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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - finish


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~1 v 1 »STOP DOING STH« to come to the end of doing or making something, so that it is complete  (finish sth)  (You can't go anywhere until you finish your homework. | finish doing sth)  (I finished typing the report just minutes before it was due. | "Are they still working on the road by you?" "No, they've finally finished.") 2 »STOP« especially BrE when an event, activity, or period of time finishes, it ends, especially at a particular time  (The football season finishes in May. | What time does school finish?) 3 »EAT« also finish up/off to eat or drink all the rest of something, so there is none left  (Finish up your peas or you won't get any dessert. | Sylvia finished her cigarette.) 4 »END WITH/BY« also finish off to complete an event, performance, piece of work etc by doing one final thing  (The party finished with a sing-song.) finish by doing sth  (She finished off her speech by thanking her sponsors.) 5 »RACE« to be in a particular position at the end of a race, competition etc  (I finished the 100 meters in sixth place.) 6 »SURFACE« to give the surface of something, especially wood, a smooth appearance by painting, polishing, or covering it  (The furniture had been attractively finished in a walnut veneer.) 7 »ALL SB'S STRENGTH ETC« finish sb to take away all of someone's strength, energy etc  (That last five-mile ride up the hill really finished me.) 8 »USE ALL OF STH« BrE to use up the entire supply of something, especially food  (The ice cream's finished, can you get some more?) 9 put/add the finishing touches to add the final detail or details that make your work complete finish off phr v 1 T finish something off) to use or eat all of something, so there is none left  (Who finished off the cake?) 2 T finish someone/something off) to kill a person or animal when they are already weak or wounded 3 T finish someone off) to take away all of someone's strength, energy etc  (It had already been an exhausting week, and that last argument just finished me off.) 4 T finish something off) to end a performance, event etc by doing one final thing  (We finished off the evening by going out for a drink.) finish up phr v 1 linking verb especially BrE to finally be in a particular place, condition etc at the end of a situation or series of events; end up (end2)  (We finished up in Rome after a three week tour. | I finished up completely broke, tired, and hungry.) 2 T finish something up) to eat or drink all the rest of something 3 to end an event, situation etc by doing one final thing finish with sth/sb phr v 1 especially BrE to no longer need to use something  (be finished with)  (Are you finished with the scissors?) 2 BrE to end a relationship with someone  (Michael's finally finished with Teresa after all these years.) ~2 n 1 the end or last part of something  (I was watching the race but I didn't get to see the finish. | from start to finish (=from the beginning of something until the end))  (The meeting was a disaster from start to finish. | a close finish (=an end of a race where two competitors are very close to each other)) 2 fight to the finish to fight until one side is completely defeated 3 the appearance of the surface of an object after it has been painted, polished etc  (That table has a beautiful finish.)
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  (finishes, finishing, finished) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you finish doing or dealing with something, you do or deal with the last part of it, so that there is no more for you to do or deal with. As soon as he’d finished eating, he excused himself... Mr Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech... VERB: V n/-ing, V n/-ing • Finish up means the same as finish. (AM) We waited a few minutes outside his office while he finished up his meeting. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 2. When you finish something that you are making or producing, you reach the end of making or producing it, so that it is complete. The consultants had been working to finish a report this week. = complete VERB: V n • Finish off and, in American English, finish up mean the same as finish. Now she is busy finishing off a biography of Queen Caroline. ...the amount of stuff required to finish up a movie. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V P n (not pron) 3. When something such as a course, film, or sale finishes, especially at a planned time, it ends. The teaching day finishes at around 4pm... When a play finishes its run, many of the costumes are hired out to amateur dramatics companies and schools. = end VERB: V at/on/by n, V n, also V 4. You say that someone or something finishes a period of time or an event in a particular way to indicate what the final situation was like. You can also say that a period of time or an event finishes in a particular way. The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye... The evening finished with the welcoming of three new members... The American dollar finished the day up against foreign currencies... The last track finishes this compilation beautifully. VERB: V by -ing, V with n, V n adj/adv, V n adj/adv, also V n by -ing, V n prep, V prep 5. If someone finishes second, for example, in a race or competition, they are in second place at the end of the race or competition. He...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English finisshen, from Anglo-French finiss-, stem of finir, from Latin finire, from finis  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to come to an end ; terminate  b. end 1b  2.  a. to come to the end of a course, task, or undertaking  b. to end relations — used with with decided to ~ with him for good  3. to end a competition in a specified manner or position ~ed third in the race  transitive verb  1.  a. to bring to an end ; terminate ~ed the speech and sat down  b. to use or dispose of entirely her sandwich ~ed the loaf  2.  a. to bring to completion or issue hope to ~ their new home before winter  b. to provide with a ~; especially to put a final coat or surface on ~ a table with varnish  3.  a. to defeat or ruin utterly and finally the scandal ~ed his career  b. to bring about the death of  Synonyms: see close  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1779  1. something that completes or perfects: as  a. the fine or decorative work required for a building or one of its parts  b. a ~ing material used in painting  c. the final treatment or coating of a surface  d. the taste in the mouth after swallowing a beverage (as wine)  2.  