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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - hole


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 »SPACE IN STH SOLID« an empty space in something solid + in  (We'll just dig a big hole in the ground and bury the box in it.) 2 »SPACE STH CAN GO THROUGH« a space in something that allows things, light etc to get through to the other side; gap (1) + in  (The dog got out of the yard through a hole in the fence.) 3 »ANIMAL'S HOME« the home of a small animal  (a rabbit hole) 4 »UNPLEASANT PLACE« informal an unpleasant place for living in, working in, etc  (I've got to get out of this hole.) 5 be in a hole to be in a difficult situation 6 be full of holes an idea or plan that is full of holes can easily be proved wrong or has many faults 7 »GOLF« a) a hole in the ground that you try to get the ball into in the game of golf b) one part of a golf course with this kind of hole at one end  (an hole golf course) 8 hole in one an act of hitting the ball in golf from the starting place into the hole with only one hit 9 make a hole in sth informal to use a large part of an amount of money, food etc  (The cost of the house repairs made a big hole in my savings.) 10 need something like a hole in the head spoken used to say that you definitely do not need or want something 11 hole-and-corner secret or hidden, especially in a dishonest way  (hole-and-corner meetings)  (- see also black hole, watering hole) ~2 v 1 be holed if a ship or boat is holed, it has a hole in it 2 also hole out to hit the ball into the hole in golf hole up phr v informal to hide somewhere for a period of time + with/in  (He escaped on his way to prison and holed up with his girlfriend.)
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  (holes, holing, holed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A hole is a hollow space in something solid, with an opening on one side. He took a shovel, dug a hole, and buried his once-prized possessions... ...a 60ft hole. N-COUNT 2. A hole is an opening in something that goes right through it. These tiresome creatures eat holes in the leaves... ...kids with holes in the knees of their jeans. N-COUNT: oft N in n 3. A hole is the home or hiding place of a mouse, rabbit, or other small animal. ...a rabbit hole. N-COUNT 4. A hole in a law, theory, or argument is a fault or weakness that it has. There were some holes in that theory, some unanswered questions. N-COUNT: oft N in n 5. A hole is also one of the nine or eighteen sections of a golf course. I played nine holes with Gary Player today. N-COUNT 6. A hole is one of the places on a golf course that the ball must drop into, usually marked by a flag. N-COUNT 7. If you say that you need something or someone like a hole in the head, you are emphasizing that you do not want them and that they would only add to the problems that you already have. (INFORMAL) We need more folk heroes like we need a hole in the head. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]emphasis 8. If you say that you are in a hole, you mean that you are in a difficult or embarrassing situation. (INFORMAL) He admitted that the government was in ‘a dreadful hole’. PHRASE: v-link PHR 9. If you get a hole in one in golf, you get the golf ball into the hole with a single stroke. PHRASE: usu v PHR 10. If you pick holes in an argument or theory, you find weak points in it so that it is no longer valid. (INFORMAL) He then goes on to pick holes in the article before reaching his conclusion. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hol (from neuter of hol, adjective, hollow) & holh; akin to Old High German hol, adjective, hollow and perhaps to Old English helan to conceal — more at hell  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an opening through something ; perforation have a ~ in my coat  b. an area where something is missing ; gap: as  (1) a serious discrepancy ; flaw, weakness some ~s in your logic  (2) an opening in a defensive formation; especially the area of a baseball field between the positions of shortstop and third baseman  (3) a defect in a crystal (as of a semiconductor) that is due to an electron's having left its normal position in one of the crystal bonds and that is equivalent in many respects to a positively charged particle  2. a hollowed-out place: as  a. a cave, pit, or well in the ground  b. burrow  c. an unusually deep place in a body of water (as a river)  3.  a. a wretched or dreary place  b. a prison cell especially for solitary confinement  4.  