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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - level


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~1 n 1 »AMOUNT« a) the measured amount of something that exists at a particular time or in a particular place  (Inflation had dropped to its lowest level in 30 years.) + of  (concern about the level of carbon monoxide in the air) high/low levels  (High levels of radiation were found in the sea.) b) the amount of a quality that someone has or that exists in a situation  (a very high level of commitment among the workforce | These simple exercises can dramatically reduce stress levels.) 2 »HEIGHT« the height of something in relation to the ground or to another object  (Hold out your arm at the same level as your shoulder. | at eye level (=at the same height as your eyes)) 3 »LIQUID« the height of the surface of a liquid from the ground or from the bottom of a container  (Check the water level in the car radiator.)  (- see also sea level, water level) 4 »STANDARD« a particular standard of skill or ability, for example in education or sport  (Students at this level tend to have a lot of problems with grammar. | By 21, she was regularly playing at international level. | an advanced level coursebook) 5 »FLOOR/GROUND« a floor or piece of ground, especially when considered in relation to another floor or piece of ground that is higher or lower  (The town is built on different levels. | The medical center should be on one level for the convenience of patients.) 6 »RANK OF JOB« all the people or jobs within an organization, industry etc that have similar amounts of importance and responsibility  (Training was offered at each level in the department. | Decisions like this can only be made at board level.) 7 at local level/at national level happening within a small area or the whole area of a country  (Decisions are made at local and not national level.) 8 on/at one level ... on/at another level used when you are considering something in one way and then in another way  (At one level I really enjoy the work, but at another level I feel I should be doing something more challenging..) 9 on a practical level/on a personal level etc used to talk about something, considering it in a practical, personal etc way  (On a more practical level, we should consider how we are going to find the money.) 10 be on the level informal to be honest  (I'd like to buy that bloke's car, but I'm not sure he's on the level.) 11 »TOOL« especially AmE a tool used for checking that a surface is flat; spirit-level ~2 adj 1 a surface, piece of land etc that is level is flat and does not slope in any direction  (Make sure the ground is completely level before you lay the turf.) 2 be level a) two things that are level are at the same height as each other  (The top of the tree was level with the roof of the house.) b) BrE two sports teams, competitors etc that are level have the same number of points  (draw level (=get enough points to be level))  (Faldo has drawn level with Ballesteros on twelve under par. | finish level)  (The two teams finished level, with 10 points each.)  (- see also level-pegging) 3 do your level best to try as hard as possible to do something  (I'll do my level best to help you.) 4 a level voice/look/gaze a steady voice, look etc, that shows you are calm or determined 5 level spoon (ful)/cup an amount of a substance, that is just enough to fill a spoon or cup, used as a measure in cooking ~3 v levelled, levelling BrE leveled, leveling AmE 1 to make something flat and even  (Pat leveled the wet concrete with a piece of wood.) 2 to knock down or destroy a building or area completely  (The bombing raid levelled a large part of the town.) 3 level the score BrE to make the score in a game or competition equal level sth at phr v 1 to aim something such as a weapon at someone or something 2 level a charge/accusation/criticism at to publicly criticize someone or say they are responsible for a crime, mistake etc  (Outrageous accusations were levelled against some of Hollywood's most famous stars.) level off/out phr v 1 to stop climbing or falling, and continue at a fixed height  (After climbing steeply through woodland the path levelled off. | The plane levelled out at 30,000 feet.) 2 to become steady in development or growth  (Inflation has begun to level off.) 3 T level something off/out) to make something flat and smooth level with sb phr v informal to speak honestly to someone, not hiding any unpleasant facts from them  (He asked Ron to level with him about what people were saying about him.)  (- see also be on the level level1 (10))
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  (levels, levelling, levelled) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'leveling', 'leveled' 1. A level is a point on a scale, for example a scale of amount, quality, or difficulty. If you don’t know your cholesterol level, it’s a good idea to have it checked... We do have the lowest level of inflation for some years... The exercises are marked according to their level of difficulty. N-COUNT: with supp 2. The level of a river, lake, or ocean or the level of liquid in a container is the height of its surface. The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal... The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level. N-SING: the N see also sea level 3. In cookery, a level spoonful of a substance such as flour or sugar is an amount that fills the spoon exactly, without going above the top edge. Stir in 1 level teaspoon of yeast. ? heaped ADJ: ADJ n 4. If something is at a particular level, it is at that height. Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level. N-SING: usu supp N 5. If one thing is level with another thing, it is at the same height as it. He leaned over the counter so his face was almost level with the boy’s... Amy knelt down so that their eyes were level. ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ with n 6. When something is level, it is completely flat with no part higher than any other. The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head. ...a plateau of fairly level ground. ADJ 7. If you draw level with someone or something, you get closer to them until you are by their side. (mainly BRIT) Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd... ADV: ADV after v • Level is also an adjective. He waited until they were level with the door before he turned around sharply and punched Graham. ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ with n 8. If someone or something such as a violent storm levels a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, plumb line, from Anglo-French livel, from Vulgar Latin *libellum, alteration of Latin libella, from diminutive of libra weight, balance  Date: 14th century  1. a device for establishing a horizontal line or plane by means of a bubble in a liquid that shows adjustment to the horizontal by movement to the center of a slightly bowed glass tube  2. a measurement of the difference of altitude of two points by means of a ~  3. horizontal condition; especially equilibrium of a fluid marked by a horizontal surface of even altitude water seeks its own ~  4.  a. an approximately horizontal line or surface taken as an index of altitude  b. a practically horizontal surface or area (as of land)  5. a position in a scale or rank (as of achievement, significance, or value) funded at the national ~ the job appeals to me on many ~s  6.  a. a line or surface that cuts perpendicularly all plumb lines that it meets and hence would everywhere coincide with a surface of still water  b. the plane of the horizon or a line in it  7. a horizontal passage in a mine intended for regular working and transportation  8. a concentration of a constituent especially of a body fluid (as blood)  9. the magnitude of a quantity considered in relation to an arbitrary reference value; broadly magnitude, intensity a high ~ of hostility  II. verb  (-eled or -elled; -eling or ~ling)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to make (a line or surface) horizontal ; make flat or ~ ~ a field ~ off a house lot  2.  a. to bring to a horizontal aiming position  b. aim, direct ~ed a charge of fraud  3. to bring to a common ~ or plane ; equalize love ~s all ranks — W. S. Gilbert  4.  a. to lay ~ with or as if with the ground ; raze  b. to knock down ~ed him with one punch  5. to make (as color) even or uniform  6. to find the heights of different points in (a piece of land) especially with a surveyor's ~  intransitive verb  1. to attain or come to a ~ the plane ~ed off at 10,000 feet  2. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a horizontal line or plane. 2 a height or value reached, a position on a real or imaginary scale (eye level; sugar level in the blood; danger level). 3 a social, moral, or intellectual standard. 4 a plane of rank or authority (discussions at Cabinet level). 5 a an instrument giving a line parallel to the plane of the horizon for testing whether things are horizontal. b Surveying an instrument for giving a horizontal line of sight. 6 a more or less level surface. 7 a flat tract of land. --adj. 1 having a flat and even surface; not bumpy. 2 horizontal; perpendicular to the plumb-line. 3 (often foll. by with) a on the same horizontal plane as something else. b having equality with something else. c (of a spoonful etc.) with the contents flat with the brim. 4 even, uniform, equable, or well-balanced in quality, style, temper, judgement, etc. 5 (of a race) having the leading competitors close together. --v. (levelled, levelling; US leveled, leveling) 1 tr. make level, even, or uniform. 2 tr. (often foll. by to (or with) the ground, in the dust) raze or demolish. 3 tr. (also absol.) aim (a missile or gun). 4 tr. (also absol.; foll. by at, against) direct (an accusation, criticism, or satire). 5 tr. abolish (distinctions). 6 intr. (usu. foll. by with) sl. be frank or honest. 7 tr. place on the same level. 8 tr. (also absol.) Surveying ascertain differences in the height of (land). Phrases and idioms do one's level best colloq. do one's utmost; make all possible efforts. find one's level 1 reach the right social, intellectual, etc. place in relation to others. 2 (of a liquid) reach the same height in receptacles or regions which communicate with each other. level crossing Brit. a crossing of a railway and a road, or two railways, at the same level. level down bring down to a standard. levelling-screw a screw for adjusting parts of a machine etc. to an exact level. level off make or become level or smooth. level out make or become level, remove differences from. level pegging Brit. equality of scores or...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) уровень устанавливать (регулировать) уровень 2) достигать уровня (о физической величине) 3) энергетический уровень, уровень энергии 4) степень 5) градация 6) ранг (системы) 7) уставка (технологического параметра) 8) горизонтальная горная выработка 9) горн. горизонт; этаж 10) нивелир нивелировать 11) уровень, ватерпас устанавливать по уровню 12) высотная отметка; отметка уровня; отметка высоты 13) значение (расчётного параметра) 14) горизонтальная линия; горизонтальная поверхность 15) планировать, производить планировку (грунта); разравнивать 16) выравнивать(ся) (о цвете) 17) ровно ложиться (о краске); растекаться с образованием ровной поверхности (о краске или лаке) 18) дренажная канава; дренажный канал 19) связь, радио громкость 20) ряд контактов (в шаговом искателе или шаговом реле) 21) горизонтальный полёт лететь горизонтально 22) выравнивать (положение воздушного судна) level above threshold — уровень звукового давления выше порога слышимости (в децибелах); to level down — выравнивать; сглаживать; to level off — 1. достигать равновесия; стабилизировать(ся) 2. выпрямлять (кривую) 3. выравнивать (положение воздушного судна) 4. приближаться к предельному значению 5....
