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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - great


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~ adj »VERY GOOD« 1 spoken a) very good; excellent  (We had a great time at the fair. | You can come after all? Great! | It's great to see you again!) b) used when you really think that something is not good, satisfactory or enjoyable at all  ("Daniel's cancelled the party." "Oh great!") 2 »IN GOOD HEALTH« feeling well and happy  (I feel great this morning!) 3 »SKILFUL/SUCCESSFUL« a) considered to be one of the best in the world and therefore admired by many people  (a great work of art | one of the greatest boxers of all time) b) able to do something well + a  (Joanna's great at chess.) 4 the greats the most famous and successful performers, especially in sport or entertainment  (the all-time greats)  (Charlie Chaplin is one of the all-time cinema greats.) 5 be no great shakes to not be very good or skilful  (Alex thinks he's an ace at tennis, but he's no great shakes.) 6 »VERY SUITABLE« informal to be very useful or suitable for something + for  (This knife's great for peeling vegetables.) 7 go great guns informal to do something very fast and successfully  (Their campaign began slowly, but now they're going great guns.) »A LOT/VERY« MUCH 8 great care/pleasure/strength etc a lot of care etc  (Take great care with those glasses. | It gives me great pleasure to introduce tonight's speaker.) 9 a great deal a lot  (I've travelled a great deal.) + of  (I have a great deal of work right now.) 10 a great number/quantity/extent etc a very large number etc  (Agnes survived the accident and went on to live to a great age. (=she was very old when she died) | the great many (=very many) | the great majority (=almost all))  (a proposal supported by the great majority of members) 11 great friend/admirer etc a very good friend, a very keen admirer etc 12 be a great one for writing/sailing/football etc BrE to enjoy writing, sailing, football etc very much  (Adam's a great one for football - he never misses a match.) 13 a great talker/reader etc someone who enjoys doing a lot of talking, reading etc LARGE 14 »VERY LARGE« very large and impressive  (The great northern plain is divided by two rivers. | a great herd of buffalo)  (- see big) 15 great big/stupid/fat etc spoken used to emphasize how big, stupid etc something or someone is  (They live in a great big house.) 16 huge/enormous great BrE spoken used to emphasize how big something is  (There's a huge great spider in the bath.) »IMPORTANT« 17 »IMPORTANT« only before noun especially important or serious  (a great state occasion | the great political issues of our time) 18 the great advantage of/the great thing about the most important advantage of something  (The great thing about nylon is that it's extremely tough.) 19 »HAVING INFLUENCE« having a lot of influence or power as a result of what you have achieved  (We must strive to make our country great again. | the great man himself) 20 the Great used in the name or title of someone or something to show their importance  (King Alfred the Great) 21 the great and the good formal or humorous people who are considered important FAMILY 22 great-grandmother/great-grandfather etc the grandmother etc of one of your parents 23 great-granddaughter/great-nephew etc the granddaughter, nephew etc of your child »OTHER MEANINGS« 24 Great Scott/Great Heavens! old-fashioned used to express surprise 25 Greater used before the name of a city to mean the city and its outer areas  (Greater Manchester) 26 be great with child biblical to be pregnant - greatness n
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  (greater, greatest, greats) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use great to describe something that is very large. Great is more formal than big. The room had a great bay window. ...a great hall as long and high as a church. ADJ: ADJ n 2. Great means large in amount or degree. I’ll take great care of it... Benjamin Britten did not live to a great age. ADJ 3. You use great to describe something that is important, famous, or exciting. ...the great cultural achievements of the past... America can be great again. ADJ • greatness A nation must take certain risks to achieve greatness. N-UNCOUNT 4. You can describe someone who is successful and famous for their actions, knowledge, or skill as great. Wes Hall was once one of the West Indies’ great cricketers. ...the great George Padmore. ADJ: usu ADJ n • greatness Abraham Lincoln achieved greatness. N-UNCOUNT 5. The greats in a particular subject or field of activity are the people who have been most successful or famous in it. (JOURNALISM) ...all the greats of Hollywood. ...cycling’s all-time greats. N-PLURAL: with supp 6. The greats of popular modern music