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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - large


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~ adj 1 »BIG« bigger or more than usual in number, amount, or size  (Los Angeles is the second largest city in the US. | The T-shirt comes in Small, Medium and Large. | This could create a large number of new jobs. | The town has a large population of elderly people.)  (- see wide1, big) 2 »PERSON« a large person is very tall and wide  (A large man with a shotgun blocked our path.)  (- see fat1) 3 be at large if a dangerous person or animal is at large, they have escaped from somewhere and may cause harm or damage  (Two of the escaped prisoners are still at large.) 4 the world/country/public at large people in general  (The organization provides information on health issues to the public at large.) 5 »MORE GENERAL« the larger issues/view/picture the important general facts and questions about a situation, problem etc  (a useful book about the conflict, which helps to explain the larger picture) 6 (as) large as life spoken used when someone has appeared or is present in a place where you did not expect to see them  (I turned a corner and there was Joe, as large as life.) 7 larger than life someone who is larger than life attracts a lot of attention because they are more amusing, attractive, or exciting than most people 8 in large part/measure formal mostly  (- see also by and large by2 (5), loom large loom2 (3), writ large writ2) - largeness n
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  (larger, largest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A large thing or person is greater in size than usual or average. The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes... In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults are sitting on the carpet... He was a large man with thick dark hair. = big ? small ADJ 2. A large amount or number of people or things is more than the average amount or number. The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery... There are a large number of centres where you can take full-time courses... The figures involved are truly very large. ? small ADJ 3. A large organization or business does a lot of work or commercial activity and employs a lot of people. ...a large company in Chicago... Many large organizations run courses for their employees. = big ? small ADJ 4. Large is used to indicate that a problem or issue which is being discussed is very important or serious. ...the already large problem of under-age drinking... There’s a very large question about the viability of the newspaper. = serious ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. You use at large to indicate that you are talking in a general way about most of the people mentioned. I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote... = in general PHRASE: n PHR 6. If you say that a dangerous person, thing, or animal is at large, you mean that they have not been captured or made safe. The man who tried to have her killed is still at large. = free PHRASE: v-link PHR 7. You use by and large to indicate that a statement is mostly but not completely true. By and large, the papers greet the government’s new policy document with a certain amount of scepticism. = on the whole PHRASE: PHR with cl 8. to a large extent: see extent larger than life: see life in large measure: see measure ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, broad, wide, generous, from Latin largus generous, plentiful  Date: 12th century  1. obsolete lavish  2. obsolete  a. ample, abundant  b. extensive, broad  3.  a. having more than usual capacity or scope ; comprehensive take the ~ view will take a ~r role in the negotiations  b. powerful, forceful  c. very successful or popular a ~ rock band  4.  a. exceeding most other things of like kind especially in quantity or size ; big  b. dealing in great numbers or quantities a ~ and highly profitable business  5. obsolete  a. of language or expression coarse, vulgar  b. lax in conduct ; loose  6. of a wind favorable  7. extravagant, boastful ~ talk  • ~ness noun  • largish adjective  II. adverb  Date: 14th century  1. obsolete in abundance ; amply, liberally  2. with the wind abaft the beam  3. in a ~ manner ; extravagantly living ~  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1. obsolete liberality, generosity  2. slang a thousand dollars ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 of considerable or relatively great size or extent. 2 of the larger kind (the large intestine). 3 of wide range; comprehensive. 4 pursuing an activity on a large scale (large farmer). --n. (at large) 1 at liberty. 2 as a body or whole (popular with the people at large). 3 (of a narration etc.) at full length and with all details. 4 without a specific target (scatters insults at large). 