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  уровень ( отметка степень прибор) нивелир at ground level level of bridge maintenance level of compaction level of congestion level of control level of foundation level of motorization level of organization of work level of service level of skill level of zero annual amplitude Abney level altitude level automatic level banked-up water level base level builder's level capacity level carpenter's level chambered level comfort level convenience level crest level crown level datum level dead-storage level design crest level design flood level design water level downstream level drawdown level dumpy level engineer's level equivalent water levels finished floor level formation level founding level free water level freezing level full supply level ground-water level hand level hanging level highest tailwater level highest water storage level high-water level invert level laser level liquid level locator's hand level Locke hand level loudness level lowest operating water level maintenance level mason's level natural water level noise level normal water level piezometric level pumping level quality level reduced level rod level safe-health level self-leveling level sound level sound power level spherical level spirit level standing-water level stress level surcharged reservoir level tailwater level threshold level top level top water level upstream level workability level wye level Y level yield stress level ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) уровень 2) тлв. совокупность параметров изображения или их комбинаций 3) степень 4) порог 5) регулировка – absolute transmission level – acceptance-quality level – acoustic noise level – adaptation level – addressing level – alpha-geometric level – alphamosaic level – ambient level – amplitude levels – audio-signal output level – automatic white level – average picture level – band-power level – band-pressure level – base level – black level – blanking level – call-tone level – carrier-noise level – channel level – channel switching level – chromatic level – circuit-noise level – coding level – controlled level – C-scale sound level – current sensitivity level – damage level – data link level – datum level – defined level – detail level – digitization level – effective recombination level – electromagnetic interference level – energy saving level – foreground level – frequency-modulated noise level on carrier – hearing level – HF-signal level – hierarchical levels – high level – higher-order hierarchical level – illuminance level – input signal level – integration level – interference level – internal sound level – interrupt level – link level – load compensating level – logical 0 low level – logical 1 high level – loudness level – lower order hierarchical level – main level – maximum acceptable signal level – maximum record level – maximum signal level – measuring transmission level – metallic level – minimum-signal level – noise level – noise-generation level – nondistorted peak level – operating level – optical recording level – output signal level – overload level – peak level – pedestal level – pressure spectrum level – printthrough level – priority level – privilege level – protective level – quantization level – rated transmission level – receiver overload level – reference-black level –...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) ватерпас 2) ватерпасный 3) выверять по уровню 4) выравнивать 5) горизонтальный 6) горизонтировать 7) заравнивать 8) нивелир 9) нивелировать 10) разравнивать 11) ровно 12) ровный 13) ступень 14) сувальдный 15) уровень 16) уровнять 17) устанавливаться above ground level — над уровнем земли actual significance level — стат. фактический уровень значимости automatic level gage — автур, уровнемер автоматический bring up level to — доводить уровень до coded at the machine-language level — компьют. над машинными кодами energy level disturbance — возмущение уровней энергии energy level separation — разнесение энергетических уровней energy level width — ширина энергетического уровня expected significance level — ожидаемый уровень значимости floor level press — одноярусная печатная машина high water level — геол. горизонт высоких вод hunting for a level — искание декады hunting within a level — искание в декаде inversion level ratio — коэффициент инверсии level of low waters — геол. горизонт меженных вод, горизонт низких вод level of special constant — уровень специальной константы line of precise level — геод. линия точного нивелирования liquid level gage — датчик уровня жидкости located on level of — располагаться на уровень logical structural level — глубина вложенности структуры maintain flight level — выполнять полет на эшелон maximum...