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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - element


Связанные словари


~ n 1 »CHEMISTRY« a simple chemical substance such as carbon or oxygen that consists of atoms of only one kind  (- compare compound1 (1)) 2 an element of surprise/danger/doubt etc a small amount of a quality or feeling  (There's always an element of risk in this kind of investment.) 3 »PEOPLE« a group of people who form part of a larger group, especially when the rest of the group does not approve of them  (There is a strong right-wing element in the organization.) 4 »PART« one part of a whole system, plan, piece of writing etc  (Rhyme is just one of the elements of his poetry.) 5 »WEATHER« the elements the weather, especially bad weather  (battling against the elements) 6 »HEATING« the heating part of a piece of electrical equipment such as a kettle 7 the elements of sth the most simple things that you have to learn first about a subject  (I never managed to understand even the elements of calculus.) 8 »EARTH/AIR/FIRE/WATER« one of the four substances (earth, air, fire, and water) from which people used to believe that everything was made 9 be in your element to be in a situation that you enjoy, because you are good at it  (He's in his element when he's talking to large groups of people.) 10 be out of your element to be in a situation that makes you uncomfortable or unhappy  (I felt out of my element surrounded by so much finery.)
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  (elements) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The different elements of something are the different parts it contains. The exchange of prisoners of war was one of the key elements of the UN’s peace plan. = constituent, component N-COUNT: usu pl, usu with supp 2. A particular element of a situation, activity, or process is an important quality or feature that it has or needs. Fitness has now become an important element in our lives. = factor N-COUNT: with supp 3. When you talk about elements within a society or organization, you are referring to groups of people who have similar aims, beliefs, or habits. ...criminal elements within the security forces. ...the hooligan element. N-COUNT: usu pl, supp N 4. If something has an element of a particular quality or emotion, it has a certain amount of this quality or emotion. These reports clearly contain elements of propaganda. N-COUNT: usu sing, N of n 5. An element is a substance such as gold, oxygen, or carbon that consists of only one type of atom. ? compound N-COUNT 6. The element in an electric fire or water heater is the metal part which changes the electric current into heat. N-COUNT: usu sing 7. You can refer to the weather, especially wind and rain, as the elements. The area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements. N-PLURAL: the N 8. If you say that someone is in their element, you mean that they are in a situation they enjoy. My stepmother was in her element, organizing everything... PHRASE: v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin ~um  Date: 13th century  1.  a. any of the four substances air, water, fire, and earth formerly believed to compose the physical universe  b. plural weather conditions; especially violent or severe weather battling the ~s  c. the state or sphere natural or suited to a person or thing at school she was in her ~  2. a constituent part: as  a. plural the simplest principles of a subject of study ; rudiments  b.  (1) a part of a geometric magnitude an infinitesimal ~ of volume  (2) a generator of a geometric figure; also a line or line segment contained in the surface of a cone or cylinder  (3) a basic member of a mathematical or logical class or set  (4) one of the individual entries in a mathematical matrix or determinant  c. a distinct group within a larger group or community the criminal ~ in the city  d.  (1) one of the necessary data or values on which calculations or conclusions are based  (2) one of the factors determining the outcome of a process  e. any of the fundamental substances that consist of atoms of only one kind and that singly or in combination constitute all matter  f. a distinct part of a composite device  g. a subdivision of a military unit  3. plural the bread and wine used in the Eucharist Synonyms:  ~, component, constituent, ingredient mean one of the parts of a compound or complex whole. ~ applies to any such part and often connotes irreducible simplicity the basic ~s of geometry. component and constituent may designate any of the substances (whether ~s or compounds) or the qualities that enter into the makeup of a complex product; component stresses its separate entity or distinguishable character the components of a stereo system. constituent stresses its essential and formative character the constituents of a chemical compound. ingredient applies to any of the substances which when combined form a particular mixture the ingredients of a cocktail. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a component part; a contributing factor or thing. 2 Chem. & Physics any of the hundred or so substances that cannot be resolved by chemical means into simpler substances. 3 a any of the four substances (earth, water, air, and fire) in ancient and medieval philosophy. b any of these as a being's natural abode or environment. 4 Electr. a resistance wire that heats up in an electric heater, cooker, etc.; an electrode. 