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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - just


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~1 adv 1 exactly  (Thank you. That's just what I need. | The house was large and roomy; just right for us. | She looks just like her mother.) 2 only  (He's not a thief, just a little boy who likes biscuits. | It'll just take a few minutes.) 3 if something has just happened, it happened only a short time ago  (John's just told me that he's getting married. | I've just been out shopping.) 4 if you are just doing something, or just about to do something you are starting to do it or going to do it soon  (He was just leaving when the phone rang. | I'll just change my clothes, if you don't mind waiting a minute.) 5 used to emphasize something you are saying  (I needed some fresh air, so work would just have to wait. | He just got in his car and drove off.) 6 just before/after/over etc only a short time before, after etc  (We moved here just after our son was born. | I saw her just before she died. | It's just under three centimeters long.) 7 (only) just if something just happens or is just possible, it does happen or is possible, but it almost did not happen or was not possible  (He just managed to get home before dark. | Those pants only just fit you now.) 8 just about almost  (The plums are just about ripe now. | Just about everybody will be affected by the tax increases.) 9 just as equally as  (Brad is just as good as the others.) 10 just then at exactly that moment  (Just then there was a sound in the hall.) 11 just the thing informal exactly the right thing  (This soup is just the thing for a cold winter's day.) 12 informal completely  (She was just horrified at my choice of husband.)  (- see also just my luck luck1 (7)) 13 just a) used to pause while you think what to say next or think how to describe something  (When I told him the news he just...he just sat there and didn't say a word. | It wasn't an argument, it was just, it was more like a discussion.) b) used when politely asking something or telling someone to do something  (Could I just say a few words before we start?) c) used when firmly telling someone to do something  (Look, just shut up for a minute!) 14 a) just a minute/second/momenta) used to ask someone to wait for a short time while you do something  (Just a minute, I'll see if I can find it for you.) b) used to interrupt someone in order to ask them something, disagree with them etc  (Just a minute, I'm not sure I agree with your last point.) 15 just now a) a moment ago or a very short time ago  (Where have my glasses gone? I had them just now.) b) especially BrE at the moment  (We're busy just now, can you come back later?) 16 would just as soon if you would just as soon do something, you would prefer to do it  (I'd just as soon not be here when she comes.) 17 may just/might just might possibly  (You could try Renee; she might just know where they live now.) 18 not just yet not quite yet  (I can't leave just yet. I've still got a couple of letters to write.) 19 it's just that used when explaining the reason for something, especially when someone thinks there is a different reason  (No, I do like Chinese food, it's just that I'm not hungry.) 20 just think/look/listen used to tell someone to imagine, look at or listen to the same thing that you are imagining, looking at, or listening to  (Just think - in a week we'll be lying on a beach in the sun!) 21 be just looking to be looking at things in a shop without intending to buy anything  ("Can I help you?" "No thanks, I'm just looking.") 22 just because...doesn't mean used to say that although one thing is true, another thing is not necessarily true  (Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you can tell me what to do.) 23 it's/that's just as well used to say that it is lucky that something happens because otherwise there would be problems  (It's just as well Kathy didn't come to the film. She'd have hated it.) 24 might just as well if you might just as well do something, it would be sensible, or a good idea to do it  (There's no point in waiting here. We might just as well go home.) 25 just the same used to say that your opinion is the same about something, although someone has said something to try to change your opinion  ("The new model is a lot better." "Just the same, I'd rather have the old one I'm used to.") 26 isn't she just/aren't they just old-fashioned used to strongly agree with something someone has said about a person or thing  ("He's a selfish, rude, ignorant man!" "Isn't he just!") 27 just testing a) used to tell someone that you only asked them something to check if they knew the answer  ("What's the capital of France?" "Paris, of course!" "Just testing.") b) used when you have made a mistake, to pretend that you only did it to see if someone would notice  ("That isn't how you spell `receive'!" "I know, just testing!") 28 just on BrE almost exactly  (It's just on three o'clock.) 29 just so a) with everything arranged neatly and tidily  (Her house always has to be just so.) b) old-fashioned used to say yes or agree with something  ( USAGE NOTE: JUST AmE-BrE DIFFERENCE Time adverbs just, already, and yet are often used with the simple past tense in American English The bell just rang (=it rang a short time ago). | I already saw him. | Did you eat yet? This use is also fairly common now in British English, but it is still considered more correct to say The bell has just rung. | I've already seen him. | Have you eaten yet?  
) ~2 adj 1 morally right and fair  (A medal of honour was his just reward. | I think this is a just punishment bearing in mind the seriousness of the crime.) 2 get your just deserts to be punished or suffer in a way that other people think you deserve  (I hope that he's caught and gets his just deserts.) - justly adv  (These men are criminals, but they must be dealt with justly.)
