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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - piece


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~1 n 1 »SEPARATE PART« a part of something that has been separated, broken, or cut from the rest of it  (She cut the cake into pieces.) + of  (How many pieces of toast would you like? | pieces of broken glass) in ~s (=broken into many pieces)  (The vase had slipped and lay in pieces on the floor.) 2 »OBJECT« a single thing of a particular type, often one that is part of a set of things  (Each piece of clothing had her name written in it. | Can I have another piece of paper? | a beautifully made piece of furniture) 24-~/60-~ etc (=with 24, 60 etc pieces in the set)  (an 80-piece orchestra) 3 »CONNECTED PART« one of several different parts that must be joined together to make something  (Some of the jigsaw pieces are missing.) in ~s (=separated into pieces)  (The shelves are sold in pieces that you have to assemble.) take sth to ~s (=separate it into pieces)  (We'll have to take the whole engine to pieces to fix it.) come to ~s (=be designed to be separated into pieces)  (The table comes to pieces so it's easy to deliver.) 4 piece of advice/information/gossip etc some advice, information etc  (Let me give you a piece of advice - sell the car. | a juicy piece of gossip) 5 piece of luck/stupidity/wilfulness etc something lucky, stupid etc  (Finding that store sure was a piece of luck.) 6 »LAND« an area of land  (The factory had been built on a piece of waste ground.) 7 fall to pieces to become very old and damaged  (All my clothes are falling to pieces.) 8 go to pieces to be so upset or nervous that you cannot think or behave normally  (We're looking for someone who won't go to pieces in a crisis.) 9 smash/rip/tear sth to pieces to damage something very severely  (The city had been shot to pieces in the air strike. | In a rage, I tore the letter to pieces.) 10 pull/rip/tear sb to pieces to criticize someone or their ideas very severely  (After she had finished speaking, Hayes tore her to pieces.) 11 (all) in one piece not damaged or injured  (Luckily the parcel arrived all in one piece. | The car was a wreck, but we got out in one piece.) 12 give sb a piece of your mind informal to tell someone that you are very angry with them 13 be a piece of cake informal to be very easy to do  (Learning to drive was a piece of cake for me.) 14 a piece of the action informal a share of the profits from a business activity, especially an illegal one 15 be (all) of a piece a) to be the same as something else  (The testimony was all of a piece with Mandeville's version of events.) b) to be the same in all parts  (The style of the book is all of a piece, both in illustrations and text.) 16 »MONEY« a) a coin of a particular value  (ten pence/fifty-cent etc piece)  (Does anyone have change for a 50 pence piece?) b) old use a coin  (30 pieces of silver) 17 »ART/MUSIC ETC« something that has been produced by an artist, musician, or writer  (The 1812 Overture is one of Tchaikovsky's finest pieces.) 18 »IN A NEWSPAPER« a short written article (2) in a newspaper or magazine  (Did you see that piece in the Observer about censorship?) 19 »IN GAMES« a small object or figure used in playing games such as chess 20 »GUN« AmE slang a small gun 21 be a piece of shit/crap spoken a rude way of saying that something is of very low quality  (Why did you buy that car? It's a piece of crap!) 22 piece of ass AmE an offensive expression meaning a woman, used by men when they are talking about sex 23 a piece AmE old-fashioned a short distance away  (The store is down the road a piece.)  (- see also museum piece, party piece, set piece, a nasty piece of work (nasty6), pick up the pieces (pick1), say your piece (say1 (2)), the villain of the piece (villain (3))) ~2 v  ( @piece together piece sth together phr v 1 to use all the facts or information you have about a situation in order to understand it  (Police are still trying to piece together his movements before the murder.) 2 to put all the separate parts of an object into the correct order or position  (He was slowly piecing together torn fragments of a letter.) @ )
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  (pieces, piecing, pieced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A piece of something is an amount of it that has been broken off, torn off, or cut off. ...a piece of cake. ...a few words scrawled on a piece of paper... Cut the ham into pieces... Do you want another piece? N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A piece of an object is one of the individual parts or sections which it is made of, especially a part that can be removed. The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces. = bit N-COUNT 3. A piece of land is an area of land. People struggle to get the best piece of land. N-COUNT: usu N of n 4. You can use piece of with many uncount nouns to refer to an individual thing of a particular kind. For example, you can refer to some advice as a piece of