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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - decide


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~ v 1 to make a choice or judgment about something, especially after a period of not knowing what to do or in a way that ends disagreement  (decide to do sth)  (Tina's decided to go to Prague for her holidays. | decide that)  (It was eventually decided that four London hospitals should be closed. | decide who/what/how etc)  (I can't decide what to do. | decide whether/if)  (Women now have greater freedom to decide whether or not to get married.) + between  (I'm trying to decide between the green and the blue for the bathroom.) decide sth  (I'm eighteen now - I have a right to decide my own future. | decide for yourself (=make your own choice or judgment, without asking anyone else to do it for you))  (You must decide for yourself whether to leave college.)  (- see also decision (1)) 2 to be the reason for someone making a particular judgment or choice  (decide sb to do sth)  (What was it that finally decided you to give up your job? | deciding factor (=a very strong reason that forces you to make a particular decision))  (Money should not be the deciding factor over who runs a TV station.) 3 if an event, action etc decides something, it influences events so that one particular result will happen  (A goal in the last minute decided the match. | the deciding vote (=the person who has the deciding vote makes the final decision, because all the other votes are equally divided)) 4 decide in favour of/decide against a) to choose or not choose someone or something  (After long discussion they decided in favour of the younger candidate.) b) if a judge or jury (1) decides in favour of someone or against someone, they say in court that someone is guilty or not guilty  (The jury decided in favour of the plaintiff.) decide on sth phr v to choose one thing from many possible choices  (Have you decided on a date for your wedding?)
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  (decides, deciding, decided) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you decide to do something, you choose to do it, usually after you have thought carefully about the other possibilities. She decided to do a secretarial course... He has decided that he doesn’t want to embarrass the movement and will therefore step down... The house needed totally rebuilding, so we decided against buying it... I had a cold and couldn’t decide whether to go to work or not... Think about it very carefully before you decide. VERB: V to-inf, V that, V against/in favour of n/-ing, V wh, V 2. If a person or group of people decides something, they choose what something should be like or how a particular problem should be solved. She was still young, he said, and that would be taken into account when deciding her sentence... VERB: V n 3. If an event or fact decides something, it makes it certain that a particular choice will be made or that there will be a particular result. The goal that decided the match came just before the interval... The results will decide if he will win a place at a good university... Luck is certainly one deciding factor. VERB: V n, V wh, V-ing 4. If you decide that something is true, you form that opinion about it after considering the facts. He decided Franklin must be suffering from a bad cold... I couldn’t decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane. VERB: V that, V wh 5. If something decides you to do something, it is the reason that causes you to choose to do it. The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship... I don’t know what finally decided her, but she agreed. VERB: V n to-inf, V n, also V n that, V n against/in favour of n/-ing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~d; deciding)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~re, literally, to cut off, from de- + caedere to cut  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make a final choice or judgment about ~ what to do  b. to select as a course of action — used with an infinitive ~d to go  c. to infer on the basis of evidence ; conclude they ~d that he was right  2. to bring to a definitive end one blow ~d the fight  3. to induce to come to a choice her pleas ~d him to help  intransitive verb to make a choice or judgment ~ on where to go  • decidability noun  • decidable adjective  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, determine, settle, rule, resolve mean to come or cause to come to a conclusion. ~ implies previous consideration of a matter causing doubt, wavering, debate, or controversy she ~d to sell her house. determine implies fixing the identity, character, scope, or direction of something determined the cause of the problem. settle implies a decision reached by someone with power to end all dispute or uncertainty the dean's decision settled the campus alcohol policy. rule implies a determination by judicial or administrative authority the judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible. resolve implies an expressed or clear decision or determination to do or refrain from doing something he resolved to quit smoking. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 a intr. (often foll. by on, about) come to a resolution as a result of consideration. b tr. (usu. foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) have or reach as one's resolution about something (decided to stay; decided that we should leave). 2 tr. a cause (a person) to reach a resolution (was unsure about going but the weather decided me). b resolve or settle (a question, dispute, etc.). 3 intr. (usu. foll. by between, for, against, in favour of, or that + clause) give a judgement concerning a matter. Derivatives decidable adj. Etymology: ME f. F d{eacute}cider or f. L decidere (as DE-, c{aelig}dere cut) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  решать, разрешать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  принимать решение – to decide a case – to decide on patent application DECIDE гл. решать, принимать решение, выносить решение, делать выбор - decide a matter in smb's favour - decide a point - decide a question - decide about - decide against doing smth. - decide against smth. - decide an issue - decide an issue - decide by toss - decide the issue - decide the order of the competition Syn: decide, determine, resolve ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. решать, принимать решение to decide a point (a question, an issue) —- решить вопрос to decide a battle —- решить исход битвы (боя) to decide a matter in smb.'s favour —- решить вопрос в чью-л. пользу to decide by toss —- бросать жребий, решать жеребьевкой to decide the order of the competition —- определять порядок проведения соревнования to decide what to do next —- решить, что предпринять дальше this day will decide his fate —- в этот день решится его участь an event that decided his creer —- событие, которое определило всю его дальнейшую жизнь 2. решаться, принимать определенное решение; делать выбор to decide between two alternatives —- сделать выбор; выбрать одно из двух to decide against smth. —- отклонить что-л.; решить отрицательно какой-л. вопрос the board decided against the reorganization —- правление решило не проводить реорганизацию to decide against doing smth. —- решить не делать чего-л. the management has decided against investing in... —- правление решило не вкладывать капитал в... he decided against going there —- он решил не ездить туда to decide against the plaintiff —- решить дело не в пользу истца to decide on (upon) a course of action —- определить линию поведения to decide on every last detail —- принимать решение по поводу мельчайших деталей to decide on the day —- установить день (дату) (чего-л.) have you decided? —- вы приняли решение?; вы решились на что-нибудь? it...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v. решать(ся), принимать решение that decides me! - решено! to decide between two things - сделать выбор - decide against - decide for - decide in favour of - decide between - decide on Syn: determine, resolve, settle Ant: fluctuate, hesitate DECIDE against выносить решение против кого-л. DECIDE between выбирать между кем-л., чем-л. Its difficult to decide between these two clever students for the prize. I cant decide between these two attractive houses, its often difficult to decide between going for a walk and having a swim. DECIDE for выносить решение в пользу кого-л. DECIDE in favour of выносить решение в пользу кого-л. DECIDE on выбрать she decided on the green hat она выбрала зеленую шляпу ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 14c., from L. decidere "to decide," lit. "to cut off," from de- "off" + cadere "to cut." Sense is of resolving difficulties "at a stroke." Decided in the adj. sense of "resolute" is from 1790. Decisive is 1611. A decided victory is one whose reality is not in doubt; a decisive one goes far toward deciding some issue. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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