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) уровень, ступень 2) уровень цен • - acceptable quality level - be at a low level - be at the highest level - be on a level with - be on a low level - be on the highest level - change of level - competitive price level - confidence level - economic level - educational level - employment level - feedprice level - level finish - level float - level of abstraction - level of aggregation - level of aspiration - level of authority - level of business - level of commodity prices at wholesale - level of contracting - level of detail - level of efforts - level of establishment - level of mechanization - level of production - level of supply - level premium - national price level - overall price level - peak level - profit level - qualitatively new and higher level - quality level - rise to higher level - subsistence level - wholesale level 2. прил. 1) равный 2) равномерный 3. гл. выравнивать - level down prices - level up prices Syn: match LEVEL 1. сущ. 1) общ. уровень above/below sea level — выше/ниже уровня моря at eye ground level — на уровне глаз земли price level — уровень цен level of employment, employment level — уровень занятости See: manning level, pay level 2) общ. степень, ступень, уровень (в иерархии и т. п.) on the international level — на международном уровне to bring smb. to his level — сбить спесь с кого-л., поставить кого-л. на место See: academic level, grade level, aspiration level, bargaining level, budget level, level of management, entry-level 3) а) общ. плоская горизонтальная поверхность б) общ. равнина (используется в названиях) the Great Bedford Level — Великая Бедфордская долина 4) тех. нивелир, ватерпас, уровень (геодезический...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  уровень – level of significance – compensation level – confidence level – critical level – dietary protein level – energy level – organismic level – population level – postchallenge antibody level – prechallenge antibody level – replacement level – significance level – stabilized level – stocking level – tolerance level – trophic level ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. уровень the level of the sea, sea level —- уровень моря the level of the coast —- высота берега над уровнем моря level of significance —- уровень значимости (в статистике) level gauge —- уровнемер level indicator —- тех. указатель горизонтального положения, указатель уровня at the same level —- на том же (таком же, одинаковом) уровне to be high above the level of the sea —- находиться высоко над уровнем моря to reduce to one level —- довести до одного уровня 2. одинаковый уровень on a level —- на одном уровне on a level with the banks —- вровень с берегами (о разлившейся реке) to be on a level with smb. —- находиться (стоять, быть) на одном уровне с кем-л.; быть игроком одного класса с кем-л. they are on a level mentally —- они не уступают друг другу в уме, по уму они равны 3. ступень, степень; уровень a high level of excellence —- высокий уровень мастерства (совершенства) on (at) the highest level —- на самом высоком уровне; на уровне глав правительств (государств); в верхах, в высших сферах on (at) a low level —- на низком уровне; в низших инстанциях to rise to higher levels —- подниматься на более высокую ступень, достигать более высокого уровня to bring smb. to his level —- поставить кого-л. на место; сбить спесь с кого-л. acting on the level of amateurs —- исполнение (роли) на любительском уровне he is not of her level —- он ей не...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up повышать до какого-л. уровня LEVEL life размеренный образ жизни; LEVEL off  а) выравнивать, делать ровным;  б) aeron. выравнивать самолет (перед посадкой) LEVEL pegging noun сохранение равновесия (в политике, спорте и т.п.) LEVEL with говорить правду; At last the prisoner decided to level with the police and tell them the truth instead of all those lies. LEVEL  1. noun  1) уровень; ступень; sea level - уровень моря; on a level with - на одном уровне с; to rise to higher levels - подниматься на более высокую ступень; to find ones (own) level -  а) найти себе равных;  б) занять подобающее место; to bring smb. to his level - сбить спесь с кого-л., поставить кого-либо на место  2) плоская, горизонтальная поверхность; равнина  3) ватерпас, нивелир; уровень (инструмент)  4) mining этаж, горизонт; штольня  5) aeron. горизонтальный полет (тж. level flight); - give a level - on the level to land on the street level coll. потерять работу, оказаться на улице  2. adj.  1) горизонтальный; плоский, ровный; расположенный на одном уровне (с чем-л. другим); level road - ровная дорога; - level crossing  2) одинаковый, равномерный, they are level in capacity - у них одинаковые способности - level life  3) уравновешенный, спокойный; to have a level head - быть уравновешенным to do ones level best - проявить максимум энергии; сделать все от себя зависящее  3. adv. ровно,...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: ON THE LEVEL. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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