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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - lot


Связанные словари


~ n 1 »LARGE AMOUNT« a lot also lots informal a large quantity or number  (The stereo cost a lot, but it was worth it. | "How much ice cream do you want?" "Lots, please.") + of  (There were lots of people at the party.) a lot to do/see/eat etc  (There's a lot to do before the wedding. | an awful lot (=a very large amount)) 2 »MUCH« + comparative) if something is a lot or lots better, easier etc, it is much better, easier etc  (Benny can run lots faster than me. | Andrea always had a lot more money than I had.) 3 have a lot on BrE have a lot going on AmE to be very busy, with a lot of things to do in a short time 4 have a lot on your mind to have a lot of problems that you are worried about 5 thanks a lot spoken a) thank you very much b) used when you are annoyed about something and do not really mean thank you at all  ("I forgot to bring your money." "Well, thanks a lot!") 6 »TO BE SOLD« something that is sold, especially at an auction1  (Lot fifteen was a box of old books.) 7 have a lot to answer for to be responsible for a bad situation  (Jerry's got a lot to answer for. If it weren't for him, Ann would never have left Denver.) 8 the lot especially BrE the whole quantity or number  (I can't believe you ate the whole lot!) 9 »FILM« a building and the land surrounding it where films are made; a film studio (2)  (the Universal Studios lot) 10 »SB'S LOT« sometimes humorous the work, responsibilities, social position etc that you have, especially when they could be better  (She seems happy enough with her lot in life.) 11 »PEOPLE« BrE informal a group of people, especially one you do not completely approve of  (Come on you lot, hurry up! | the lot of you/them etc (=all of you, them etc))  (Outside, the lot of you!) 12 »GROUP OF THINGS« BrE informal a group of things  (Let's drop this lot off and go home.) 13 »OF LAND« especially AmE an area of land used for building on or for another particular purpose  (We could turn that vacant lot into a playground. | a used-car lot)  (- see also parking lot) 14 have a lot on your plate informal especially BrE to have a lot of difficult problems to deal with  (Leave Mum alone - she's got a lot on her plate at the moment.) 15 draw lots to decide on someone or something by choosing one piece of paper, object etc from among many  (They drew lots to see who would go first.) 16 throw in/cast your lot with sb to join or support someone, so that what happens to you depends on what happens to them  (They threw their lot in with the allies.) 17 by lot by drawing lots  (In Athens at that time, judges were chosen by lot.)  (- see also bad egg/lot/sort/type bad1 (16), fall to sb's lot fall1, a fat lot of good/use fat1 (5))
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  (lots) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A lot of something or lots of it is a large amount of it. A lot of people or things, or lots of them, is a large number of them. A lot of our land is used to grow crops for export... I remember a lot of things... ‘You’ll find that everybody will try and help their colleague.’—‘Yeah. There’s a lot of that.’... He drank lots of milk... A lot of the play is very funny. QUANT: QUANT of n • Lot is also a pronoun. There’s lots going on at Selfridges this month... I learned a lot from him about how to run a band... I know a lot has been said about my sister’s role in my career. PRON 2. A lot means to a great extent or degree. Matthew’s out quite a lot doing his research... I like you, a lot... If I went out and accepted a job at a lot less money, I’d jeopardize a good career. ADV: ADV after v, oft ADV compar 3. If you do something a lot, you do it often or for a long time. They went out a lot, to the Cafe Royal or the The Ivy... He talks a lot about his own children. ADV: ADV after v 4. You can use lot to refer to a set or group of things or people. He bought two lots of 1,000 shares in the company during August and September... We’ve just sacked one lot of builders. N-COUNT: num N, oft N of n 5. You can refer to a specific group of people as a particular lot. (INFORMAL) Future generations are going to think that we were a pretty boring lot. = bunch N-SING: adj N 6. You can use the lot to refer to the whole of an amount that you have just mentioned. (INFORMAL) Instead of using the money to pay his rent, he went to a betting shop and lost the lot in half an hour. N-SING: the N 7. Your lot is the kind of life you have or the things that you have or experience. She tried to accept her marriage as her lot in life but could not... N-SING: usu with poss 8. A lot is a small area of land that belongs to a person or company. (AM) If oil or gold are discovered...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English h~; akin to Old High German hloz  Date: before 12th century  1. an object used as a counter in determining a question by chance  2.  a. the use of ~s as a means of deciding something  b. the resulting choice  3.  a. something that comes to one upon whom a ~ has fallen ; share  b. one's way of life or worldly fate ; fortune  4.  a. a portion of land  b. a measured parcel of land having fixed boundaries and designated on a p~ or survey  c. a motion-picture studio and its adjoining property  d. an establishment for the storage or sale of motor vehicles a used car ~  5.  a. a number of units of an article, a single article, or a parcel of articles offered as one item (as in an auction sale)  b. all the members of a present group, kind, or quantity — usually used with the sampled the whole ~ of desserts  6.  a. a number of associated persons ; set fell in with a rough ~  b. kind, sort  7. a considerable quantity or extent a ~ of money ~s of friends  Synonyms: see fate  II. transitive verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 15th century  1. al~, apportion  2. to form or divide into ~s LOT  I. noun  Etymology: Hebrew Lo?  