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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - plain


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~1 adj 1 »CLEAR« very clear, and easy to understand or recognize; obvious (1)  (He spoke in Russian, but his message was plain enough. | it is plain (that))  (It was plain that management policies would have to change. | as plain as day/as plain as the nose on your face (=very clear))  (Phil loves her - that's as plain as day.) 2 »SIMPLE« without anything added or without decoration; simple  (a plain white blouse | It's just a plain wooden table but it looks just right in this room. | plain food | a plain gold wedding ring) 3 »HONEST« showing clearly and honestly what you think about something, without trying to hide anything; frank1 (1)  (Let's have some plain, truthful answers.) 4 make sth plain/make yourself plain to state something very clearly, in a way that cannot be misunderstood  (They made their position plain from the start. | Let me make myself plain - we are not prepared to accept the deal as it stands.)  (- see also plainly) 5 the plain truth/fact is especially spoken used to say what you think is the simple and honest truth about a situation  (The plain truth is he's just not good enough.) 6 plain stupidity/greed etc stupidity etc, and nothing else  (His motive was plain greed.) 7 »NOT BEAUTIFUL« a word meaning ugly or unattractive, often used because you want to avoid saying this directly  (Mrs Cookson was a rather plain woman.) 8 »PAPER« plain paper does not have lines on it 9 (just) plain Mr/Mrs etc used to say that someone does not have a title, rank, or special name  (No, it's not Doctor, just plain Mister.) 10 in plain English simply or clearly expressed, especially without using technical language  (The computer system is explained in plain English.) 11 in plain clothes police officers in plain clothes are not wearing uniform 12 be plain sailing to be very easy to do or achieve - plainness n ~2 n 1 also plains a large area of flat dry land  (The grassy plain gave way to an extensive swamp. | the vast plains of central China) 2 the ordinary stitch in knitting; knit (2) ~3 adv plain stupid/wrong/rude etc informal simply or completely stupid etc  (It's just plain crazy to spend all your pay as soon as you get it.)
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  (plainer, plainest, plains) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A plain object, surface, or fabric is entirely in one colour and has no pattern, design, or writing on it. In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger... He wore a plain blue shirt, open at the collar. ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. Something that is plain is very simple in style. Bronwen’s dress was plain but it hung well on her... ? fancy, elaborate ADJ • plainly He was very tall and plainly dressed. ADV: ADV -ed 3. If a fact, situation, or statement is plain, it is easy to recognize or understand. It was plain to him that I was having a nervous breakdown... He’s made it plain that he loves the game and wants to be involved still. = clear ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft it v-link ADJ that see also plain-spoken 4. If you describe someone as plain, you think they look ordinary and not at all beautiful. ...a shy, rather plain girl with a pale complexion. ADJ 5. A plain is a large flat area of land with very few trees on it. Once there were 70 million buffalo on the plains. N-COUNT 6. You can use plain before an adjective in order to emphasize it. The food was just plain terrible. ADV: ADV adj c darkgreen]emphasis • Plain is also used before a noun. Is it love of publicity or plain stupidity on her part? ADJ: ADJ n 7. If a police officer is in plain clothes, he or she is wearing ordinary clothes instead of a police uniform. Three officers in plain clothes told me to get out of the car. plain sailing: see sailing PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French pleindre, ~dre, from Latin plangere to lament — more at ~t  Date: 14th century archaic com~  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin planum, from neuter of planus flat, ~ — more at floor  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an extensive area of level or rolling treeless country  b. a broad unbroken expanse  2. something free from artifice, ornament, or extraneous matter  III. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. archaic even, level  2. lacking ornament ; undecorated  3. free of extraneous matter ; pure  4. free of impediments to view ; unobstructed  5.  a.  (1) evident to the mind or senses ; obvious it's perfectly ~ that they will resist  (2) clear let me make my meaning ~  b. marked by outspoken candor ; free from duplicity or subtlety ; blunt ~ talk  6.  a. belonging to the masses ; common  b. lacking special distinction or affectation ; ordinary  7. characterized by simplicity ; not complicated ~ home-cooked meals  8. lacking beauty or ugliness  Synonyms: see common, evident, frank  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  IV. adverb  Date: 14th century in a ~ manner ; without obscurity or ambiguity saw them clearly and told you ~ — American Documentation  V. adverb  Etymology: partly from Middle English plein entire, complete, from Anglo-French, full, from Latin plenus; partly from 4~ — more at full  Date: 1535 absolutely 1 it ~ galled me to pay fancy prices — F. R. Buckley ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 clear; evident (is plain to see). 2 readily understood; simple (in plain words). 3 a (of food, sewing, decoration, etc.) uncomplicated; not elaborate; unembellished; simple. b without a decorative pattern. 4 (esp. of a woman or girl) ugly. 5 outspoken; straightforward. 6 (of manners, dress, etc.) unsophisticated; homely (a plain man). 7 (of drawings etc.) not coloured (penny plain, twopence coloured). 