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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - reckon


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~ v 1 spoken especially BrE to think that something is a fact, or have a particular opinion about something  (reckon (that))  (Wayne reckons we ought to call her. | Do you reckon they'll get married?) 2 to guess a number or amount, without calculating it exactly  (reckon how much/how many etc)  (How much do you reckon she earns? | reckon sth to be sth)  (The likely cost of the system is reckoned to be about -10,000. | be reckoned in thousands/millions)  (Her personal fortune is reckoned in millions.) 3 formal to think that someone or something is a particular kind of person or thing  (be reckoned to be sth)  (Julia is often reckoned to be the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. | reckon sb among/as)  (I reckon him among my friends.) 4 formal to calculate an amount  (My pay is reckoned from the first of the month.) reckon sth in phr v to include something when you are calculating  (Have you reckoned in the cost of postage?) reckon on sth phr v to expect something to happen when you are making plans  (reckon on doing sth)  (We didn't reckon on spending so much on repairs.) reckon sth up phr v old-fashioned to add up an amount, cost etc, in order to get a total  (Can you reckon up the money we've made?) reckon with sb/sth phr v 1 not reckon with to not consider a possible problem when you are making plans  (We hadn't reckoned with the possibility that it might rain.) 2 sb/sth to be reckoned with something or someone that is powerful and must be regarded seriously as a possible opponent, competitor, danger etc  (The principal was certainly a woman to be reckoned with.) 3 have sb/sth to reckon with to have to deal with someone or something powerful  (Any invader would have the military might of NATO to reckon with.) reckon without sb/sth phr v BrE to not consider a possible problem when you are making plans  (We had reckoned without the difficulty of selling the house.)
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  (reckons, reckoning, reckoned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you reckon that something is true, you think that it is true. (INFORMAL) Toni reckoned that it must be about three o’clock... = think VERB: V that 2. If something is reckoned to be a particular figure, it is calculated to be roughly that amount. The star’s surface temperature is reckoned to be minus 75 degrees celcius... There was a proportion of research, which I reckoned at not more than 30 percent, that was basic research. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to-inf, be V-ed at n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English rekenen, from Old English -recenian (as in gerecenian to narrate); akin to Old English reccan  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. count ~ the days till Christmas  b. estimate, compute ~ the height of a building  c. to determine by reference to a fixed basis the existence of the United States is ~ed from the Declaration of Independence  2. to regard or think of as ; consider  3. chiefly dialect think, suppose I ~ I've outlived my time — Ellen Glasgow  intransitive verb  1. to settle accounts  2. to make a calculation  3.  a. judge  b. chiefly dialect suppose, think  4. to accept something as certain ; place reliance I ~ on your promise to help ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 tr. count or compute by calculation. 2 tr. (foll. by in) count in or include in computation. 3 tr. (often foll. by as or to be) consider or regard (reckon him wise; reckon them to be beyond hope). 4 tr. a (foll. by that + clause) conclude after calculation; be of the considered opinion. b colloq. (foll. by to + infin.) expect (reckons to finish by Friday). 5 intr. make calculations; add up an account or sum. 6 intr. (foll. by on, upon) rely on, count on, or base plans on. 7 intr. (foll. by with) a take into account. b settle accounts with. Phrases and idioms reckon up 1 count up; find the total of. 2 settle accounts. to be reckoned with of considerable importance; not to be ignored. Etymology: OE (ge)recenian f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) вычислять; считать; подсчитывать 2) подводить итог ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) подводить итог 2) подсчитывать 3) считать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) считать 2) исчислять 3) полагать, рассматривать 4) полагаться на, рассчитывать на (on/upon) 5) считаться с (with) • - reckon up RECKON 1) считать; рассматривать 2) полагать; рассчитывать (на кого-л.) 3) расплачиваться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. считать (особ. в уме), подсчитывать (также reckon up) to learn to read, write and reckon —- научиться читать, писать и считать to reckon from ten —- (начать) считать с десяти to reckon to sixty —- досчитать до шестидесяти reckoning from today —- считая с сегодняшнего дня the time is reckoned from... —- срок исчисляется с... 2. насчитывать; исчислять; подсчитывать, подводить итог (также reckon up) I reckon 53 of them —- я (их) насчитал 53 to reckon the cost of smth. —- вычислить стоимость чего-л. to reckon up one's debts —- подсчитать свои долги to reckon up the bill —- подбить счет 3. (часто as) рассматривать, считать to reckon smb. wise —- считать кого-л. умным to reckon smb. as an enemy —- рассматривать кого-л. как врага to be reckoned (as) a clever person —- считаться умным человеком he reckoned the work as (to be) one of his successes —- он считал это произведение своей удачей The National is reckoned one of the best hotels in the town —- "Националь" считается одной из лучших гостиниц города 4. (among) числить (где-л.), причислять (к кому-л., чему-л.) to reckon smb. among the greatest writers —- причислять кого-л. к великим писателям he is not reckoned among my friends —- он не относится к числу моих друзей among those submitting applications I reckon him the least qualified to do research —- среди всех подавших заявление я считаю его наименее подходящим для научной работы 5. преим. ам. думать, полагать,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) подсчитывать; Reckon up all your money and see if you have enough.  б) составлять мнение (о ком-л.), оценивать (кого-л.); The new teacher soon had the class reckoned up and was able to control them. RECKON v.  1) считать; подсчитывать, исчислять; подводить итог (обыкн. reckon up); насчитывать; The Christian age is usually reckoned from the birth of Christ. You reckon (up) to 100 while we hide.  2) рассматривать, считать за; думать, предполагать, придерживаться мнения; to be reckoned (as) a clever person - считаться умным человеком; The city council reckons its library as an important part of public service.  3) полагаться, рассчитывать (upon)  4) рассчитываться, расплачиваться, сводить счеты (with - с кем-л.)  5) принимать во внимание (with); he is to be reckoned with - с ним надо считаться - reckon among - reckon for - reckon in - reckon off - reckon on - reckon upon - reckon up - reckon with - reckon without to reckon without ones host - ошибиться в расчетах, крупно просчитаться Syn: see consider RECKON among причислять к; I am proud to reckon you among my friends. RECKON for рассчитывать (на что-л.); предусматривать (что-л.); He got more than he reckoned for when he chose to play against such an opponent. We didnt reckon for the weather turning bad so suddenly. RECKON in причислять к, включать; Have you reckoned in the members who are absent? RECKON off вычитать; делать скидку RECKON on полагаться, рассчитывать (на кого-л., что-л.); You can always reckon on Jim, hell never fail you. RECKON without coll. не суметь предусмотреть, рассчитать;...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. gerecenian "to recount, relate," from W.Gmc. *garekenojanan, from *rekenaz "ready, rapid." Perhaps ultimately from the root of O.E. reccan (see reckless). I reckon, used parenthetically, is now dialectal, but dates from 1603. Reckoning is early 14c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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