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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - pain


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~1 n 1 »PHYSICAL« the feeling you have when part of your body hurts  (be in pain (=having a pain in part of your body))  (Take these tablets if you're in pain. | feel pain)  (We've given him an anaesthetic so he shouldn't feel any pain. | be in great pain)  (Her face was contorted and she was clearly in great pain. | severe pain)  (She started getting severe back pains and had to stay off work. | relieve pain (=stop pain))  (drugs to relieve the pain. | ease the pain (=reduce the pain) | a sharp pain (=one that you feel very severely, usually for a short time) | a dull pain (=one that is not very strong but which continues for a long time.) | have a pain in your chest/leg/back etc)  (I've got a terrible pain in my left side. | labour pains (=pain felt by women beginning to have a baby))  (- see also growing pains (1)) 2 »MENTAL« emotional or mental suffering, or a particular experience of this suffering  (life with its pleasures and pains | cause (sb) pain/inflict pain on sb)  (She hated to say the words, for fear of causing pain.) 3 a pain in the ass/butt AmE also pain in the arse/backside BrE spoken an impolite expression meaning someone or something extremely annoying  (What's wrong with Dave? He's becoming a total pain in the ass.) 4 a pain also a pain in the neck spoken someone or something that you have to do that is very annoying  (My commute to work is a real pain. | He's such a pain in the neck.) 5 aches and pains many small pains in various parts of your body  (everyday aches and pains increase) 6 take pains to do sth also take pains with/over sth to make a special effort to do something, or to be very careful in doing something  (Take pains to present a smart, efficient appearance.) 7 be at pains to do sth to be especially careful to do something, or try very hard to do something  (Major and Clinton were clearly at pains to avoid a row.) 8 for your pains used when saying that you got something, especially an unfairly small payment, as a reward for your efforts  (I drive them sixty miles, and I only get a fifty-cent tip for my pains!) 9 on/under pain of death at the risk of being killed as punishment  (You are sworn to keep the secret, on pain of death.) ~2 v 1 it pains sb to do sth formal it is very difficult and upsetting for someone to have to do something  (It pains me to leave you.) 2 old use if a part of your body pains you, it hurts
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  (pains, pained) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Pain is the feeling of great discomfort you have, for example when you have been hurt or when you are ill. ...back pain. ...a bone disease that caused excruciating pain... I felt a sharp pain in my lower back... ...chest pains. N-VAR • If you are in pain, you feel pain in a part of your body, because you are injured or ill. She was writhing in pain, bathed in perspiration. PHRASE: PHR after v 2. Pain is the feeling of unhappiness that you have when something unpleasant or upsetting happens. ...grey eyes that seemed filled with pain. = anguish N-UNCOUNT 3. If a fact or idea pains you, it makes you feel upset and disappointed. This public acknowledgment of Ted’s disability pained my mother... It pains me to think of you struggling all alone. VERB: no cont, V n, it V n to-inf, also it V n that 4. In informal English, if you call someone or something a pain or a pain in the neck, you mean that they are very annoying or irritating. Expressions such as a pain in the arse and a pain in the backside in British English, or a pain in the ass and a pain in the butt in American English, are also used, but most people consider them offensive. (INFORMAL) PHRASE: pain inflects, v-link PHR, PHR to-inf c darkgreen]disapproval 5. If someone is at pains to do something, they are very eager and anxious to do it, especially because they want to avoid a difficult situation. Mobil is at pains to point out that the chances of an explosion at the site are remote. = anxious PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR to-inf 6. If someone is ordered not to do something on pain of or under pain of death, imprisonment, or arrest, they will be killed, put in prison, or arrested if they do it. We were forbidden, under pain of imprisonment, to use our native language. PREP-PHRASE 7. If you take pains to do something or go to great pains to do something, you try hard to do it, because you think it is important to do it. Social...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French peine, from Latin poena, from Greek poine payment, penalty; akin to Greek tinein to pay, tinesthai to punish, Avestan kaena revenge, Sanskrit cayate he revenges  Date: 14th century  1. punishment  2.  