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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - express


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~1 v 1 »IN WORDS« to tell people what you are feeling or thinking by using words  (Bill's never been afraid to express his opinions. | express sympathy/fear/anger etc)  (Parents have expressed their concerns about their children's safety. | express interest (=say that you are interested in something))  (The public are expressing an increasing interest in green issues. | express opposition to (=say publicly that you do not agree with something))  (Managers and players alike expressed opposition to the scheme. | express thanks/gratitude (=thank someone in a speech or by writing a letter))  (Finally, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for your help in this matter. | express yourself (=let people know your thoughts and feelings so that they can understand))  (Young children often have difficulty expressing themselves. | can't express)  (Words can't express how angry we felt.) 2 »IN ART/MUSIC ETC« to show your feelings or thoughts using art, music, films etc  (Many of Munch's paintings express a deep feeling of despair. | express yourself by/through etc)  (Alain expresses himself best through his music.) 3 »IN BEHAVIOUR/LOOK« to let people know what you are feeling or thinking by the look on your face or by your behaviour  (The look on Paul's face expressed his total contempt for them.) 4 »FEELING« if a feeling expresses itself it can be clearly seen and understood  (Major Hall's frustration expressed itself in occasional bouts of rage.) 5 »LETTER/PACKAGE« BrE to send a letter or package using a special post system so that it arrives very quickly 6 »MATHEMATICS« technical to show a mathematical idea in a particular form  (Express three-quarters as a decimal.) ~2 adj only before noun 1 an express command, desire, or aim is deliberately stated for a particular reason  (Matthew left express instructions to keep all doors locked. | I came here with the express purpose of seeing you.) 2 express train/coach/service a train or bus that travels very quickly  (There's an express service between London and Glasgow twice daily.) 3 express post/mail/delivery a system within the Post Office that delivers letters and packages very quickly 4 express lane AmE a lane (2) on a freeway used by vehicles that are travelling fast ~3 n 1 C usually singular a train or bus that travels from one place to another very quickly  (London-Gatwick Express/Orient Express (=a fast train or bus which does a particular journey regularly)) 2 a post service that delivers letters and packages very quickly  (Send these books by express.) ~4 adv send/deliver sth express to send or deliver a letter, parcel etc quickly using a special post service
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  (expresses, expressing, expressed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you express an idea or feeling, or express yourself, you show what you think or feel. He expressed grave concern at American attitudes... He expresses himself easily in English... VERB: V n, V pron-refl 2. If an idea or feeling expresses itself in some way, it can be clearly seen in someone’s actions or in its effects on a situation. The anxiety of the separation often expresses itself as anger towards the child for getting lost. = manifest VERB: V pron-refl prep 3. In mathematics, if you express a quantity or mathematical problem in a particular way, you write it using particular symbols, figures, or equations. (TECHNICAL) It is expressed as a percentage. VERB: V n prep 4. An express command or order is one that is clearly and deliberately stated. (FORMAL) The ship was sunk on express orders from the Prime Minister. = explicit ADJ: ADJ n • expressly He has expressly forbidden her to go out on her own. ADV: ADV before v 5. If you refer to an express intention or purpose, you are emphasizing that it is a deliberate and specific one that you have before you do something. I had obtained my first camera for the express purpose of taking railway photographs. = specific ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis • expressly ...projects expressly designed to support cattle farmers... ADV: ADV before v, ADV prep/to-inf 6. Express is used to describe special services which are provided by companies or organizations such as the Post Office, in which things are sent or done faster than usual for a higher price. A special express service is available by fax... It was sent to us by express mail. ADJ: ADJ n • Express is also an adverb. Send it express. ADV 7. An express or an express train is a fast train which stops at very few stations. Punctually at 7.45, the express to Kuala Lumpur left Singapore station... N-COUNT: oft N to/for n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French expres, from Latin ~us, past participle of exprimere to press out, ~, from ex- + premere to press — more at press  Date: 14th century  1.  a. directly, firmly, and explicitly stated my ~ orders  b. exact, precise  2.  a. designed for or adapted to its purpose  b. of a particular sort ; specific for that ~ purpose  3.  a. traveling at high speed; specifically traveling with few or no stops along the way ~ train  b. adapted or suitable for travel at high speed an ~ highway  c. British designated to be delivered without delay by special messenger  Synonyms: see explicit  II. adverb  Date: 14th century  1. obsolete ~ly  2. by ~ delivered ~  III. noun  Date: 1619  1.  a. British a messenger sent on a special errand  b. British a dispatch conveyed by a special messenger  c.  (1) a system for the prompt and safe transportation of parcels, money, or goods at rates higher than standard freight charges  (2) a company operating such a merchandise freight service  d. British special delivery  2. an ~ vehicle  IV. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French espresser, from expres, adjective  Date: 14th century  1.  a. delineate, depict  b. to represent in words ; state  c. to give or convey a true impression of ; show, reflect  d. to make known the opinions or feelings of (oneself)  e. to give ~ion to the artistic or creative impulses or abilities of (oneself)  f. to represent by a sign or symbol ; symbolize  2.  a. to force out (as the juice of a fruit) by pressure  b. to subject to pressure so as to extract something  3. to send by ~  4. to cause (a gene) to manifest its effects in the phenotype; also to manifest or produce (a character, molecule, or effect) by a genetic process  • ~er noun  • ~ible adjective Synonyms:  ~, vent, utter, voice, broach, air mean to make known what one thinks or feels. ~ suggests an impulse to reveal in words, gestures, actions, or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v.tr. 1 represent or make known (thought, feelings, etc.) in words or by gestures, conduct, etc. 2 refl. say what one thinks or means. 3 esp. Math. represent by symbols. 4 squeeze out (liquid or air). Derivatives expresser n. expressible adj. Etymology: ME f. OF expresser f. Rmc (as EX-(1), PRESS(1)) 2. adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. 1 operating at high speed. 2 also a definitely stated, not merely implied. b archaic (of a likeness) exact. 3 a done, made, or sent for a special purpose. b (of messages or goods) delivered by a special messenger or service. --adv. 1 at high speed. 2 by express messenger or train. --n. 1 a an express train or messenger. b an express rifle. 2 US a company undertaking the transport of parcels etc. --v.tr. send by express messenger or delivery. Phrases and idioms express rifle a rifle that discharges a bullet at high speed. express train a fast train, stopping at few intermediate stations. Derivatives expressly adv. (in sense 2 of adj.). Etymology: ME f. OF expres f. L expressus distinctly shown, past part. of exprimere (as EX-(1), premere press) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) отжимать, выжимать 2) выражать to express x: in terms of y — выражать х через у ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) экспресс ехать экспрессом 2) выражать; высказывать 3) отображать; представлять 4) срочный, экстренный 5) особый, специальный to express as percentage — выражать в процентах to express as power series — матем. выражать в виде степенного ряда to express decimally — матем. представлять десятичной дробью to express number — обозначать число ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) срочное письмо; отправлять срочной почтой 2) курьер 3) определенный; точно ясно выраженный; выражать 4) специальный; срочный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. экспресс (поезд, автобус и т. п.) to travel by express —- ехать экспрессом 2. нарочный, курьер, посыльный 3. срочное письмо; срочное почтовое отправление 4. ам. срочная пересылка (товаров, денег); срочная пересылка через транспортную контору to send by express —- отправить с посыльным (через транспортную контору) 5. транспортная контора (также express company) 6. воен. винтовка с повышенной начальной скоростью пули (также express rifle) 7. определенный, точно выраженный; ясный, недвусмысленный express command —- точное (ясное) приказание express wish —- ясно выраженное желание express assent —- прямо выраженное согласие 8. уст. точный, верный, не приблизительный express image of a person —- точная копия кого-л.; как две капли воды похожий на кого-л. 9. специальный; нарочитый he came with this express purpose —- он приехал специально с этой целью; только для этой цели он и приехал there was an express stipulation to the effect that... —- было специально оговорено, что... 10. срочный, спешный; экстренный express delivery —- срочная доставка, доставка с нарочным (в Англии - почтой, в США -через транспортную контору) express goods —- груз большой скорости express train —- курьерский поезд, экспресс express bus —- автобус-экспресс express services —- спец. срочные виды работ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) railways экспресс  2) срочное (почтовое) отправление  3) amer. пересылка денег, багажа, товаров и т.п. с нарочным или через посредство транспортной конторы  4) amer. частная транспортная контора (тж. express company)  2. adj.  1) определенный, точно выраженный the express image of his person - его точная копия - express desire  2) специальный, нарочитый  3) срочный; курьерский - express train - express delivery - express bullet - express rifle Syn: see definite  3. adv.  1) спешно, очень быстро; с нарочным  2) - travel express  4. v.  1) выражать (прямо, ясно) to be unable to express oneself - не уметь высказаться, выразить свои мысли the agreement is expressed so as... - соглашение предусматривает...  2) выжимать (from, out of)  3) отправлять срочной почтой или с нарочным (письмо, посылку)  4) amer. отправлять через посредство транспортной конторы (багаж и т.п.)  5) ехать экспрессом Syn: see utter EXPRESS bullet облегченная пуля с повышенной скоростью EXPRESS delivery срочная доставка EXPRESS desire настойчивое желание; настоятельная просьба EXPRESS rifle винтовка с повышенной начальной скоростью пули EXPRESS train курьерский поезд, экспресс EXPRESS way noun автострада; автомагистраль со сквозным движением ...
Англо-русский словарь


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