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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - over


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~1 prep 1 above or higher than something, without touching it  (A lamp hung over the table. | She leaned over the desk to answer the phone. | The sign over the door said `Mind your head'.)  (- opposite under1 (1), - see also above1, across1) 2 on something, so that it is covered  (Over the body lay a thin white sheet. | She wore a large jacket over her sweater.)  (- opposite under1 (1)) 3 from one side of something to the other side of it  (Somehow the sheep had jumped over the fence. | The road over the mountains is steep and dangerous.) 4 over on also over BrE on the opposite side of something from where you already are  (We live over on the other side of town.) 5 down from the edge of something  (Apparently the car fell over a cliff. | The shirt was hanging over the back of the chair.) 6 in many parts of a particular place, organization etc  (I've travelled over most of Europe but my favourite place was Austria. | all over (=in every part))  (They said they had cleaned up but there were bottles all over the place.) 7 be over sth to feel better after an illness or bad situation  (I think I'm over the worst of it now.) 8 in control of someone or having authority to give orders to someone  (He rules over a large kingdom. | In this office there is one manager over a staff of 15 workers.)  (- opposite under1 (9)) 9 more than a particular number, amount or level  (I've lost over 3 kilos in weight. | Children over 12 are not allowed in the swimming area. | The driver was found to have over the legal alcohol limit in his blood. | the over-30s/the over-50s etc (=people who are more than a particular age))  (a social club for the over-60s) 10 during  (Will you be home over the Christmas vacation? | Over a period of ten years he stole a million pounds from the company. | Can we talk about this over dinner?) 11 using something such as a telephone or radio  (I don't want to talk about this over the telephone.) 12 about a particular subject, person or thing  (He's having problems over his income tax. | a row over public expenditure) 13 over and above an amount that is over and above another is an extra amount  (He gets a travel allowance over and above his existing salary.)  (- see also all over all2 (7)) ~2 adv 1 fall over/knock sth over etc to fall etc so that you are lying down or knock something etc so that it is flat on a surface after being upright  (He was so drunk he fell over in the road. | knock sth etc so that it is)  (A lot of work is being done to prevent the tower from toppling over.) 2 bend over/fold sth over etc to bend etc so that you are no longer upright or fold something etc so that it is no longer straight or flat and is folded in the middle  (As Sheila bent over, a sudden pain shot up her back. | He silently folded the paper over and put it in his pocket.) 3 only after verb from one side of something to the other side  (There are only 3 canoes so some people will have to swim over. | I went over to say hello but Vincent didn't recognize me. | over to/from)  (We flew over to the US to visit my Aunt Polly. | I took her over to Saginaw because she had a doctor's appointment.) 4 only after verb to or in a particular house, city etc  (You really should come over and see our new house.) 5 hand over/sign over etc to give something to another person  (The attacker was ordered to hand over his weapon and lie on the ground. | Most of the money has been signed over to his children.) 6 change over/swap over if you change two things over you put one of the things in the place of the other  (The vases had been swapped over and nobody had spotted the fake. | The guards change over at midnight.) 7 turn over/roll over if you turn something over you move it so that the side of it which could not be seen can now be seen  (Turn the page over. | The children spent hours rolling over and over in the sand.) 8 twelve years/90% etc and over more than 12 years, 90% etc  (The film is suitable for people of 18 and over. | Sorry, this agency only deals with properties worth $200,000 and over.)  (- opposite under1 (2)) 9 a particular amount of something that is over is what remains after some of it has been used  (We were over by about $300! | left over)  (We had so much food left over we donated it to charity.) 10 covered over/painted over etc covered with a particular substance or material  (Most of the windows have been boarded over.)  (The door had been painted over with a bright red varnish.) 11 read/think/talk etc sth over to read something, think about something etc very carefully before deciding what to do  (After talking it over with my wife, I've decided to retire.) 12 over and over (again) repeatedly  (The only way to learn the script is to say it to yourself over and over again.) 13 over to sb used to say that it is now someone else's turn to do something, to speak etc  (I've done my best. Now it's over to the professionals. | We're going over live to our correspondent at the scene of the explosion.) 14 over! spoken used when using a radio to show that you have finished speaking 15 over against compared to someone or something else  (- see also all over all2 (6)) ~3 adj 1 if an event or period of time is over, it has finished  (When the game was over all the players shook hands.) 2 be over (and done) with if an unpleasant situation or experience is over with, it has finished  (We don't have to mention the court case again! It's all over and done with now. | get sth over (and done) with (=to do something so that the situation no longer exists))  (The sooner you get it over with the better so phone up and make the appointment.) ~4 n the period of time in the game of cricket (2) during which six or eight balls are thrown by the same bowler (1) in one direction
