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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - correct


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~1 adj 1 without any mistakes  (I'm not sure of the correct spelling. | Make sure you replace the parts in the correct order.) 2 suitable and right for a particular situation  (What's the correct procedure in cases like this? | When lifting heavy weights it is very important that your back is in the correct position.) 3 correct behaviour is formal and polite  (Simpson always knew what was correct and proper.) - correctly adv - correctness n  (- opposite incorrect) ~2 v 1 »SHOW STH IS WRONG« to show someone that something is wrong, and make it right  (Correct my pronunciation if it's wrong. | I'd like to correct the impression that library work is boring. | correct sb (=tell someone that what they have said is wrong)) 2 »IMPROVE BY« CHANGING to make something work the way it should  (Some eyesight problems are relatively easy to correct.) 3 »EXAMS/ESSAYS ETC« to make marks on a piece of written work to show the mistakes in it  (She spent the whole evening correcting exam papers.) 4 correct me if I'm wrong spoken used when you are not sure that what you are going to say is true or not  (Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say you were going to London today?) 5 I stand corrected formal spoken used to admit that something you have said is wrong after someone has told you it is wrong
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  (corrects, correcting, corrected) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is correct, it is in accordance with the facts and has no mistakes. (FORMAL) The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8... The following information was correct at time of going to press... = right ? incorrect ADJ • correctly Did I pronounce your name correctly?... ADV: ADV with v • correctness Ask the investor to check the correctness of what he has written. = accuracy N-UNCOUNT 2. If someone is correct, what they have said or thought is true. (FORMAL) You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree... If Casey is correct, the total cost of the cleanup would come to $110 billion. = right ? wrong ADJ: v-link ADJ 3. The correct thing or method is the thing or method that is required or is most suitable in a particular situation. The use of the correct materials was crucial... ...the correct way to produce a crop of tomato plants. = right ADJ: ADJ n • correctly If correctly executed, this shot will give them a better chance of getting the ball close to the hole. = properly ADV: ADV with v 4. If you say that someone is correct in doing something, you approve of their action. You are perfectly correct in trying to steer your mother towards increased independence... I think the president was correct to reject the offer. = right ADJ: usu ADJ in -ing/n • correctly When an accident happens, quite correctly questions are asked. ADV: ADV with cl 5. If you correct a problem, mistake, or fault, you do something which puts it right. He has criticised the government for inefficiency and delays in correcting past mistakes. = rectify VERB: V n • correction (corrections) ...legislation to require the correction of factual errors... We will then make the necessary corrections. N-VAR 6. If you correct someone, you say something which you think is more accurate or appropriate than what they have just said. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us, past participle of corrigere, from com- + regere to lead straight — more at right  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to make or set right ; amend ~ an error  b. counteract, neutralize ~ a harmful tendency  c. to alter or adjust so as to bring to some standard or required condition ~ a lens for spherical aberration  2.  a. to punish (as a child) with a view to reforming or improving  b. to point out usually for amendment the errors or faults of spent the day ~ing tests  • ~able adjective  • ~or noun Synonyms:  ~, rectify, emend, remedy, redress, amend, reform, revise mean to make right what is wrong. ~ implies taking action to remove errors, faults, deviations, defects ~ your spelling. rectify implies a more essential changing to make something right, just, or properly controlled or directed rectify a misguided policy. emend specifically implies ~ion of a text or manuscript emend a text. remedy implies removing or making harmless a cause of trouble, harm, or evil set out to remedy the evils of the world. redress implies making compensation or reparation for an unfairness, injustice, or imbalance redress past social injustices. amend, reform, revise imply an improving by making ~ive changes, amend usually suggesting slight changes amend a law, reform implying drastic change plans to reform the court system, and revise suggesting a careful examination of something and the making of necessary changes revise the schedule.  Synonym: see in addition punish.  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, ~ed, from Latin ~us, from past participle of corrigere  Date: 1668  1. conforming to an approved or conventional standard ~ behavior  2. conforming to or agreeing with fact, logic, or known truth a ~ response  3. conforming to a set figure enclosed the ~ return postage  4. conforming to the strict requirements of a specific ideology or set of beliefs or values environmentally ~ spiritually ~  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, accurate,...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & v. --adj. 1 true, right, accurate. 2 (of conduct, manners, etc.) proper, right. 3 in accordance with good standards of taste etc. --v.tr. 1 set right; amend (an error, omission, etc., or the person responsible for it). 2 mark the errors in (written or printed work etc.). 3 substitute the right thing for (the wrong one). 4 a admonish or rebuke (a person). b punish (a person or fault). 5 counteract (a harmful quality). 6 adjust (an instrument etc.) to function accurately or accord with a standard. Derivatives correctly adv. correctness n. Etymology: ME (adj. through F) f. L corrigere correct- (as COM-, regere guide) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  исправлять (ошибки); корректировать; вносить (вводить) поправку to correct to the nearest hundredths — округлять до одной сотой ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) безошибочный, верный, правильный; корректный 2) точный, истинный 3) вносить исправление, исправлять, корректировать 4) устранять ошибки correct in the first order — матем. верный с точностью до членов первого порядка correct to the nearest tenth — матем. с точностью до одной десятой to correct by the factor — матем. вводить поправочный множитель to correct the coordinates — уточнять координаты to correct deviation —компенсировать отклонение to correct for — вводить поправку на to correct to conditions — приводить к условиям to correct overload — устранять перегрузку - asymptotically correct - logically correct - topologically correct ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. гл. исправлять, поправлять - all correct - correct errors - correct time Syn: rectify, redress, adjust 2. прил. корректный, безошибочный Syn: exact, faultless, errorless, true, normal, legitimate CORRECT 1) исправлять; правильный 2) юридически безупречный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. правильный, верный, точный; корректный correct answer —- правильный ответ correct calculation —- правильная калькуляция; правильный расчет correct time —- точное время he is correct in saying... —- он прав, говоря... 2. корректный; учтивый; воспитанный correct deportment —- корректное поведение a very correct young lady —- благовоспитанная девица 3. приличествующий, подходящий what's the correct dress for a wedding? —- какое платье принято надевать на свадьбу? he said the correct thing —- он сказал именно то, что нужно 4. мат. лог. корректный, правильно проведенный Id: the correct card —- программа спортивного состязания 5. исправлять, поправлять; корректировать to correct mistakes —- исправлять ошибки to correct one's watch by the station clock —- поставить часы по вокзальным (часам) I stand corrected —- офиц. я принимаю эту поправку; я признаю свою ошибку 6. делать замечание, указывать на недостатки 7. наказывать to correct a child for disobedience —- наказать ребенка за непослушание 8. нейтрализовать, устранять 9. править, держать корректуру to correct printer's proofs —- править гранки 10. опт. устранять искажение ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  card программа спортивного состязания CORRECT  1. adj.  1) правильный, верный, точный  2) соответствующий, подходящий (о поведении, одежде) - correct card Syn: see accurate  2. v.  1) исправлять, поправлять, корректировать to correct barometer reading to sea level - вносить в показания барометра поправку на высоту данного места  2) делать замечание, выговор; наказывать  3) нейтрализовать (вредное влияние)  4) регулировать  5) править (корректуру) Syn: see discipline ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1340s, from L. correctus, pp. of corrigere "make straight, put right," from com- intens. prefix + regere "to lead straight, rule," from PIE base *reg- "move in a straight line." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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