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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - deal


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~1 v past tense and past participle dealt 1 also deal out to give playing cards to each of the players in a game  (deal sth (out) to sb)  (Deal out three cards to each player.) 2 informal to buy and sell illegal drugs  (Many users end up dealing to support their habit.) 3 deal a blow literary a) to cause harm to someone or something  (deal a crippling/decisive etc blow (=cause very serious harm))  (The recession dealt many small businesses a fatal blow.) b) to hit someone deal in sth phr v 1 to buy and sell a particular type of product  (dealing in 19th century watercolours)  (- see also dealer (1)) 2 to have a particular attitude to your work  (As a scientist, I do not deal in speculation.) deal out sth phr v 1 to give playing cards to each of the players in a game 2 to decide what kind of punishment someone will get deal with sb/sth phr v 1 to take the correct action for a piece of work, type of work etc  (Who's dealing with the Glaxo account?) 2 to succeed in solving a problem  (Don't worry, Mr Symes, it's already been dealt with.) 3 to succeed in controlling an emotional problem so that it does not affect your life  (It's OK, I'm dealing with it so far.) 4 to do business with someone or have a business connection with someone  (I've dealt with them for a long time.) 5 if a book, speech, work of art etc deals with a particular subject, it is about that subject  (These ideas are dealt with more fully in Chapter Four.) ~2 n 1 a great deal also a good deal a large quantity of something + of  (A great deal of their work is unpaid.) a great deal more/a great deal longer etc (=a lot more, longer etc)  (He knew a good deal more than I did.) 2 »AGREEMENT« an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or politics, that helps both sides involved  (The band has negotiated a new deal with their record company. | get a good deal (=buy something at a good price))  (You can get some really good deals from travel agents right now. | strike/make/cut/do a deal (=produce or make an agreement))  (The two teams did a deal and Robson was traded.) 3 it's a deal spoken used to say that you agree to do something  ("OK, $500, but that's my last offer." "OK, it's a deal.") 4 »TREATMENT« C usually singular treatment of a particular type that is given or received  (a better/fairer deal)  (a better deal for nurses | a new deal (=a new and fairer system of social or political treatment))  (The prime minister promised a new deal for farmers. | a rough/raw deal (=unfair treatment))  (Women tend to get a raw deal from employers.) 5 »GAME« the process of giving out cards to players in a card game  (It's your deal, Alison.)  (- see also dealer (3)) 6 »WOOD« BrE fir or pine1 (2) wood used for making things  (a deal table) 7 a deal of old-fashioned a large quantity of something  (- see also big deal big (7))  ( USAGE NOTE: DEAL GRAMMAR A great/good deal of... is usually only used with uncountable nouns a great deal of time/money/difficulty/pressure/interest. Compare There's been a good deal of change with There have been a good many changes. )
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  I. [c red]QUANTIFIER USES Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. If you say that you need or have a great deal of or a good deal of a particular thing, you are emphasizing that you need or have a lot of it. ...a great deal of money... I am in a position to save you a good deal of time. QUANT: QUANT of n-uncount/def-n c darkgreen]emphasis • Deal is also an adverb. Their lives became a good deal more comfortable... He depended a great deal on his wife for support. ADV: ADV compar, ADV after v • Deal is also a pronoun. Although he had never met Geoffrey Hardcastle, he knew a good deal about him. PRON II. [c red]VERB AND NOUN USES (deals, dealing, dealt) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 7 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If you make a deal, do a deal, or cut a deal, you complete an agreement or an arrangement with someone, especially in business. (BUSINESS) Japan will have to do a deal with America on rice imports... The two sides tried and failed to come to a deal... He was involved in shady business deals... N-COUNT 2. If a person, company, or shop deals in a particular