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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - left


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~1 adj only before noun 1 on the side of your body that contains your heart  (She held out her left hand.)  (- opposite right1 (4a)) 2 on, by, or in the direction of your left side  (Hank had scribbled notes in the left margin. | Take a left turn at the crossroads.) 3 have two left feet informal to be very awkward in the way you move; be clumsy (1) 4 the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing used to say that one part of a group or organization does not know what the other parts are doing  (- opposite right1, - see also left-of-centre, left-wing1) ~2 adv towards the left side  (Turn left after the gas station.)  (- opposite right2 (4)) ~3 n 1 the left side or direction  (Take the next road on the left. | On your left you can see the Houses of Parliament. | Our house is just to the left of the school.) 2 the left/the Left political parties or groups, such as Socialists and Communists, that want money and property to be divided equally, and generally support workers rather than employers 3 a hit made with your left hand  (I caught him on the chin with a straight left.) ~4 the past tense and past participle of leave1
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  I. [c red]REMAINING Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Left is the past tense and past participle of leave. 2. If there is a certain amount of something left, or if you have a certain amount of it left, it remains when the rest has gone or been used. Is there any gin left?... He’s got plenty of money left... They still have six games left to play. ADJ: v-link ADJ, v n ADJ • If there is a certain amount of something left over, or if you have it left over, it remains when the rest has gone or been used. So much income is devoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over. ...a large bucket of cut flowers left over from the wedding. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR II. [c red]DIRECTION AND POLITICAL GROUPINGS Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The spelling 'Left' is also used for meanings 3 and 4. 1. The left is one of two opposite directions, sides, or positions. If you are facing north and you turn to the left, you will be facing west. In the word ‘to’, the ‘t’ is to the left of the ‘o’. In Britain cars drive on the left. ...the brick wall to the left of the conservatory... Beaufort Castle is on your left. ? right N-SING: usu the N • Left is also an adverb. Turn left at the crossroads into Clay Lane. ADV: ADV after v 2. Your left arm, leg, or ear, for example, is the one which is on the left side of your body. Your left shoe or glove is the one which is intended to be worn on your left foot or hand. ? right ADJ: ADJ n 3. You can refer to people who support the political ideals of socialism as the left. They are often contrasted with the right, who support the political ideals of capitalism and conservatism. ...the traditional parties of the Left... ? right N-SING-COLL: the N 4. If you say that a person or political party has moved to the left, you mean that their political beliefs have become more left-wing. After Mrs Thatcher’s first election victory in 1979, Labour...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, weak; akin to Middle Low German lucht ~; from the ~ hand's being the weaker in most individuals  Date: 13th century  1.  a. of, relating to, situated on, or being the side of the body in which the heart is mostly located  b. done with the ~ hand a ~ hook to the jaw  c. located nearer to the ~ hand than to the right  d.  (1) located on the ~ of an observer facing in the same direction as the object specified stage ~  (2) located on the ~ when facing downstream the ~ bank of a river  2. often capitalized of, adhering to, or constituted by the ~ especially in politics  • ~ adverb  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the ~ hand  b. the location or direction of the ~ side  c. the part on the ~ side  d. a turn to the ~ take a ~ at the intersection  2.  a. ~ field  b. a blow struck with the ~ fist  3. often capitalized  a. the part of a legislative chamber located to the ~ of the presiding officer  b. the members of a continental European legislative body occupying the ~ as a result of holding more radical political views than other members  4. often capitalized  a. those professing views usually characterized by desire to reform or overthrow the established order especially in politics and usually advocating change in the name of the greater freedom or well-being of the common man  b. a radical as distinguished from a conservative position  • ~most noun  III. past and past participle of leave ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj., adv., & n. (opp. RIGHT). --adj. 1 on or towards the side of the human body which corresponds to the position of west if one regards oneself as facing north. 2 on or towards the part of an object which is analogous to a person's left side or (with opposite sense) which is nearer to an observer's left hand. 3 (also Left) Polit. of the Left. --adv. on or to the left side. --n. 1 the left-hand part or region or direction. 2 Boxing a the left hand. b a blow with this. 3 a (often Left) Polit. a group or section favouring radical socialism (orig. the more radical section of a continental legislature, seated on the president's left); such radicals collectively. b the more advanced or innovative section of any group. 