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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - past


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~1 adj 1 »PREVIOUS« only before noun done, used, or experienced before now  (Judging by her past performance, I'd say Rowena should do very well. | From past experience she knew not to ask him where he'd been. | Study some past exam papers to get an idea of the questions.) 2 »RECENTLY« a little earlier than the present or up until now  (in the past 24 hours/year/few weeks etc)  (In the past year Shane's changed jobs 3 times. | for the past 24 hours/year/few weeks etc)  (Ben hasn't been feeling too good for the past week.) 3 »FINISHED« finished or having come to an end  (Winter is past and spring has come at last. | Sarah's eyes shone with memories of past happiness. | past life (=part of your life that you have no connection with any more))  (a sleep filled with dreams of my past life in the East.) 4 »FORMER« only before noun achieving something in the past, or holding a particular important position in the past  (past president/champion/heroes etc)  (celebrating in honour of all our nation's past heroes) 5 be past it spoken to be too old to do something  (Talbot's past it - they should have dropped him.) 6 »GRAMMAR« only before noun technical being the form of a verb that is used to show a past action or state  (the past tense) ~2 prep 1 further than  (The hospital's just up this road about a mile past the school on your left. | just past (=a little further than))  (There are parking spaces over there, just past the garage.) 2 up to and beyond  (Will you be going past my house on your way home? | straight past (=directly past without stopping))  (Eva had changed so much I walked straight past her and didn't recognize her.) 3 I wouldn't put it past sb (to do sth) spoken used to say that you would not be surprised if someone did something bad or unusual because it is typical of them to do that type of thing  (I'm not sure if he actually did cheat in the exams, but I wouldn't put it past him!) 4 be past caring/being interested/hope etc to not care any more, be interested in something any more etc  (I used to get really upset when he wouldn't see me, but I'm past caring now.) ~3 n 1 the past a) the time that existed before the present  (James has done many things in the past, but he's happiest now in his job as a teacher. | a thing of the past (=something that does not exist any more))  (Good manners seem to have become a thing of the past.) b) the form of a verb that shows that the action or state described by the verb happened or existed some time before the present time  (Change the following verbs into the past.) 2 it's all in the past spoken used to say that an unpleasant experience has ended and can be forgotten  (You mustn't think about it. It's all in the past now.) 3 sb's/sth's past all the things that have happened to someone or something in the past  (There were certain things in his past which were very painful for Neil to remember.) 4 part of someone's life that they try to keep secret because they did things that are considered to be wrong  (a shady past)  (There was something odd about him which suggested he had a shady past.) ~4 adv 1 up to and beyond a particular place  (Hal and his friends came running past at top speed.) 2 go past if a period of time goes past, it passes  (Weeks went past without any news of them.)
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  (pasts) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'past' is used in the phrasal verb ‘run past’. 1. The past is the time before the present, and the things that have happened. In the past, about a third of the babies born to women with diabetes were lost... He should learn from the mistakes of the past. We have been here before... ? future, present N-SING: the N • If you accuse someone of living in the past, you mean that they think too much about the past or believe that things are the same as they were in the past. What was the point in living in the past, thinking about what had or had not happened? PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]disapproval 2. Your past consists of all the things that you have done or that have happened to you. ...revelations about his past. ...Germany’s recent past. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 3. Past events and things happened or existed before the present time. I knew from past experience that alternative therapies could help... The list of past champions includes many British internationals. = previous ADJ: ADJ n 4. You use past to talk about a period of time that has just finished. For example, if you talk about the past five years, you mean the period of five years that has just finished. Most shops have remained closed for the past three days. = last ? next ADJ: det ADJ n 5. If a situation is past, it has ended and no longer exists. (LITERARY) Many economists believe the worst of the economic downturn is past. ...images from years long past... = gone ADJ: v-link ADJ 6. In grammar, the past tenses of a verb are the ones used to talk about things that happened at some time before the present. The simple past tense uses the past form of a verb, which for regular verbs ends in ‘-ed’, as in ‘They walked back to the car’. ADJ: ADJ n see also past perfect 7. You use past when you are stating a time which is thirty minutes or less after a particular...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from ~ participle of passen to pass  Date: 14th century  1.  