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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - home


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~1 n 1 »PLACE WHERE YOU LIVE« the house, apartment, or place where you live  (They have a comfortable home on the outskirts of the town. | at home)  (Her daughter lives at college during the week and at home on the weekends. | work from home BrE (=do your work at home instead of at a company) | make your home somewhere)  (A family of swallows had made their home under the roof.) 2 »WHERE YOU CAME FROM/BELONG« the place where you came from or where you usually live, especially when this is the place where you feel happy and comfortable  (make somewhere your home)  (She was born in Italy, but she's made Charleston her home. | back home (=used to talk about the place where your family and friends live))  (Sherri said she misses friends and family back home.) 3 be/feel at home a) to feel comfortable in a place or with a person + in  (I'm already feeling at home in the new apartment.)  (Penny is very much at home with Roger's family.) b) to feel happy or confident about doing or using something + with/in  (I've never felt particularly at home with computers.) 4 »IN YOUR COUNTRY« at home in the country where you live, as opposed to foreign countries  (improved sales of trucks both at home and abroad | I miss the hot weather we have at home in India.) 5 »FAMILY« the place where a child and his or her family live  (leave home)  (He didn't leave home until he was 21. | come from a broken home old-fashioned (=come from a family in which parent has left the home)) 6 »PROPERTY« a house, apartment etc considered as property which you can buy or sell  (Attractive, modern homes for sale.) 7 »FOR TAKING CARE OF SB« a place where people who are very old or sick, or children who have no family are looked after  (an old people's home | They had to put her mother in a home.)  (- see also rest home) 8 dogs'/cats' home a place where animals with no owners are looked after 9 make yourself at home spoken used to tell someone who is visiting you that they should relax  (Make yourself at home while I get some coffee.) 10 make sb feel at home to make someone feel relaxed by being friendly towards them  (I'd like to thank everyone again for making me feel so much at home.) 11 find a home for BrE to find a place where something can be kept  (I'll have to find a home for the new wine glasses.) 12 the home of a) the place where something was first discovered, made, or developed  (America is the home of baseball.) b) the place where a plant or animal grows or lives  (India is the home of elephants and tigers.) 13 »SPORTS TEAM« at home if a sports team plays at home, they play at their own sports field 14 home from home BrE, home away from home AmE a place that you think is as pleasant and comfortable as your own house 15 what's that when it's at home? BrE spoken humorous used to ask what someone means when they use a long or unusual word 16 home sweet home used to say how pleasant it is to be in your home 17 »GAMES« a place in some games or sports which a player must try to reach in order to win a point  (- see also home plate, home run) ~2 adv 1 to or at the place where you live  (Is Sue home from work yet? | He stayed home for a week to finish writing his book. | go home)  (I'm going home now. See you tomorrow. | get home (=arrive at your home))  (By the time we got home the programme had finished. | return home)  (After three months touring Europe they returned home to Boston.) 2 take home to earn a certain amount of money after tax has been taken off  (The average store worker takes home around $300 a week.) 3 hit/drive/hammer etc sth home a) to hit or push something firmly into the correct position b) to make sure that someone understands what you mean by saying it in an extremely direct and determined way  (a powerful film with imagery that really drives its message home) 4 bring sth home to sb to make you realize how serious, difficult or dangerous something is 5 be home and dry informal especially BrE to have succeeded in doing something 6 be home free AmE informal to have succeeded in doing the most difficult part of something  (Only one more page of the hard stuff and we're home free.)  (- see also close to home close2 (20)) ~3 adj only before noun 1 connected with or belonging to your home or family  (home address)  (Make sure to give us your full home address. | home life (=relationship with your family))  (The child has had an unhappy home life.) 2 connected with a particular country, as opposed to foreign countries  (home market (=the country where something is made))  (These cars are made mainly for the home market, not for export.) 3 done at home or intended for use in a home  (home cooking | a home computer) 4 played or playing at a team's own sports field, rather than an opponent's field  (the home team | home games) 5 home bird BrE someone who prefers to stay at home rather than going to parties, travelling etc 6 home truths facts about someone that are unpleasant for them to know but that are true  (It's time she was told a few home truths!) ~4 v home in on phr v 1 to aim exactly at an object or place and move directly to it  (The bat can home in on insects using a kind of `radar'.) 2 to direct your efforts or attention towards a particular fault or problem  (We homed in on the fault in the system and fixed it quickly.)
