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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - help


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~1 v 1 »MAKE POSSIBLE OR EASIER« to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need  (If there's anything I can do to help, just give me a call. | She devoted her life to helping the poor and sick. | help sb (to) do sth)  (We all helped him fill out the application form. | Andy said he would help us to move the furniture. | help sb with sth)  (Do you mind helping me with this a minute? | help (to) do sth)  (Part of my job is to help organize conferences. | help sb into/out of/across etc (=help someone move to a particular place))  (He was so drunk we had to help him into the taxi. | help sb on/off with sth (=help someone put on or take off a piece of clothing))  (Here, let me help you on with your coat.) 2 »BE GOOD FOR« to make it easier for something to develop or be improved  (The fall in oil prices should help economic development. | help sb (to) do sth)  (All this arguing isn't going to help us win the election.) 3 »MAKE BETTER« to make a situation better, easier, or less painful  (Crying won't help. | It helped a lot to know that someone understood how I felt. | help sth)  (A couple of aspirin might help your headache.) 4 Help! spoken used to call people and ask them to help you when you are in danger 5 can't help it a) to not be responsible for something unpleasant or annoying  (I can't help it if she's late, can I?) b) to be unable to stop doing something, or change the way that you behave  (I always get angry with him, I just can't help it.) 6 can't/couldn't help doing sth to be unable to stop yourself from doing something  (I can't help thinking that we've made a big mistake. | I couldn't help hearing what you just said.) 7 can't/couldn't help but do sth if you cannot help but do something, it is impossible for you not to do it  (I couldn't help but notice the bruise she had under her eye.) 8 can't help yourself to be unable to stop yourself from doing something you should not do  (Sue doesn't always mean to be so rude but sometimes she just can't help herself.) 9 help yourself (to sth) a) to take something that you want, such as food, without asking permission  (Please help yourself to more; there's plenty of everything.) b) informal to steal something  (Obviously he had been helping himself to the money.) 10 help sb to sth to serve someone food or drink  (Can I help you to some dessert?) 11 God help him/them etc spoken used to say that something bad may happen to someone  (If you trust that man with a secret, God help you.) 12 a helping hand help and support  (give sb a helping hand)  (She's been giving me a helping hand with the children.) 13 it can't be helped spoken used to say that there is nothing you can do to change an unpleasant situation  (It's going to make a terrible noise, but never mind. It can't be helped.) 14 not if I can help it spoken used to say that you are not going to do something  ("Are you going to the meeting this afternoon?" "Not if I can help it.") 15 so help me (God) used when making a serious promise, especially in a court of law  ( USAGE NOTE: HELP WORD CHOICE help, assist, give/lend a hand, help out, come to somebody's aid/assistance, aid, give/send aid Help and assist can both describe people or institutions helping each other do a job. However, assist is more formal and often suggests that the person assisting is doing a simple or unimportant part of what has to be done My company assists businesses in all their office cleaning requirements. | You will assist the administrative officer with day-to-day organization (Note that assist can never mean `attend' or `be present at'). In more informal English people often use give/lend a hand or help out, especially where there is something practical to do and not enough people to do it Can you give me a hand with the drinks? | I sometimes lend a hand/help out at the old folk's home. If someone is in danger or trouble, you may help them or more formally come to their aid/assistance My car's broken down, can you help? | If you get into difficulties, the lifeguard will come to your assistance. If a person, charity, or government helps with money or other necessary things, aid (formal) or often give/sendaid may be used Many projects are aided by Oxfam. | Aid will be sent to the area as soon as possible. Informally help would be used Please help the homeless. GRAMMAR Help (but not assist) is often followed by a verb in the to or basic form He helped me (to) pass my exam (=I passed NOT He helped me passing... . But note that the expression can't help... meaning `cannot stop yourself...' is only followed by the -ing form of a v I couldn't help laughing. You help/assist/aid someone, not to them. ) @~ out help out phr v 1 to help someone who is busy by doing some of their work for them  (Is there anything I can do to help out? | help sb out)  (If you haven't got time to finish I'll help you out.) 2 to give help and support to someone who has problems  (He was obviously in some kind of trouble, but I didn't know how I could help him out.) @ ~2 n 1 the action of helping someone by doing part of their work or by showing them how to do it  (If I need any help, I'll call you.)  (Do you want any help with that?) 2 the fact of being useful or making something easier to do  (That map isn't much help. | with the help of)  (We got it open with the help of a knife. | be of great/little/no help)  (I'm sorry I haven't been of much help to you.) 3 be a (big/great/real) help also be a lot of help a) to be very useful, or give a lot of help  (Thanks. You've been a big help.) b) often used jokingly to say that something is not useful, or someone is not helping you  (A lot of help you've been! Why did you bother to come?) 4 help which people can give to save someone from danger or difficulty  (She screamed at them to go and get help.) 5 advice, treatment, information, or money which is given to people who need it  (A lot of these children need professional help.)  (You may be able to get help with the rent.) beyond help (=no longer able to be helped or saved)  (I'm afraid the patient is beyond help.) 6 the help AmE someone's servant or servants
