established rule, law, principle, or type  b.  (1) both equilateral and equiangular a ~ polygon  (2) having faces that are congruent ~ polygons and all the polyhedral angles congruent a ~ polyhedron  c. of a flower having the arrangement of floral parts exhibiting radial symmetry with members of the same whorl similar in form  3.  a. orderly, methodical ~ habits  b. recurring, attending, or functioning at fixed, uniform, or normal intervals a ~ income a ~ churchgoer ~ bowel movements  4.  a. constituted, conducted, scheduled, or done in conformity with established or prescribed usages, rules, or discipline  b. normal, standard: as  (1) absolute, complete a ~ fool the office seemed like a ~ madhouse  (2) thinking or behaving in an acceptable, normal, or agreeable manner was a ~ guy  c.  (1) conforming to the normal or usual manner of inflection  (2) weak 7  d. of a postage stamp issued in large numbers over a long period for general use in prepayment of postage  5. of, relating to, or constituting the permanent standing military force of a state the ~ army ~ soldiers Synonyms:  ~, normal, typical, natural mean being of the sort or kind that is expected as usual, ordinary, or average. ~ stresses conformity to a rule, standard, or pattern the club's ~ monthly meeting. normal implies lack of deviation from what has been discovered or established as the most usual or expected normal behavior for a two-year-old. typical implies showing all important traits of a type, class, or group and may suggest lack of strong individuality a typical small town. natural applies to what conforms to a thing's essential nature, function, or mode of being the natural love of a mother for her child.  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. one who is ~: as...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 conforming to a rule or principle; systematic. 2 (of a structure or arrangement) harmonious, symmetrical (regular features). 3 acting or done or recurring uniformly or calculably in time or manner; habitual, constant, orderly. 4 conforming to a standard of etiquette or procedure; correct; according to convention. 5 properly constituted or qualified; not defective or amateur; pursuing an occupation as one's main pursuit (cooks as well as a regular cook; has no regular profession). 6 Gram. (of a noun, verb, etc.) following the normal type of inflection. 7 colloq. complete, thorough, absolute (a regular hero). 8 Geom. a (of a figure) having all sides and all angles equal. b (of a solid) bounded by a number of equal figures. 9 Eccl. (placed before or after noun) a bound by religious rule. b belonging to a religious or monastic order (canon regular). 10 (of forces or troops etc.) relating to or constituting a permanent professional body (regular soldiers; regular police force). 11 (of a person) defecating or menstruating at predictable times. 12 Bot. (of a flower) having radial symmetry. --n. 1 a regular soldier. 2 colloq. a regular customer, visitor, etc. 3 Eccl. one of the regular clergy. 4 colloq. a person permanently employed. Phrases and idioms keep regular hours do the same thing, esp. going to bed and getting up, at the same time each day. Derivatives regularity n. regularize v.tr. (also -ise). regularization n. regularly adv. Etymology: ME reguler, regular f. OF reguler f. L regularis f. regula RULE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) аккуратный 2) закономерный 3) нормальный 4) обыкновенный 5) однообразный 6) планомерный 7) правильный 8) регулярный 9) систематизированный affinely regular polytope — аффинно правильный политоп; аффинность almost regular relation — почти регулярное отношение apparent of a regular polygon — расстояние по перпендикуляру до стороны из центра правильного многоугольника combinatorially regular polytope — комбинаторно правильный политоп complete regular product — полное регулярное произведение completely regular convergence — вполне регулярная сходимость completely regular filter — вполне регулярный фильтр completely regular graph — вполне регулярный граф completely regular lattice — вполне регулярная решетка completely regular mapping — вполне регулярное отображение completely regular sequent — вполне регулярная секвенция completely regular set — вполне регулярное множество completely regular space — вполне регулярное пространство completely regular system — вполне регулярная система dually regular graph — двойственно регулярный граф everywhere regular form — всюду регулярная форма extended regular representation — расширенное регулярное представление facially regular polyhedron — многогранник с правильными гранями facially regular solid — тело с правильными гранями fully regular product — вполне правильное произведение homotopically regular...