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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - love


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~1 v 1 »ROMANTIC ATTRACTION« to have a strong feeling of caring for and liking someone, combined with sexual attraction  (I love you, really. Do you love me? | He was the only man she had ever loved.) 2 »CARE ABOUT« to care very much about someone, especially a member of your family or a close friend  (Children need to feel loved. | much-loved/greatly-loved/well-loved)  (one of America's best-loved TV personalities | loved ones (=people you love))  (women caring for loved ones who had been injured in the war) 3 »LIKE/ENJOY« T not in passive to like something very much or enjoy doing something very much  (love doing sth)  (Max found that he really loved teaching. | love sth)  (I love carrots. | She loves anything to do with figures. | love to do sth)  (We all love to talk about ourselves. | I love the way she sings that. | I'd love to spoken (=used to say that you would really like to do something))  ("Would you like to come swimming with us?" "I'd love to." | I'd have loved to have stayed till the end. | I'd love to know just why they did that.) 4 I must love you and leave you spoken used to tell someone that you have to go, especially when you wish you could stay longer 5 »LOYALTY« to have a strong feeling of loyalty to your country, an institution etc  (He really loved the police force.) 6 I love it! spoken used when you are amused by something, especially by someone else's mistake or bad luck  ("Henry was telling the prof all about relativity." "I love it! I love it!") 7 she's going to love you/he's going to love this etc spoken a) used to say that someone will enjoy something  (Listen guys, you're going to love this.) b) used jokingly to say that someone will not be pleased about something  (I'm going to love telling him we've changed our minds again.)  (- see also lover) ~2 n 1 »FOR FAMILY/FRIENDS« a strong feeling of caring about someone, especially a member of your family or a close friend  (What these kids need is love and support.) + for  (a mother's love for her child)  (- opposite hate2, hatred) 2 »ROMANTIC« a strong feeling of liking and caring about someone, especially combined with sexual attraction  (She's seen him every day this week - it must be love! | a love song | be/fall in love (with))  (I think I'm falling in love with your brother. | madly in love/very much in love/head over heels in love)  (It was obvious that they were very much in love. | love at first sight (=when you love someone the first time you see them) | true love (=strong romantic love that remains for ever)) 3 »PERSON YOU LOVE« someone that you feel a strong romantic and sexual attraction to  (He was her first love. | the love of your life (=the person that you have loved most of your life)) 4 »PLEASURE/ENJOYMENT« a) a strong feeling of pleasure and enjoyment that something gives you  (love of/for)  (a love of nature) b) something that gives you a lot of pleasure and enjoyment  (Sailing was her great love.) 5 make love a) to have sex with someone that you love  (make love to/with)  ("I want to make love with you," she breathed.) b) old use to say loving things to someone, to kiss them etc 6 send your love (to) to ask someone to give your loving greetings to someone else when they see them, write to them etc  (Aunt Mary sends her love to you.) 7 give my love to spoken used to ask someone to give your loving greetings to someone else  ("Bye! Give my love to Jackie.") 8 love (from)/lots of love/all my love expressions used at the end of a letter to a friend, a member of your family, or someone you love  (See you soon. Lots of love, Clare.) 9 (my) love spoken a) especially BrE a word used when you are talking to someone you love  (Hurry up, love!) b) BrE a friendly way of talking to someone who you do not know, especially to a woman  (Are you OK, love?) 10 be a love and ... / ... there's a love spoken especially BrE expressions used when you are asking someone to do something, used especially to children and members of your family  (Say hello to your auntie, there's a love.) 11 there is no love lost between if there is no love lost between two people, they dislike each other  (There's never been any love lost between Paul and Geoff.) 12 »TENNIS« an expression meaning no points, used in the game of tennis 13 not for love or/nor money informal if you cannot get something or do something for love or money, it is impossible to obtain or to do  (I can't get hold of that book for love nor money.) 14 for the love of God/Mike etc old-fashioned spoken used to show that you are extremely angry, disappointed etc 15 love nest humorous a place where two people who are having a romantic relationship live or meet each other  (- see also a labour of love labour1 (4))