type of goods, their business involves buying or selling those goods. (BUSINESS) They deal in antiques... ...the rights of our citizens to hold and to deal in foreign currency. VERB: V in n, V in n 3. If someone deals illegal drugs, they sell them. I certainly don’t deal drugs. VERB: V n • dealing ...his involvement in drug dealing and illegal money laundering. N-UNCOUNT: oft n N 4. If someone has had a bad deal, they have been unfortunate or have been treated unfairly. The people of Liverpool have had a bad deal for many, many years. N-COUNT: adj N 5. If you deal playing cards, you give them out to the players in a game of cards. The croupier dealt each player a card, face down... He once dealt cards in an illegal gambling joint. VERB: V n n, V n...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English deel, from Old English d?l; akin to Old English dal division, portion, Old High German teil part  Date: before 12th century  1. obsolete part, portion  2. a usually large or indefinite quantity or degree a great ~ of support a good ~ faster  3.  a. the act or right of distributing cards to players in a card game  b. hand 9b  II. verb  (~t; ~ing)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to give as one's portion ; apportion tried to ~ justice to all ~t out three sandwiches apiece  b. to distribute (playing cards) to players in a game  2. administer, deliver ~t him a blow  3.  a. sell ~s drugs  b. trade ~ a player to another team  intransitive verb  1. to distribute the cards in a card game  2. to concern oneself or itself the book ~s with education  3.  a. to engage in bargaining ; trade  b. to sell or distribute something as a business ~ in insurance  4.  a. to take action with regard to someone or something ~ with an offender  b. to reach or try to reach a state of acceptance or reconcilement trying to ~ with her son's death  Synonyms: see distribute  • ~er noun  III. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. an act of ~ing ; transaction  b. bargain  c. contract 1a signed a 2-year ~  2. package ~  3. treatment received a dirty ~  4. an arrangement for mutual advantage  5. affair 2 dinner was an informal ~  6. situation, story what is the ~ with that guy?  7. McCoy — used in the phrase the real ~  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English dele, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German, plank; akin to Old High German dili plank — more at thill  Date: 14th century  1. British a board of fir or pine  2. pine or fir wood  • ~ adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v. (past and past part. dealt) 1 intr. (foll. by with) a take measures concerning (a problem, person, etc.), esp. in order to put something right. b do business with; associate with. c discuss or treat (a subject). d (often foll. by by) behave in a specified way towards a person (dealt honourably by them). 2 intr. (foll. by in) to sell or be concerned with commercially (deals in insurance). 3 tr. (often foll. by out, round) distribute or apportion to several people etc. 4 tr. (also absol.) distribute (cards) to players for a game or round. 5 tr. cause to be received; administer (deal a heavy blow). 6 tr. assign as a share or deserts to a person (Providence dealt them much happiness). 7 tr. (foll. by in) colloq. include (a person) in an activity (you can deal me in). --n. 1 (usu. a good or great deal) colloq. a a large amount (a good deal of trouble). b to a considerable extent (is a great deal better). 2 colloq. a business arrangement; a transaction. 3 a specified form of treatment given or received (gave them a rough deal; got a fair deal). 4 a the distribution of cards by dealing. b a player's turn to do this (it's my deal). c the round of play following this. d a set of hands dealt to players. Phrases and idioms it's a deal colloq. expressing assent to an agreement. Etymology: OE d{aelig}l, d{aelig}lan, f. Gmc 2. n. 1 fir or pine timber, esp. sawn into boards of a standard size. 2 a a board of this timber. b such boards collectively. Etymology: ME f. MLG, MDu. dele plank f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сделка, соглашение пиломатериал хвойных пород; доска, брус; амер.тёс; брит.