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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - most


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~1 adv + adj/adv 1 used for forming the superlative of most adjectives and adverbs with more than two syllables, and many that only have two  (the most boring book I've ever read | She's one of the most experienced teachers in the district. | The excuse I get told most often is that the train was late. | In high school Kelly had been voted 'girl most likely to succeed'.) 2 more than anything else  (The food I eat most is pasta. | What annoyed him most was the way she wouldn't even listen to his reasons. | most of all)  (Unfortunately they'd run out of the paint colour I liked most of all.) 3 formal very  (I was most surprised to hear of your engagement. | Do you realise we'll most probably end up bankrupt. | a most interesting/expensive etc sth)  (That really was a most illuminating lecture, Professer Jordan.) 4 AmE informal almost  (He plays poker most every evening.)  ( USAGE NOTE: MOST GRAMMAR Most meaning `nearly all' is followed directly by a noun when you are speaking generally Most cheese contains a lot of fat (NOT most of cheese). | Most Americans own cars. You use most of the when you are talking about part of a particular thing, group, etc Greg has eaten most of the cheese that was in the fridge. | Most of the Americans we asked owned cars. You can also say Most Americans we asked own cars without using of the to talk about that particular group. The most can be followed directly by a plural or uncountable n, when it means `more than any other (s)' The most damage was done to the houses nearest the cliff means more damage was done to those houses than any others. You use most meaning `more than anything else' in these ways My swimming is the thing I most want to improve. | I want to improve my swimming most. | I most want to improve my swimming (NOT The most thing I want to improve is my swimming). Remember that most short adjectives have a form ending in -est that you usually use when you want to say `more than any other', and you should not use most with them Manhattan is the richest area in New York (NOT the most rich or the most richest). | The dullest people I've ever met (NOT most dull). Note that you use the phrase most of the time, not the most time or most of times.  
) ~2 quantifier (superlative of many, much) 1 almost all of a particular group of people or things  (most things/food etc)  (These days most crime is against property, not people. | Like most people, I try to take a vacation every year. | most of)  (It was afternoon and most of the shops were shut. | Tim spent most of his salary on alcohol and cigarettes. | most)  (Of all the money donated, most is spent on food and clothing for the refugees.) 2 more people or things than anyone else  (the most people/food etc)  (It's the best hotel in town and it also has the most rooms. | This is the most votes any candidate has ever received. | the most)  (It's unfair that you should have to pay the most when you earn so little. | most)  (Whoever scores most in the penalty competition will be awarded the trophy.) 3 the largest number or amount possible  (most people/food etc)  (How can we plan the campaign to reach most people? | the most people/food etc)  (To get the most use out of the machine, recharge the batteries overnight. | the most)  (The most you can hope to achieve is to just get him to listen to your ideas.) 4 at (the) most used to say that a number or amount could not be larger  (You could buy a good washing machine for about -350, -400 at most. | at (the) very most)  (At the very most the temperature in summer goes up to about 38°C.)  (- compare at (the) very least least1 (1)) 5 for the most part used when a statement or fact is generally true but not completely true  (For the most part the relationship between private investment and government interests has not been a successful one.) 6 make the most of sth to get the most advantage from a good situation because it will not last a long time  (You should be outside making the most of the sunshine.)
most ~ suffix nearest to something  (the northernmost town in Sweden (=the town that is furthest to the north))  (the topmost branches of the tree)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Most' is often considered to be the superlative form of 'much' and 'many'. 1. You use most to refer to the majority of a group of things or people or the largest part of something. By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage smoking has caused... Sadly, most of the house was destroyed by fire in 1828. QUANT: QUANT of def-n • Most is also a determiner. Most people think the Queen has done a good job over the last 50 years... DET: DET pl-n • Most is also a pronoun. Seventeen civilians were hurt. Most are students who had been attending a twenty-first birthday party... PRON 2. You use the most to mean a larger amount than anyone or anything else, or the largest amount possible. The President himself won the most votes... ADJ: the ADJ n • Most is also a pronoun. The most they earn in a day is ten roubles. PRON 3. You use most to indicate that something is true or happens to a greater degree or extent than anything else. What she feared most was becoming like her mother... ...Professor Morris, the person he most hated. ? least ADV: ADV with v • You use most of all to indicate that something happens or is true to a greater extent than anything else. She said she wanted most of all to be fair. PHRASE: PHR with v 4. You use most to indicate that someone or something has a greater amount of a particular quality than most other things of its kind. He was one of the most influential performers of modern jazz... If anything, swimming will appeal to her most strongly... ? least ADV: ADV adj/adv 5. If you do something the most, you do it to the greatest extent possible or with the greatest frequency. What question are you asked the most?... ADV: the ADV after v 6. You use most in conversations when you want to draw someone’s attention to something very interesting or important that you are about to say. Most surprisingly, quite a few said they don’t intend to vote at...