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  (loves, loving, loved) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you love someone, you feel romantically or sexually attracted to them, and they are very important to you. Oh, Amy, I love you... We love each other. We want to spend our lives together. VERB: V n, V n 2. Love is a very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically or sexually attracted to. Our love for each other has been increased by what we’ve been through together. ...a old fashioned love story. ...an album of love songs. N-UNCOUNT 3. You say that you love someone when their happiness is very important to you, so that you behave in a kind and caring way towards them. You’ll never love anyone the way you love your baby. VERB: V n 4. Love is the feeling that a person’s happiness is very important to you, and the way you show this feeling in your behaviour towards them. My love for all my children is unconditional... She’s got a great capacity for love. N-UNCOUNT 5. If you love something, you like it very much. We loved the food so much, especially the fish dishes... I loved reading. ...one of these people that loves to be in the outdoors... I love it when I hear you laugh. VERB: V n/-ing, V n/-ing, V to-inf, V it wh 6. You can say that you love something when you consider that it is important and want to protect or support it. I love my country as you love yours. VERB: V n 7. Love is a strong liking for something, or a belief that it is important. The French are known for their love of their language. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 8. Your love is someone or something that you love. ‘She is the love of my life,’ he said... Music’s one of my great loves. N-COUNT: usu with poss 9. If you would love to have or do something, you very much want to have it or do it. I would love to play for England again... I would love a hot bath and clean clothes... His wife would love him to give up his job. VERB: V to-inf, V n, V n to-inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lufu; akin to Old High German luba ~, Old English leof dear, Latin lubere, libere to please  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties maternal ~ for a child  (2) attraction based on sexual desire ; affection and tenderness felt by ~rs  (3) affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests ~ for his old schoolmates  b. an assurance of ~ give her my ~  2. warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion ~ of the sea  3.  a. the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration baseball was his first ~  b.  (1) a be~d person ; darling — often used as a term of endearment  (2) British — used as an informal term of address  4.  a. unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another: as  (1) the fatherly concern of God for humankind  (2) brotherly concern for others  b. a person's adoration of God  5. a god or personification of ~  6. an amorous episode ; ~ affair  7. the sexual embrace ; copulation  8. a score of zero (as in tennis)  9. capitalized, Christian Science god  II. verb  (~d; loving)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to hold dear ; cherish  2.  a. to feel a ~r's passion, devotion, or tenderness for  b.  (1) caress  (2) to fondle amorously  (3) to copulate with  3. to like or desire actively ; take pleasure in ~d to play the violin  4. to thrive in the rose ~s sunlight  intransitive verb to feel affection or experience desire ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 an intense feeling of deep affection or fondness for a person or thing; great liking. 2 sexual passion. 3 sexual relations. 4 a a beloved one; a sweetheart (often as a form of address). b Brit. colloq. a form of address regardless of affection. 5 colloq. a person of whom one is fond. 6 affectionate greetings (give him my love). 7 (often Love) a representation of Cupid. 8 (in some games) no score; nil. --v.tr. 1 (also absol.) feel love or deep fondness for. 2 delight in; admire; greatly cherish. 3 colloq. like very much (loves books). 4 (foll. by verbal noun, or to + infin.) be inclined, esp. as a habit; greatly enjoy; find pleasure in (children love dressing up; loves to find fault). Phrases and idioms fall in love (often foll. by with) develop a great (esp. sexual) love (for). for love for pleasure not profit. for the love of for the sake of. in love (often foll. by with) deeply enamoured (of). love affair a romantic or sexual relationship between two people in love. love-apple archaic a tomato. love-bird any of various African and Madagascan parrots, esp. Agapornis personata. love-child an illegitimate child. love-feast 1 a meal affirming brotherly love among early Christians. 