a. a shallow cylindrical ~ in the putting green of a golf course into which the ball is played  b. a part of the golf course from tee to putting green just beginning play on the third ~; also the play on such a ~ as a unit of scoring won the ~ by two strokes  5.  a. an awkward position or circumstance ; fix got the rebels out of a ~ at the battle — Kenneth Roberts  b. a position of owing or losing money $10 million in the ~ raising money to get out of the ~  II. verb  (~d; holing)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to make a ~ in  2. to drive or hit into a ~ ~ a putt  intransitive verb to make a ~ in something ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a an empty space in a solid body. b an aperture in or through something. 2 an animal's burrow. 3 a cavity or receptacle for a ball in various sports or games. 4 colloq. a small, mean, or dingy abode. 5 colloq. an awkward situation. 6 Golf a a point scored by a player who gets the ball from tee to hole with the fewest strokes. b the terrain or distance from tee to hole. 7 a position from which an electron is absent, esp. acting as a mobile positive particle in a semiconductor. --v.tr. 1 make a hole or holes in. 2 pierce the side of (a ship). 3 put into a hole. 4 (also absol.; often foll. by out) send (a golf ball) into a hole. Phrases and idioms hole-and-corner secret; underhand. hole in the heart a congenital defect in the heart septum. hole in one Golf a shot that enters the hole from the tee. hole in the wall a small dingy place (esp. of business). hole-proof (of materials etc.) treated so as to be resistant to wear. hole up US colloq. hide oneself. in holes worn so much that holes have formed. make a hole in use a large amount of. a round (or square) peg in a square (or round) hole see PEG. Derivatives holey adj. Etymology: OE hol, holian (as HOLD(2)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) отверстие пробивать отверстие; просверливать отверстие 2) полость 3) канал 4) шахта; шурф 5) ствол скважины (см. тж borehole) 6) скважина (см. тж well) 7) раковина; свищ (в отливке) 8) электрон. дырка 9) пробивка; мн. ч. перфорация 10) трюм 11) воздушная яма 12) ж.-д. ветка holes are unfair — отверстия не совпадают; hole for gear lube return — отверстие для возвращения смазки в кожух; to fair rivet holes to each other — совмещать заклёпочные отверстия; to open out hole — разваливать отверстие; to ream hole — 1. развёртывать отверстие 2. расширять ствол скважины - access hole - adjusting hole - advanced feed holes - air hole - air bleed hole - air blown poke hole - altitude hole - ash hole - balancing hole - beam hole - bell hole - biological hole - blank hole - blast hole - bleed hole - blind hole - blue hole - body-size hole - bolt hole - bored hole - box hole - bung hole - burnable poison hole - cable-tool hole - cased hole - caved hole - center hole - charge hole - chimney hole - clearance hole - closed hole - code holes - contacting hole - contact hole - control-rod hole - core hole - counterbored hole - coupling hole - crimp inspection hole - crooked hole - cross-drilled hole - cut hole - damping hole - day hole - definition hole - diamond drill hole - die hole - dip hole - discharge hole - discovery hole - drain hole - drainage hole - drill hole - dry hole - dust hole - electron hole - empty hole - eroded hole - excess holes - experimental hole - exploratory hole - exposure hole - extra holes - failure hole - feed holes - feeding hole - filler hole - fission hole - floater hole - floss hole - flow hole - free hole - freeze hole - fuel hole - gage hole - gas hole - gathering hole - glory hole - grout hole...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  отверстие; дыра; раковина; полость; канал; шурф; скважина anchor hole blind hole bolt hole bored hole borer holes burn cut hole central hole clean-out hole clearing hole connector hole discharge hole drain hole drill hole floor hole grout hole grouting hole hand hole injection hole inspection hole mounting hole pilot hole plug hole pot hole predrilled hole putlog hole rivet hole rod hole sampling hole scoured hole shot hole slick hole staggered bolt holes tap hole threaded hole trial hole vent hole weep hole ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) отверстие 2) канал – access hole – data hole – feed hole – multiplexed hole – radio hole ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) буросбоечный 2) вакансия 3) дыра 4) дырка 5) дырок 6) дырочка 7) дырочный 8) затрубный 9) лунка 10) отверстие 11) перфорация 12) посадочная