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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - crab


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~1 n 1 a sea animal whose body is covered with a shell and that has five legs on each side and two large claws on the front legs 2 the flesh of this animal that you can cook and eat as food 3 crabs a medical condition in which a kind of louse is in the hair around the sexual organs 4 AmE informal someone who easily becomes annoyed about unimportant things  (He's a real crab - always finding fault with everything.) ~2 v crabbed, crabbing informal to complain about something in an annoyed way; grumble1 (1)
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См. в других словарях

  (crabs) A crab is a sea creature with a flat round body covered by a shell, and five pairs of legs with large claws on the front pair. Crabs usually move sideways. N-COUNT • Crab is the flesh of this creature eaten as food. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~be, from Old English ~ba; akin to Old High German krebiz ~ and perhaps to Old English ceorfan to carve — more at carve  Date: before 12th century  1. plural ~s also ~ any of numerous chiefly marine broadly built decapod crustaceans:  a. any of an infraorder (Brachyura) with a short broad usually flattened carapace, a small abdomen that curls forward beneath the body, short antennae, and the anterior pair of limbs modified as grasping pincers  b. any of various crustaceans of an infraorder (Anomura) resembling true ~s in the more or less reduced condition of the abdomen  2. capitalized cancer 1  3. plural infestation with ~ lice  4. the angular difference between an aircraft's course and the heading necessary to make that course in the presence of a crosswind  II. verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Date: 1657  intransitive verb  1. to fish for ~s  2.  a.  (1) to move sideways indirectly or diagonally  (2) to ~ an airplane  b. to scuttle or scurry sideways  transitive verb  1. to cause to move sideways or in an indirect or diagonal manner; specifically to head (an airplane) into a crosswind to counteract drift  2. to subject to ~bing  • ~ber noun  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~be, perhaps from ~be 1~  Date: 14th century ~ apple  IV. noun  Date: 1580 an ill-tempered person ; grouch  V. verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Etymology: Middle English ~ben, probably back-formation from ~bed  Date: 1662  transitive verb  1. to make sullen ; sour old age has ~bed his nature  2. to complain about peevishly  3. spoil, ruin  intransitive verb carp, grouse always ~s about the weather  • ~ber noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. 1 a any of numerous ten-footed crustaceans having the first pair of legs modified as pincers. b the flesh of a crab, esp. Cancer pagurus, as food. 2 (the Crab) the zodiacal sign or constellation Cancer. 3 (in full crab-louse) (often in pl.) a parasitic louse, Phthirus pubis, infesting hairy parts of the body and causing extreme irritation. 4 a machine for hoisting heavy weights. Phrases and idioms catch a crab Rowing effect a faulty stroke in which the oar is jammed under water or misses the water altogether. crab-grass US a creeping grass infesting lawns. crab-pot a wicker trap for crabs. Derivatives crablike adj. Etymology: OE crabba, rel. to ON krafla scratch 2. n. 1 (in full crab-apple) a small sour apple-like fruit. 2 (in full crab tree or crab-apple tree) any of several trees bearing this fruit. 3 a sour person. Etymology: ME, perh. alt. (after CRAB(1) or CRABBED) of earlier scrab, prob. of Scand. orig. 3. v. (crabbed, crabbing) colloq. 1 tr. & intr. criticize adversely or captiously; grumble. 2 tr. act so as to spoil (the mistake crabbed his chances). Etymology: orig. of hawks fighting, f. MLG krabben ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ворот; лебёдка 2) тележка (мостового крана) 3) мн. ч. вилки (для закрепления колпачков ректификационной колонны) 4) возд., мор. снос 5) лететь со сносом 6) мор. дрейфовать to be crab bed — перемещаться боком (о телекамере) - snow crab ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  грузовая тележка (мостового крана) портативная ручная лебёдка; ручная рычажная лебёдка снос; угол сноса (при аэросъёмке) boom crab cantilever crane crab jib crab underhung crab CRAB DRIVE приводной механизм (привод) грузовой тележки крана ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) краб 2) яблоня (Malus) – American crab – blue crab – box crab – coconut crab – decorator crab – edible crab – fiddler crab – fragrant crab – ghost crab – hermit crabs – horseshoe crabs – Japanese crab – king crab – land crabs – masked crab – mitten crab – narrow-leaved crab – Oregon crab – pea crab – pearleaf crab – porcelain crabs – robber crab – shore crab – snot crab – soft crab – spider crabs – sponge crabs – swimming crabs – toringo crab – various-tailed crabs – western crab – wild crab – woolly-handed crab ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. зоол. краб (Brachyure); мясо краба canned crab —- крабы 2. (C.) астр. Рак; крабовидная туманность 3. муз. ракоходное движение 4. тех. тележка; тельфер; лебедка; ворот 5. ав. уклонение (ракеты) от курса; полет с углом сноса, рыскание Id: to catch a crab —- "завязить" весло; "поймать леща" 6. царапать когтями, когтить 7. идти боком или зигзагообразно children on the skis crabbed up the hill —- юные лыжники бочком взбирались на склон 8. бот. яблоня дикая, сибирский краб (Malus sylvestris); (любая) дикая яблоня 9. яблоко-кислица 10. ворчун, брюзга; вечно недовольный, раздражительный человек 11. неудача, помеха 12. pl. проигрыш to throw crabs —- выкинуть неудачное сочетание очков 13. профес. "возврат", непроданная книга, возвращаемая книготорговцем издателю 14. разг. жаловаться; дуться; ныть 15. находить недостатки, придирчиво критиковать; "заклевать" 16. озлоблять, раздражать 17. портить, губить you've done all you can to crab his play —- вы сделали все возможное, чтобы погубить его пьесу to crab a deal —- сорвать сделку to crab a turn —- сорвать выступление актера to crab smb.'s game —- испорить чью-л. игру, сорвать чьи-л. планы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) дикое яблоко  2) дикая яблоня II  1. noun  1) zool. краб  2) (Crab) Рак (созвездие и знак зодиака)  3) tech. лебедка, ворот to catch a crab - поймать леща  2. v.  1) царапать когтями (о хищной птице)  2) coll. находить недостатки, придирчиво критиковать  3) naut.; aeron. сноситься ветром III noun; coll.  1) неудобство; неудача  2) раздражительный, ворчливый человек ...
Англо-русский словарь
  onc. abbr. Cancer Research And Biostatistics st. & loc. abbr. Cumulative Repeated Approval Balloting ocean sc. abbr. Coastal, Rural, And Beyond funny abbr. Crab Rationalization And Buyback funny abbr. Crips Rule All Bloods ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. crabba, from a general Gmc. root (cf. Low Ger. krabben "to scratch, claw"); crab apple may be from unrelated Scand. scrab, of obscure origin. The combination of "bad-tempered, combative" and "sour" in the two words naturally yielded a meaning of "complaining irritably," which is pre-1400, though crabby in this sense is Amer.Eng. 18c. Crabgrass is 1597, originally a marine grass of salt marshes; modern meaning is from 1743. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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