2 a religious service of Methodists, etc., imitating this. love game a game in which the loser makes no score. love-hate relationship an intensely emotional relationship in which one or each party has ambivalent feelings of love and hate for the other. love-in-a-mist a blue-flowered garden plant, Nigella damascena, with many delicate green bracts. love-letter a letter expressing feelings of sexual love. love-lies-bleeding a garden plant, Amaranthus caudatus, with drooping spikes of purple-red blooms. love-match a marriage made for love's sake. love-nest a place of intimate lovemaking. love-seat an armchair or small sofa for two. make love (often foll. by to) 1 have sexual intercourse (with). 2 archaic pay amorous attention (to). not for love or money colloq. not in any circumstances. out of love no longer in love. Derivatives...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. любовь, привязанность, приязнь motherly love —- материнская любовь love for one's children —- любовь к своим детям love of country —- любовь к родине, патриотизм love of gain —- корыстолюбие to have a love of learning —- иметь тягу к знаниям to show love towards smb. —- проявлять любовь (доброжелательность) к кому-л. he has a love of adventure —- он большой охотник до приключений no love lost between them —- они друг друга недолюбливают (терпеть не могут) 2. влюбленность, любовь, страсть love letter —- любовное письмо love scene —- сцена любовного свидания (в романе, фильме) love match —- брак по любви unrequited love —- любовь без взаимности love at the first sight —- любовь с первого взгляда in love (with smb.) —- влюбленный (в кого-л.) to fall in love (with smb.) —- влюбиться (в кого-л.) to be in love (with smb.) —- любить (кого-л.), быть влюбленным (в кого-л.) to fall out of love with smb. —- разлюбить кого-л. to make love to —- ухаживать за; заигрывать, флиртовать; иметь физическую близость с кем-л.; ласкать to marry for love —- выйти замуж (жениться) по любви love is blind —- любовь слепа 3. предмет любви, возлюбленный; возлюбленная my love —- моя милая don't let us quarrel, my love —- не будем ссориться, любимая I have lost my love —- я потеряла любимого человека an old love of mine —- моя старая (давняя) пассия the outdoors is her greatest love —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  game сухая LOVE  1. noun  1) любовь, привязанность; theres no love lost between them - они недолюбливают друг друга  2) влюбленность; to be in love (with) - быть влюбленным (в); to fall in love (with) - влюбиться (в); to fall out of love with smb. - разлюбить кого-л.; - make love to - love in a cottage  3) любовная интрига; любовная история  4) предмет любви; дорогой, дорогая; возлюбленный, возлюбленная (особ. в обращении my love)  5) myth. амур, купидон  6) что-л. привлекательное; a regular love of a kitten - прелестный котенок  7) sport нуль; win by four goals to love - выиграть со счетом 4:0; - love all - love game for the love of - ради, во имя for the love of Mike - ради бога not for love or money, not for the love of Mike ни за что, ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки to give (to send) ones love to smb. - передавать (посылать) привет кому-л. for love of the game - из любви к искусству - play for love love and a cough cannot be hidden prov. - любви да кашля не утаишь Syn: affection, attachment, crush, infatuation Ant: dislike, hate  2. v.  1) любить  2) хотеть, желать; находить удовольствие (в чем-л.); Id love to come with you - я бы с удовольствием пошел с вами LOVE all счет 0 : 0; LOVE back отвечать взаимностью LOVE in a cottage рай в шалаше LOVE of gain корыстолюбие LOVE to distraction любить до безумия ...
Англо-русский словарь
  transport. abbr. Leaving Our Vehicles Elsewhere meteo abbr. Locomotion Observing Visionary Empowerment chemis. abbr. Linguistics Of Visible English univ. abbr. Lawrence Organizing Voices For Empowerment funny abbr. Laughter Optimism Volunteerism And Enthusiasm funny abbr. Lousy Overrated Vile Emotion plast. abbr. Legs Open Very Easy adult abbr. Lashings Of Violent Exercise educ. abbr. Let Older Volunteers Educate religion abbr. Light Of Valuable Energy law abbr. Leave Out Violence Everywhere law abbr. Let Our Violence End law abbr. Love Overcomes Violence Eternally gen. bus. abbr. Loss Of Valuable Energy firm name abbr. Lawrence's Organized Volunteer Enterprise ...
English abbreviation dictionary
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