a. ago 12 years ~  b. just gone or elapsed for the ~ few months  2. having existed or taken place in a period before the present ; bygone  3. of, relating to, or constituting a verb tense that is expressive of elapsed time and that in English is usually formed by internal vowel change (as in sang) or by the addition of a suffix (as in laughed)  4. having served as a specified officer in an organization ~ president  II. preposition  Date: 14th century  1.  a. beyond the age for or of ~ playing with dolls  b. after half ~ two  2.  a. at the farther side of ; beyond  b. in a course or direction going close to and then beyond drove ~ the house  3. obsolete more than  4. beyond the capacity, range, or sphere of ~ belief  III. noun  Date: 1520  1.  a. time gone by  b. something that happened or was done in the ~ regret the ~  2.  a. the ~ tense of a language  b. a verb form in the ~ tense  3. a ~ life, history, or course of action; especially one that is kept secret  • ~less adjective  IV. adverb  Date: 1546 so as to reach and go beyond a point near at hand drove ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., prep., & adv. --adj. 1 gone by in time and no longer existing (in past years; the time is past). 2 recently completed or gone by (the past month; for some time past). 3 relating to a former time (past president). 4 Gram. expressing a past action or state. --n. 1 (prec. by the) a past time. b what has happened in past time (cannot undo the past). 2 a person's past life or career, esp. if discreditable (a man with a past). 3 a past tense or form. --prep. 1 beyond in time or place (is past two o'clock; ran past the house). 2 beyond the range, duration, or compass of (past belief; past endurance). --adv. so as to pass by (hurried past). Phrases and idioms not put it past a person believe it possible of a person. past it colloq. incompetent or unusable through age. past master 1 a person who is especially adept or expert in an activity, subject, etc. 2 a person who has been a master in a guild, Freemason's lodge, etc. past perfect = PLUPERFECT. Etymology: past part. of PASS(1) v. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) былой 2) мимо 3) прошедший 4) прошлый automaton with finite past — автомат с конечным запоминанием automaton with infinite past — автомат с бесконечным запоминанием channel with past history — канал с предысторией past history of a system — предыстория системы past history of system — изменение характеристик системы в прошлом; предыстория системы - independence of past - past history ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. (the past) прошлое, минувшее, прошедшее we cannot change the past —- прошлого не воротишь memories of the past filled his mind —- на него нахлынули воспоминания о прошлом it is a thing of the past —- это дело прошлое in the past it's been very difficult to get tickets —- раньше было очень трудно доставать билеты 2. (the past) прошлое (историческое) our country has a glorious past —- у нашей страны славное прошлое this city has a very interesting past —- у этого города очень интересное историческое прошлое 3. (the past) жизнь человека we know nothing of his past —- мы ничего не знаем о его прошлом a woman with a past —- женщина с прошлым 4. (the past) грам. прошедшее время 5. прошлый, минувший, истекший the past generations —- минувшие поколения past history —- мед. анамнез for some time past —- (за) последнее время in the past week —- не прошлой неделе in tines past —- в прошлом I have not been feeling very well for the past few days —- в последние дни я чувствую себя неважно in ages past and gone —- в далеком прошлом he is past his prime —- его молодость уже прошла winter is past and spring has come —- зима прошла, пришла весна the worst part of the trip is past —- худшая часть поездки позади the epidemic is past its worst —- эпидемия уже утихает I'm past caring about it —- мне это уже безразлично the old man is past work —- старик уже не мог работать he is a past president of our club —- он бывший президент нашего клуба 6....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  participle gram. причастие прошедшего времени PAST  1. noun  1) прошлое; прошедшее; it is now a thing of the past - это дело прошлого; a man with a past - человек с (дурным) прошлым  2) (обыкн. the past) gram. прошедшее время  2. adj.  1) прошлый, минувший; истекший; for some time past - (за) последнее время; his prime is past - его молодость прошла  2) gram. прошедший; - past participle  3. adv. мимо; he walked past - он прошел мимо; the years flew past - годы пролетели  4. prep.  1) мимо; he ran past the house - он пробежал мимо дома  2) за, по ту сторону; the station is past the river - станция находится за рекой  3) после, за; it is past two - теперь третий час; he stayed till past two oclock - было больше двух, когда он ушел; half past two - половина третьего; the train is past due - поезд опоздал; he is past sixty - ему за шестьдесят  4) свыше, сверх; за пределами (достижимого); past the wit of man - выше человеческого разумения; he is past cure - он неизлечим; it is past endurance - это нестерпимо PAST all bearing нестерпимый, нестерпимо PAST compare вне всякого сравнения PAST master (непревзойденный) мастер (в чем-л.) (in) PAST recall  а) непоправимый;  б) забытый ...
Англо-русский словарь
  U.S. gov. abbr. Principles Assumptions Steps And Techniques electron. abbr. Pre Amp Signal Transfer educ. abbr. Parents And Students Together law abbr. Parents Against Speeding Teens ...
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