5 (in pl.) atmospheric agencies, esp. wind and storm. 6 (in pl.) the rudiments of learning or of a branch of knowledge. 7 (in pl.) the bread and wine of the Eucharist. 8 Math. & Logic an entity that is a single member of a set. Phrases and idioms in (or out of) one's element in (or out of) one's accustomed or preferred surroundings. reduced to its elements analysed. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L elementum ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) (химический) элемент 2) (гальванический) элемент, первичный источник тока 3) элемент (конструкции, машины, схемы); компонент; (составная) часть; деталь 4) орган (станка) 5) устройство; узел, блок; звено; схема - element of length - element of matrix - element of surface of revolution - acid-forming element - acoustic element - active element - actuating element - adaptive element - adding element - addition element - age-hardening element - alkaline elements - alkaline-earth elements - alloying element - analog element - analog memory element - AND element - annular fuel element - array element - austenite promoting element - ball-type element - bare fuel element - bearing element - bending element - bidirectional filter element - bimorph element - binary element - bistable element - bonded fuel element - boundary element - breeder fuel element - breeder element - C element - capacitance element - capacitor element - center-tapped element - chemical element - circuit element - cleanable filter element - coarse filter element - code element - commutation element - comparison element - compression element - computing element - conditioning element - conducting element - conductive plastic element - contacting element - control element - coolant maintenance element - coupling element - crack tip element - crystal element - current-responsive element - daisywheel typing element - damping element - data element - decision element - delay element - detectable element - detecting element - digital element - discrete element - display element - dissipative element - distorting element - distributed-constant element - distributed element - drafting element - driven element - driving element - dummy element - dummy filter element - dynamic element - electrical element - electric heating element - electroluminescence element - electronic element - enclosing program element - end-fed element -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  элемент (конструкции) (см.тж.member[/ref]) element of area element of construction elements of force element of in-situ reinforced concrete elements of interior element of length element of structure bent element bimetallic element boundary element building element compression element dominant element edge element electric heating element filter element finite element fire-bar element fully restraint element fuse element heating element hydraulic element infrared heating element linear element load bearing element multifaceted node element nonstructural element one-dimensional finite element one-way element prefabricated concrete element reinforced concrete element rod element sensing element solid element spacial element standard element steel plate element stiffening element structural element tensile element torsional element trace elements urban element weakened construction element ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) элемент, компонент 2) источник тока – acoustic dissipation element – active four-terminal element – active switching element – adjusting element – amplifying element – antenna array element – antenna-radiating element – base element – binary element – capacitive element – code element – coherent element – compensating element – conditionally linear element – connection element – contactless element – control element – data element – delayless element – digit-delay element – discrete element – distorting element – driven element – galvanic element – gate station element – helical radiating element – Huygens element – image element – inductive element – information element – initial element – intermediate element – Kepler's element – linear element – linear network element – mathematic model element – marking element – measuring element – memory element – message-key element – network element – noncoherent element – nondistorting element – nonlinear circuit element – NOR-element – NOT-AND-element – optical element – optoelectronic element – parasitic element – passive element – picture element – piezoelectric element – primitive element – program element – protection element – reactive element – rectifying element – receiving antenna element – reflecting element – regulating element – resistive element – resonant element – responsible element – sampling element – sensing element – signal element – spacing element – special checking element – standard substitute element – stop element – storage element – switching element – thermal compensation element – telegraph element – transforming element – transit-time element – transmitting antenna element – undriven element – zinc-manganese element ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) элемент, компонент, деталь, составная часть 2) звено; блок; модуль 3) устройство, узел 4) орган 5) датчик, первичный элемент 6) элемент, параметр element by element — поэлементно family of elements — семейство элементов - Euclid's elements - ace element - antenna element - arc element - area element - associative element - atomic element - attainable element - basal quaternion element - bellows element - bihomogeneous element - blocking element - bound element - brick element - cancellable element - characteristic element - closed element - combinational element - compact element - complementary element - complex element - composite element - condensation element - conjugate elements - conondecomposable element - constituent element - contravariant element - controlled element - coprime elements - covariant element - curvature element - curved element - dense element - difference element - differential element - directional element - disjoint elements - distinguished element - distributive element - divisible element - double element - dual element - effaceable element - einarting elements - element in infinity - element of a cone - element of a fix - element of arc - element of area - element of chance - element of cone - element of cylinder - element of determinant - element of distance - element of finite order - element of infinite order - element of length - element of mass - element of path - element of randomness - element of set - element of volume - elements of orbit - elliptic line element - error-correcting element - even nilpotent element - expanding element - extendable element - ferroelectric element - field element - final element - fine cyclic element - finitely convergent element - first element - fluidic element - free element - frequency element - function element - game element - gas plasma display element - generalized element - generic element - greatest element - height of...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  элемент; составная часть – elements of bibliographical description – element of chance – element of claim – element of combination – element of invention – component element – computer element – control element – figurative elements of mark – image element – image-making element – informative element – memory element – nodal element – pictorial element – picturesque element – product-image element – reference element – sensing element – static element – storage element – visual element ELEMENT сущ. 1) компонент, компонента элемент; составная часть 2) небольшое количество ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  элемент – Ac element – component element – controlling element – detecting element – dispensable element – dissociator element – dotted element – Ds element – Dt element – FB element – insertion element – interspersed element – kappa deleting element – long interspersed element – major element – major mineral elements – MD element – micronutrient element – mineral element – minor element – mobile dispersed element – reproductive element – sensing element – short interspersed element – T element – tagged element – trace element – tracer element – transposable element ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. элемент, составная часть the basic element of one's character —- основная черта характера the elements of feudalism —- черты феодализма the time element —- фактор времени the personal element —- личные соображения to reduce smth. to its element —- свести что-л. к первоначальным составляющим (к первоэлементам) the event has in it something of the elements of tragedy —- в этом событии есть оттенок трагедии 2. слой (общества); прослойка, группа (людей) the criminal element —- преступный элемент 3. небольшое количество, частица an element of truth —- доля истины an element of uncertainty —- отсутсвие определенности; некоторая неопределенность 4. стихия the four elements —- четыре (основные) стихии (земля, вода, воздух, огонь) water is the element of fishes —- вода - (родная) стихия рыб war of the elements —- борьба стихий to be in one's element —- быть в своей стихии to be out of one's element —- чувствовать себя как рыба, вынутая из воды he was in his element when talking politics —- он чувсвовал себя в своей стихии, рассуждая о политике 5. pl. атмосферные условия, преим. плохая погода daunted by the elements —- задержанный непогодой to brave the elements —- не испугаться плохой погоды; невзирая на погоду 6. природные условия (данной местности 7. pl. основы; азы, начатки the elements of science —- основы науки the elements of arithmetic —- начатки арифметики 8. тех....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of truth доля правды ELEMENT noun  1) элемент; составная часть; небольшая часть, след - element of truth  2) chem. элемент  3) pl. основы (науки и т.п.); азы  4) стихия war of the elements - борьба стихий the four elements - земля, воздух, огонь, вода - devouring element  5) tech. секция (котла и т.п.)  6) mil. подразделение  7) amer.; aeron. звено (самолетов) to be in ones element - быть в своей стихии; чувствовать себя, как рыба в воде he is out of his element - он занимается не своим делом; он чувствует себя как рыба, вынутая из воды Syn: see component ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1300, from O.Fr. element, from L. elementem "rudiment, first principle, matter in its most basic form," origin unknown (translated Gk. stoikheion). Modern chemical sense is 1813. Elements "atmospheric force" is early 14c.; elementary school is 1841. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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