a. usually localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder (as a disease or an injury); also a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leading to evasive action  b. acute mental or emotional distress or suffering ; grief  3. plural the throes of childbirth  4. plural trouble, care, or effort taken to accomplish something was at ~s to reassure us  5. one that irks or annoys or is otherwise troublesome — often used in such phrases as ~ in the neck  • ~less adjective  • ~lessly adverb  • ~lessness noun  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to make suffer or cause distress to ; hurt  2. archaic to put (oneself) to trouble or exertion  intransitive verb  1. archaic suffer  2. to give or have a sensation of ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the range of unpleasant bodily sensations produced by illness or by harmful physical contact etc. b a particular kind or instance of this (often in pl.: suffering from stomach pains). 2 mental suffering or distress. 3 (in pl.) careful effort; trouble taken (take pains; got nothing for my pains). 4 (also pain in the neck) colloq. a troublesome person or thing; a nuisance. --v.tr. 1 cause pain to. 2 (as pained adj.) expressing pain (a pained expression). Phrases and idioms in pain suffering pain. on (or under) pain of with (death etc.) as the penalty. Etymology: ME f. OF peine f. L poena penalty ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  болевой - threshold of pain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  боль ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. боль burning pain —- острая боль to registr pain —- испытывать боль to have a pain in the knee —- чувствовать боль в колене to feel some pain —- чувствовать легкую боль I feel violent pain in the head —- у меня страшно болит голова a pain in the ear —- боль в ухе to feel a pang of pain —- почувствовать приступ боли to remove pain —- снять боль to put out of pain —- усыпить (больпое животное) 2. родовые схватки (также labour pains) 3. страдание, огорчение, горе it gives me much pain —- я от этого очень страдаю 4. старания, труды, усилия to be at (the) pains over smth. —- стараться изо всех сил сделать что-либо to take pains, to spare no pains —- прилагать все усилия he took great pains to hide his irritation —- он всячески старался скрыть свое раздражение to save one's pains —- экономить силы, не трудиться зря 5. уст. наказание on the pains and penalties of the law —- под страхом предусмотренных законом наказаний under pain of felony —- по обвинению в уголовном преступлении Id: pain in the neck —- невыносимый человек; что-либо раздражающее и неприятное Id: he has a wife who is a pain in the neck —- его жена - настоящая мегера Id: he gives me a pain in the neck —- он меня раздражает Id: to be a fool for one's pains, to have one's labour for one's pains —- напрасно стараться 6. мучить, огорчать his laziness pains his parents —- его лень огорчает родителей it pains me to say so —- мне тяжело это говорить 7....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) боль; to feel a pang of pain - почувствовать приступ боли; I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. She was writhing in pain, bathed in perspiration. - remove pain  2) страдание, огорчение, горе; grey eyes that seemed filled with pain;  3) pl. старания, труды; усилия; - take pains - be at the pains - save ones pains  4) pl. родовые схватки - pains and penalties on/under pain of death под страхом смертной казни to have ones labour for ones pains напрасно потрудиться to give smb. a pain (in the neck) докучать кому-л.; раздражать кого-л. - a pain in the neck Syn: ache, pang, stitch, throe, twinge Ant: health, pleasure, well-being  2. v.  1) мучить, огорчать; it pains me to think of you struggling all alone  2) причинять боль; болеть; my tooth doesnt pain me now - сейчас зуб у меня не болит Syn: see hurt PAIN barrier noun болевой барьер; Englands World Cup hero is determined to play through the pain barrier ...
Англо-русский словарь
  adult abbr. Punishment Agony Injury And No sec. abbr. Privacy Authentication Integrity And Nonrepudiation media abbr. Perfect Alternative Independent Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1280, from O.Fr. peine, from L. poena "punishment, penalty" (in L.L. also "torment, hardship, suffering"), from Gk. poine "punishment." The original sense in Eng. was of "punishment" (surviving in phrase on pain of death); general sense of "person or thing who is annoying and irritating" is from 1908. Pain in the neck "annoyance" (1924) is recorded earlier than pain in the ass (1934) in the same sense. Pains "great care" is first recorded 1528; painstaking (adj.) is 1556 as paynes taking. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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