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  (homes) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Someone’s home is the house or flat where they live. Last night they stayed at home and watched TV... ...his home in Hampstead. ...the allocation of land for new homes. N-COUNT: oft poss N, also at N 2. You can use home to refer in a general way to the house, town, or country where someone lives now or where they were born, often to emphasize that they feel they belong in that place. She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad... His father worked away from home for much of Jim’s first five years... Warwick is home to some 550 international students... N-UNCOUNT 3. Home means to or at the place where you live. His wife wasn’t feeling too well and she wanted to go home... Hi, Mom, I’m home!... ADV: ADV after v, be ADV 4. Home means made or done in the place where you live. ...cheap but healthy home cooking... All you have to do is make a home video. ADJ: ADJ n 5. Home means relating to your own country as opposed to foreign countries. Europe’s software companies still have a growing home market. = domestic ADJ: ADJ n 6. A home is a large house or institution where a number of people live and are looked after, instead of living in their own houses or flats. They usually live there because they are too old or ill to look after themselves or for their families to care for them. ...an old people’s home. N-COUNT 7. You can refer to a family unit as a home. She had, at any rate, provided a peaceful and loving home for Harriet... N-COUNT 8. If you refer to the home of something, you mean the place where it began or where it is most typically found. This south-west region of France is the home of claret. N-SING: with supp, usu N of n 9. If you find a home for something, you find a place where it can be kept. The equipment itself is getting smaller, neater and easier to find a home for. N-COUNT: oft N for n 10. If you press, drive, or hammer...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English hom, from Old English ham village, ~; akin to Old High German heim ~, Lithuanian seima family, servants, Sanskrit k?ema habitable, k?eti he dwells, Greek ktizein to inhabit  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. one's place of residence ; domicile  b. house  2. the social unit formed by a family living together  3.  a. a familiar or usual setting ; congenial environment; also the focus of one's domestic attention ~ is where the heart is  b. habitat  4.  a. a place of origin salmon returning to their ~ to spawn; also one's own country having troubles at ~ and abroad  b. headquarters 2 ~ of the dance company  5. an establishment providing residence and care for people with special needs ~s for the elderly  6. the objective in various games; especially ~ plate  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century  1. to or at one's ~ go ~ stayed ~ all day  2.  a. to a final, closed, or ultimate position drive a nail ~  b. to or at an ultimate objective (as a goal or finish line)  3. to a vital sensitive core the truth struck ~  III. adjective  Date: 1552  1. of, relating to, or being a ~, place of origin, or base of operations ~ office  2. prepared, done, or designed for use in a ~ ~ remedies ~ cooking a ~ videotape system  3. operating or occurring in a ~ area the ~ team ~ games  IV. verb  (~d; homing)  Date: 1765  intransitive verb  1. to go or return ~  2. of an animal to return accurately to one's ~ or natal area from a distance  3. to proceed to or toward a source of radiated energy used as a guide missiles ~ in on radar  4. to proceed or direct attention toward an objective science is homing in on the mysterious human process — Sam Glucksberg  transitive verb to send to or provide with a ~ HOME  I. biographical name Sir Alec Douglas- 1903-1995 British prime minister (1963-64)  II. biographical name William Douglas- 1912-1992 British dramatist ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., adj., adv., & v. --n. 1 a the place where one lives; the fixed residence of a family or household. b a dwelling-house. 2 the members of a family collectively; one's family background (comes from a good home). 3 the native land of a person or of a person's ancestors. 4 an institution for persons needing care, rest, or refuge (nursing home). 5 the place where a thing originates or is native or most common. 6 a the finishing-point in a race. b (in games) the place where one is free from attack; the goal. c Lacrosse a player in an attacking position near the opponents' goal. 7 Sport a home match or win. --attrib.adj. 1 a of or connected with one's home. b carried on, done, or made, at home. c proceeding from home. 2 a carried on or produced in one's own country (home industries; the home market). b dealing with the domestic affairs of a country. 3 Sport played on one's own ground etc. (home match; home win). 4 in the neighbourhood of home. --adv. 1 a to one's home or country (go home). b arrived at home (is he home yet?). c US at home (stay home). 2 a to the point aimed at (the thrust went home). b as far as possible (drove the nail home; pressed his advantage home). --v. 1 intr. (esp. of a trained pigeon) return home (cf. HOMING 1). 2 intr. (often foll. by on, in on) (of a vessel, missile, etc.) be guided towards a destination or target by a landmark, radio beam, etc. 3 tr. send or guide homewards. 4 tr. provide with a home. Phrases and idioms at home 1 in one's own house or native land. 2 at ease as if in one's own home (make yourself at home). 3 (usu. foll. by in, on, with) familiar or well informed. 