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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - heat


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 warmth or hotness  (The heat of the water caused the glass to shatter. | Black surfaces absorb heat from the sun.) 2 the heat a) very hot weather  (I couldn't stand the heat. | the heat of the day (=the hottest part of the day)) b) AmE the system in a house that keeps it warm in the winter; heating BrE 3 C usually singular the hot temperature of an oven or a heating system  (When the oven reaches the correct heat, the light goes off. | turn up/turn down the heat)  (She turned up the heat on the cooker.) 4 in the heat of the moment/argument/battle etc while feeling angry or excited  (In the heat of the argument I said a few things I regret now..) 5 take the heat out of the situation to make a situation calmer and make people less angry and excited 6 the heat is on/off spoken used to say that a situation is very difficult, or that a difficult situation has now ended and you can relax 7 on heat also in heat AmE if a female animal is on heat, her body is ready to have sex with a male 8 in a race a part of a race or competition whose winners then compete against each other in the next part  (- see also dead heat, white heat) ~2 v to make something become warm or hot  (Heat the milk until it boils.) heat up phr v 1 to become warm or hot or to make something become warm or hot  (heat sth up)  (I heated up the remains of last night's supper. | heat up)  (The stove takes a while to heat up.) 2 if a situation heats up, it becomes dangerous or full of problems heat sth through phr v to heat food thoroughly
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  (heats, heating, heated) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you heat something, you raise its temperature, for example by using a flame or a special piece of equipment. Meanwhile, heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan. ...heated swimming pools. VERB: V n, V-ed 2. Heat is warmth or the quality of being hot. The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods... N-UNCOUNT 3. The heat is very hot weather. As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with the heat and humidity... N-UNCOUNT 4. The heat of something is the temperature of something that is warm or that is being heated. Adjust the heat of the barbecue by opening and closing the air vents. N-UNCOUNT: with supp 5. You use heat to refer to a source of heat, for example a cooking ring or the heating system of a house. Immediately remove the pan from the heat... N-SING 6. You use heat to refer to a state of strong emotion, especially of anger or excitement. It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake... N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 7. The heat of a particular activity is the point when there is the greatest activity or excitement. Last week, in the heat of the election campaign, the Prime Minister left for America. N-SING: the N of n 8. A heat is one of a series of races or competitions. The winners of a heat take part in another race or competition, against the winners of other heats. ...the heats of the men’s 100m breaststroke. N-COUNT see also dead heat 9. When a female animal is on heat in British English, or in heat in American English, she is in a state where she is ready to mate with a male animal, as this will probably result in her becoming pregnant. PHRASE: v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English heten, from Old English h?tan; akin to Old English hat hot  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to become warm or hot  2. to start to spoil from ~  transitive verb  1. to make warm or hot  2. excite  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English hete, from Old English h?te, h?tu; akin to Old English hat hot  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a condition of being hot ; warmth  (2) a marked or notable degree of hotness  b. pathological excessive bodily temperature  c. a hot place or situation  d.  (1) a period of ~  (2) a single complete operation of ~ing; also the quantity of material so ~ed  e.  (1) added energy that causes substances to rise in temperature, fuse, evaporate, expand, or undergo any of various other related changes, that flows to a body by contact with or radiation from bodies at higher temperatures, and that can be produced in a body (as by compression)  (2) the energy associated with the random motions of the molecules, atoms, or smaller structural units of which matter is composed  f. appearance, condition, or color of a body as indicating its temperature  2.  a. intensity of feeling or reaction ; passion  b. the height or stress of an action or condition in the ~ of battle  c. sexual excitement especially in a female mammal; specifically estrus  3. a single continuous effort: as  a. a single round of a contest (as a race) having two or more rounds for each contestant  b. one of several preliminary contests held to eliminate less competent contenders  4. pungency of flavor  5.  a. slang  (1) the intensification of law-enforcement activity or investigation  (2) police  b. pressure, coercion  c. abuse, criticism took ~ for her mistakes  6. smoke 8  7. slang gun 1b  • ~less adjective  • ~proof adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the condition of being hot. b the sensation or perception of this. c high temperature of the body. 2 Physics a a form of energy arising from the random motion of the molecules of bodies, which may be transferred by conduction, convection, or radiation. b the amount of this needed to cause a specific process, or evolved in a process (heat of formation; heat of solution). 3 hot weather (succumbed to the heat). 4 a warmth of feeling. b anger or excitement (the heat of the argument). 5 (foll. by of) the most intense part or period of an activity (in the heat of the battle). 6 a (usu. preliminary or trial) round in a race or contest. 7 the receptive period of the sexual cycle, esp. in female mammals. 8 redness of the skin with a sensation of heat (prickly heat). 9 pungency of flavour. 10 sl. intensive pursuit, e.g. by the police. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become hot or warm. 2 tr. inflame; excite or intensify. Phrases and idioms heat barrier the limitation of the speed of an aircraft etc. by heat resulting from air friction. heat capacity thermal capacity. heat death Physics a state of uniform distribution of energy to which the universe is thought to be tending. heat engine a device for producing motive power from heat. heat-exchanger a device for the transfer of heat from one medium to another. heat pump a device for the transfer of heat from a colder area to a hotter area by using mechanical energy. heat-resistant = HEATPROOF. heat-seeking (of a missile etc.) able to detect infrared radiation to guide it to its target. heat shield a device for protection from excessive heat, esp. fitted to a spacecraft. heat sink a device or substance for absorbing excessive or unwanted heat. heat-treat subject to heat treatment. heat treatment the use of heat to modify the properties of a metal etc. heat wave a period of very hot weather. in the heat of the moment during or resulting from intense activity, without pause for thought. on heat (of mammals, esp. females) sexually receptive. turn the heat on colloq. