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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - least


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~1 determiner, pronoun 1 at least a) not less than a particular number or amount  (It will take you at least 20 minutes to get there. | He had been dead for at least a fortnight. | at the very least (=not less than and probably much more than))  (It would cost $1 million at the very least.) b) at least even if nothing else is true, or even if nothing else happens  (I think you should at least consider his offer. | Well, at least I don't spend all my money on drink like some people.) c) used when you are mentioning an advantage that makes certain problems or disadvantages seem less serious  (At least he was safe now. | The film wasn't very interesting, but at least it filled the time.) d) used when you are correcting or changing something that you have just said  (Mary was depressed all evening. Or at least it seemed that way. | She has no plans to return to England yet, at least as far as I know.) 2 the smallest in number, amount, or importance  (It's not always wise to buy the one that costs the least. | Those with the least money pay the least in taxes.) 3 not the least/not in the least/not the least bit none at all, or not at all  (It doesn't matter in the least if you're a bit late. | She didn't seem the least bit worried. | He came up without the least hesitation and asked me what I was doing there.) 4 the least sb could do used when saying what you think someone should or could do to help someone else  (The least he could do is give them some money towards the rent.) 5 to say the least used to show that something is worse or more serious than you are actually saying  (He was rather offended, to say the least.) 6 the least of your worries something you are not worried about because there are other more important problems  (Deciding what to wear for the trial is the least of my worries.) ~2 adv 1 less than anything or anyone else  (It happened when we least expected it. | He was the least experienced of the teachers | The tax hits those who can least afford it.) 2 least of all especially not a particular person  (No one knew where he was, least of all his family.) 3 not least formal especially  (The president's speeches were alarming, not least to the country's allies.)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Least' is often considered to be the superlative form of 'little'. 1. You use at least to say that a number or amount is the smallest that is possible or likely and that the actual number or amount may be greater. The forms at the least and at the very least are also used. Aim to have at least half a pint of milk each day... Normally it has only had eleven or twelve members in all. Now it will have seventeen at the very least. PHRASE: PHR amount, amount PHR 2. You use at least to say that something is the minimum that is true or possible. The forms at the least and at the very least are also used. She could take a nice holiday at least... At the least, I needed some sleep... His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations. PHRASE: PHR with cl/group 3. You use at least to indicate an advantage that exists in spite of the disadvantage or bad situation that has just been mentioned. We’ve no idea what his state of health is but at least we know he is still alive... If something awful happens to you at least you can write about it. PHRASE: PHR with cl 4. You use at least to indicate that you are correcting or changing something that you have just said. It’s not difficult to get money for research or at least it’s not always difficult... PHRASE: PHR with cl/group 5. You use the least to mean a smaller amount than anyone or anything else, or the smallest amount possible. I try to offend the least amount of people possible... If you like cheese, go for the ones with the least fat. ? most ADJ: the ADJ n • Least is also a pronoun. On education funding, Japan performs best but spends the least per student. ? most PRON: the PRON • Least is also an adverb. Damming the river may end up benefitting those who need it the least. ADV: the ADV after v 6. You use least to indicate that someone or something has less of a particular...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective, superlative of (I)little  Etymology: Middle English leest, from Old English l?st, superlative of l?ssa less  Date: before 12th century  1. lowest in importance or position  2.  a. smallest in size or degree  b. being a member of a kind distinguished by diminutive size the ~ bittern  c. smallest possible ; slightest  II. noun  Date: 12th century one that is ~  III. adverb, superlative of (II)little  Date: 13th century in the smallest or lowest degree ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 smallest, slightest, most insignificant. 2 (prec. by the; esp. with neg.) any at all (it does not make the least difference). 3 (of a species or variety) very small (least tern). --n. the least amount. --adv. in the least degree. Phrases and idioms at least 1 at all events; anyway; even if there is doubt about a more extended statement. 2 (also at the least) not less than. in the least (or the least) (usu. with neg.) in the smallest degree; at all (not in the least offended). least common denominator, multiple see DENOMINATOR, MULTIPLE. to say the least (or the least of it) used to imply the moderation of a statement (that is doubtful to say the least). Etymology: OE l{aelig}st, l{aelig}sest f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) малейший 2) наименее 3) наименьший 4) низший absolutely least residue — абсолютно наименьший вычет circle of least confusion — кружок рассеяния минимальный геометрический law of least squares — правило наименьших квадратов least lowest common multiple — наименьшее общее кратное least affine multiple — наименьшее аффинное кратное (многочлена) least common denominator — наименьший общий знаменатель least common multiple — общее наименьшее кратное least curvature principle — принцип наименьшей кривизны least deviating from zero — наименее уклоняющийся от нуля least favorable configuration — наименее благоприятная конфигурация least favorable distribution — наименее благоприятное распределение least harmonic majorant — наименьшая гармоническая мажоранта least linear subspace — наименьшее линейное подпространство least non-negative residue — наименьший неотрицательный вычет least normal extension — минимальное нормальное расширение least number principle — принцип наименьшего числа least positive residue — абсолютно наименьший вычет least sample value method — метод минимального выборочного значения least significant digit — низший разряд числа, наименьший значащий разряд least significant range — наименьший значимый размах least squares correlation — корреляция по методу наименьших квадратов least squares criterion — критерий наименьших...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. минимальное количество; минимальная степень; самое меньшее at least —- минимально; во всяком (в крайнем) случае at least five hours —- по меньшей мере (как минимум) пять часов you might at least say you are sorry —- вы могли бы, по крайней мере извиниться the least said the better —- чем меньше сказано, тем лучше; (об этом) лучше не говорить not in the least —- ни в малейшей степени I'm not in the least tired —- я совсем не устал would you mind holding this box? - Not in the least —- вам не трудно подержать эту коробку? - Нисколько (С удовольствием) the least he could do is to pay for the damage —- он мог бы, по крайней мере, возместить ущерб it doesn't matter in the least —- это совершенно неважно; пожалуйста, не беспокойтесь (ответ на извинение) nobody would worry in the least —- никто ни капельки не испугается (не будет волноваться) to say the least (of it) —- говоря без преувеличений; по меньшей мере it's a lie, to say the least —- это, мягко говоря (по меньшей мере), ложь Id: (the) least said (the) soonest mended —- посл. словами делу не поможешь; разговорами можно только испортить дело 2. superl от little 3. наименьший, малейший the least chance —- малейший шанс least radius —- наименьший радиус (поворота и т. п.) the least distance —- кратчайшее расстояние not the least mercy —- ни капельки жалости not the least wind —- ни малейшего ветерка least in...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj. superl. of little наименьший, малейший; there is not the least wind today - сегодня ни малейшего ветерка  2. adv. менее всего, в наименьшей степени; I like that least of all - мне это нравится менее всего; least privileged groups of population - наиболее обездоленные слои общества  3. noun минимальное количество, малейшая степень; at (the) least - по крайней мере; not in the least - ни в малейшей степени, ничуть; to say the least of it - без преувеличения, мягко выражаясь least said soonest mended prov. - чем меньше разговоров, тем лучше для дела LEAST common multiple общее наименьшее кратное ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. lжst, earlier lжsest "smallest," superl. of lжs "smaller, less;" from P.Gmc. *laisistaz. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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