4 available to callers. at-home n. a social reception in a person's home. come home to become fully realized by. come home to roost see ROOST(1). home and dry having achieved one's purpose. home away from home = home from home. home-bird a person who likes to stay at home. home-brew beer or other alcoholic drink brewed at home. home-brewed (of beer etc.) brewed at home. home-coming arrival at home. Home Counties the counties...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) начало, начальная позиция (страницы, экрана дисплея) устанавливать в начало 2) РЛС обнаружения 3) самонаводиться, находиться в режиме самонаведения to home on jam — самонаводиться на источник преднамеренных помех; to home on — находиться в режиме самонаведения - active position home - chain home - light spot home ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  дом; жилище home for the homeless home of high insulation standards covalescent home earth-sheltered home low cost homes low-rise multifamily home mobile home rest home ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  начало; начальная страница узла ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) дом 2) домашний 3) оборотный 4) самонаводиться inner home signal — ж.-д. сигнал входной добавочный screw right home — завинчивать до отказа - home bank - home chain - home copy - home directory - home scrap - home signal - home station ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прил. 1) внутренний 2) отечественный 3) домашний • - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation - Home Office - at home - home equity - home market - home-made - matrimonial home 2. нареч. 1) дома 2) на родину; домой 3) в отечественный порт ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) убежище; обиталище; местожительство; проживание; возвращаться домой (напр. на нерестилище); прилетать домой (о птице) 2) область распространения; родина ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. дом, жилище, обиталище at home —- дома, у себя hamlet of fifty homes —- деревня из пятидесяти домов they invited us to their home —- они пригласили нас к себе (домой) 2. местожительство; местопребывание; проживание to make one's home in the country —- поселиться в деревне to give smb. a home, to make a home for smb. —- приютить кого-л., дать кому-л. пристанище a friend offered me a home with him —- приятель предложил мне поселиться у него 3. родной дом, отчий дом, родные места one's own home —- родной дом ancestral home, the home of one's fathers —- отчий дом to be away from home —- быть вдали от родного дома to return to one's home —- возвратиться в родной дом to feel a longing for one's home —- тосковать по дому (по родным местам) 4. родина at home —- на родине at home and abroad —- у нас (на родине) и за границей to fight for home and country —- сражаться за родину where is your home? —- откуда вы родом? my home is England —- моя родина - Англия 5. метрополия (Англия) service at home —- воен. служба в метрополии this island provides (affords) a home to myriads of birds —- этот остров служит гнездовьем для мириад птиц 6. семья; домашний круг; семейная жизнь hers was a happy home —- в семейной жизни она была счастлива the war brought sorrow to many homes —- война принесла горе многим семьям he comes from a poor home —- он из бедной семьи 7. место распространения, родина (растений т. п.) 8....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) дом, жилище at home - дома, у себя to make ones home - поселиться make yourself at home - будьте как дома  2) родной дом, родина at home and abroad - на родине и за границей  3) семья, домашняя жизнь; домашний очаг, уют  4) метрополия  5) приют - orphans home  6) родина, место распространения (растений, животных)  7) дом (в играх) to be not at home to anyone - не принимать никого to be/feel at home in French (English etc.) - хорошо владеть французским (английским и т.п.) языком ones last/long home - могила - send smb. home Syn: abode, domicile, habitation, household, hovel, residence  2. adj.  1) домашний - home science  2) семейный, родной  3) внутренний; отечественный (о товарах) - home market - home trade - Home Office - Home Secretary  4) - home position  3. adv.  1) дома  2) домой  3) в цель  4) до конца, до отказа; туго, крепко to bring smth. home to smb. - убедить кого-л.; заставить кого-л. понять, почувствовать (что-л.) to bring a crime home to smb. - уличить кого-л. в преступлении to bring oneself home, to come/get home - оправиться (после денежных затруднений); занять прежнее положение to come home to a) - доходить (до сердца); найти отклик в душе;  б) доходить (до сознания); быть понятным nothing to write home about coll. - так себе, ничего особенного - touch home  4. v.  1) возвращаться домой (особ. о почтовом голубе)  2) посылать, направлять домой  3)...
Англо-русский словарь
  non-prof. org. abbr. Homes Open For Ministry Encouragement educ. abbr. Homeschoolers Offering Mutual Edification educ. abbr. Homeschooling Opportunities To Maximize Effectiveness religion abbr. Homes Open For Ministry And Encouragement ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. ham "dwelling, house, estate, village," from P.Gmc. *khaim-. Homecoming first attested c.1385; home-made is from 1659; homespun is from 1590; homestead (n.) is O.E. hamstede, but the verb is 1872 in Amer.Eng., from the Homestead Act (1862). Homesickness (1756) translates Ger. heimweh, from Swiss dialect, expressing the longing for the mountains. The word was introduced to other European languages 17c. by Swiss mercenaries. Homeboy is 1940s Amer.Eng. black slang. Home page first attested 1993. Slang phrase make (oneself) at home "become comfortable in a place one does not live" dates from 1892. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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