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) тепло; теплота топить, отапливать, обогревать 2) тепловой эффект 3) нагрев; накал; каление; степень нагрева нагревать(ся); накаливать 4) плавка 5) садка 6) температура каления heat is blocked — плавка доведена; to lose the heat — упустить плавку; to heat up — нагревать(ся) heat of activation — теплота активации heat of admixture — теплота смешения heat of adsorption — теплота адсорбции heat of association — теплота ассоциации heat of combustion — теплота сгорания heat of compression — теплота сжатия heat of condensation — теплота конденсации heat of cooling — теплота фазового перехода при охлаждении heat of cracking — теплота крекинг-реакции heat of decomposition — теплота разложения heat of desorption — теплота десорбции heat of dilution — теплота разбавления heat of dissolution — теплота растворения heat of evaporation — теплота парообразования; теплота испарения heat of fission — теплота (ядерного) деления heat of foods — калорийность (энергетическая ценность) пищевых продуктов heat of friction — теплота трения heat of fusion — теплота плавления heat of hardening — 1. теплота затвердевания 2. нагрев под закалку heat of hydratation — теплота гидратации heat of ionization — теплота ионизации heat of liquefaction — 1. теплота плавления 2. теплота конденсации heat of melting — теплота плавления heat of metal — плавка...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  теплота, тепло heat of crystallization heat of freezing heat of hydration heat of setting combustion heat condensation heat condenser heat evaporation heat excess heat latent heat latent heat of melting latent heat of thawing latent heat of vaporization low grade heat metabolic heat radiant heat reclaimed heat sensible heat specific heat surplus heat total heat useful heat waste heat wild heat ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) тепло; утеплять 2) накал; нагрев; нагревать – dark heat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) греть 2) жар 3) жаровой 4) жаровый 5) забег 6) каление 7) калильный 8) калория 9) котел 10) нагревать 11) нагреваться 12) накаливать 13) накаливаться 14) накалить 15) натапливать 16) натопить 17) обогревать 18) плавочный 19) подогрев 20) подогревать 21) тепло 22) тепловая энергия 23) тепловой 24) тепловоспринимающий 25) тепловый 26) теплоемкость 27) теплозащитный 28) теплообменный 29) теплота ablation heat shield — космонавт. экран тепловой эрозионный absorption of heat by system — подвод тепла к системе bring to red heat — нагревать до красного каления bring to white heat — нагревать до белого каления coil heat exchanger — змеевиковый теплообменник counter-current heat exchanger — противоточный теплообменник cross-flow heat exchanger — теплообменник с перекрестным током domestic heat converter — абонентский теплообменник double-pipe heat exchanger — двухтрубный теплообменник dwelling heat demand — коммунальное потребление тепла fill heat insulation — тепловая рыхлая изоляция film-type heat exchanger — пленочный теплообменник finishing off a heat — метал. доводка плавки flexible heat insulation — тепловая гибкая изоляция float-head heat exchanger — теплообменник с плавающей головкой heat (conduction) equation — уравнение теплопроводности heat balance equation — уравнение теплового баланса heat build-up of a tire — нагрев...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) течка, период течки, период половой охоты 2) теплота – on heat – to come in heat – heat of food – blood heat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. жара, зной summer heat —- летний зной heat haze —- марево to suffer from the heat —- страдать от жары the heat was stifling (suffocating) —- жара была удушающая the heat of the day was over —- дневная жара спала 2. жаркие дни, жаркое время, жара 3. жар, повышенная температура fever heat —- жар, лихорадочное состояние her face flushed with sudden heat —- ее щеки вдруг запылали 4. температура (обыкн. высокая) blood heat —- нормальная температура тела what is the heat of the water in the swimming pool? —- какая температура воды в бассейне? the thermometer shows 30 degrees of heat —- термометр показывает 30 градусов жары to bake at a heat of 160 degrees —- выпекать при температуре 160 градусов we've no heat on today —- у нас сегодня не топят (не работает отопление) 5. тепло moderate heat —- умеренное тепло to use solar heat for energy —- использовать солнечное тепло для производства энергии the heat from the fire dried their clothes —- у камина их одежда просохла excessive heat and cold should be avoided —- следует избегать перегрева и переохлаждения 6. физ. теплота latent heat —- скрытая теплота radiating heat —- лучистая теплота specific heat —- удельная теплоемкость 7. тех. нагрев, накал red heat —- красное каление to raise iron to a white heat —- доводить железо до белого каления 8. садка; ванна; плавка 9. пыл, горячность heat of youth —- юношеский пыл to speak with considerable heat...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  capacity noun phys. теплоемкость HEAT lightning зарница HEAT treatment noun tech. термическая обработка HEAT  1. noun  1) жара; жар  2) phys. теплота  3) пыл, раздражение, гнев - political heat  4) что-л., сделанное за один раз, в один прием; особ. спорт. часть состязания; забег; заплыв; заезд (на бегах) - at a heat  5) pl.; sport отборочные соревнования  6) amer.; coll. допрос с пристрастием to put the heat on smb. - припереть кого-л. к стенке  7) amer.; coll. принуждение  8) период течки (у животных)  2. v.  1) нагревать(ся); разогревать; подогревать (часто heat up); согревать(ся) I can heat up some soup in two minutes, its all ready.  2) накаливать, накаляться  3) топить  4) разгорячить; горячить; раздражать (тж. heat up) The game did not heat up until the second half. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  See: CANNED HEAT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hжtu, hжto, from P.Gmc. *khaitin- "heat," from *khaitaz "hot," source also of O.E. hat "hot." The verb is from O.E. hжtan, from P.Gmc. *khaitijanam. Meaning "a single course in a race" is from 1663; meaning "sexual excitement in animals" is from 1768. Meaning "trouble with the police" attested by 1920. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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