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  (helps, helping, helped) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you help someone, you make it easier for them to do something, for example by doing part of the work for them or by giving them advice or money. He has helped to raise a lot of money... You can of course help by giving them a donation directly... If you’re not willing to help me, I’ll find somebody who will. VERB: V to-inf/inf, V, V n • Help is also a noun. Thanks very much for your help... Always ask the pharmacist for help... = assistance N-UNCOUNT 2. If you say that something helps, you mean that it makes something easier to do or get, or that it improves a situation to some extent. The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, minimise or emphasise what you want it to... Building more motorways and by-passes will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities... Understanding these rare molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable... I could cook your supper, though, if that would help. VERB: V to-inf/inf, V n, V n to-inf/inf, V 3. If you help someone go somewhere or move in some way, you give them support so that they can move more easily. Martin helped Tanya over the rail... She helped her sit up in bed so she could hold her baby. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n inf/to-inf 4. If you say that someone or something has been a help or has been some help, you mean that they have helped you to solve a problem. The books were not much help. N-SING: a N, also no det 5. Help is action taken to rescue a person who is in danger. You shout ‘help!’ when you are in danger in order to attract someone’s attention so that they can come and rescue you. He was screaming for help... ‘Help!’ I screamed, turning to run. N-UNCOUNT 6. In computing, help, or the help menu, is a file that gives you information and advice, for example about how to use a particular program. (COMPUTING) If you get stuck, click on Help. N-UNCOUNT 7. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old High German helfan to ~, and perhaps to Lithuanian selpti  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to give assistance or support to ~ a child with homework  2.  a. to make more pleasant or bearable ; improve, relieve bright curtains will ~ the room took an aspirin to ~ her headache  b. archaic rescue, save  3.  a. to be of use to ; benefit  b. to further the advancement of ; promote  4.  a. to change for the better  b. to refrain from ; avoid we couldn't ~ laughing  c. to keep from occurring ; prevent they couldn't ~ the accident  d. to restrain (oneself) from doing something knew they shouldn't go but couldn't ~ themselves  5. to serve with food or drink especially at a meal told the guests to ~ themselves  6. to appropriate something for (oneself) ~ed himself to the car keys  intransitive verb  1. give assistance or support — often used with out ~s out with the housework  2. to be of use or benefit  Synonyms: see improve  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. aid, assistance  2. a source of aid printed ~s to the memory — C. S. Braden  3. remedy, relief there was no ~ for it  4.  a. one who serves or assists another (as in housework) ; ~er  b. employee ~ wanted — often used collectively the hired ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 provide (a person etc.) with the means towards what is needed or sought (helped me with my work; helped me (to) pay my debts). 2 (foll. by up, down, etc.) assist or give support to (a person) in moving etc. as specified (helped her into the chair; helped him on with his coat). 3 (often absol.) be of use or service to (a person) (does that help?). 4 contribute to alleviating (a pain or difficulty). 5 prevent or remedy (it can't be helped). 6 (usu. with neg.) a tr. refrain from (can't help it; could not help laughing). b refl. refrain from acting (couldn't help himself). 7 tr. (often foll. by to) serve (a person with food) (shall I help you to greens?). --n. 1 the act of helping or being helped (we need your help; came to our help). 2 a person or thing that helps. 3 a domestic servant or employee, or several collectively. 4 a remedy or escape (there is no help for it). Phrases and idioms helping hand assistance. help oneself (often foll. by to) 1 serve oneself (with food). 2 take without seeking help or permission. help a person out give a person help, esp. in difficulty. so help me (or help me God) (as an invocation or oath) I am speaking the truth. Derivatives helper n. Etymology: OE helpan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  вчт. подсказка; консультация; диалоговая документация HELP I сокр. от high-energy leadless package безвыводной корпус для мощных полупроводниковых приборов II сокр. от hybrid electronic light(-weight) packaging (unit) малогабаритная установка для монтажа гибридных микромодулей ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) вызволить 2) вызволять 3) подмога 4) помощь with the help of — с помощью, при помощи ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  консультация; подсказка; консультативная информация ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. сущ. 1) помощь 2) работающий по найму 3) (collect.) работники, служащие - clerical help Syn: aid, assistance, support, facilitation 2. гл. помогать Syn: aid, favour, facilitate, promote ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) помощь 2) хелперный сигнал – to donate help – allospecific help – autospecific help – cognate help – hapten help – Ia-specific help – latent help – linked-recognition help ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. помощь mutual help —- взаимопомощь with the help of smb. —- с чьей-л. помощью with the help of smth. —- при помощи чего-л. to call out for help —- звать на помощь to be of no help —- быть бесполезным to be of little help —- приносить мало пользы; мало помогать to lend effective help to smb. —- оказать кому-л. действенную помощь to come to smb.'s help —- прийти кому-л. на помощь can I be of any help (to you) —- могу ли я помочь (вам) чем-нибудь (быть (вам) полезным)? your advice was a great help to me —- ваш совет мне очень помог 2. помощник you were a great help to me —- вы мне очень помогли 3. преим. ам. работник (на ферме); слуга; прислуга, домашняя работница home help —- домработница lady help —- экономка mother's help —- бонна it's difficult to get help these days —- в наше время очень трудно найти помощника по хозяйству 4. собир. работники, служащие 5. средство, спасение the medicine was a help —- лекарство подействовало (помогло) there's no help for it —- тут ничего не поделаешь a situation for which there was no help —- положение, из которого не было выхода the poor woman was beyond (past) help —- бедной женщине уже ничто не могло помочь 6. разг. порция (для одного человека) 7. комп. подсказка, диалоговая документация 8. помогать, оказывать помощь to help down —- помочь сойти вниз to help in —- помочь войти to help up —- поддержать кого-л., помочь...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out  а) помочь выйти One of the climbers has fallen into deep snow, and needs helping out as he cant move by himself.  б) помочь в затруднении, выручить Can you help me out with my English homework. HELP  1. noun  1) помощь Can I be of any help to you? - Могу я Вам чем-л. помочь?  2) средство, спасение theres no help for it - этому нельзя помочь  3) помощник your advice was a great help - Ваш совет мне очень помог  4) = helping  2.  2)  5) служанка, прислуга - mothers help Syn: aid, assistance, relief, service, support Ant: exacerbation, harm, hindrance  2. v.  1) помогать; оказывать помощь, содействие it cant be helped coll. - ничего не поделаешь, ничего не попишешь cant help it - ничего не могу поделать  2) раздавать, угощать; передавать (за столом) help yourself - берите, пожалуйста (сами), не церемоньтесь may I help you to some meat? - позвольте вам предложить мяса  3) (с модальным глаголом can, could) избежать, удержаться she cant help thinking of it - она не может не думать об этом I could not help laughing - я не мог удержаться от смеха; я не мог не засмеяться dont be longer than you can help - не оставайтесь дольше, чем надо - help along - help down - help in - help into - help off - help on - help out - help over - help up HELP along помогать продвигаться, развиваться Some public support might help the movement along. Our plan would be helped forward by a promise of money from the board of directors. HELP down помочь сойти Help me down (the stairs) with this heavy case, will you? HELP in помочь войти Its...
Англо-русский словарь
  physiol. abbr. Healthy Eating Living Plan physiol. abbr. Homeostasis Eating For Life Plan environ. abbr. Hydrologic Evaluation Of Landfill Performance environ. abbr. Halewood Environmental Land Protection environ. abbr. Hydrology For Environment Life And People transport. abbr. Heavy Vehicle Electronic License Plate mil. abbr. Heat Escape Lessening Posture mil. abbr. Helicopter Emergency Lifesaving Program mil. abbr. Heat Escape Lessening Position mil. abbr. Howitzer Extended Life Program physics abbr. High Energy Laser Propagation univ. abbr. Higher Education For Learning Problems univ. abbr. Higher Education Learning Program univ. abbr. Higher Education Leadership Project geol. abbr. Hydrologic Evaluation Of Landfill Performance media abbr. Health Education Library Publications non-prof. org. abbr. Handicapped Equestrian Learning Program educ. abbr. Hauraki Early Language Programme educ. abbr. Health Education For Lay People educ. abbr. Help Entertain Learn Play educ. abbr. Help Educate Learning People educ. abbr. Human Early Learning Partnership educ. abbr. Health Enhancement Lifestyle Program educ. abbr. Home Education League Of Parents educ. abbr. Health Education Leadership Project educ. abbr. Highpowered Extra Learning Practice educ. abbr. Heaton Effective Listening Programme educ. abbr. Higher Education Learning Programme educ. abbr. Health Education Library For People educ. abbr. Health Education And Leadership Program educ. abbr. Help Early Leavers Programme educ. abbr. Health Education And Literacy Program educ. abbr. Heartland English Language Project religion abbr. Healing Earth Loving People religion abbr. House Emergency Love And Peace religion abbr. Help Evangelize Lost People religion abbr. Haitian Episcopal Learning Programs religion abbr. Health Education Love And Purpose religion abbr. Health Education For Longevity And Peace religion abbr. Healing Energizing Loving Power religion abbr. Heavenly Entrepreneur Leverage Planning law abbr. Health Environment Law For People law abbr. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. helpan (class III strong verb; past tense healp, pp. holpen), from P.Gmc. *khelpanan, from PIE base *kelb-/*kelp- "to help." Sense of "serving at table" (helping) is translated from Fr. servir "to help, stead, avail." Use of help as euphemism for "servant" is Amer.Eng., 1645, tied up in notions of class and race. "A domestic servant of American birth, and without negro blood in his or her veins ... is not a servant, but a 'help.' 'Help wanted,' is the common heading of advertisements in the North, when servants are required." [Chas. Mackay, "Life and Liberty in America," 1859]. Helpmate (1715) is a ghost word, from helpmeet (1673), Biblical translation of L. adjutorium simile sibi (Gen. ii 18) as "an help meet (i.e. fit) for him." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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