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  I. [c red]POSITION AND MOVEMENT Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'over' is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives in order to introduce extra information. 'Over' is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘hand over’ and ‘glaze over’. 1. If one thing is over another thing or is moving over it, the first thing is directly above the second, either resting on it, or with a space between them. He looked at himself in the mirror over the table. ...a bridge over the river Danube. ? under PREP • Over is also an adverb. ...planes flying over every 10 or 15 minutes. ADV: ADV after v 2. If one thing is over another thing, it is supported by it and its ends are hanging down on each side of it. A grey mackintosh was folded over her arm... Joe’s clothing was flung over the back of a chair. PREP: usu -ed PREP n 3. If one thing is over another thing, it covers part or all of it. Mix the ingredients and pour over the mushrooms... He was wearing a light-grey suit over a shirt... He pulled the cap halfway over his ears. PREP • Over is also an adverb. Heat this syrup and pour it over. ADV: ADV after v 4. If you lean over an object, you bend your body so that the top part of it is above the object. They stopped to lean over a gate... Everyone in the room was bent over her desk. PREP: v PREP n • Over is also an adverb. Sam leant over to open the door of the car. ADV: ADV after v 5. If you look over or talk over an object, you look or talk across the top of it. I went and stood beside him, looking over his shoulder. ...conversing over the fence with your friend... PREP: usu v PREP n 6. If a window has a view over an area of land or water, you can see the land or water through the window. ...a light and airy bar with a wonderful view over the River Amstel... = onto PREP: n PREP n, v PREP n 7. If someone or something goes over a barrier, obstacle, or boundary, they get to the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, adverb & preposition, from Old English ofer; akin to Old High German ubar (preposition) above, beyond, ~, Latin super, Greek hyper  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. across a barrier or intervening space; especially across the goal line in football  b. forward beyond an edge or brink and often down wandered too near the cliff and fell ~  c. across the brim soup boiled ~  d. so as to bring the underside up turned his cards ~  e. from a vertical to a prone or inclined position knocked the lamp ~  f. from one person or side to another hand it ~  g. across got his point ~  h. to one's home invite some friends ~  i. on the other side of an intervening space the next town ~  j. to agreement or concord won them ~  2.  a.  (1) beyond some quantity, limit, or norm often by a specified amount or to a specified degree show ran a minute ~  (2) in an excessive manner ; inordinately  b. till a later time (as the next day) ; ~night stay ~ sleep ~  3.  a. above  b. so as to c~ the whole surface windows boarded ~  4. — used on a two-way radio circuit to indicate that a message is complete and a reply is expected  5.  a. through read it ~; also in an intensive or comprehensive manner  b. once more ; again do it ~  II. preposition  Date: before 12th century  1. — used as a function word to indicate motion or situation in a position higher than or above another towered ~ his mother flew ~ the lake rode ~ the old Roman road  2.  a. — used as a function word to indicate the possession of authority, power, or jurisdiction in regard to some thing or person respected those ~ him  b. — used as a function word to indicate superiority, advantage, or preference a big lead ~ the others  c. — used as a function word to indicate one that is ~come, circumvented, or disregarded passed ~ the g~nor's veto  3.  a. more than cost ~ $5  b. above 4  4.  a. — used as a function word to indicate position upon or movement down upon laid a blanket ~ the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv., prep., n., & adj. --adv. expressing movement or position or state above or beyond something stated or implied: 1 outward and downward from a brink or from any erect position (knocked the man over). 2 so as to cover or touch a whole surface (paint it over). 3 so as to produce a fold, or reverse a position; with the effect of being upside down. 4 a across a street or other space (decided to cross over; came over from America). b for a visit etc. (invited them over last night). 