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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - police


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~1 n plural 1 the police an official organization whose job is to make sure that people obey the law, to catch criminals, and to protect people and property  (I heard the sound of a window breaking and called the police. | Accidents involving injuries must be reported to the police. | a police car) 2 the people who work for this organization  (Armed police surrounded the courthouse. | Several police were injured when violence broke out.)  (- see also military police, secret police) ~2 v 1 to keep control over a particular area in order to make sure that laws are obeyed and people and property are protected, using a police or military force  (The army was brought in to police the riot-torn city. | new methods of policing the neighborhood) 2 to control a particular activity or industry by making sure that people follow the correct rules concerning what they do  (The agency was set up to police the nuclear power industry.) - policing n  (policing in rural areas)
police constable ~ n BrE formal a police officer of the lowest rank
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  (polices, policing, policed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The police are the official organization that is responsible for making sure that people obey the law. The police are also looking for a second car... Police say they have arrested twenty people following the disturbances... I noticed a police car shadowing us. N-SING-COLL 2. Police are men and women who are members of the official organization that is responsible for making sure that people obey the law. More than one hundred police have ringed the area. N-PLURAL 3. If the police or military forces police an area or event, they make sure that law and order is preserved in that area or at that event. ...the tiny UN observer force whose job it is to police the border... The march was heavily policed. VERB: V n, V-ed see also secret police • policing ...the policing of public places. N-UNCOUNT see also community policing 4. If a person or group in authority polices a law or an area of public life, they make sure that what is done is fair and legal. ...Imro, the self-regulatory body that polices the investment management business. VERB: V n • policing Policing of business courses varies widely. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  (~d; policing)  Etymology: in sense 1, from Middle French policier, from ~ conduct of public affairs; in other senses, from 2~  Date: 1589  1. archaic govern  2. to control, regulate, or keep in order by use of ~  3. to make clean and put in order  4.  a. to supervise the operation, execution, or administration of to prevent or detect and prosecute violations of rules and regulations  b. to exercise such supervision over the policies and activities of  5. to perform the functions of a ~ force in or over  II. noun  (plural ~)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: French, from Old French, from Late Latin politia government, administration, from Greek politeia, from polites citizen, from polis city, state; akin to Sanskrit pur rampart, Lithuanian pilis castle  Date: 1716  1.  a. the internal organization or regulation of a political unit through exercise of governmental powers especially with respect to general comfort, health, morals, safety, or prosperity  b. control and regulation of affairs affecting the general order and welfare of any unit or area  c. the system of laws for effecting such control  2.  a. the department of government concerned primarily with maintenance of public order, safety, and health and enforcement of laws and possessing executive, judicial, and legislative powers  b. the department of government charged with prevention, detection, and prosecution of public nuisances and crimes  3.  a. ~ force  b. plural ~ officers  4.  a. a private organization resembling a ~ force campus ~  b. plural the members of a private ~ organization  5.  a. the action or process of cleaning and putting in order  b. military personnel detailed to perform this function  6. one attempting to regulate or censor a specified field or activity the fashion ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. prec. by the) the civil force of a State, responsible for maintaining public order. 2 (as pl.) the members of a police force (several hundred police). 3 a force with similar functions of enforcing regulations (military police; railway police). --v.tr. 1 control (a country or area) by means of police. 2 provide with police. 3 keep order in; control. Phrases and idioms police constable see CONSTABLE. police dog a dog, esp. an Alsatian, used in police work. police officer a policeman or policewoman. police State a totalitarian State controlled by political police supervising the citizens' activities. police station the office of a local police force. Etymology: F f. med.L politia POLICY(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  полиция Организационно полиция США состоит примерно из 40 тыс. низовых подразделений, находящихся в различном подчинении: местная и муниципальная полиция constabulary, sheriff's department, police department, полиция штата state police, а также федеральные органы расследования (около 50). Термин чаще всего относится к муниципальной полиции. См. тж. Border Patrol, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Internal Revenue Service ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. полиция military police —- военная полиция traffic police —- дорожная полиция; ГАИ police post —- полицейский пост police state —- полицейское государство police offences —- юр. нарушения, подсудные полицейскому суду to deliver (to hand over) smb. to the police —- выдать кого-л. полиции the police was called in —- вызвали полицию 2. употр. с гл. во мн. ч.: полицейские twenty police —- двадцать полицейских the police are on his track —- полиция напала на его след the police are after you —- тебя разыскивает полиция 3. наведение порядка, поддержание спокойствия, защита закона police power —- право осуществлять охрану порядка, охрана государственного правопорядка the United Nations police force —- (вооруженные) силы (войска) ООН по поддержанию мира 4. ам. воен. уборка; поддержание чистоты police call —- построение на работы по уборке 5. употр. с гл. во мн. ч.: наряд kitchen police —- наряд по кухне 6. поддерживать порядок (с помощью полиции); нести полицейскую службу to police the seas —- нести охрану на море 7. обеспечивать полицейской охраной 8. наблюдать за проведением в жизнь (условий какого-л. соглашения и т. п.; о войсках ООН); обеспечивать проведение в жизнь (каких-л. мероприятий с помощью вооруженной силы) to police a shaky cease-fire —- следить за соблюдением неустойчивого...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) полиция; military police - военная полиция  2) (употр. с гл. во мн. ч.) полицейские  3) mil. наряд  4) amer.; mil. уборка, поддержание чистоты  5) attr. полицейский; - police constable - police power  2. v.  1) охранять  2) поддерживать порядок (в стране)  3) обеспечивать полицией (город, район)  4) fig. управлять  5) amer.; mil. чистить, приводить в порядок POLICE constable полицейский POLICE power amer. охрана государственного правового порядка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  law abbr. Polite Obidient Loyal Intelligent Courageous And Encourgining law abbr. People Often Lie In Confidence Everywhere ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1390, at first essentially the same word as policy; from L. politia "civil administration," from Gk. polis "city" (see politic). Still used in Eng. for "civil administration" until mid-19c.; application to "administration of public order" is from Fr., first recorded 1716. The first force so-named in Eng. was the Marine Police, set up 1798 to protect merchandise at the Port of London. The verb "to keep order by means of police" is from 1841; policeman is from 1829. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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