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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - going


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~1 n 1 »LEAVING« the act of leaving a place  (His going will be no great loss to the company.) 2 »SPEED« the speed at which you travel or work  (We climbed the mountain in three hours, which wasn't bad going. | hard/rough/slow going)  (I'm getting the work done, but it's slow going.) 3 heavy going if a book, play etc is heavy going, it is boring and difficult to understand 4 while the going's good especially BrE before someone stops you from doing what you want  (Let's get out while the going's good.) 5 »GROUND« the condition of the ground, especially for a horse race  (- see also comings and goings coming1 (2)) ~2 adj 1 informal available  (Are there any jobs going where you work?) 2 the biggest/best/nicest ... going the biggest, best etc of a particular thing  (Jim's the biggest fool going.) 3 the going rate the usual cost of a service or job  (-15 per hour is the going rate for tuition.) 4 have a lot going for you/not have much going for you to have or not have many advantages and good qualities that will bring success  (Stop being so depressed. You have a lot going for you.) 5 a going concern a business which is making a profit and is expected to continue to do so
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you say that something is going to happen, you mean that it will happen in the future, usually quite soon. I think it’s going to be successful... You’re going to enjoy this... I’m going to have to tell him the truth... Are they going to be alright? PHRASE 2. You say that you are going to do something to express your intention or determination to do it. I’m going to go to bed... He announced that he’s going to resign... I was not going to compromise. PHRASE 3. You use the going to talk about how easy or difficult it is to do something. You can also say that something is, for example, hard going or tough going. He has her support to fall back on when the going gets tough... Though the talks had been hard going at the start, they had become more friendly. N-UNCOUNT: the N, adj N 4. In horse racing and horse riding, when you talk about the going, you are talking about the condition of the surface the horses are running on. The going was soft; some horses found it hard work. N-UNCOUNT: oft the N 5. The going rate or the going salary is the usual amount of money that you expect to pay or receive for something. She says that’s the going rate for a house this big... That’s about half the going price on world oil markets. ADJ: ADJ n 6. see also go 7. If someone or something has a lot going for them, they have a lot of advantages. This area has a lot going for it... I wish I could show you the things you’ve got going for you. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n 8. When you get going, you start doing something or start a journey, especially after a delay. Now what about that shopping list? I’ve got to get going. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you say that someone should do something while the going is good, you are advising them to do it while things are going well and they still have the opportunity, because you think it will become much more difficult to do. People are leaving in their thousands...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Date: 14th century  1. an act or instance of ~  2. plural behavior, actions for his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his ~s — Job 34:21 (Authorized Version)  3. the condition of the ground (as for walking)  4. advance toward an objective when the ~ gets tough  II. adjective  Date: 14th century  1.  a. that goes — often used in combination easy~ out~  b. working, moving everything was in ~ order  2. living, existing the best novelist ~  3. current, prevailing ~ price  4. conducting business with the expectation of indefinite continuance ~ concern ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a the act or process of going. b an instance of this; a departure. 2 a the condition of the ground for walking, riding, etc. b progress affected by this (found the going hard). --adj. 1 in or into action (set the clock going). 2 existing, available; to be had (there's cold beef going; one of the best fellows going). 3 current, prevalent (the going rate). Phrases and idioms get going start steadily talking, working, etc. (can't stop him when he gets going). going away a departure, esp. on a honeymoon. going concern a thriving business. going for one colloq. acting in one's favour (he has got a lot going for him). going on fifteen etc. esp. US approaching one's fifteenth etc. birthday. going on for approaching (a time, an age, etc.) (must be going on for 6 years). going-over 1 colloq. an inspection or overhaul. 2 sl. a thrashing. 3 US colloq. a scolding. goings-on behaviour, esp. morally suspect. going to intending or intended to; about to; likely to (it's going to sink!). heavy going slow or difficult to progress with (found Proust heavy going). to be going on with to start with; for the time being. while the going is good while conditions are favourable. Etymology: GO(1): in some senses f. earlier a-going: see A(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  проступь (ширина ступени) - going of flight ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  проступь, ширина ступени заложение (лестничного марша) going of the flight ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  идущий, ходный - going away - going off - going over ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. отъезд comings and goings —- приезды и отъезды before one's going —- перед отъездом the day of going —- день отъезда 2. скорость передвижения for a car 40 miles an hour is pretty good going 40 —- миль в час - довольно хорошая скорость для машины 3. ходьба 4. ход (машины) 5. состояние дороги the going is rough —- дорога в плохом состоянии; сильно трясет; по такой дороге далеко не уедешь 6. спорт. состояние беговой дорожки good going —- хорошая дорожка 7. разг. продвижение к цели it's heavy going getting him to talk —- разговорить (расшевелить) его (заставить его разговориться) - дело нелегкое 8. стр. проступь (ширина ступени) 9. обыкн. pl. дела, обстоятельства rough goings —- трудности, затруднения; неприятности Id: to go (to get out) while the going is good —- отправляться в путь, пока дорога свободна; ковать железо, пока (оно) горячо 10. работающий, действующий in going order —- в исправном состоянии, исправный a going concert —- действующее предприятие; преуспевающее (процветающее) предприятие to set the clock going —- завести часы to get going —- отправляться; начинаться 11. существующий going prices —- существующие цены one of the best fellows going —- один из лучших людей на земле there is cold beef going —- есть холодная говядина 12. вет. забеременевшая, понесшая ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  fact действительное явление, установленный факт GOING  1. noun  1) ходьба  2) скорость передвижения  3) отъезд  4) состояние дороги, беговой дорожки  5) constr. проступь (ширина ступени) - rough going  2. adj.  1) работающий, действующий (о предприятии и т.п.)  2) действительный, существующий - going fact  3) процветающий, преуспевающий ...
Англо-русский словарь


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