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I прил. 1) общ. правильный, нормальный; обычный; очередной; стандартный Syn: normal See: regular account regular air storage regular price regular-size package 2) общ. регулярный, систематический, постоянный regular army - регулярная армия, 3) общ. квалифицированный; профессиональный 4) общ. согласный с этикетом, формальный; официальный 5) общ. настоящий, сущий 6) общ. монашеский regular clergy - черное духовенство II сущ. 1) торг. = regular buyer 2) упр. постоянный работник REGULAR 1. прил. 1) общ. правильный, нормальный; обычный; очередной; стандартный Syn: normal See: "regular account, "regular air storage, "regular price, "regular-size package 2) общ. регулярный, систематический, постоянный regular army — регулярная армия See: "regular customer "regular brand 3) общ. квалифицированный; профессиональный 4) общ. согласный с этикетом, формальный; официальный 5) общ. настоящий, сущий Syn: thorough, complete, absolute, perfect 6) общ. монашеский regular clergy — черное духовенство 2. сущ. 1) торг. ="regular buyer 2) упр. постоянный работник REGULAR прил. 1) правильный, регулярный 2) равномерный 3) аккуратный 4) нормальный 5) очередной • - at regular intervals - regular customer - regular element - regular labour force - regular optimum - regular staff - regular work REGULAR 1) правильный; нормальный 2) находящийся в соответствии с правом – regular national application – regular national filing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) правильный, нормальный; регулярный 2) радиально-симметричный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  авто "обычный" Сорт бензина с наиболее низким октановым числом из продающихся в США. Обычно этилированный. См. тж. unleaded ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. регулярные войска 2. разг. постоянный посетитель или клиент; завсегдатай 3. разг. постоянный рабочий, сотрудник и т. п. 4. ам. разг. человек, ведущий размеренный образ жизни 5. ам. полит. кандидат, выдвинутый партией (на первичных выборах; в противоп. независимому кандидату) 6. ам. полит. преданный сторонник партии; избиратель, на которого можно положиться (особ. на первичных выборах) 7. средний размер (мужской одежды) 8. мужская одежда средних размеров the regulars are hanging over there —- средние размеры висят вот там 9. церк. член какого-л. религиозного или монашеского ордена, особ. иеромонах regulars and seculars —- черное и белое духовенство 10. правильный, размеренный, нормальный; регулярный regular attendance —- регулярное посещение regular pulse —- правильный пульс regular footsteps —- размеренные шаги regular work —- равномерная работа regular life —- правильный образ жизни regular habits —- размеренная жизнь, привычка делать все в определенное время to be as regular as clock-work —- быть точным как часы to come at regular hours —- приходить в одно и то же время to keep regular hours, to be a regular person —- вести размеренный (правильный) образ жизни 11. очередной (о сессии и т. п.) 12. правильный, красивый regular features —- правильные черты...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) правильный, нормальный; регулярный; систематический; he keeps regular hours, he is a regular man - он ведет размеренный образ жизни  2) очередной, обычный  3) квалифицированный; профессиональный  4) согласный с этикетом, формальный; официальный  5) постоянный; regular army - регулярная армия, постоянная армия  6) coll. настоящий, сущий; - regular fellow  7) монашеский; - the regular clergy  8) gram. правильный Syn: see normal see systematic  2. noun  1) usu. pl. монах  2) usu. pl. регулярные войска  3) coll. постоянный посетитель или клиент  4) amer. преданный сторонник (какой-л. партии) REGULAR guy хороший парень, славный малый REGULAR fellow молодец; славный малый REGULAR demon coll. сущий дьявол ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 14c., from O.Fr. reguler, from L.L. regularis "continuing rules for guidance," from L. regula "rule," from PIE *reg- "move in a straight line." Earliest sense was of religious orders (the opposite of secular). Extended 16c. to shapes, etc., that followed predictable or uniform patterns; sense of "normal" is from 1638; meaning "real, genuine" is from 1821. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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