4 the side of a stage which is to the left of a person facing the audience. 5 (esp. in marching) the left foot. 6 the left wing of an army. Phrases and idioms have two left feet be clumsy. left and right = right and left. left bank the bank of a river on the left facing downstream. left bower see BOWER(3). left field Baseball the part of the outfield to the left of the batter as he or she faces the pitcher. left hand 1 the hand of the left side. 2 (usu. prec. by at, on, to) the region or direction on the left side of a person. left-hand adj. 1 on or towards the left side of a person or thing (left-hand drive). 2 done with the left hand (left-hand blow). 3 a (of rope) twisted counter-clockwise. b (of a screw) = LEFT-HANDED. left turn a turn that brings one's front to face as one's left side did before. left wing 1 the radical or socialist section of a political party. 2 the left side of a football etc. team on the field. 3 the left side of an army. left-wing adj. socialist, radical. left-winger a person on the left wing. marry with the left hand marry morganatically (see LEFT-HANDED). Derivatives leftish adj. Etymology: ME l{uuml}ft, lift, left, f. OE, orig. sense 'weak, worthless' 2. past and past part. of LEAVE(1). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) лево 2) левой 3) левосторонний 4) левый 5) налево 6) слева calculus of left fractions — исчисление левых частных closed on the left — замкнутый слева continuous from the left — непрерывный слева continuous of the left — непрерывный слева continuous on the left — непрерывный слева derivative on the left — производная слева essential left ideal — существенно левый идеал group of left quotients — группа левых частных invariant from left partition — инвариантное слева разбиение kernel on the left — алг. ядро слева left admissible set — допустимое слева множество left amenable semigroup — левоаменабельная полугруппа left cancellation law — левый закон сокращения left cancellative semigroup — полугруппа с левым сокращением left categorial language — левый категориальный язык left censored sample — цензурированная слева выборка left complete category — полная слева категория left concentric semigroup — левоконцентрическая полугруппа left continuous subspace — левонепрерывное подпространство left directed set — фильтрующееся влево множество left dual complex — левый двойственный комплекс left exact stack — левый точный пучок left global dimension — левая глобальная размерность left hereditary ring — наследственное слева кольцо left invariant connection — левоинвариантная связность left invariant derivation — левоинвариантное дифференцирование left invariant field —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. левая сторона to keep to the left —- держаться левой стороны to turn to the left —- повернуть налево to sit on smb.'s left —- сидеть слева от кого-л. the river is on your left —- река слева от вас the shop is to the left of the house —- магазин (расположен) по левую сторону дома 2. воен. левый фланг 3. (the L.) собир. полит. левые 4. удар левой рукой, левая рука (бокс) he got in one with his left —- он нанес удар левой (рукой) 5. левая перчатка, левый ботинок и т. п. Id: over the left —- как раз наоборот 6. левый left hand —- левая рука left bank —- левый берег left wing —- левое крыло; воен. левый фланг left turn —- дор. левый поворот left back —- спорт. левый защитник (to be) left of smth. —- (быть расположенным) слева от чего-л. on the left hand of —- слева от 7. (часто L.) полит. левый left deviation —- левый уклон L. side (wing) —- левое крыло Id: to marry with the left hand —- заключить морганатический брак Id: left shoulder arms! —- на плечо! (команда) 8. налево; слева to turn left —- повернуть налево left turn!, —- ам. left face! воен. налево! left about face! —- воен. через левое плечо кругом! 9. p. и p-p. от leave ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  bower валет одноцветной с козырем масти LEFT  1. adj. левый; left bank - левый берег  2. adv. налево, слева; left turn!, amer. left face! mil. - налево!; left about face! mil. - через левое плечо кругом!  3. noun  1) левая сторона; mil. левый фланг; to keep to the left - держаться левой стороны  2) (the Left) as pl.; polit. левые over the left coll. - как раз наоборот ...
Англо-русский словарь
  media abbr. Leprechauns, Elves, Fairies, And Trolls ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - Kentish form of O.E. lyft- "weak, foolish" (cf. lyft-adl "lameness, paralysis"), emerged 13c. as "opposite of right," replacing O.E. winestra, lit. "friendlier," a euphemism used superstitiously to avoid invoking the unlucky forces connected with the left side (see sinister). The Kentish word itself may have been originally a taboo replacement, if it represents PIE root *laiwo-, meaning "considered conspicuous" (represented in Gk. laios, Latvian laevus, and Rus. levyi). Gk. also uses a euphemism for "left," aristeros "the better one." Political sense arose from members of a legislative body assigned to the left side of a chamber, first in Eng. 1837, probably a loan-translation of Fr. la gauche (1791), said to have originated during the seating of the Fr. National Assembly in 1789 in which the nobility took the seats on the President's right and left the Third Estate to sit on the left. Used since at least 1612 in various senses of "irregular, illicit," such as the phrase left-handed compliment (1881). Phrase out in left field "unorthodox, unexpected" is attested from 1959. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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