Лафет ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1. сущ. 1) часть 2) количество 3) сделка, соглашение 4) амер. политический курс 5) экономическая политика • - borrowing deal - bought deal - business deal - call off a deal - claim a deal - close a deal - credit deal - deal in options - deal in - deal with a claim - deal with - do a deal for smth. - fair deal - futures deal - make a deal for smth. - offset deal - package deal - pay deal - side deal - square deal - switch deal - good deal of money Syn: business, bargain, operation 2. гл. 1) заниматься чем-л. 2) торговать чем-л. (in/with) 3) иметь дело с чем-л., кем-л. (with) 4) рассматривать 5) трактовать 6) обсуждать что-л. (with) 7) сталкиваться с кем-л. 8) бороться с чем-л. (with) 9) обращаться, обходиться с кем-л. (with) 10) быть клиентом (with/at) - deal in leather - deal in politics - deal with a difficulty - deal with a problem DEAL I сущ. 1) а) общ. некоторое количество; часть a great deal of time - много времени, a great deal of work to do - много работы, a good deal of money - значительная сума денег б) общ. большое количество, масса, куча, ворох a deal of trouble - масса проблем, There's a deal of sense in that. - В этом есть доля смысла. 2) эк. сделка; соглашение, договор to clinch a deal - окончательно договориться о заключении сделки, to make (close) a deal - заключить сделку, to cut a deal - совершить сделку; скрепить сделку, to do a deal with - заключить сделку с кем-либо, to conclude a deal - заключить соглашение, fair deal - честная сделка, unfair deal - недобросовестная...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  хвойный лес ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. некоторое количество, часть a good deal —- много a good deal of money —- значительная сумма a good deal better —- значительно лучше to know a good deal —- много знать he is cleverer than you by a great deal —- он гораздо умнее тебя 2. разг. большое количество, масса, куча, ворох there will be a deal of trouble after that —- после этого хлопот не оберешься there's a deal of sense in it —- в этом есть большая доля смысла he feels a deal better —- он чувствует себя много лучше he talks a deal of nonsense —- он несет сущую околесицу 3. раздача, акт выдачи 4. карт. сдача my deal —- моя очередь сдавать whose deal is it? —- кто сдает? it's your deal! —- ваша очередь сдавать, вам сдавать 5. карты, карта fine deal —- отличные карты 6. распределять, раздавать; отпускать, выдавать, снабжать the money must be dealt fairly —- деньги надо разделить честно to deal out gifts —- раздавать подарки to deal alms to the poor —- раздавать милостыню бедным Providence dealt him happiness —- он родился под счастливой звездой 7. карт. сдавать to deal cards —- сдавать карты to deal smb. an ace —- сдать кому-л. туза it is your turn to deal —- теперь ваша очередь сдавать 8. наносить to deal smb. a blow, to deal a blow at smb. —- нанести удар кому-л.; причинить страдания кому-л. to deal a blow at hopes —- разрушить мечты 9. заниматься to deal in politics —- заниматься политикой botany deals with the study of plants...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) некоторое количество there is a deal of truth in it - в этом есть доля правды - a great deal of - a great deal better  2) сделка; соглашение to do/make a deal with smb. - заключить сделку с кем-л.  3) обхождение, обращение  4) cards сдача  5) правительственный курс, система мероприятий - New Deal  2. v.; past and past part. dealt  1) раздавать, распределять (обыкн. deal out) Please deal out the cards and then we can start to play  2) cards сдавать  3) наносить (удар); причинять (обиду)  4) торговать (in - чем-л.); вести торговые дела (with - с кем-л.) This shop deals in woollen goods. Head Office deals with all complaints. How do you deal with noisy children? There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business.  5) быть клиентом, покупать в определенной лавке (at, with) Ive been dealing at Browns for twenty years.  6) общаться, иметь дело (with - с кем-л.) to refuse to deal with smb. - отказываться иметь дело с кем-л.  7) вести дело, ведать, рассматривать вопрос (with) to deal with a problem - разрешать вопрос to deal with an attack - отражать атаку  8) обходиться, поступать - deal honourably to deal generously (cruelly) with/by smb. обращаться великодушно (жестоко) с кем-л.  9) принимать меры (with - к чему-либо); бороться to deal with fires - бороться с пожарами II  1. noun  1) еловая или сосновая доска определенного размера, дильс  2) хвойная древесина  2. adj. сосновый или еловый (о древесине); из...
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