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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - projection


Связанные словари


~ n 1 a calculation of the amount or rate of something as it will be in the future, which is used for making official plans + of  (projections of declining natural gas production) 2 a statement about what will happen, based on information available now  (Early projections show a three point lead for the Socialists.) 3 formal something that sticks out from a surface  (small projections of weathered rock on the hillside) 4 the act of projecting a film or picture  (projection equipment) 5 technical the act of imagining that someone else is feeling what you are in fact feeling 6 technical an image of something that has been projected, especially an image of the world's surface on a map  (- see also Mercator projection)
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См. в других словарях

  (projections) 1. A projection is an estimate of a future amount. ...the company’s projection of 11 million visitors for the first year. ...sales projections. = forecast, estimate N-COUNT 2. The projection of a film or picture is the act of projecting it onto a screen or wall. N-UNCOUNT: usu N n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Date: 1557  1.  a. a systematic presentation of intersecting coordinate lines on a flat surface upon which features from a curved surface (as of the earth or the celestial sphere) may be mapped an equal-area map ~  b. the process or technique of reproducing a spatial object upon a plane or curved surface or a line by projecting its points; also a graph or figure so formed  2. a transforming change  3. the act of throwing or thrusting forward  4. the forming of a plan ; scheming  5.  a.  (1) a jutting out  (2) a part that juts out  b. a view of a building or architectural element  6.  a. the act of perceiving a mental object as spatially and sensibly objective; also something so perceived  b. the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety  7. the display of motion pictures by projecting an image from them upon a screen  8.  a. the act of projecting especially to an audience  b. control of the volume, clarity, and distinctness of a voice to gain greater audibility  9. an estimate of future possibilities based on a current trend  • ~al adjective Synonyms:  ~, protrusion, protuberance, bulge mean an extension beyond the normal line or surface. ~ implies a jutting out especially at a sharp angle those ~s along the wall are safety hazards. protrusion suggests a thrusting out so that the extension seems a deformity the bizarre protrusions of a coral reef. protuberance implies a growing or swelling out in rounded form a skin disease marked by warty protuberances. bulge suggests an expansion caused by internal pressure bulges in the tile floor. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the act or an instance of projecting; the process of being projected. 2 a thing that projects or obtrudes. 3 the presentation of an image etc. on a surface or screen. 4 a a forecast or estimate based on present trends (a projection of next year's profits). b this process. 5 a a mental image or preoccupation viewed as an objective reality. b the unconscious transfer of one's own impressions or feelings to external objects or persons. 6 Geom. the act or an instance of projecting a figure. 7 the representation on a plane surface of any part of the surface of the earth or a celestial sphere (Mercator projection). Derivatives projectionist n. (in sense 3). Etymology: L projectio (as PROJECT) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) проекция; план; вид 2) проектирование; планирование 3) проецирование 4) проекционная литография 5) демонстрация, показ (кинофильма) 6) выступающая часть; выступ; сварка рельеф 7) основание перпендикуляра projection on plane — проекция на плоскость; projection on tire — выступ грунтозацепа шин; projection with heights — проекция с числовыми отметками - projection of surface - anaglyphic projection - angle-preserving projection - animated projection - armature projections - axonometric projection - azimuthal projection - back projection - background projection - best possible projection - bonding projection - button-type projection - cabinet projection - cartographic projection - cathode-ray tube projection - central projection - conformal projection - conic projection - cross projection - cyclographic projection - cylindrical projection - diascopic projection - dimetric projection - elliptical projection - episcopic projection - equal-area projection - equal-space projection - film projection - front projection - frontal projection - gnomonic projection - hemispheric projection - image projection - isometric projection - Lambert projection - liner projection - Mercator projection - motion-picture projection - mural projection - oblique projection - optical projection - orthodromic projection - orthogonal projection - orthographic projection - panoramic projection - parallel projection - polar projection - polar stereographic projection - polyconic projection - rear projection - sawtooth projection - shadow projection - sinusoidal projection - skew projection - slide projection - stereographic projection - stereoscopic projection - still projection - tangent projection - telecine projection - television projection - tip projection - transverse projection - wall projection - welding projection - X-ray projection ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  проекция прогнозирование conformal transversal cylindrical projection Lambert conformal projection migration projection natural increase projection population projection transverse Mercator projection ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) проекция, отображение 2) (факсимильная) передача 3) демонстрация, показ 4) план, вид – background projection – data projection – flood projection – multimedia projection – OHP-projection – perspective projection – rear projection – rectangular projection – spot projection – stereographic projection – video projection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бросание 2) машиностр. выступ 3) кинопроекционный 4) метание 5) проектирование 6) проекция 7) проецирование 8) рельефный 9) условное математическое ожидание angle preserving projection — проекция, сохраняющая углы distance preserving projection — проекция, сохраняющая расстояние Gauss conformal projection — равноугольная проекция Гаусса gnomonic reciprocal projection — взаимная гномоническая проекция gradient projection method — метод проекции градиента motion-picture projection equipm — кинопроекционная аппаратура pole of stereographic projection — полюс стереографической проекции projection cathode-ray tube — проекционная электронно-лучевая трубка projection of vector space — проекция векторного пространства projection resistance welding — рельефная контактная сварка weakly continuous projection — слабо непрерывная проекция - Mercator projection - authalic projection - autogonal projection - barycentric projection - biharmonic projection - bounded projection - bundle projection - canonical projection - cartographic projection - center of projection - central projection - circular projection - clinographic projection - compatible projection - complementary projection - conformal projection - conical projection - convergent projection - coordinate projection - cordiform projection - covering projection - cyclic projection - cylindrical projection - dense projection - derived projection - dimetric projection - double projection - elliptic projection - equal-angle projection - equal-area projection - equatorial projection - equidistant projection - equisingular projection - equivalent projection - ergodic...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) проекция 2) выступ; вырост – cortical symbolic projection – corticothalamic projection – descending projection – thalamocortical projection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. выдающаяся часть, выступ projection of the lower lip —- выступающая нижняя губа the porch formed an ugly projection from the house —- крыльцо дома безобразно выдавалось вперед 2. метание; бросание; выброс, выбрасывание projection of a shell from a cannon —- вылет снаряда из орудия 3. (картографическая) проекция 4. опт. проекция изображения projection screen —- киноэкран 5. отбрасывание (тени) 6. проектирование; планирование 7. проект, план projections for rebuilding centre of the city —- планы перестройки центра города 8. прогноз, перспективная оценка; наметки 9. психол. проекция 10. психол. мысленное представление, воображение чего-либо 11. спец. мат. проекция isometric projection —- изометрическая проекция 12. бросание порошка (философского камня) на расплавленный металл в тигле (алхимия) 13. передача, доведение до зрителя, аудитории (мысли, образа) she excells in genuine stage projection —- она превосходно, перевоплощается на сцене ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) метание, бросание  2) проектирование  3) проект, план; наметка  4) проекция  5) выступ, выдающаяся часть  6) cin.; tv проекция изображения ...
Англо-русский словарь


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