5 with transference or change from one hand or part to another (went over to the enemy; swapped them over). 6 with motion above something; so as to pass across something (climb over; fly over; boil over). 7 from beginning to end with repetition or detailed concentration (think it over; did it six times over). 8 in excess; more than is right or required (left over). 9 for or until a later time (hold it over). 10 at an end; settled (the crisis is over; all is over between us). 11 (in full over to you) (as int.) (in radio conversations etc.) said to indicate that it is the other person's turn to speak. 12 (as int.) Cricket an umpire's call to change ends. --prep. 1 above, in, or to a position higher than; upon. 2 out and down from; down from the edge of (fell over the cliff). 3 so as to cover (a hat over his eyes). 4 above and across; so as to clear (flew over the North Pole; a bridge over the Thames). 5 concerning; engaged with; as a result of; while occupied with (laughed over a good joke; fell asleep over the newspaper). 6 a in superiority of; superior to; in charge of (a victory over the enemy; reign over three kingdoms). b in preference to. 7 divided by. 8 a throughout; covering the extent of (travelled over most of Africa; a blush spread over his face). b so as to deal with completely (went over the plans). 9 a for the duration of (stay over Saturday night). b at any point during the course of (I'll do it over the weekend). 10 beyond; more than (bids of over {pound}50; are you over 18?). 11 transmitted by (heard it over the radio). 12 in comparison with...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  верхний, вышестоящий, избыточный, излишний, чрезмерный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. излишек, избыток 2. приплата 3. воен. перелет (снаряда) 4. спорт. серия бросков 5. рад. переход на прием 6. верхний; внешний the over eyelid —- верхнее веко 7. вышестоящий 8. излишний, избыточный; чрезмерный over imagination —- слишком богатое воображение 9. указывает на нахождение или движение над чем-либо 10. наверху; наверх to hand over —- нависать, висеть над головой the balloon was directly over —- воздушный шар находился прямо над нами 11. указывает на движение через что-либо - часто передается глагольной приставкой пере- to jump over —- перепрыгнуть to step over —- перешагнуть the pot was full and the soup was boiling over —- кастрюля была полна, и суп убежал to climb over into the garden —- перелезать через забор в сад 12. указывает на изменение положения, переворачивание, переход из вертикального положения в горизонтальное - часто передается глагольной приставкой пере- to roll over —- перекатывать(ся) to turn smth. over —- перевернуть что-либо на другую сторону please, turn over —- смотри на обороте (надпись) to knock smb. over —- сбить кого-либо с ног to knock smth. over —- опрокинуть что-либо turn over on your side —- поверни(те)сь на бок he gave me a push and over I went —- он толкнул меня, и я упал the car almost swung over —- автомобиль чуть не перевернулся he stooped over to lace his shoes...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the phone по телефону; OVER  1. prep.  1) указывает на взаимное положение предметов:  а) над, выше;  б) через;  в) по ту сторону, за, через;  г) у, при, за over our heads -  а) над нашими головами;  б) сверх, выше нашего понимания;  в) coll. не посоветовавшись с нами a bridge over the river - мост через реку a village over the river - деревня по ту сторону реки he lives over the way - он живет через дорогу they were sitting over the fire - они сидели у камина  2) указывает на характер движения:  а) через, о;  б) поверх, на;  в) по, по всей поверхности he jumped over the ditch - он перепрыгнул через канаву to flow over the edge - бежать через край to stumble over a stone - споткнуться о камень he pulled his hat over his eyes - он надвинул шляпу на глаза over the whole country, all over the country - по всей стране snow is falling over the north of England - на севере Англии идет снег  3) указывает на промежуток времени, в течение которого происходило действие; за, в течение he packed over two hours - он собрался за два часа to stay over the whole week - оставаться в течение всей недели  4) указывает на количественное или числовое превышение; свыше, сверх, больше over two years - больше двух лет over five millions - свыше пяти миллионов she is over fifty - ей за пятьдесят  5) указывает на превосходство в положении, старшинство и т.п.; над a general...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. ofer, from P.Gmc. *uberi, comparative of PIE base *upo "under." Used as a prefix in O.E. (cf. oferdon "overdo;" ofermicel "overmuch;" oferflowan "overflow;" ofersceadwian "overshadow"). Others developed in M.E. (e.g. overgrown; overnight; overlook, with a double sense; all 14c.) Override (O.E. oferridan) was originally literal, as of cavalry; overseas is attested from 1583, popularized WWI as a British euphemism for "colonial." Overkill is first recorded 1958, in reference to nuclear arsenals. Overlooking was also the common term for "inflicting the evil eye on" (someone or something). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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