5 US representing a whole area and not merely a part of it (congressman at large). Phrases and idioms in large on a large scale. large as life see LIFE. large-minded liberal; not narrow-minded. larger than life see LIFE. large-scale made or occurring on a large scale or in large amounts. Derivatives largeness n. largish adj. Etymology: ME f. OF f. fem. of L largus copious ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) бесполный 2) большой 3) гигантский 4) громадный 5) крупносортный 6) крупный сортовой 7) многотиражный 8) широкоформатный almost sufficiently large — почти достаточно большой be true in the large — быть справедливым в большом by a large amount — на значительную величину coprime in the large functions — взаимно простые в целом функции embedding in the large — погружение в целом extended law of large numbers — обобщенный закон больших чисел half as large again — в полтора раза больше indefinetely large population — неограниченно большая (генеральная) совокупность infinitely large element — бесконечно большой элемент infinitely large sequence — бесконечно большая последовательность large inductive dimension — топ. большая индуктивная размерность large Mersenne primes — гигантские простые числа Марсена large ramification group — большая группа ветвления large sample method — метод больших выборок large sample theory — теория больших выборок large sieve inequality — неравенство большого решета large sieve method — метод большого решета large signal theory — теория больших сигналов large state integration — большая степень интеграции large transfinite dimension — топ. большая трансфинитная размерность law of inertia of large numbers — закон инерции больших чисел parallel distribution in the large — параллельностное распределение в целом probability of large...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) большой, крупный 2) широкий 3) массовый, многочисленный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. большой, крупный large dog —- большая собака large eyes —- большие глаза large grains —- с-х. высокостебельные хлеба large fruits —- бот. семечковые и косточковые плоды large unit —- воен. общевойсковое соединение large handwriting —- крупный почерк in large type —- крупным шрифтом to be on the large side —- быть великоватым (об одежде) the coat is a trifle large for me —- пальто мне немного велико 2. эк. крупный; крупного масштаба large property —- крупная собственность large and small farmers —- крупные и мелкие фермеры a large landowner —- крупный землевладелец 3. многочисленный large population —- большое население large congeration —- многолюдное собрание large majority —- подавляющее большинство; значительный перевес голосов 4. обильный large meal —- обильная еда 5. крупномасштабный, массовый large output —- массовое или серийное производство a large producer of grain —- массовый производитель зерна (о стране и т. п.) 6. широкий, большого диапазона large views —- широкие взгляды large insight —- тонкая интуиция large memory —- обширная (богатая) память large powers —- широкие полномочия large discretion —- большая свобода действий 7. щедрый, великодушный large heart —- большое сердце a man of large sympathies —- человек большого сердца 8. ам. сл. (for) полный энтузиазма, восторженный to be large for smth. —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  meal обильная еда LARGE order трудная задача, трудное дело LARGE scale  1. крупный масштаб; on a large scale - в крупном масштабе  2.  1) крупномасштабный (о карте)  2) широкий, массовый (о жилищном строительстве и т.п.) LARGE majority значительное большинство LARGE intestine толстая кишка LARGE toothed comb редкий гребень LARGE  1. adj.  1) большой; крупный large businessman - крупный делец large and small farmers - крупные и мелкие фермеры  2) многочисленный (о населении и т.п.); значительный; обильный - large majority - large meal  3) широкий (о взглядах, толковании, понимании)  4) obs. щедрый; великодушный - large heart  5) naut. попутный, благоприятный (о ветре) - large fruits as large as life  а) в натуральную величину;  б) во всей красе;  в) joc. собственной персоной Syn: big, giant, gigantic, king-size, mammoth, outsize Ant: minute, small  2. adv.  1) широко; пространно  2) крупно (писать, печатать)  3) хвастливо; напыщенно  3. noun  1) - at large - talk at large  2) - in large LARGE entry большой конкурс LARGE feeder обжора LARGE fruits семечковые и косточковые плоды LARGE heart великодушие ...
Англо-русский словарь
  law abbr. Legal Adjustments And Reforms For Globalizing The Economy ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. large, from L. largus "abundant, copious," of unknown origin. Earliest Eng. sense of "bountiful" is preserved in at large; the main modern meaning "extensive, big" emerged 14c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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