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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - page


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~1 n 1 »PAPER« one side of a sheet of paper in a book, newspaper etc, or the sheet of paper itself  (There's a picture on the next page. | I've made several pages of notes. | an eight-page booklet | front/back page (=of a newspaper))  (The story was all over the front page. | see/turn to page 5/20 etc)  (See page 5 for further details. | turn a page)  (idly turning the pages | the opposite/facing page)  (the diagram on the facing page | over the page (=on the next page) | the sports pages/the fashion page etc (=part of a newspaper) | a blank page (=a page that is empty)) 2 »COMPUTER« a) a piece of text (=writing) or a picture on a computer screen that will fill one side of a piece of paper when it is printed b) all the text that can be seen at one time on a computer screen 3 »BOY« a pageboy (1) pageboy (2) 4 »MIDDLE AGES« a boy who served a knight during the Middle Ages as part of his training to become a knight himself 5 »STUDENT« AmE a student who works as a helper to a member of the US Congress 6 page in history an important event or period of time  (a significant page in our country's history) 7 »SERVANT« old use a boy who is a servant to a person of high rank ~2 v 1 to call someone's name out in a public place, especially using a loudspeaker, in order to find them  (I couldn't find Jenny at the airport, so I had her paged.) 2 to call someone by sending a message to their pager (=a small machine they carry that receives signals)  (If you need me for anything, just page me.) page through sth phr v AmE to look at a book, magazine etc  (paging through old newspapers)
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  (pages, paging, paged) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A page is one side of one of the pieces of paper in a book, magazine, or newspaper. Each page usually has a number printed at the top or bottom. Where’s your book? Take it out and turn to page 4. ...the front page of the Guardian. ...1,400 pages of top-secret information. N-COUNT: oft N num 2. The pages of a book, magazine, or newspaper are the pieces of paper it consists of. He turned the pages of his notebook... Over the page you can read all about the six great books on offer. N-COUNT 3. You can refer to an important event or period of time as a page of history. (LITERARY) ...a new page in the country’s political history. N-COUNT: with supp 4. If someone who is in a public place is paged, they receive a message, often over a speaker, telling them that someone is trying to contact them. He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding... I’ll have them paged and tell them you’re here. VERB: be V-ed, have n V-ed 5. A page is a young person who takes messages or does small jobs for members of the United States Congress or state legislatures. (AM) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) a youth being trained for the medieval rank of knight and in the personal service of a knight  (2) a youth attendant on a person of rank especially in the medieval period  b. a boy serving as an honorary attendant at a formal function (as a wedding)  2. one employed to deliver messages, assist patrons, serve as a guide, or attend to similar duties  3. an act or instance of paging a ~ came over the loudspeaker got a ~ from the client  II. transitive verb  (~d; paging)  Date: 15th century  1. to wait on or serve in the capacity of a ~  2. to summon by repeatedly calling out the name of  3. to send a message to via a ~r  III. noun  Etymology: Middle French, from Latin pagina; akin to Latin pangere to fix, fasten — more at pact  Date: 1589  1.  a. one of the leaves of a publication or manuscript; also a single side of one of these leaves  b. the material printed or written on a ~  2.  a. a written record  b. a noteworthy event or period  3.  a. a sizable subdivision of computer memory; also a block of information that fills a ~ and can be transferred as a unit between the internal and external storage of a computer  b. the block of information found at a single World Wide Web address  IV. verb  (~d; paging)  Date: 1628  transitive verb to number or mark the ~s of  intransitive verb to turn the ~s (as of a book or magazine) especially in a steady or haphazard manner — usually used with through PAGE  I. biographical name Thomas Nelson 1853-1922 American novelist & diplomat  II. biographical name Walter Hines 1855-1918 American journalist & diplomat ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a leaf of a book, periodical, etc. b each side of this. c what is written or printed on this. 2 a an episode that might fill a page in written history etc.; a record. b a memorable event. --v.tr. paginate. Etymology: F f. L pagina f. pangere fasten 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a boy or man, usu. in livery, employed to run errands, attend to a door, etc. 2 a boy employed as a personal attendant of a person of rank, a bride, etc. 3 hist. a boy in training for knighthood and attached to a knight's service. --v.tr. 1 (in hotels, airports, etc.) summon by making an announcement or by sending a messenger. 2 summon by means of a pager. Phrases and idioms page-boy 1 = PAGE(2) n. 2. 2 a woman's hairstyle with the hair reaching to the shoulder and rolled under at the ends. Etymology: ME f. OF, perh. f. It. paggio f. Gk paidion, dimin. of pais paidos boy ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) страница нумеровать страницы 2) полоса (набора) 3) страница (памяти) разбивать (память) на страницы 4) поисковый [персональный] вызов 5) строит. короткий тонкий клин 6) рельсовый путь (для транспортирования поддонов с отформованным кирпичом к сушильным навесам) - active page - banner page - base page - broadside page - editorial page - fixed page - flag page - front page - invalid page - memory page - preliminary pages - teletext page ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  страница – data page – HTML page – multimedia page – Web page – white pages ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) нумеровать страницы 2) страница 3) страничный - depth of page - end page - fresh page - front page - page printer - page proof - printed page - title page ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  страница; нумеровать страницы – front page ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. "паж" Служащий в отеле, выполняющий мелкие поручения, обычно молодой человек; носит униформу 2. посыльный Служащий в Конгрессе США или в законодательном собрании штата, разносящий внутреннюю почту и выполняющий другие мелкие поручения члена законодательного собрания ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. страница page by page —- постранично 2. эпизод a bright page in her life —- яркая страница ее жизни 3. полигр. полоса end page —- концевая полоса sports page —- спортивная страница (газеты) 4. эл. физический блок памяти ЭВМ, соответствующий странице 5. нумеровать страницы 6. паж 7. мальчик-слуга 8. мелкий служащий (посыльный в гостинице, билетер в кино) 9. ам. служитель в законодательном собрании 10. мальчик, несущий шлейф невесты 11. тех. рельсовый путь для откатки кирпичей в сушилку 12. прислуживать 13. сопровождать в качестве пажа 14. ам. вызывать (кого-либо), громко выкрикивя или объявляя фамилию Mr. Smith was paged in the dining-room of the hotel —- из столовой отеля вызвали г-на Смита ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  by page постранично PAGE I  1. noun  1) страница; - page by page  2) typ. полоса; end page - концевая полоса; sports page - спортивная страница (газеты)  3) fig. эпизод; a new page in the countrys political history  2. v.  1) нумеровать страницы (тж. page up); These papers are all out of order-will you page them up for me?  2) посылать/оставлять записку; He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding.; Ill have them paged and tell them youre here. II  1. noun  1) паж  2) мальчик-слуга  3) amer. служитель (в законодательном собрании)  2. v.  1) сопровождать в качестве пажа  2) вызывать (кого-л.), громко выкликая фамилию; page Dr. Jones! - вызовите доктора Джоунза! ...
Англо-русский словарь
  educ. abbr. Professional Association of Georgia Educators NASDAQ abbr. Paging Network, Inc. ...
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