Date: circa 1534 a nephew of Abraham who according to the account in Genesis escaped from the doomed city of Sodom with his wife who turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back  II. geographical name river 300 miles (483 kilometers) S France flowing W into the Garonne ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 colloq. (prec. by a or in pl.) a a large number or amount (a lot of people; lots of chocolate). b colloq. much (a lot warmer; smiles a lot; is lots better). 2 a each of a set of objects used in making a chance selection. b this method of deciding (chosen by lot). 3 a share, or the responsibility resulting from it. 4 a person's destiny, fortune, or condition. 5 esp. US a plot; an allotment of land (parking lot). 6 an article or set of articles for sale at an auction etc. 7 a number or quantity of associated persons or things. --v.tr. (lotted, lotting) divide into lots. Phrases and idioms bad lot a person of bad character. cast (or draw) lots decide by means of lots. throw in one's lot with decide to share the fortunes of. the (or the whole) lot the whole number or quantity. a whole lot colloq. very much (is a whole lot better). Etymology: OE hlot portion, choice f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) земельный участок 2) партия (изделий, груза); серия 3) киностудия с прилегающими площадками - back lot - container lot - inspection lot - large lot - parking lot - pilot lot - small lot ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  земельный участок партия (товара, изделий) concrete parking lot ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  партия, серия ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) большое количество 2) гораздо 3) группа 4) делянка 5) жребий 6) масса 7) отсортировать 8) партия 9) подбирать 10) серия 11) сортировать 12) удель lot quality protection table — таблица объемов выборки обеспечивающих заданное качество партии - a lot more - accepted lot - complete lot - grand lot - inspection lot - lot acceptance sample - lot quality - lot size - production lot - skip lot sampling ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сущ. 1) общ. жребий; жеребьевка; решение спора жребием 2) общ. провидение, воля свыше 3) общ. участь, доля, судьба I have come to accept that it is my lot. - Я пришел к пониманию, что такова моя участь. 4) общ., амер. участок земли (отведенный под что-либо) forbidden lot - заповедный участок земли 5) СМИ место для студии, съемочная площадка (территория киностудии и примыкающая к ней площадка) 6) общ. все, вся, куча (с определенным артиклем) We'll prove the lot of you wrong. - Мы докажем, что все вы ошибаетесь. 7) общ. группа, компания (каких-либо людей); человек; тип (с прилагательным) a bad lot - негодяй, They were an inefficient lot. - Они были никудышными людьми. 8) общ., разг. уйма, масса, много, большое количество, множество I have a lot of different interests. - У меня много разнообразных интересов. 9) торг. лот а)юр., брит. (набор товаров, предлагаемых как единое целое на аукционе; согласно нормам общего права, каждый лот должен рассматриваться как отдельно взятый торговый договор) See: contract of sale б) юр., амер. (согласно определению Единообразного торгового кодекса США, отдельная или единственная статья, являющаяся предметом отдельной продажи или поставки, не важно, достаточно ли этой статьи или нет для исполнения...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. библ. Лот Lot's wife —- жена Лота (превращенная в соляной столб); мор. жарг. соль lot 1. жребий to cast lots —- бросать жребий to settle (to decide) smth. by lot —- решить что-л. по жребию (жеребьевкой) to choose smb. by lot —- выбрать кого-л. жеребьевкой the lot came to (fell upon) me —- жребий пал на меня 2. судьба, доля, участь to cast (to throw) in one's lot with smb. —- (согласиться) разделить чью-л. судьбу to fall to the lot of smb. —- выпасть на долю кому-л. his lot has been a hard one —- его судьба была суровой 3. ам. участок (земли) parking lot —- стоянка автомобилей building lot —- строительный участок across lots —- напрямик, кратчайшим путем 4. партия, серия (товаров, изделий) lot production —- серийное производство we have received a new lot of hats —- мы получили новую партию шляп 5. бирж. лот (партия ценных бумаг) 6. воен. партия (боеприпасов) 7. вещь на аукционе или несколько вещей, проданных на аукционе за общую цену 8. (the lot) все, все (также the whole lot, all the lot) that the lot —- это все go away, the whole lot of you (all the lot of you) —- убирайтесь, вы все (вся ваша компания) she wants a car, a fridge, and a colour TV - the lot! —- ей нужна машина, холодильник, цветной телевизор - все сразу! 9. (с прилагательными) разг. человек a bad lot —- негодяй; темная личность 10. люди 11. разг. большое количество, множество a lot of —- много,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  onc. abbr. Living Organic Tissue hum. gen. abbr. Living Organic Tissue physiol. abbr. Left Occiput Transverse physiol. abbr. Lotion physiol. abbr. Living Organic Tissue UN abbr. Liaison and Observation Team mil. abbr. Left On Top mil. abbr. Limited Operational Test airport code Lockport, Illinois USA file ext. abbr. Auxiliary file for List Of Tables (LaTeX) sport abbr. Legends Of Tomorrow ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hlot, from P.Gmc. *khlutan. In M.E. it was applied to an object (anything from dice to straw) used to decide something by chance, later "portion, share." Sense of "plot of land" is first recorded 1633 (distribution of property in new settlements often determined by lot), that of "group, collection" is 1725, from auction lots. The generalized sense of "great many" is first attested in 1812. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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