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   adjective suffix  Etymology: Middle English, alteration of -mest (as in formest foremost) most innermost ; most toward headmost MOST  I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English m?st; akin to Old High German meist ~, Old English mara more — more at more  Date: before 12th century  1. greatest in quantity, extent, or degree the ~ ability  2. the majority of ~ people  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century  1. to the greatest or highest degree — often used with an adjective or adverb to form the superlative the ~ challenging job he ever had  2. to a very great degree was ~ persuasive  III. noun  Date: 12th century the greatest amount it's the ~ I can do  IV. pronoun  Usage: singular or plural in construction  Date: 13th century the greatest number or part ~ become discouraged and quit  V. adverb  Etymology: by shortening  Date: circa 1584 al~ we'll be crossing the river ~ any time now — Hamilton Basso Usage:  Although considered by some to be unacceptable in all cases, ~ is often used to mean “al~” in both spoken and, to a lesser extent, written English to modify the adjectives all, every, and any; the pronouns all, everyone, everything, everybody, anyone, anything, and anybody; and the adverbs everywhere, anywhere, and always. Other uses of this sense of ~ are dialectal. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  suffix forming superlative adjectives and adverbs from prepositions and other words indicating relative position (foremost; uttermost). Etymology: OE -mest f. Gmc MOST adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 existing in the greatest quantity or degree (you have made most mistakes; see who can make the most noise). 2 the majority of; nearly all of (most people think so). --n. 1 the greatest quantity or number (this is the most I can do). 2 (the most) sl. the best of all. 3 the majority (most of them are missing). --adv. 1 in the highest degree (this is most interesting; what most annoys me). 2 forming the superlative of adjectives and adverbs, esp. those of more than one syllable (most certain; most easily). 3 US colloq. almost. Phrases and idioms at most no more or better than (this is at most a makeshift). at the most 1 as the greatest amount. 2 not more than. for the most part 1 as regards the greater part. 2 usually. make the most of 1 employ to the best advantage. 2 represent at its best or worst. Most Honourable a title given to marquises and to members of the Privy Council and the Order of the Bath. Most Reverend a title given to archbishops and to Roman Catholic bishops. Etymology: OE mast f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) больше всего 2) наиболее 3) наибольший asymptotically most powerful rank test — асимптотически наиболее мощный ранговый критерий at most denumerable family — не более чем счетное семейство at most denumerable set — не более чем счетное множество for the most part — большей частью, по большей части locally asymptotically most stringent test — локально асимптотически наиболее строгий критерий locally most powerful test — локально наиболее мощный критерий most credible hypothesis — наиболее правдоподобная гипотеза most effective measure — наиболее эффективный критерий most efficient estimator — наиболее эффективная оценка most likely outcome — наиболее вероятный исход most likey estimation — наиболее вероятная оценка most of the time — большей частью most plausible prediction — наиболее правдоподобный прогноз most probable estimate — наиболее вероятная оценка most probable rank — наиболее вероятный ранг most significant digit — самый старший разряд somewhere most powerful test — кое-где наиболее мощный критерий uniformly most powerful — равномерно наиболее мощный (о критерии) uniformly most powerful test — равномерно наиболее мощный критерий - at most countable - at most enumerable - at most finitely many - in most cases - most advantageous - most credible - most essential - most important - most likely - most powerful - most probably ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. наибольшее количество, большая часть most of them —- большинство из них most of the time —- большая часть времени to get the most out of life —- получать от жизни все, что можно the most we could do —- самое большее, что мы могли сделать to make the most of your opportunities —- как можно лучше воспользоваться имеющимися возможностями who scored the most? —- кто получил наибольшее количество очков? Id: at the most —- самое большее, максимум Id: I can pay $10 at the most —- я могу заплатить самое большее (максимум, не больше чем, от силы) десять долларов Id: most and least —- все без исключения 2. superl от much и many 3. наибольший in most cases —- в большинстве случаев most people —- большинство людей the most favoured nation —- эк. страна, пользующаяся режимом наибольшего благоприятствования the most favoured nation treatment —- режим наибольшего благоприятствования to have the most power —- пользоваться наибольшей властью to have the most reason to do smth. —- иметь все основания что-л. делать to make the most mistakes —- сделать наибольшее количество ошибок Id: for the most part —- главным образом; большей частью 4. больше всего most of all —- больше всего what I desire most of all —- что я больше всего хочу at most —- самое большее; максимально he is ten at most —- ему самое большее десять (лет) 5. служит для образования...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  favoured nation dipl. наиболее благоприятствуемая нация MOST of all больше всего I love him most of all я люблю его больше всего MOST people большинство людей; MOST I  1. adj.  1) superl. of much  1., many  1.  2) наибольший; - most people - for the most part  2. adv.  1) superl. of much  2.  2) больше всего; what most annoys me... - что больше, сильнее всего раздражает меня...  3) весьма, в высшей степени; his speech was most convincing - его речь была весьма, очень убедительна  4) служит для образования превосх. ст. многосложных прилагательных и наречий: most beautiful - самый красивый at most - самое большее; не больше чем ten at most - самое большее десять, не больше десяти this is at most a makeshift - это не больше, чем паллиатив  3. noun наибольшее количество, большая часть; this is the most I can do - это самое большее, что я могу сделать; at the most - самое большее; most of them - большинство из них most and least poet. - все без исключения to make the most of smth. -  а) использовать наилучшим образом;  б) расхваливать, преувеличивать достоинства и пр. II adv. amer.; coll.; abbr. of almost почти ...
Англо-русский словарь
  transport. abbr. Mobile Over Snow Transport mil. abbr. Mobilization Optimization Stabilization And Training ocean sc. abbr. Method Of Splitting Tsunami meteo abbr. Multispectral Observations Of Storm Tops ac. degr. abbr. Management Of Social Transformation astronom. abbr. Microvariability Oscillations Of STars funny abbr. Ministry Of Silly Talks network. abbr. Media Oriented Systems Transport non-prof. org. abbr. Mothers Of Super- Twins gen. bus. abbr. Market Order System of Trading ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. mast "greatest number, amount, extent," earlier mжst, from P.Gmc. *maistaz, superlative form from Gmc. root of O.E. ma, mara (see more). Original sense of "greatest" survives in for the most part. Double superlative mostest is 1885, from U.S. Southern and Black English. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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