ямка 13) раковина 14) скважина 15) скважинный 16) ухаб 17) яма blast hole drilling — взрывное бурение blast hole ring — веер взрывных скважин blowing of blast hole — продувка шпура bott the tap hole — забивать летку bottom hole packer — башмачный сальник commutator inspection hole — коллекторный люк drill is jammed in hole — сверло зажимает в отверстии hole burning effect — эффект выгорания дырок hole calipering gauge — измеритель диаметра скважины hole drilling machine — буросбоечная машина hole trapping site — центр захвата дырки irrigation of drill hole — промывка буровой скважины open out a hole — разваливать отверстие plug up the tap hole — заделывать леток punched hole sensing — восприятие пробивок sphere with hole — сфера с отверстием stable hole machine — машина для нарезки ниш - Mohorovicic hole - angled hole - basic hole - blind hole - bolt hole - bottom hole - center hole - chambered hole - cored hole - cut hole - drain hole - draw hole - dross hole - exhaust hole - filling hole - fire hole - gas hole - hole bottom - hole cleanout - hole clearance - hole conduction - hole current - hole deviation - hole diffusion - hole distortion - hole filter - hole injection - hole injector - hole migration - hole mobility - hole reamer - hole semiconductor - hole sowing - hole springing - hole tone - hole torpedoing - hole trap - hole washing - inspection hole - jewel hole - knotted hole - locating hole - lubricating hole - main hole - mine...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) отверстие (проделанное в древесине насекомыми) 2) нора; берлога – blow hole – insect hole – shot hole – worm hole ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. дыра; отверстие a hole in a roof —- дыра в крыше holes in one's clothes —- дырки в одежде, дырявое платье to wear into holes —- износить до дыр this jersey is full of holes (in holes) —- эта фуфайка вся в дырах hole in ice —- прорубь; лунка во льду hole in clouds —- метеор. просвет to drill holes in smb. —- разг. подстрелить, "продырявить" кого-л. 2. прорезь; лаз a hole in the fence —- лазейка в ограде 3. мор. пробоина 4. pl. ходы, червоточины (в дереве) 5. яма, ямка meteorite hole —- метеоритная воронка a hole in a tooth —- дупло в зубе 6. выбоина; впадина roads full of holes —- разбитые (покрытые выбоинами) дороги 7. промоина; проталина 8. нора; берлога; логово a mouse's hole —- мышиная нора; чулан; убежище 9. лачуга; жалкое жилище what a wretched little hole! —- ну и дыра! 10. сл. темная комната (фотографа), фотолаборатория 11. дыра, захолустье 12. разг. затруднительное положение (преим. финансовое) in a hole —- в безвыходном положении; ам. в долгу the loss of an assistant put him in a hole —- потеря помощника поставила его в тяжелое положение after Christmas I am always in a hole —- после рождества я всегда сижу без гроша I am fifty dollars in the hole this month —- в этом месяце я задолжал 50 долларов 13. недостаток, пробел, слабое место to find holes in an argument —- увидеть (заметить) слабые места в рассуждении 14. ам. диал. бухточка,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) быть в зимней спячке  б) отсиживаться, прятаться от людей After the jewel robbery, the thieves holed up in the basement of a friends house until the police stopped looking for them. HOLE  1. noun  1) дыра; отверстие  2) яма, ямка  3) нора  4) лачуга  5) дыра; захолустье  6) coll. затруднительное положение - in a hole  7) отдушина, душник, канал для воздуха  8) aeron. воздушная яма  9) лунка для мяча (в играх)  10) tech. раковина, свищ (в отливке)  11) mining шурф, скважина, шпур a hole in ones coat - пятно на чьей-л. репутации like a rat in a hole - в безвыходном положении to pick holes (in) - придираться to make a hole in smth. - сильно опустошить что-л. (напр. запасы, сбережения) Syn: cavity, excavation, hollow, pit Ant: bump, projection, protrusion  2. v.  1) продырявить; просверлить  2) прорыть  3) sport загнать в лунку (шар) (тж. holeout) The idea of the game is to hole out in as few strokes as possible.  4) загнать в нору (зверя)  5) бурить скважину - hole up ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hol "orifice, hollow place," from P.Gmc. *khulaz. As a contemptuous word for "small dingy lodging or abode" it is attested from 1616. Meaning "a fix, scrape, mess" is from 1760. Obscene slang use for "vulva" dates from 1340. Hole in the wall "small and unpretentious place" is from 1822; to hole up first recorded 1875. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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