a. final stage ; end  b. the cause of one's ruin  3. the result or product of a ~ing process a glossy ~  4. the quality or state of being perfected ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a (often foll. by off) bring to an end; come to the end of; complete. b (usu. foll. by off) colloq. kill; overcome completely. c (often foll. by off, up) consume or get through the whole or the remainder of (food or drink) (finish up your dinner). 2 intr. a come to an end, cease. b reach the end, esp. of a race. c = finish up. 3 tr. a complete the manufacture of (cloth, woodwork, etc.) by surface treatment. b put the final touches to; make perfect or highly accomplished (finished manners). c prepare (a girl) for entry into fashionable society. --n. 1 a the end, the last stage. b the point at which a race etc. ends. c the death of a fox in a hunt (be in at the finish). 2 a method, material, or texture used for surface treatment of wood, cloth, etc. (mahogany finish). 3 what serves to give completeness. 4 an accomplished or completed state. Phrases and idioms fight to a finish fight till one party is completely beaten. finishing-school a private college where girls are prepared for entry into fashionable society. finish off provide with an ending. finish up (often foll. by in, by) end in something, end by doing something (he finished up last in the race; the plan finished up in the waste-paper basket; finished up by apologizing). finish with have no more to do with, complete one's use of or association with. Etymology: ME f. OF fenir f. L finire f. finis end ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) отделка, отделочное покрытие отделывать 2) строит. фактура 3) накрывка (верхний слой штукатурки) 4) амер. столярные изделия 5) поверхность (напр. лакокрасочного покрытия) 6) чистовая (отделочная, финишная) обработка производить чистовую (отделочную, финишную) обработку 7) доводка; шлифование; полирование производить доводку; шлифовать; полировать 8) качество обработки; квалитет 9) шероховатость (поверхности, детали, изделия) 10) горло, горлышко; венчик (бутылки) 11) сил. декоративная обработка 12) пищ. финиширование, финишная обработка; полирование (риса) 13) плотность (картона) 14) аппрет аппретировать 15) текст. отделка to give finish to surface — отделывать поверхность - anticrease finish - antishrink finish - antisoiling finish - architectural finish - as-cast finish - as-turned finish - bird finish - boasted finish - bonded finish - bright finish - broken finish - bulged finish - bush-hammered finish - cabinet finish - carpenter's finish - checked finish - chipped finish - coarse finish - crandalled finish - crease resistance finish - crizzled finish - crystallized finish - down finish - drove finish - dry-wall finish - durable press finish - eight-cut finish - electrozinc finish - enamel finish - end finish - exposed-aggregate finish - exterior finish - face finish - fine finish - fire finish - fire-proofing finish - fire-resisting finish - fire-retardant finish - flamboyant finish - flat finish - float finish - four-cut finish - frosted finish - glace finish - glazed finish - glossy finish - granitic finish - grinding finish -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  отделка, качество отделки накрывочный слой штукатурки верхний отделочный слой окраски установленные наружные и внутренние столярные изделия высший сорт пиломатериала отделывать finish by screening board antique finish architectural finish backed finish backing finish baked on enamel finish broom finish building finishes bush hammer finish carpenter's finish concrete finish decorative finish drag finish exposed aggregate finish exterior finish fire-resisting finishes float finish floor finish granolithic finish ground finish hard finish interior finish joiner's finish mosaic finish multicolor finish natural finish outside finish patterned finish planed finish poor-quality finish ribbed finish rough finish rubbed finish rustic finish sandblast finish sparkle finish surface finish surface finish from formwork tiled finish trowel finish tunnel finish vitreous enamel finish washed finish ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  оконечная обработка; полировка (оптоволокна) – end finish ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) внешнее покрытие 2) доводить 3) доводка 4) дочертить 5) дочерчивать 6) завершать 7) завершение 8) заканчивать 9) заканчивать 10) конец 11) конечный 12) концевой 13) кончать 14) обрабатывать начисто 15) оканчивать 16) окончание 17) отделать 18) отделка 19) отделочный 20) отделывать 21) финишный finish of a turn — конец витка finish of a winding — конец обмотки machine finish of paper — машинная гладкость бумаги surface finish class — класс чистоты wood takes a finish — древесина поддается отделке - face finish - finish boring - finish break - finish by grinding - finish cut - finish grinding - finish lamp - finish off - finish rolling - finish sawing - finish to size - finish turning - pigment finish - shellac finish - spirit finish - spray on finish - surface finish - top finish - trowel finish - water-based finish - wax finish ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) конец, окончание 2) законченность 3) совершенство 2. гл. кончать, заканчивать, завершать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) конец, окончание; кончать, заканчивать 2) упитанность – best finish – poor finish ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. конец, окончание to be in at the finish —- присутствовать при окончании (состязания и т. п.) to fight to a finish —- бороться до конца that was the finish of him —- это добило его 2. спорт. финиш finish post —- финишная стойка 3. законченность, завершенность; совершенство to lack finish —- быть неотделанным; быть далеким от совершенства the want of finish —- недостаточность отделки; незавершенность his msnners lack finish —- его манеры нельзя назвать изысканными; он несколько неотесан 4. завершающаяся деталь the picture gives just the right finish to the room —- картина удачно завершает убранство комнаты to give a smooth (delicate) finish —- заканчивать гладко (изящно) 5. тех. отделка, доводка; полировка; чистовая обработка 6. текст. аппретура 7. чистота поверхности 8. сл. место, где заканчиваются ночные кутежи 9. с-х. финиш; последняя фаза откорма 10. кончать, заканчивать; завершать to finish one's work —- закончить работу to finish doing smth. —- заканчивать (прекращать) (делать) что-л. to finish one's military service —- отбыть срок службы в армии you will finish by breaking your neck —- дело кончится тем, что вы сломаете себе шею 11. заканчивать, кончаться to finish in a point —- заканчиваться острием the war hasn't finished yet —- война еще не кончилась 12. отделывать; сглаживать; выравнивать 13....
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