advice. When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical... ...an interesting piece of information. ...a sturdy piece of furniture... N-COUNT: N of n 5. You can refer to an article in a newspaper or magazine, some music written by someone, a broadcast, or a play as a piece. I disagree with Andrew Russell over his piece on British Rail. N-COUNT 6. You can refer to a work of art as a piece. (FORMAL) Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory... N-COUNT 7. You can refer to specific coins as pieces. For example, a 10p piece is a coin that is worth 10p. N-COUNT: supp N 8. The pieces which you use when you play a board game such as chess are the specially made objects which you move around on the board. N-COUNT 9. A piece of something is part of it or a share of it. (AM) They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit. QUANT: QUANT of def-n 10. see also museum piece, party piece, set piece 11. If you give someone a piece of your mind, you tell them very clearly that you think they have behaved badly. (INFORMAL) How very thoughtless. I’ll give him a piece of my mind. PHRASE: V inflects 12. If something with several...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *pettia, of Gaulish origin; akin to Welsh peth thing  Date: 13th century  1. a part of a whole: as  a. fragment ~s of broken glass  b. any of the individual members comprising a unit — often used in combination a five-~ band a three-~ suit  c. portion, allocation a ~ of the jackpot  2. an object or individual regarded as a unit of a kind or class a ~ of fruit  3. a usually unspecified distance down the road a ~  4. a standard quantity (as of length, weight, or size) in which something is made or sold  5. a literary, journalistic, artistic, dramatic, or musical composition  6. firearm  7. coin; also token  8. a movable object used in playing a board game; specifically a chessman other than a pawn  9. opinion, view spoke his ~  10.  a. usually vulgar an act of copulation  b. usually vulgar the female partner in sexual intercourse  11. instance, example silly ~ of nonsense a nice ~ of acting  Synonyms: see part  II. transitive verb  (~d; piecing)  Date: 15th century  1. to repair, renew, or complete by adding ~s ; patch  2. to join into a whole — often used with together his new book…has been ~d together from talks — Merle Miller  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a (often foll. by of) one of the distinct portions forming part of or broken off from a larger object; a bit; a part (a piece of string). b each of the parts of which a set or category is composed (a five-piece band; a piece of furniture). 2 a coin of specified value (50p piece). 3 a a usu. short literary or musical composition or a picture. b a theatrical play. 4 an item, instance, or example (a piece of impudence; a piece of news). 5 a any of the objects used to make moves in board-games. b a chessman (strictly, other than a pawn). 6 a definite quantity in which a thing is sold. 7 (often foll. by of) an enclosed portion (of land etc.). 8 derog. sl. a woman. 9 US (foll. by of) sl. a financial share or investment in (has a piece of the new production). --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by together) form into a whole; put together; join (finally pieced his story together). 2 (usu. foll. by out) a eke out. b form (a theory etc.) by combining parts etc. 3 (usu. foll. by up) patch. 4 join (threads) in spinning. Phrases and idioms break to pieces break into fragments. by the piece (paid) according to the quantity of work done. go to pieces collapse emotionally; suffer a breakdown. in one piece 1 unbroken. 2 unharmed. in pieces broken. of a piece (often foll. by with) uniform, consistent, in keeping. piece-goods fabrics, esp. Lancashire cottons, woven in standard lengths. a piece of cake see CAKE. piece of eight hist. a Spanish dollar, equivalent to 8 reals. piece of goods sl. derog. a woman. a piece of one's mind a sharp rebuke or lecture. piece of water a small lake etc. piece of work a thing made by working (cf. nasty piece of work). piece-rates a rate paid according to the amount produced. piece-work work paid for by the amount produced. say one's piece give one's opinion or make a prepared statement. take to pieces 1 break up or dismantle. 2 criticize harshly. Derivatives piecer n. (in sense 4 of v.). Etymology: ME f. AF pece, OF piece f. Rmc, prob. of Gaulish orig.: cf. PEAT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  штука; определённый предмет; определённое количество (о материалах) обломок, кусок, осколок, часть деталь; фрагмент земельный участок конец дороги соединять в единое целое piece of forge piece of land piece of paper piece of work abutment piece angle piece apron piece backing piece bed piece bellows expansion piece bridging piece carriage piece chimney piece cocking piece connecting piece corbel piece cross piece diminishing piece distance piece elongated piece expansion piece face piece filling piece filling-in pieces head piece kicking piece nogging piece pitching