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  I. [c red]ADVERB USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 20 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. You use just to say that something happened a very short time ago, or is starting to happen at the present time. For example, if you say that someone has just arrived, you mean that they arrived a very short time ago. I’ve just bought a new house... The two had only just met... I just had the most awful dream... I’m only just beginning to take it in that he’s still missing. ADV: ADV before v 2. If you say that you are just doing something, you mean that you are doing it now and will finish it very soon. If you say that you are just about to do something, or just going to do it, you mean that you will do it very soon. I’m just making the sauce for the cauliflower... I’m just going to walk down the lane now and post some letters... The Vietnam War was just about to end. ADV: ADV before v, ADV about/going to-inf 3. You can use just to emphasize that something is happening at exactly the moment of speaking or at exactly the moment that you are talking about. Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper... Just then the phone rang... Just as she prepared to set off to the next village, two friends arrived in a taxi. ADV: ADV adv/prep, ADV as/when cl c darkgreen]emphasis 4. You use just to indicate that something is no more important, interesting, or difficult, for example, than you say it is, especially when you want to correct a wrong idea that someone may get or has already got. It’s just a suggestion... It’s not just a financial matter... You can tell just by looking at me that I am all right... = simply ADV: ADV group/cl c darkgreen]emphasis 5. You use just to emphasize that you are talking about a small part, not the whole of an amount. That’s just one example of the kind of experiments you can do... = only, merely ADV: ADV n c darkgreen]emphasis 6. You use...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. archaic variant of joust  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French ~e, from Latin ~us, from jus right, law; akin to Sanskrit yos welfare  Date: 14th century  1.  a. having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason ; reasonable a ~ but not a generous decision  b. archaic faithful to an original  c. conforming to a standard of correctness ; proper ~ proportions  2.  a.  (1) acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good ; righteous a ~ war  (2) being what is merited ; deserved a ~ punishment  b. legally correct ; lawful ~ title to an estate  Synonyms: see fair, upright  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  III. adverb  Date: 15th century  1.  a. exactly, precisely ~ right  b. very recently the bell ~ rang  2.  a. by a very small margin ; barely ~ too late  b. immediately, directly ~ west of here  3.  a. only, simply ~ last year ~ be yourself  b. quite, very ~ wonderful  4. perhaps, possibly it ~ might work ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & adv. --adj. 1 acting or done in accordance with what is morally right or fair. 2 (of treatment etc.) deserved (a just reward). 3 (of feelings, opinions, etc.) well-grounded (just resentment). 4 right in amount etc.; proper. --adv. 1 exactly (just what I need). 2 exactly or nearly at this or that moment; a little time ago (I have just seen them). 3 colloq. simply, merely (we were just good friends; it just doesn't make sense). 4 barely; no more than (I just managed it; just a minute). 5 colloq. positively (it is just splendid). 6 quite (not just yet; it is just as well that I checked). 7 colloq. really, indeed (won't I just tell him!). 8 in questions, seeking precise information (just how did you manage?). Phrases and idioms just about colloq. almost exactly; almost completely. just in case as a precaution. just now 1 at this moment. 2 a little time ago. just so 1 exactly arranged (they like everything just so). 2 it is exactly as you say. Derivatives justly adv. justness n. Etymology: ME f. OF juste f. L justus f. jus right ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) верный 2) едва 3) именно 4) как раз 5) справедливый 6) только-что 7) точно 8) точный 9) хоть in just the same way — точно так же it is just the case — это как раз и имеет место, это именно так - just as well - just identifiability - just in case - just now - just proportion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  справедливый; обоснованный; законный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ист. рыцарский поединок to engage in a just —- биться на поединке 2. обыкн. pl. турнир 3. схватка, поединок (с соперником и т. п.); борьба, состязание 4. ист. биться на поединке или турнире 5. соперничать, бороться (с кем-л.) companies just for the automarket —- автокомпании дерутся друг с другом за рынок сбыта автомобилей 6. справедливый just dealing(s) —- добросовестность to be just to (towards) smb. —- быть справедливым по отношению к кому-л. just cause —- правое дело to speak in a just cause —- юр. выступать в суде по справедливому делу just war —- справедливая война 7. заслуженный to receive one's just deserts —- получить по заслугам just reward —- заслуженная награда just sentence —- мера наказания по заслугам 8. обоснованный; имеющий основания just opinion —- разумное (правильное) мнение just suspicion —- обоснованное подозрение just anger —- гнев, для которого есть все основания just fear —- небеспричинные опасения 9. законный a just title to the estate —- законное право на (данную) собственность 10. верный, точный just proportion —- верное соотношение, правильная пропорция just scales (balances) —- точные весы 11. муз. чистый, точный just intonation —- чистая (точная) интонация 12. уст. библ. праведный just person —- праведник, добродетельный человек just life —- праведная жизнь 13....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. adj.  1) справедливый, беспристрастный  2) обоснованный; имеющий основания; заслуженный - just fear - just reward  3) верный, точный - just proportion Syn: see rightful  2. adv.  1) точно, как раз, именно it is just what I said - это как раз то, что я сказал just so - точно так just in time - как раз вовремя just then - именно тогда just the other way about/round - как раз наоборот  2) только что he has just come - он только что пришел  3) едва I just caught the train - я едва, еле-еле поспел на поезд  4) coll. совсем, прямо, просто its just splendid - это прямо великолепно just like that - без малейшего труда II = joust JUST fear справедливое опасение JUST in case на всякий случай JUST now  а) в настоящий момент;  б) только что JUST proportion верное соотношение, правильная пропорция JUST reward заслуженная награда JUST the job то самое, как раз то, что требуется JUST the same  а) таким же образом;  б) тем не менее, все-таки ...
Англо-русский словарь
  telec. abbr. Joint Users Of Siemens Telecommunications NASDAQ abbr. Just Toys, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - mid-14c., from O.Fr. just, from L. justus "upright, equitable," from jus (gen. juris) "right, law," a word that originated in the religious cults. The adv. sense of "merely, barely" developed 1665, from 14c. sense of "exactly, punctually," from the adj. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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