are records that have been successful and that continue to be popular. (JOURNALISM) ...a medley of rock’n’roll greats. N-PLURAL 7. If you describe someone or something as great, you approve of them or admire them. (INFORMAL) Arturo has this great place in Cazadero... They’re a great bunch of guys... I think she’s great. ADJ c darkgreen]approval 8. If you feel great, you feel very healthy, energetic, and enthusiastic. I feel just great. ADJ: feel ADJ 9. You use great in order to emphasize the size or degree of a characteristic or quality. ...a great big Italian wedding. ...her sense of colour and great eye for detail. ADJ c darkgreen]emphasis 10. You say great in order to emphasize that you are pleased or enthusiastic about something. Oh great! That’ll be good for Fergus. EXCLAM...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English grete, from Old English great; akin to Old High German groz large  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. notably large in size ; huge  b. of a kind characterized by relative largeness — used in plant and animal names  c. elaborate, ample ~ detail  2.  a. large in number or measure ; numerous ~ multitudes  b. predominant the ~ majority  3. remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness ~ bloodshed  4. full of emotion ~ with anger  5.  a. eminent, distinguished a ~ poet  b. chief or preeminent over others — often used in titles Lord Great Chamberlain  c. aristocratic, grand ~ ladies  6. long continued a ~ while  7. principal, main a reception in the ~ hall  8. more remote in a family relationship by a single generation than a specified relative ~-grandfather  9. markedly superior in character or quality; especially noble ~ of soul  10.  a. remarkably skilled ~ at tennis  b. marked by enthusiasm ; keen ~ on science fiction  11. — used as a generalized term of approval had a ~ time it was just ~  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 13th century in a ~ manner ; successfully, well things are going ~  III. noun  (plural ~ or ~s)  Date: 13th century an outstandingly superior or skillful person a tribute to the ~s of baseball ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of a size, amount, extent, or intensity considerably above the normal or average; big (made a great hole; take great care; lived to a great age). b also with implied surprise, admiration, contempt, etc., esp. in exclamations (you great idiot!; great stuff!; look at that great wasp). c reinforcing other words denoting size, quantity, etc. (a great big hole; a great many). 2 important, pre-eminent; worthy or most worthy of consideration (the great thing is not to get caught). 3 grand, imposing (a great occasion; the great hall). 4 a (esp. of a public or historic figure) distinguished; prominent. b (the Great) as a title denoting the most important of the name (Alfred the Great). 5 a (of a person) remarkable in ability, character, achievement, etc. (great men; a great thinker). b (of a thing) outstanding of its kind (the Great Fire). 6 (foll. by at, on) competent, skilled, well-informed. 7 fully deserving the name of; doing a thing habitually or extensively (a great reader; a great believer in tolerance; not a great one for travelling). 8 (also greater) the larger of the name, species, etc. (great auk; greater celandine). 9 (Greater) (of a city etc.) including adjacent urban areas (Greater Manchester). 10 colloq. a very enjoyable or satisfactory; attractive, fine (had a great time; it would be great if we won). b (as an exclam.) fine, very good. 11 (in comb.) (in names of family relationships) denoting one degree further removed upwards or downwards (great-uncle; great-great-grandmother). --n. 1 a great or outstanding person or thing. 2 (in pl.) (Greats) colloq. (at Oxford University) an honours course or final examinations in classics and philosophy. Phrases and idioms great and small all classes or types. the Great Bear see BEAR(2). Great Britain England, Wales, and Scotland. great circle see CIRCLE. Great Dane see DANE. great deal see DEAL(1). great-hearted magnanimous; having a noble or generous mind. great-heartedness magnanimity. the great majority by far the most. great northern diver a diving sea...