piece reducing piece shaped piece sole piece spare piece sprocket piece T piece take-off piece test piece tie piece tongue piece transition piece valley piece Y piece ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  деталь; элемент – bridging piece ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вещь 2) деталь 3) за штуку 4) кусок 5) кусочный 6) отрезок 7) патрубок 8) сдельный 9) составлять из кусков 10) часть 11) шмат 12) штука 13) штучный blade locking piece — замок лопатки collet grips piece — цанга зажимает предмет forge out of a piece — ковать из штучной заготовки tail piece of train — хвостовая часть поезда - by the piece - chess piece - curve piece - data piece - deep-drawn piece - distance piece - forged piece - head piece - minimal piece - moulded piece - piece blank - piece goods - piece of equipment - piece of evidence - piece of money - piece work - pole piece - repair piece - sample piece - standard piece - test piece - thread piece - time per piece - wearing piece - work piece ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) кусок, часть 2) участок 3) отдельный предмет 4) штука 5) монета • - piece justificative - piece of clothing - piece of foreign exchange - piece of information - piece rate - piece rate bonus - piece rate wage plan - piece work - two penny piece Syn: sample, specimen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  часть; компонент; фрагмент – extended tail piece – Fc piece – intracellular transport piece – triple nose piece ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. кусок; часть a piece of bread —- кусок хлеба a piece of paper —- лист(ок) (клочок) бумаги to tear off a small piece of paper —- оторвать клочок бумаги to take to pieces —- разобрать на (составные) части to take a machine to pieces —- разобрать (демонтировать) машину to take a dress to pieces —- распороть платье a piece of the road is now under repair —- один участок дороги сейчас ремонтируется a piece out of the book —- отрывок из книги there is one piece missing —- одной части не хватает piece by piece —- по кускам; по частям; постепенно in (of) one piece —- целым куском, целиком 2. обломки, осколки in pieces —- разбитый на куски; расколовшийся; полный противоречий the statue was in pieces —- статуя была разбита на мелкие кусочки I am torn in pieces —- меня раздирают противоречия the army at once fell in pieces —- армия сразу же распалась to pieces —- на части; вдребезги to break smth. (in)to pieces —- разбить что-л. вдребезги the tea-pot fell and was broken to pieces —- чайник упал и разбился вдребезги to burst (to fly) to pieces —- разлететься на мелкие кусочки to come (to fall, to go) to pieces —- разбиться вдребезги; развалиться на части; погибнуть, пропасть; распадаться; потерять присутствие духа; "сломаться" his clothes are comint (falling) to pieces —- его одежда превращается в лохмотья when he heard of his son's death he went to pieces —- когда он узнал, что его сын погиб, он...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of music музыкальное произведение; PIECE up чинить, латать; The parts of the scenery have a space between them but we can piece it up with a new bit representing leaves. PIECE  1. noun  1) кусок, часть; a piece of water - пруд, озерко; piece by piece - по кускам, постепенно, частями; Comb - take to pieces  2) pl. обломки, осколки; - in pieces - to pieces  3) участок (земли); He has bought a piece of land.  4) штука, кусок, определенное количество; piece of wall-paper - рулон обоев; per piece, by the piece - поштучно  5) отдельный предмет, штука; a piece of furniture - мебель (отдельная вещь, напр., стул, стол и т.п.); a piece of plate - посудина  6) картина; литературное или музыкальное произведение (обыкн. короткое); пьеса; - piece of art - piece of music - piece of poetry - dramatical piece - museum piece  7) образец, пример; a piece of impudence - образец наглости; a piece of bravery - образец храбрости  8) (в выражениях) - piece of luck - piece of news - piece of information - piece of work - piece of injustice - piece of nonsense  9) шахматная фигура; heavy pieces - тяжёлые фигуры; minor pieces - легкие фигуры  10) монета (тж. a piece of money); two penny piece - монета в два пенни  11) mil. орудие, огневое средство; винтовка; пистолет; piece of ordnance - артиллерийское орудие  12) amer. музыкальный инструмент  13) бочонок вина  14) вставка, заплата  15) tech. деталь; обрабатываемое изделие of a/one piece with -  а) одного и того же качества с;  б) в...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. piece, from V.L. *pettia, probably from Gaulish (cf. Welsh peth "thing," Breton pez "piece"), from O.Celt. base *pett-. Original sense was of "fixed amount, measure." Meaning "person regarded as a sex object" is first recorded 1785. Piece of my mind is from 1572. The Fr. form is in piиce de rйsistance, originally "the most substantial dish in a meal." Piece of work "remarkable person" echoes Hamlet. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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