8 not in code. --adv. 1 clearly; unequivocally (to speak plain, I don't approve). 2 simply (that is plain stupid). --n. 1 a level tract of esp. treeless country. 2 a basic knitting stitch made by putting the needle through the back of the stitch and passing the wool round the front of the needle (opp. PURL(1)). Phrases and idioms be plain with speak bluntly to. plain card neither a trump nor a court-card. plain chocolate dark chocolate without added milk. plain clothes ordinary clothes worn esp. as a disguise by policemen etc. plain-clothes (attrib.) wearing plain clothes. plain cook a person competent in plain English cooking. plain dealing candour; straightforwardness. plain sailing 1 sailing a straightforward course. 2 an uncomplicated situation or course of action. plain service Eccl. a church service without music. plain-spoken outspoken; blunt. plain suit a suit that is not trumps. plain text a text not in cipher or code. plain time time not paid for at overtime rates. plain weaving weaving with the weft alternately over and under the warp. Derivatives plainly adv. plainness n. Etymology: ME f. OF plain (adj. & n.) f. L planus (adj.), planum (n.) 2. v.intr. archaic or poet. 1 mourn. 2 complain. 3 make a plaintive sound. Etymology: ME f. OF plaindre (stem plaign-) f. L plangere planct- lament ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) плоскость 2) осветлять (стекломассу) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  равнина alluvial plain flood plain ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) гладкий арматурный 2) неармированный 3) нешпунтованный 4) обыкновенный 5) очевидный 6) простой 7) равнина 8) равнинный 9) чистый 10) ясный plain earth dam — земляная плотина plain reinforcing bar — гладкий арматурный пруток plain reinforcing bars — гладкая арматура для железобетона - abyssal plain - in plain view - plain agar - plain card - plain cement - plain flap - plain gate - plain gauge - plain indexing - plain linoleum - plain matrix - plain mechanism - plain milling - plain roll - plain roller - plain rolls - plain steel - plain term - plain turning - plain value - plain weave - rolling plain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) простой, ясный 2) ровный 3) очевидный 4) прямой, откровенный - plain duty - plain food - plain man - plain statement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. равнина in the open plain —- в открытом поле Salisbury P. —- равнина Солсбери 2. обыкн. pl. ам. австрал. безлесные равнины; прерии 3. поле брани 4. (the P.) ист. "болото" (во французском национальном конвенте) 5. прямая петля (в вязанье) plain and purl —- прямая и обратная петля Id: Cities of the P. —- библ. Содом и Гоморра 6. ясный; отчетливый plain view (sight) —- открытый вид plain articulation —- отчетливая артикуляция plain writing —- разборчивый почерк all was plain to see —- все было ясно видно the rippling of the brook was plain to be heard —- журчание ручейка было отчетливо слышно 7. явный, очевидный it is your plain duty —- это ваш прямой долг it was plain that he did not wish to do it —- было очевидно (ясно), что он не хотел этого делать 8. полный, совершенный, абсолютный plain folly —- чистое безумие plain nonsense —- полнейшая бессмыслица, абсолютная чепуха plain stupidity —- непробиваемая тупость 9. простой, понятный to explain smth. in plain and precise terms —- объяснить что-л. ясно и точно to make smth. plain to smb. —- разъяснить что-л. кому-л. tell her what you want in plain words —- объясните ей членораздельно, что вы хотите the meaning is quite plain —- значение совершенно ясно (понятно) in plain English —- ясно, членораздельно he can't understand plain English —- он не понимает простых слов 10. незашифрованный plain langauge —- воен....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. adj.  1) ясный, явный, очевидный; to make it plain - выявить, разъяснить; the plain truth/fact is that... - дело просто в том, что..., совершенно очевидно, что...  2) простой; понятный; - plain writing  3) незамысловатый, обыкновенный; - plain water - plain card - plain clothes - plain work  4) одноцветный, без узора (о материи)  5) гладкий, ровный (о местности)  6) простой, скромный (о пище и т.п.)  7) прямой, откровенный; - plain dealing - be plain with smb.  8) простой, незнатный; - plain folk  9) некрасивый - plain sailing Syn: apparent, conspicuous, evident, manifest, obvious see ugly Ant: concealed, hidden, imperceptible, implicit, inconspicuous, secret  2. noun  1) равнина  2) poet. поле брани  3) плоскость Syn: bush, desert, outback, pampas, prairie, range, savannah, steppe, tundra, veldt Ant: mountain  3. adv.  1) ясно, разборчиво, отчетливо  2) откровенно II v. poet. сетовать, жаловаться, плакаться; хныкать PLAIN card нефигурная игральная карта; PLAIN clothes штатское платье; PLAIN dealer прямой, откровенный человек PLAIN dealing прямота; откровенность PLAIN folk простонародье PLAIN living скромная, простая жизнь; PLAIN sailing  а) naut. плавание по локсодромии;  б) легкий, простой путь; it will be all plain sailing - все пойдет как по маслу PLAIN water обыкновенная вода; PLAIN work простое шитье (в отличие от вышивания) PLAIN writing разборчивый почерк ...
Англо-русский словарь
  or smooth sailing {n. phr.} An uncomplicated, unhampered, or easy course. * /For a graduate of such a famous university as he was, that assignment was plain sailing./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. plain, from L. planus "flat, even, level," from PIE *pla- "flat." Sense of "smooth" is earliest in Eng., meanings of "simple, sincere, ordinary" are 14c. Of appearance, as a euphemism for "ill-favored, ugly" it dates from 1749. Plains of the American Midwest first so called 1684. L. planum was used for "level ground" but much more common was campus. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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