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) большой 2) великий 3) значительный 4) интенсивный 5) сильный a great number of — множество, большое количество great ditrigonal dodecaicosododecahedron — большой битригональный додекаикосододекаэдр great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron — большой битригональный икосододекаэдр great inverted retrosnub icosidodecahedron — большой вывернутый обратноплосконосый икосододекаэдр great inverted snub icosidodecahedron — большой вывернутый плосконосый икосододекаэдр great quasitruncated icosidodecahedron — большой квазиусеченный икосододекаэдр great snub icosidodecahedron — большой курносый икосододекаэдр great stellated dodecahedron — большой звездчатый додекаэдр - great circle - great cubicuboctahedron - great dirhombicosidodecahedron - great discriminant - great dodecahedron - great dodecahemicosahedron - great dodecahemidodecahedron - great dodecaicosahedron - great dodecaicosododecahedron - great gross - great icosahedron - great icosicosidecahedron - great icosidodecahedron - great in magnitude - great mistake - great rhombicosidodecahedron - great rhombicuboctahedron - great rhombidodecahedron - great rhombihexahedron - great trace - half as great - sufficiently great ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. собир. сильные мира сего 2. великие писатели, классики 3. студ. жарг. последний экзамен на степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук (в Кембридже и Оксфорде) Id: by the great —- оптом, гуртом 4. большой; огромный, громадный, колоссальный great mountain —- большая гора great city —- огромный город great building —- громадное здание great sum of money —- большая сумма денег great —- А прописное "А" great cattle —- крупный рогатый скот great gut —- анат. толстая кишка great toe —- большой палец (на ноге) great oak —- могучий дуб great cathedral —- величественный собор take your great feet off the sofa —- убери свои ножищи с дивана he hit me with a great stick —- он ударил меня здоровенной палкой a great part of the work was done by him —- большая часть работы была сделана им 5. большой, значительный, многочисленный (о числе, количестве, мере, степени) a great company —- большое общество the great majority —- подавляющее большинство to a great extent —- в большой степени in a great measure —- в значительной мере a great deal, a great many, a great number —- большое количество; множество with a great deal of trouble —- с большими неприятностями; с множеством хлопот he is a great deal better —- ему намного лучше there is a great deal of truth in what you say —- в том, что вы говорите, много правды a great many people were there —- там было великое множество...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) великий the Great October Socialist Revolution - Великая Октябрьская социалистическая революция  2) большой; coll. огромный great blot - огромная клякса great masses of population - широкие массы населения  3) возвышенный (о цели, идее и т.п.) - great thoughts  4) сильный, интенсивный great pain - сильная боль - great talker  5) замечательный; прекрасный a great singer - замечательный певец  6) длительный, долгий, продолжительный to live to a great age - дожить до глубокой старости - a great while  7) coll. восхитительный, великолепный thats great! - это замечательно!  8) predic. опытный, искусный (at)  9) predic. понимающий, разбирающийся (on)  10) (в степенях родства) пра- greatgrandchild - правнук; правнучка greatgrandfather - прадед - great dozen to be great with child obs. быть беременной Syn: eminent, illustrious, notable, noteworthy, pre-eminent, reputable Ant: obscure, unknown  2. noun  1) вельможи, богачи; сильные мира сего  2) великие писатели, классики GREAT Bear Большая Медведица GREAT bilberry noun голубика GREAT Britain noun Великобритания GREAT bulk огромное большинство GREAT Caesar! бог мой!, ого! (выражает удивление, досаду) GREAT Divide  а) перевал в Скалистых горах  б) смерть to cross the Great Divide умереть GREAT dozen тринадцать GREAT find ценная находка GREAT go noun coll. последний экзамен на степень бакалавра (преим. гуманитарных наук в...
Англо-русский словарь
  environ. abbr. Groundwater Recovery Enhancement And Treatment U.S. gov. abbr. Government Research And Education Advocacy Trust U.S. gov. abbr. Greet React Escort Anticipate And Thank transport. abbr. Grundy Rural Expanded Area Transit ocean sc. abbr. Gorda Ridge Eruption Assessment Team funny abbr. Girls Recognizing Engineering And Technology telec. abbr. Graphing Revenues Expenditures And Taxes educ. abbr. Games, Recreation, Education, And Technology law abbr. Gang Resistance Education And Training gen. bus. abbr. Gratitude Responsibility Enthusiasm Attitude And Teamwork gen. bus. abbr. Greet Respond Escort Anticipate And Thank gen. bus. abbr. Gratitude Responsibility Enthusiasm Attitude Teamwork gen. bus. abbr. Giving Recognition For Excellence Advocacy And Teamwork ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. great "big, coarse, stout," from W.Gmc. *grautaz. Originally "big in size," it took over much of the sense of M.E. mickle, and is now largely superseded by big and large except for non-material things. As a prefix to terms denoting kinship, it is from Fr. grand, which is from L. magnus. In the sense of "excellent, wonderful" it is attested from 1848. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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