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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - couple


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~1 n 1 a couple a) two things or people of the same kind  (We just need a couple more chairs so everyone can sit down.) + of  (There's a couple of girls waiting for you outside.) b) a small number of things + of  (I don't know why I feel so bad, I only had a couple of drinks.)  (- see pair1) 2 two people who are married or having a sexual or romantic relationship  (This hotel is a favourite with young honeymoon couples. | the couple next door) ~2 v 1 to join or fasten two things together, especially two vehicles 2 formal to have sex couple with phr v T usually passive if one thing is coupled with another, they happen or exist together and produce a particular result  (Lack of rain coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail.)
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  (couples, coupling, coupled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you refer to a couple of people or things, you mean two or approximately two of them, although the exact number is not important or you are not sure of it. Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard... I think the trouble will clear up in a couple of days. ...a small working-class town in Massachusetts, a couple of hundred miles from New York City. QUANT: QUANT of pl-n • Couple is also a determiner in spoken American English, and before ‘more’ and ‘less’. ...a couple weeks before the election... I think I can play maybe for a couple more years. DET • Couple is also a pronoun. I’ve got a couple that don’t look too bad. PRON 2. A couple is two people who are married, living together, or having a sexual relationship. The couple have no children. ...after burglars ransacked an elderly couple’s home. N-COUNT-COLL 3. A couple is two people that you see together on a particular occasion or that have some association. ...as the four couples began the opening dance... N-COUNT-COLL 4. If you say that one thing produces a particular effect when it is coupled with another, you mean that the two things combine to produce that effect. ...a problem that is coupled with lower demand for the machines themselves... Over-use of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration... = combine VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n, V-ed 5. If one piece of equipment is coupled to another, it is joined to it so that the two pieces of equipment work together. Its engine is coupled to a semiautomatic gearbox... The various systems are coupled together in complex arrays. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n, be V-ed together 6. see also coupling ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, pair, bond, from Anglo-French cuple, from Latin copula bond, from co- + apere to fasten — more at apt  Date: 13th century  1.  a. two persons married, engaged, or otherwise romantically paired  b. two persons paired together  2. pair, brace  3. something that joins or links two things together: as  a. two equal and opposite forces that act along parallel lines  b. a pair of substances that in contact with an electrolyte participate in a transfer of electrons which causes an electric current to flow  4. an indefinite small number ; few a ~ of days ago  • ~dom noun  II. verb  (~d; coupling)  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to connect for consideration together  b. to join for combined effect  2.  a. to fasten together ; link  b. to bring (two electric circuits) into such close proximity as to permit mutual influence  3. to join in marriage or sexual union  intransitive verb  1. to unite in sexual union  2. join  3. to unite chemically  III. adjective  Date: 1924 two; also few — used with a a ~ drinks Usage:  The adjective use of a ~, without of, has been called nonstandard, but it is not. In both British and American English it is standard before a word (as more or less) indicating degree a ~ more examples of Middle English writing — Charles Barber. Its use before an ordinary plural noun is an Americanism, common in speech and in writing that is not meant to be formal or elevated the first ~ chapters are pretty good — E. B. White (letter) still operated a ~ wagons for hire — Garrison Keillor. It is most frequently used with periods of time a ~ weeks and numbers a ~ hundred a ~ dozen. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. foll. by of; often as sing.) a two (a couple of girls). b about two (a couple of hours). 2 (often as sing.) a a married or engaged pair. b a pair of partners in a dance, a game, etc. c a pair of rafters. 3 (pl. couple) a pair of hunting dogs (six couple of hounds). 4 (in pl.) a pair of joined collars used for holding hounds together. 5 Mech. a pair of equal and parallel forces acting in opposite directions, and tending to cause rotation about an axis perpendicular to the plane containing them. --v. 1 tr. fasten or link together; connect (esp. railway carriages). 2 tr. (often foll. by together, with) associate in thought or speech (papers coupled their names; couple our congratulations with our best wishes). 3 intr. copulate. 4 tr. Physics connect (oscillators) with a coupling. Etymology: ME f. OF cople, cuple, copler, cupler f. L copulare, L COPULA ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) пара спаривать 2) мех. пара (сил) 3) гальваническая пара; гальванический элемент 4) термоэлемент; термопара 5) соединять; сцеплять to combine couples — складывать пары (сил); to drivingly couple — соединять(ся) с приводом - barge couple - close couple - copper-platinum couple - corrosion couple - electric couple - force couple - friction couple - galvanic couple - mating couple - optoelectronic couple - sliding couple - thermal couple - voltaic couple ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  пара сил гальваническая пара термопара couple of forces barge couple bending couple close couple external couple reaction couple ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пара 2) связь – galvanic couple – inductive couple – magnetic couple – thermal couple ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) пара 2) пара сил 3) соединять в пары, спаривать 4) сцеплять moment of a couple — физ. момент пары сил to couple circuits — радио связывать контуры couple flows — связывать потоки - admissible couple - bigraded exact couple - boundary couple - cardinal couple - cohomotopy couple - corrosion couple - couple of figures - couple of lines - couple of numbers - couple of planes - couple of points - derived couple - direct couple - dual couple - exact couple - excisive couple - force couple - inversion couple - involutive couple - minimal couple - normal couple - operator couple - ordered couple - ordinal couple - pointed couple - regular couple - semi-exact couple - stratifiable couple - universal couple - unordered couple ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. пара, парные предметы; два a couple of apples —- два яблока to work in couples —- работать парами a couple of girls —- две девушки 2. разг. несколько; пара in a couple of days —- через два-три дня she will arrive in a couple of hours —- она приедет через пару часов 3. пара (супруги, жених и невеста) married couple —- супружеская пара loving couple —- любящая пара 4. пара (в танцах) ten couples were on the floor —- танцевали десять пар 5. пара борзых на своре или гончих на смычке 6. тех. пара сил 7. эл. термопара, термоэлемент Id: to go in couples —- быть неразлучными Id: it is not every couple that is a pair —- двое - это еще не пара 8. соединять, сцеплять; связывать; соединяться 9. связывать, ассоциировать 10. разг. пожениться 11. спаривать; спариваться, совокупляться 12. тех. включать; соединять общим приводом 13. эл. связывать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) два, пара lend me a couple of pencils - дай мне пару карандашей  2) чета, пара  3) свора  4) пара борзых на своре или гончих на смычке  5) tech. пара сил  6) electr. элемент to hunt in couples - быть неразлучными  2. v.  1) соединять во что-л. (on) (тж. couple together/up) Additional carriages can be coupled on (to the train) as needed. The two main parts of the train remained coupled up after the crash. Couple the two pipes together so that the water can flow freely.  2) связывать, ассоциировать (with) The fall in the number of empty jobs is coupled with the rise in the cost of living. His name has been coupled with hers in the society page of the newspaper. Working too hard, coupled with not getting enough sleep, made her ill.  3) пожениться  4) спариваться (with) Sir, I will not have you coupling with my wife!  5) railways сцеплять Syn: see connect ...
Англо-русский словарь


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